
- B.Arch,A.I.I.A. School of Architecture & Planning, Anna University, Chennai, 1984
- M.L.Arch School of Planning & Architecture, New Delhi, 1987.
Professional Experience :
- 1984 – 1985 : Worked with Shri. Laurie W. Baker at Trivandram
- 1987 – 1988 : Worked with Shri. Ravindra Bhan at New Delhi.
International Training:
Attended 6 month training programme under UK – India REC’s project at University of Leeds and University of Sheffield. During this period, training was provided for the use of infrared thermal imaging camera & associated software and in the use of “virtual environment”, an integrated suite of software for simulating the energy performance of building. The training was between January ’97 to July ’97.
- Landscape of Computer Center Octagon
- Landscape of SJB Building
Contact Address
Associate Professor
Department of Architecture
NIT Trichy -620015