Instrumentation and Control
OBJECTIVES:To become familiar with instrumentation for different measurements and to understand the basic principles of process control.
General concepts of measurements, static and dynamic characteristics, Introduction to calibration, calibration standards.
Measurement using expansion thermometers, thermocouples, Resistance temperature detectors, thermistors and optical pyrometers
Classification, Measurement using strain gauges, capacitive transducers, inductive transducers, Piezoelectric transducers . Measurement of level : Basic methods, Non-contact measurement techniques
Introduction to PC- based measurement system, interface standards, Virtual instruments
Basics of open loop, closed loop system, classification of variables, basic control actions and its applications
1. John P. Bentley., "Principles of Measurement Systems" 3rd edition, Addison Wesley Longman Ltd., UK, 2000.
2. Neubert H.K.P., "Intrument Transducers: An Introduction to their performance and Desisn, 2nd Edition Oxford University Press, Cambridge, 1999.
1. Patranabis, "Sensors and Transducers", Wheeler Publishing, 1999.
2. Stephanoponilos, "Chemical Process Control : An Introduction to Theory and practice, PHI, New Delhi, 1999.