B. Renganathan

Mr. B. Renganathan is a Ph.D. student under the guidance of Prof. D. Sastikumar. He joined NITT as a research scholar in the year July 2007. He is currently working in the field of Fiber Optic Sensors.

B.Sc  :    Bharathidasan  University, Thiruchirappalli
M.Sc     :      Bharathidasan  University, Thiruchirappalli. 

M.Phil  :  Bharathidasan  University, Thiruchirappalli

P.G.D.C.A :  Bharathidasan  University, Thiruchirappalli (TNPC)

B.L.I.Sc  :          Madurai Kamaraj  University,  Madurai

M.L.I.Sc   :          Madurai Kamaraj  University,  Madurai

Other Information:

Membership of Professional Bodies:

1. NITT-SPIE Student Chapter. The International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE), USA.

2. NITT-OSA Student Chapter. Optical Society of America (OSA). USA.

Contact address

Research Scholar
Department of Physics
National Institute of Technology
Tiruchirappalli – 620 015

Email  :  b.renga@rediff.com