Dr. P.Gopalakrishnan

- B.Arch, Mangalore University, Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal
- M.Arch, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee
- Ph.D National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli
Professional Experience:
- Associate Professor, Department of Architecture,National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli – 620 015, since 2022
- Assistant Professor, Department of Architecture,National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli – 620 015, from 2010 - 2022
- Senior Lecturer, Department of Architecture, National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli – 620 015, from 2005 - 2010
- Lecturer, Department of Architecture, Regional Engineering College , Tiruchirappalli - 620 015, from May 1999 -2005.
- Lecturer, Department of Architecture with PERIYAR MANIAMMAI COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY FOR WOMEN – THANJAVUR from August 1997 to April 1999
- Architect with M/s. Vadivam, Chennai – 1995 – 1997
- Associate Dean (Planning & Development) 2018 - 2021
- Member ,Estate Welfare Committee & Quarters Allotment Committee
- Member , High Performance Design & Computing Centre of Excellence
- Member, MBA Building Monitoring Committee
- Member, Kakodkar Recommendations Implementation Committee
- Expert Member, Next Generation Smart Campus
- Member , Strategic Transformation Group (STG)
- Warden , Sapphire and Topaz Hostels
Consultancy Works
Principal Designer for the following projects at NIT Trichy
- A2 Hall interior design
- Vertical and Horizontal expansion of Architecture Department
- Orion - Lecture Hall Complex
- CSG Annexe - 2 Central Computing Facility
- Training and Placement Department
- Shopping Complex
- Conversion of Lecture hall (LH9) to Virtual Classrnterior Design of Department of Training & Placement- REC Trichy
- Assisted EMD in many Refurbishment projects
Other Projects
- Interior Design Works for NIT, Warangal
- Canteen and Retail Sales outlet for TANUVAS, Orathandu
- Research and Devlopment Block for TWAD, Trichy
- Project House for TWAD, Thanjavur
- Co-PI Research Project – “A Framework of Net-Zero Energy Building Design in Composite Climate of India " SPARC 2024 -2026
- Co-PI Research Project –“Community based energy reduction in residential buildings” CEDRI 2018 -2022
- Co-PI Research Project - Developing Gram Panchayat spatial Development Plan (GPSDP) under Ministry of Panchayat Raj (MoPR) -- 2020-21
- PI for MODROBS project - obtained the grant of Rs.9.0 lakhs under MODROBS , for Project “Advanced Architectural Design Computing Media Laboratory” and served as its Project Coordinator. 2002-03
Name of the PhD Scholar
Title of PhD Thesis
Role Supervisor/ Co-Supervisor
Year of
Adaptive thermal comfort in naturally ventilated hostels of warm and humid climatic region
Awarded -2024
Ravichandran C
A Numerical simulation approach to quantify the Impact of Building Geometry Variables on Cooling loads of Indian Residences, A Case of Navi Mumbai
Awarded -2024
Lakshmi Visakha V
Climate-responsive passive strategies for residences in the warm, humid climate zone of South India
Awarded -2024
Nikhil Bhandari
Role of Ceiling Fans on Thermal and Acoustic Environments and their Influence on Comfort and Productivity in Naturally Ventilated University Classrooms in Warm and Humid Climate of India
Awarded -2024
Dherya Mehta
A CPTED-based approach to Investigate Perceived Security in Urban Parks of Tiruchirappalli, India
Amalan Kaushik
Evaluating Pedestrian Thermal Comfort in Educational Campus Environments
Saravana Raja
Evaluating the Visual Quality of Historical Street Scenes in fostering Place Attachment in Heritage Towns
Tarun Verma
Impact of Window Blind Controls on Occupant Behavior and Adaptive Strategies in Office Environments
Hari Ilam Vazhuthi
Strategies for Flood Mitigation in Coastal Urban Environments
Nuthana Manoharan
Assessment of Thermal Comfort and User Perceptions in Urban Parks: A Case Study of Chennai
Development Activities:
- Member of Tiruchirappalli Heritage Committee of Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowments Department
- Instrumental in establishing computer Laboratory in the Department of Architecture.
- Assisted in the Preparation of Annual Plan Reports by Submitting Proposals for Augmenting Computer Facilities.
- In-Charge of Computer Laboratories and Facilities in the Department of Architecture.
- Organized Autodesk REVIT Training Workshop for Faculty of Department of Architecture in May 2008.
- Member of Quality Assurance Committee for Estate Maintenance – Institute Zone (March 2007 to April 2008)
- Member of Estate Works & Maintenance committee – Institute Zone ( from 5th May 2008)
- Attended an International symposium on Studies on Historical Heritage at Antalya, Turkey from September 17th to 21st 2007
- Attended 22nd lAPS -International conference at Strathclyde University, Glasgow, UK from June 24-29, 2012
- Attended 23rd International Seminar on Urban Form, Nanjing University , Nanjing , China from July 07-10,2016
- Amalan Sigmund Kaushik, S., Gopalakrishnan, P., Subbaiyan, G. (2023). User Perception Study of Pedestrian Comfort Including Thermal Effects in an Educational Campus. In: Devi, L., Asaithambi, G., Arkatkar, S., Verma, A. (eds) Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference of Transportation Research Group of India . CTRG 2021. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, vol 272. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-3494-0_17
- Tarun Verma & Padmanaban Gopalakrishnan (2021), Daylighting Evaluation and Retrofit Strategies: A Simulation-Based Approach to Optimise the Artificial Lighting Consumption , A. Chakrabarti et al. (eds.), Design for Tomorrow–Volume 2, Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies 222, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-0119-4_75931
- Bhandari N., Tadepalli S., Gopalakrishnan P. (2025) The combined influence of thermal and acoustic environment on overall comfort and Productivity in naturally ventilated university classrooms in India,Building and Environment, 267, DOI: 10.1016/j.buildenv.2024.112212
- Mehta D., Gopalakrishnan P. (2024). A User-Centric CPTED-Based Approach to Investigate Physical Environmental Variables Influencing Perceived Security of Urban Park Users in Tiruchirappalli, India. Journal of Design and Built Environment, 24 (1), pp. 33 - 52,
- Mehta, D., & Gopalakrishnan, P. (2024). Real environment or virtual environment?: Perception bias evaluation of perceived security in urban parks.Journal of Park and Recreation Administration. https://doi.org/10.18666/JPRA-2024-12703
- Nikhil Bhandari, Srinivas Tadepalli & Padmanaban Gopalakrishnan,(2024), Investigation of acoustic comfort, productivity, and engagement in naturally ventilated university classrooms: Role of background noise and students’ noise sensitivity, Building and Environment, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.buildenv.2023.111131.
- Chittella Ravichandran & Padmanaban Gopalakrishnan, (2023), Estimating Cooling loads of Indian ResidencesUsing Building Geometry Data and Multiple Linear Regression, Energy and Built Environment, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enbenv.2023.06.003.
- Nikhil Bhandari, Srinivas Tadepalli & Padmanaban Gopalakrishnan, (2023), Influence of non-uniform distribution of fan-induced air on thermal comfort conditions in university classrooms in warm and humid climate, India, Building and Environment, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.buildenv.2023.110373.
- Tarun Verma & Padmanaban Gopalakrishnan (2023), Categorising the existing irradiance based blind control occupant behavior models (BC-OBMs) using unsupervised machine learning approach: A case of office building in India, Energy and Buildings, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enbuild.2022.112700.
- Bhandari, N., Faheem, M., Tadepalli, S. & Gopalakrishnan P, (2023) .Study of occupant behaviour to improve thermal comfort conditions by arranging furniture in student hostel rooms, Energy and Built Environment, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enbenv.2023.10.002.
- Chittella Ravichandran & Gopalakrishnan Padmanaban (2022) A numerical simulation-based method to predict floor wise distribution of cooling loads in Indian residences using Tukey honest significant difference test, Advances in Building Energy Research, DOI: 10.1080/17512549.2022.2129449
- C. Sivapriya, P. Gopalakrishnan and G. Subbaiyan, "Evaluation of Building Performance through Post Occupancy Study of Educational Building for Higher Studies",Journal of Civil Engineering and Environmental Technology ,Vol 5, Issue 6; July-September, 2018, pp. 333-337
- P. Gopalakrishnan and T. Srinivas , ” Viewscape Assessment Framework for Protecting the Views of Sacred Monuments: Comparative Study of Srirangam and Thanjavur Religious Towns “, Creative Space Journal, Vol. 1, Issue: 2, January 2014 pp. 195–213 DOI:https://doi.org/10.15415/cs.2014.12005
- C. Hannah,T. Srinivas and P. Gopalakrishnan, ”Managing Security in the Built Environment –A Review of Environmental Crime Prevention Strategies” Creative Space Journal, Vol. 2, Issue: 2, January 2015 pp. 141–156
- P.Gopalakrishnan and G.Subbaiyan , “Revitalizing the Environs of Historical Core of Thanjavur”, International Journal of Physical and Social Science, Vol.2, Issue:6 pp 507-517. ISSN: 2249-5894
- G.Subbaiyan and P.Gopalakrishnan , “ A Study of Association Between Fear of crime Of People at Bus stops and Features of street segments”, International Journals of Research in Social Science, Vol.2, Issue:2 , May 2012 pp.450-463. ISSN: 2249-2496
- Gopalakrishnan, P., & Raja, S. (2023). Visual analysis of streetscape and urban morphology of a historical town – A case study of Srirangam. In Praxis of Urban Morphology: Book of Abstracts. Presented at the XXX Conference of the International Seminar on Urban Form (ISUF2023), Belgrade, September 2023. ISBN-978-86-7924-336-2.
- Subbaiyan Gnanasanbandam & Gopalakrishnan Padmanaban, (2023). Study of Transformation of Urban Morphological Features of Heritage Towns of Tamil Nadu, India. In Praxis of Urban Morphology: Book of Abstracts. Presented at the XXX Conference of the International Seminar on Urban Form (ISUF2023), Belgrade, September 2023. ISBN-978-86-7924-336-2.
- Nuthana Manoharan & Padmanaban Gopalakrishnan (2022) “Influence of pavement materials on pedestrians: Extent of impact on simulated, measured and perceived parameters” PLEA Conference SANTIAGO 2022 “’Will Cities Survive?”
- Tarun Verma & Padmanaban Gopalakrishnan (2020) "Occupants' Perception versus Daylighting Simulations':A field study on lecture halls to correlate the occupant's subjective responses and climate-based daylight metrics, 35th PLEA Conference. Planning Post Carbon Cities. DOI: https://doi.org/10.17979/spudc.9788497497947
- Subhodeep Neogi, S. Rajkumar, P. Gopalakrishnan (2020) Evaluation of Envelope Response to Varying Local Macroclimate in Warm Humid Climate Zone of India: A Simulation Based Approach ,Proceedings of International Conference on Energy and Sustainable Development Jointly organized by Jadavpur University and The Institution of Engineers, India ,February 14-15, 2020
- P.Gopalakrishnan and T.Srinivas, "Urban Morphological impacts on the Viewscape of Sacred architectural forms in the HIstoric south Indian cities - A case study of Madurai", 23rd International Seminar on Urban Form, July 7-10, 2016, Nanjing, China
- G.Subbaiayan and P.Gopalakrishnan, "Study of Urban Morphological transformations in the Historic core: A case study of Thanjavur, India." 23rd International Seminar on Urban Form, July 7-10, 2016, Nanjing, China
- P.Gopalakrishnan and T.Srinivas, “ Study of views and visual relationships of sacred monuments, settings and people” Proceedings of the Young Researchers Workshop , 22nd lAPS -International conference, June 24-29, 2012, Glasgow, UK pp.375-376, ISBN 978-0-94-764988-3
- P.Gopalakrishnan and Pushplata, “Enhancing the imageability of a historical city core in the process of urban regeneration - A case study of Thanjavur" Proceedings of the international Symposium on Studies on Historical Heritage, September 17-21, 2007, Antalya, Turkey, pp. 245 -352
- P.Gopalakrishnan, “Strategies for Revitalizing the historic core for Promoting Heritage Tourism – A case study of Thanjavur”, Proceedings of the National Conference on Tourism and Architecture, September 20 -22, 2007, Madurai, India, pp.156 -165.
- Member Council Of Architecture(COA), New Delhi, India
- Associate Member of the Indian Institute of Architects(IIA), Mumbai, India
- Member The Institution of Engineers (India) IEI , Architectural Engineering Division
- Associate Member of the International Network for Traditional Building, Architecture & Urbanism (INTBAU), London, UK.
- Member International Association People – Environment Studies (IAPS), UK
- Member International Seminar on Urban Forms (ISUF)
Research interests are directed primarily toward historic environment research in a variety of interrelated areas
- Thermal Comfort & Energy Studies
- Post Occupancy Evaluation Studies
- Design out crime strategies in urban built context
- Study of visual aspects of historic towns of Tamil Nadu
- Place attachment to religious architecture
Contact Address
Associate Professor
# 216 , first floor
Department of Architecture
NIT Trichy -620015