Production engineering (PE) is an interdisciplinary engineering that includes manufacturing technology, engineering sciences, management science, and optimization of complex processes, systems, or organizations. It is concerned with the understanding and application of engineering procedures in manufacturing processes and production methods. The goal is to accomplish the manufacturing processes effectively and efficiently. The curriculum of Production engineering encompasses the contents with engineering materials, Manufacturing Technologies, Tool enigeering, Metrology, Mechatronics,Robotics, Industrial Engineering and other advanced Manufacturing systems. In a typical industry, once the design is realized, production engineering concepts regarding work-study, ergonomics, operation research, tooling, manufacturing management, materials management, production planning, transportaion etc., play important roles in efficient production processes. These deal with integrated design and efficient planning of the entire manufacturing system, which is becoming increasingly challenging with the emergence of sophisticated production methods and control systems.
The Department offers B.Tech. (Production Engineering), M.Tech. (Manufacturing technology), M.Tech (Industrial Engineering and Management) , M.S. and Ph.D. programmes.
State-of-the-art laboratories are available in the areas of Machining, Forming, Welding, Casting, Robotics, CIM, CNC, Mechatronics, Modeling, Simulation, Ergonomics, Tribology, Composite materials and Operations Management.
Many research papers have been published in journals and conferences. More than 138 Ph.D. degrees were awarded through research guidance by the faculty of Production Engineering. The department offers engineering consultancy in the areas of design, manufacturing and resource management.
To Establish a world class academy for Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering
Curriculum development with state of art technologies
Pursue research interests of manufacturing and industrial engineering
Consultancy in design, manufacturing and industrial engineering
Industry institute interaction
Equipping Laboratories with state-of-the-art-equipment
"Dr.CRK BTech 8892 final project" scholarship
The scholarship will be awarded to the final year production engineering BTech student who has performed the best ideation and execution of the final year project. Click here to view the detailed guidelines and evaluation procedure .
Click here for BTech Production Engineering Course Objectives and attributes
Click here for M Tech Manufacturing Technology Course Objectives and attributes
Click here for M Tech Industrial Engineering and Management Course Objectives and attributes
Contact Address
The Head of the Department
Department of Production Engineering
National Institute of Technology
Tamil Nadu - 620015
Phone: +91-431- 2503501
Fax: +91-431-2503502