Faculty : Dr. T. Selvaraj
OBJECTIVE: To introduce the metal removal principles and its processes.
1. Lathe - Classification of machining processes and machine tools. Types - specifications mechanism - operations -special attachments, tools material � geometry
2. Capstan, turret and automatic lathes - Specification - mechanism principle of operation types of work
3. Drilling machine - Types - specifications - main parts - mechanism- twist drill nomenclature and geometry
4. Boring machine -Types - specifications. Work set ups � operations.
5. Shaping, slotting and planning - Types and specifications - main parts - drives
1. HMT, "Production Technology", TataMcGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., 1996.
2. Khanna, O.P, Lal, M., "A Textbook of Production Technology", Vol II, Dhanpat Rai & Sons, 1992.
3. Hajra choudhry - "Elements of Workshop technology voLII", Media Promoters & Publishers Pvt. Ltd, 1994.
4. Kalpakjain, S., "Manufacturing Engineering and technology", 3rd Edn., Addison Wesley Inc., 1995.
1. Chapman, W.A.J., "Workshop Technology vol.U and III", Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Ltd., 1986.
2. Begeman, M.L� "Manufacturing Processes" John wiley & Sons, 1987.
3. Serope Kalpakjian, "Manufacturing Processes for Engineering Materials" Addison Wesley Publishing Company, 3rd Edn. 1997.