Mechanical Behaviour of Materials
Elastic and plastic deformation, stress-strain relationship; plastic deformation of metallic materials, Mohr's circle, Yielding criterion- Von Mises, and maximum-shear-stress/Tresca yielding criterion, failure criteria under combined stresses
Elements of theory of plasticity, dislocation theory properties of dislocation, stress fields around dislocations, elementary dislocation interactions; application of dislocation theory to work hardening and strengthening mechanisms.
Engineering stress-strain curve, true stress-strain curve, instability in tension, stress distribution at the neck, ductility measurement, effect of strain rate and temperature on flow properties, testing machines, Tensile properties of important materials.
Introduction, Brinell, Vickers and Rock well hardness tests, Meyer hardness, analysis of indendation by an indenter, relationship between hardness and the flow curve, microhardness tests, hardness conversion; hardness at elevated temperatures.
Introduction, mechanical properties in torsion, torsional stresses for large plastic strains, types of torsion failures torsion test vs. tension test, hot torsion testing.
1. Dieter G. E., ‘Mechanical Metallurgy’, 3rd Edition, McGraw Hill Publications, 2004
2. Suryanarayana, ‘Testing of Metallic Materials’, Prentice Hall India, 1979
1. Rose R. M., Shepard L. A., Wulff J., ‘Structure and Properties of Materials’, Volume III, 4th Edition, John Wiley, 1984
2. Honeycombe R. W. K., ‘Plastic Deformation of Materials’, Edward Arnold Publishers, 1984