
Conferences Attended

National Conferences
Sl.No Authors Year Titles Complete reference of the journal
1. V. Surianarayanan
K.J.L Iyer
V.M Radhakrishnan
Feb. 1987 Effect of hot salt corrosion on creep rupture properties of AISI 304 Stainless steel Creep, fatigue
Creep fatigue interaction held in IGCAR Kalpakkam
2. V. Surianarayanan
K.J.L Iyer
V.M Radhakrishnan
1989 Characterization of creep rupture properties of AISI 304 Stainless steels at intermediate temperatures Proceedings of National conference on alloy design and development Roorkee
3. Rajeev Kalra
K. Mathrubootham
S. Ram Narayanan
V. Surianarayanan
1992 Some studies on oxidation and hot corrosion of commercially pure titanium at elevated temperatures National conference on corrosion of metals and alooys in industries. Pp41-42
4. V. Surianarayanan
K. N Krishnan
S. Sriram
1993 Accelerated creep characterization of glass fibre reinforced polyester composites for off-axis orientation NMD, IIM-ATM
Held in hyderabad during Nov.17 to 19 1993 A5-6
5. V. Surianarayanan
O. Ramkumar Kashyp
1993 Software for phase stability diagram NMD, IIM-ATM
Held in hyderabad during Nov.17 to 19 1993 D6-3
6. V. Surianarayanan
A. Kanniraj
Jan1999 Studies on creep and oxidation of alloy 310S Creep, fatigue
Creep fatigue interaction held in IGCAR Kalpakkam
7. V. Surianarayanan
S. Sankaran
Nov1999 Oxidation and hot corrosion of Nimonic PE-16 superalloy NMD, IIM-ATM
Held in IIT Kanpur Nov.13 to 17 1999