Dr. R.Narayanasamy

- B.E.(1977)(Metallurgical Engineering), PSG COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY,COIMBATORE
- M.Tech.(1979)(Metal forming, Metallurgy) IIT Madras
- M.Engg. McMaster University (Canada)METAL FORMING (1983)
- Ph.D. Sheet Metal Forming N.I.T. TRICHY(1993)
- D.Sc. UPSET FORMING N.I.T. TRICHY (2001)(Results awaited)
Areas of Interest
- Metal Forming
- Powder Metallurgy
- Formability of sheet metals
- Wrinkling behaviour of sheet metals when drawn through tapered dies
- Forming behaviour of metal matrix composites
- Cold forgeability of metals
- Cold extrusion of steels
- CAD/CAM in extrusion
- Prediction of limit strains in metals
- Forming of powder metallurgy components
- Micro and Nano Composites
- Workability Behaviour of Bulk Materials
- Hot Deformation Behaviour of Bulk Materials
Appointment Particulars
- Assistant Superintendant Tube Products, Madras - 54 (1979 - 1981)
- Teaching Associate McMaster University Canada (1981 - 1983)
- Engineer CMFI, Hydrabad (1983 - 1986)
- Lecturer N.I.T.T. (1986 - 1996)
- Assistant Professor N.I.T.T. (1996 - 2004)
- Professor since 2004 onwards
Scopus International Rankings.
(a) Sheet Metal Forming Rank - 1
(b) Formability Rank - 3
(c) Wrinkling Behaviour of Sheet metals Rank - 1
(d) Forming Limit Diagram of Sheet metals Rank - 1
(e) Fracture Limit Diagram of Sheet metals Rank - 1
(f) Workability Rank - 4
(g) Strain Hardening Rank - 3
(h) Forging Rank - 5
(i) Upset Forging Rank - 1
Best Tamil Nadu Scientist Award – 2008 by The Tamil Nadu State Council for Science and Technology (TNSCST), Directorate of Technical Education Campus, Chennai - 25.
Best teacher award – 2006. National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli – 15.
Post Doctoral Research
- Formability of sheet metals
- Wrinkling behaviour of sheet metals when drawn through tapered dies
- Predictions of Limiting Draw Ratio for cup drawing processess
- Forming behaviour of metal matrix composites
- Cold forgeability of metals
- Cold extrusion of steels
- CAD/CAM in extrusion
- Prediction of limit strains in metals
- Forming of powder metallurgy components
Contact Address
Dr. R Narayanasamy
Production Engineering Department
3/13-A Street NIT Trichy
Phone : +91-431-2500812 / 2504504 (Res), 2503504 (Office)