Dr. R. Udayakumar

Areas of Intrest
- Thermal engineering, Automobile engineering and IC engines & combustion in general.LHR engines, Learn burn engines, Alternate fuel, Emission control strategies, and Flexible fuel engines in particular.
- Multizone combustion model for A four Stroke Direct Injection Diesel Engine, SAE Special publication – 1826 “Modelling: Diesel Engines, Multi Dimensional Engine, and Vehicle and Engine Systems” January 2004, SAE paper 2004-01-0921
- Engine performance and Exhaust Characteristics of Dual Fuel Operation in DI Diesel Engine with Methanol, SAE Special publication – 1825 “Compression Ignition Engine Performance for Use with Alternate Fules” January 2004, SAE paper 2004-01-0096
Development of a new Rotary Internal Combustion Engine, ASME Journal Transactions’2004, ASME paper ICEF 2004-980 - Performance and Emission analysis on a direct injection diesel engine using Biodiesel from Palm oil with Exhaust gas recirculation, ASME Journal Transactions’2005, ASME paper ICEF2005-1232
Use of oxygen enriched air in a direct injection diesel engine, Journal of Institution of engineers (India), Vol.86, pp. 156-159, October 2005
International Conferences - 13(only those which appeared during past 5 years).
- Simulation of a CI engine using a zero-dimensional global model,Journal of institution of engineers (India),Vol. 83, (P 92-95) July’2002
- Development of a spark assisted diesel engine,SAE Technical Paper Series, SAE Transactions’2003,SAE paper.No 2003-01-0053
- Reduction of NOx emissions by water injection in to the inlet manifold of a diesel engine,SAE Technical Paper Series, SAE Transactions ’2003,SAE paper.No 2003-01-0264
- Experimental Investigation on Emission Control in D.I. Engines using Shrouded Inlet Valves,SAE Technical Paper Series, SAE Transactions’2003,SAE paper.No 2003-01-0350
- Multizone Combustion Model For A Four Stroke Direct Injection Diesel Engine,SAE Technical Paper Series, SAE Transactions’2004,Accepted, Aug’2003. SAE paper offer 04-479
- Engine Performance And Exhaust Characteristics Of Dual Fuel Operation In DI Diesel Engine With Methanol,SAE Technical Paper Series, SAE Transactions’2004,Accepted, Aug’2003. SAE paper offer 04-468
- Use Of Oxygen Enriched Air In A Direct Injection Diesel Engine,SAE Technical Paper Series, SAE Transactions’2004,Accepted, Aug’2003. SAE paper offer 04-178
- Computer Simulation of a Low Heat Rejection, Direct Injection Diesel engine.,Proceedings of the Brunei International Conference on Engineering and Technology.(Organised by Institut of Technology, BRUNEI,Oct’2001),Pages 621-633
- Simulation and experimental studies on the adiabaticity of a direct injection diesel engine,Proceedings of the IV International conference on Mechanical Engineering. (Organised by Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Dhaka,Bangladesh,Dec’2001),Vol.111 Pages 57-62
- Multiple Introductions Of Fuel And Performance Of A Direct Injection Diesel Engine.,Proceedings of the IV International conference on Mechanical Engineering. (Organised by Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Dhaka,Bangladesh,Dec’2001),Vol.111 Pages 69-74
- Excimer Laser Micromachining and LIGA - Revolutionary Micromachining Technologies of the 21st Century,7th International Conference on the Commercialization of Micro and Nano Systems, COMS 2002, San Diego.,Sep8-12, ’2002
- Computer simulation of a spark ignition engine to predict it’s performance,International Conference on “Digital aided Modeling and Simulation” (Organized by CIT,CoimbatoreJan’2003),Paper No 87
- Pneumatic position marking machine for Maruthi Wagon-R Flywheel-A low cost automation approach,International Conference on “Digital aided Modeling and Simulation” (Organized by CIT,CoimbatoreJan’2003),Paper No.175
National Conferences - 12(only those which appeared during past 5 years).
- Studies on supercharging on a single cylinder two stroke petrol engine, Proceedings of the XIX National conference on I.C. Engines and Combustion (Dec. 21-23’ 2005) paper no. 33
- Performance and emission analysis on a direct engine diesel engine using methyl ester and vegetable oil mixture of jatropha curcus oil with hot exhaust gas recirculation, Proceedings of the XIX National conference on I.C. Engines and Combustion. (Dec. 21-23’ 2005) paper no. 8
- Use of Torch chamber for lean burn in a 4 stroke SI engine,Proceedings of the XV National conference on IC engines and combustion. (Organized by Anna University, chennai, Dec’1997).Vol. 1 Pages 384-389
- Use of multi point ignition for lean burn in a 4 stroke SI engine ,Proceedings of the National conference on advances in automobile engineering. (Organized by MIT, Chennai, Dec,1998).,Pages 157-162
- Development and testing of an adiabatic engine,Proceedings of the National conference on Advances in Automobile Engineering. (Organized by MIT, Chennai, Dec, 1998).,Pages 179-184
- Phenomenological combustion models for direct injection diesel engines,Proceedings of the XVI National conference on I.C Engines and combustion. (Organized by Jadavpur University, Calcutta,Jan’2000).,Pages 263-267
- Development and testing of a low heat rejection engines,Proceedings of the XVI National conference on I.C. Engines and Combustion. (Organized by Jadavpur University, Calcutta,Jan’2000).,Pages 421-428
- Computer Simulation of a LHR DI Diesel engine., Proceedings of the XII ISME National conference. (Organized by Crescent Engg. College, Chennai, Jan’2001), Pages 93-101
- Computer aided combustion analysis of a four stroke diesel engine., Proceedings of the National seminar on current applications of computers in design engineering. (Organised by J.N.Vyas University, Jodhpur,Mar’2001), Paper No4, T.S III
- Computer-Aided Heat Release Models For Direct Injection Compression Ignition Engines, Proceedings of the XVII National conference on I.C. Engines and Combustion. (Organised by KREC,Surathkal, Dec’2001), Paper 12-5,Pages 625-
- Simulation And Experimental Studies Of A Semi - Adiabatic Diesel Engine, Proceedings of the XVII National conference on I.C. Engines and Combustion. (Organised by KREC,Surathkal, Dec’2001), Pages 413-420
- Computer Simulation Of Compression Ignition Engines To Predict Emissions, Proceedings of the XVII National conference on I.C. Engines and Combustion. (Organised by KREC,Surathkal, Dec’2001), Paper 12-4, Pages 623-
- Development And Analysis Of Ethanol Blended S.I. Engine, XVIII National conference on I.C. Engines and Combustion. (Dec 17-19 ’2003), Accepted, Aug’2003.
- Combustion Analysis in four-Stroke DI Diesel Engine., XIII National conference of Indian Society of Mechanical Engineers. (Dec 30-31’2003), Accepted, Sep’2003.
Contact Address
Department Of Mechanical Engineering,
National Institute of Technology,
Tiruchirappalli - 620015
No 4 Eight Street,
NIT Quarters,
OFFICE +91-431-2501801 Extension -3952
RESIDENCE +91-431-2500556
MOBILE 98424-89763
FAX +91(431)2500133