Statistical Theory of Communication
Pre-Requisite: MA206
Contact Hours and Credits: ( 3 -0- 0 ) 3
The subject aims to make the students to understand the statistical theory of telecommunication, which are the basics to learn analog and digital tele-communication.
Topics Covered:
Information measure. Discrete entropy. Joint and conditional entropies. Uniquely decipherable and instantaneous codes. Kraft-Mcmillan inequality. Noiseless coding theorem. Construction of optimal codes.
DMC. Mutual information and channel capacity. Shannon’s fundamental theorem. Entropy in the continuous case. Shannon-Hartley law.
Binary hypothesis testing. Baye’s, minimax and Neyman-Pearson tests. Random parameter estimation-MMSE,MMAE and MAP estimates. Nonrandom parameters – ML estimation.
Coherent signal detection in the presence of additive white and non-white Gaussian noise.Matched filter.
Discrete optimum linear filtering. Orthogonality principle. Spectral factorization. FIR and IIR Wiener filters.
Course Outcomes:
Students are able to
CO1: Show how the information is measured and able to use it for effective coding.
CO2: Summarize how the channel capacity is computed for various channels.
CO3: Use various techniques involved in basic detection and estimation theory to solve the problem.
CO4: Summarize the applications of detection theory in telecommunication.
CO5: Summarize the application of estimation theory in telecommunication.
Text Books:
R.B. Ash, Information Theory, Wiley,1965.
M.D. Srinath, P.K. Rajasekaran & R. Viswanathan, Statistical Signal Processing with Applications, PHI 1999.
Reference Books:
H.V. Poor : An Introduction to Signal Detection and Estimation,(2/e), Spring Verlag.1994.
M. Mansuripur : Introduction to Information Theory, Prentice Hall.1987.
J.G. Proakis et al : Digital Signal Processing, (4/e), Pearson Education, 2007.