Faculty: Dr. T. Selvaraj
OBJECTIVE: To introduce the metal removal principles and its processes.
1. Milling machine - types - specification - attachments - operations - milling cutters - nomenclature and geometry. Indexing methods
2. Broaching machines - types - specifications - Broach classification nomenclature
3. Abrasive machining - Designation of grinding wheel, ISI specification - theory of grinding - Honing - Lapping -applications.
4. Gear manufacturing - Kinds of gears, gear terminology, methods of gear cutting - Gear generation - principle - gear hobbling - gear shaping - specifications - process principle- applications.
5. Bevel gear generation and gear finishing methods
1. Hajra choudhry - "Elements of Workshop technology vol.U", Media Promoters & Publishers Pvt., Ltd, 1994.
2. Khanna,O.P. and Lal,M. "A Text book of Production Technology", Volll,DhanpatRai& Sons, 1992.
3. HMT, "Production Technology", TataMcGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., 1991.
1. Hajra choudhry - "Elements of Workshop technology vol.II", Media Promoters & Publishers Pvt., Ltd, 1994.
2. Khanna, O.P. and Lal, M. "A Text book of Production Technology", Vol II, Dhanpat Rai & Sons, 1992.
3. HMT, " Production Technology", Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., 1991.