Author(s) |
Title of Paper |
Journal |
Volume (No.) |
Page no. |
Year |
doi |
Impact Factor |
M.Chandrasekaran,P.Asokan,S.Kumanan,T.Balamurugan,S.Nickolas |
Solving job shop scheduling problems using Artificial Immune System |
International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology |
Vol.31 |
580 - 593 |
2006 | |
3.226 |
S.Nickolas C.S.P.Rao, A.V.Reddy and P Asokan |
Performance Enhancement of Flow Shop Scheduling using Data Mining |
Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, CMTI |
Vol.6, No.8 |
17-23 |
2007 |
3.320 |
Sarojini,B, Ramaraj,NNickolas, S. |
Feature Selection Using F-Score on Classification of TYPE II Diabetes DB |
Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering |
Vol 3, No. 1 |
1-6 |
2009 | |
Ilango, P, Hemalatha, T. Nickolas, S. |
A Semi Supervised Clustering by λ_cut for Imputation of missing Data in TYPE II Diabetes Databases |
Indian Journal of Medical Informatics |
Vol 4, No. 1 |
2009 |
4.04 |
Ilango, P, Hemalatha, T. Nickolas, S., Poonkuntran Shanmugam, |
Imputation of Missing Data :A Semi Supervised Clustering Methodology |
Journal of information Science and Technology |
Vol 6, No. 3 |
38-55 |
2009 |
Sarojini, B, Ramaraj,N, Nickolas, S. |
Feature Subset Selection using Nomogram in TYPE II Diabetes Databases |
Indian Journal Of Medical Informatics |
Vol 4, No. 1 |
1-5 |
2009 |
4.046 |
N.Gayatri, S.Nickolas, A.V.Reddy |
Performance Analysis and Enhancement of Software Quality Metrics using Decision Tree based Feature Extraction |
International journal of Recent Trends in Engineering |
Vol 2, No. 4 |
54-56 |
2009 | |
4.490 |
R.Chithra, S.Nickolas |
A Novel Algorithm for Mining Hybrid- Dimensional AssociationRules |
International journal of Computer Applications |
Vol 2, No. 16 |
62-69 |
2010 | |
3.12 |
R.Chithra, S.Nickolas |
Partition Based High Utility Itemset Mining |
Intl. J. of Decision Making in Supply Chain and Logistics |
Vol 1, No. 2 |
153- 165 |
2010 |
5.6 |
R.Eswari, S.Nickolas |
A Level-wise Priority Based Task Scheduling for Heterogeneous Systems |
Intl. J. of Information and Education Technology |
Vol.1, No.5 |
371- 376 |
2011 | |
1,11 |
R.Chithra, S.Nickolas |
HUPT-Mine : An efficient algorithm for high utility pattern mining |
Intl. J. of Business and Systems Research |
Vol.6, No.3 |
279- 275 |
2012 | |
0.62 |
R.Eswari, S.Nickolas |
Efficient Task Scheduling for Heterogeneous Distributed Systems using Firefly Algorithm |
Intl. J. of Computer Science and Engineering |
Vol. 11, No. 2 |
132- 142 |
2015 | |
1.316 |
S.Karthikeyan, P.Asokan, S.Nickolas, |
Solving Flexible Job Shop Scheduling Problems with a hybrid PSO Algorithm and Data Mining-An Attribute oriented approach |
Intl. J.of Manufacturing Technology and Management |
Vol. 26, No.1/ 2/3/4 |
81- 103 |
2012 | |
0.42 |
Anandkumar P. S.Nickolas |
Significance of One-Class Classification in Outlier Detection |
International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Information Security IJCIIS |
Vol. 4, No. 6 |
4-14 |
2013 |
S.Karthikeyan, P.Asokan, S.Nickolas |
A hybrid discrete firefly algorithm for multi-objective flexible job shop scheduling problem with limited resource constraints |
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology |
Vol. 72, No. 9 |
1567- 1579 |
2014 |
3.2268 |
N.Gayatri, S.Nickolas, A.V.Reddy |
A Frame Work for Business Defect Predictions in Mobiles |
International Journal of Computer Applications |
Vol.81 , No. 1 |
39-44 |
2013 | |
3.12 |
R.Eswari, S.Nickolas, Michael Arock |
A path priority- based task scheduling algorithm for herterogenous distributed systems |
Int.J.Communication Networks and Distributed Systems |
Vol. 12, No. 2 |
183- 201 |
2014 | |
1.54 |
R.Eswari, S.Nickolas |
Effective task scheduling for heterogeneous distributed systems using firefly algorithm |
International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering |
Vol 11,No . 2 |
132- 142 |
2015 | |
1.316 |
Anandkumar P. Nickolas , S. |
Metaheuristic algorithms and probabilistic behaviour: a comprehensive analysis of Ant Colony Optimization and its variants |
Artificial Intelligence Review |
Vol. 45, No. 1 |
97- 130 |
2016 | |
8.139 |
Ilango, P, Hemalatha,T. Nickolas, S. |
Imputation of Missing Data Using Weight Based Clustering in type II diabetes Databases |
Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering |
Vol. 3, No. 1 |
99- 104 |
2009 |
Arish Pitchai, AV Reddy, Nickolas S. |
Fuzzy based Quantum Genetic Algorithm for Project Team Formation |
International Journal of Intelligent Information Technologies |
Vol. 12, No. 1 |
31-46 |
2016 |
Thiruselvan S, Nickolas S. |
Application based brokering algorithm for optimal resource provision- ing in multiple |
Vietnam Journal of Computer Science |
Vol. 3, No. 1 |
57-70 |
2016 | |
1.44 |
Thiruselvan S, Nickolas S. |
Cloud service evaluation and selection using fuzzy hybrid MCDM approach in |
International Journal of Fuzzy System Applications |
Vol. 2, No. 8 |
118- 153 |
2016 | |
0.93 |
S Karthikeyan, P Asokan, S Nickolas, Tom Page |
A hybrid discrete firefly algorithm for solving multi- objective flexible job shop scheduling problems |
International Journal of Bio- Inspired Computation |
Vol. 7, No. 6 |
386- 401 |
2015 | |
1.538 |
R. Eswari, S. Nickolas |
Modified Multi- Objective Firefly Algorithm for Task Scheduling Problem on Heterogeneous Systems |
International Journal of Bio- Inspired Computation |
2016 | |
1.538 |
Arish Pitchai, AV Reddy, Nickolas S. |
Quantum walk algorithm to compute subgame perfect equilibrium in finitetwo-player sequentialgames |
International Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Computing |
Vol. 3, No. 1 |
32-40 |
2016 | |
0.71 |
R. Subraja, S. Nickolas, P. Jayabalan, |
Monitoring and control systems for resources in construction sites |
Int.J. of Innovation Research in Science, Engineering and Technology |
Vol.5, Special issue 9 |
53 - 58 |
2016 | |
K. Shobha, S. Nickolas |
Analysis of importance of pre-processing in prediction of hypertension |
CSI Transactions on ICT |
Vol.6(2), |
209-214 |
2018 | |
M. Ramla, S. Sangeetha, S. Nickolas |
Machine Learning for High Risk Pregnancies Pre-Term Birth Prediction: A Retrospective |
International Journal of Engineering & Technology |
Vol.7 (2.22), |
.5-8 |
2018 | |
1.271 |
Anandkumar Prakasam, Nickolas Savarimuthu |
Novel local restart strategies with hyper-populated ant colonies for dynamic optimization problems |
Neural Computing and Applications |
Vol.31(Suppl 1):S63-S76 |
S63-S76 |
2019 | |
5.559 |
C.I. Johnpaul, Munaga V.N.K. Prasad, S. Nickolas, G.R. Gangadharan |
General representational automata using deep Neural Networks |
Data & Knowledge Engineering |
Vol.122 |
pp.159-180 |
2019 | |
1,992 |
P. Shanthi, S. Nickolas |
Merged Local Neighborhood Difference Pattern for Facial Expression Recognition |
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), |
Volume-9 Issue-2 |
4133 - 4141 |
2019 |
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.B7461.129219 |
0.546 |
S. Suseela,R. Eswari, S. Nickolas, and M. Saravanan |
Poisson Based Energy Hole Prediction for Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks |
International Journal of Computational Intelligence & IoT |
Vol. 2(3) |
Vol. 2(3) |
2019 |
1.736 |
P. Shanthi, S. Nickolas |
An efficient automatic facial expression recognition using local neighborhood feature fusion |
Multimedia Tools and Applications |
Vol. 80 Issue 7 |
10187-10212 |
2020 | |
2.757 |
Silambarasan E, Nickolas S and Mary Saira Bhanu S |
CECPABE: A novel approach for secure data deduplication in cloud |
International Journal of Advance Science and Technology |
Vol. 29, No. 10S |
7958-7971 |
2020 |
0.475 |
Silambarasan Elkana Ebinazer, Nickolas Savarimuthu and S. Mary Saira Bhanu |
ESKEA: Enhanced Symmetric Key Encryption Algorithm Based Secure Data Storage in Cloud Networks with Data Deduplication |
Wireless Personal Communication |
, Vol. 117 |
3309–3325 |
2020 | |
Silambarasan Elkana Ebinazer, Nickolas Savarimuthu and S. Mary Saira Bhanu |
An efficient secure data deduplication method using radix trie with bloom filter (SDD-RT-BF) in cloud environment |
Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications |
Vol. 14 Issue 4 |
2443-2451 |
2020 | |
3.307 |
Silambarasan Elkana Ebinazer, Nickolas Savarimuthu and S. Mary Saira Bhanu |
A Hybrid Encryption for Secure Data Deduplication in Cloud |
International Journal of Cloud Computing |
2020 |
1.06 |
Sareena Rose, S. Nickolas, S.Sangeetha |
A recursive ensemble-based feature selection for multi-output models to discover patterns among the soil nutrients |
Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems |
Vol 208 |
2020 | |
3.491 |
C.I. Johnpaul, Munaga V.N.K. Prasad, S. Nickolas, G.R. Gangadharan |
Trendlets: A novel probabilistic representational structures for clustering the time series data |
Expert Systems WithApplications |
Vol.145 |
113-119 |
2020 | |
8.665 |
S. Suseela, R. Eswari, S. Nickolas, M. Saravanan |
QoS optimization through PBMR algorithm in multipath wireless multimedia sensor networks |
Peer-to-Peer Netw. Appl |
Vol. 13 |
1248–1259 |
2020 | |
3.307 |
K. Shobha, S. Nickolas |
Clustering based imputation algorithm using unsupervised neural network for enhancing the quality of healthcare data |
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing |
Vol.12 |
1771–1781 |
2021 | |
7.104 |
K. Shobha, S. Nickolas |
An Unsupervised Neural Network Approach for Imputation of Missing Values in Univariate Time Series Data |
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience |
2021 |
DOI:10.1002/cpe.6156 |
C.I. Johnpaul, Munaga V.N.K. Prasad, S. Nickolas, G.R. Gangadharan |
Representational primitives using trend based global features for time series classification |
Expert Systems With Applications |
Vol.167(11):114376, |
2021 | |
8.665 |
C.I. Johnpaul, Munaga V.N.K. Prasad, S. Nickolas, G.R. Gangadharan |
Fuzzy representational structures for trend based analysis of time series clustering and classification |
Knowledge-Based Systems |
Vol. 222(7):106991 |
2021 | |
8.139 |
Kavitha lakshmi R, S. Nickolas |
PLDD- A Deep Learning Based Plant Leaf Disease Detection |
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine |
Vol11 Issue: 3 |
2021 | |
4.135 |
Kavitha lakshmi R, S. Nickolas |
DPD-DS for plant disease detection based on instance segmentation |
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing |
2021 | |
7.104 |
Ankit Kumar Sah, Nickolas Savarimuthu |
Automatic Video Based Perception of Legitimate Persons Using Computer Vision Techniques |
Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis |
Vol. 31 |
786–799 |
2021 | |
1.244 |
Appasami G, Nickolas S |
A deep learning-based COVID-19 classification from chest X-ray image:Case study |
The European Physical Journal |
231:3767-3777 |
2022 | |
2.6 |
S. Suseela, R. Eswari, S. Nickolas |
A Voronoi-Ant Colony-Based Routing (VoR-Ant-R) Algorithm for WMSNs |
International Journal of Swarm Intelligence Research (IJSIR) |
Vol.13 (2) |
2022 |
10.4018/IJSIR.287546 |
Kavitha Lakshmi R, Nickolas Savarimuthu |
vCrop : an automated plant disease prediction using deep ensemble framework using real field images |
Sadhana |
47:268 |
2022 | |
Sareena Rose, Nickolas S., Sangeetha S. |
Effective Prediction of Soil micronutrients using Additive Gaussian Process with RAM augmentation |
Computational Biology and Chemistry |
Vol. 98 |
2022 | |
2.6 |
Uma Maheswari K., Mary Saira Bhanu S.,
Nickolas Savarimuthu
Partitioning-Based Data Sharing Approach for Data Integrity Verification in Distributed Fog Computing
International Journal of Engineering and Technology Innovation |
vol. 13, no. 2 |
pp.160-174 |
2023 | |
Uma Maheswari, K., S. Mary Saira Bhanu· Nickolas Savarimuthu |
Clustering‑based data integrity verification approachfor multi‑replica in a fog environment |
The Journal of Supercomputing |
80:3089-3113 |
2023 | |
2.5 |
Bakiya K, Nickolas Savarimuthu |
Transfer learning for surgical instrument segmentation in open surgery videos: a modified u-net approach with channel amplification |
Signal, Image and Video Processing |
18:8061-8076 |
2024 | |
2.0 |
Appasami K, Nickolas Savarimuthu |
ECOVID-Net: An ensemble Deep Transfer Learning Based Neural Network for COVID-19 Diagnosis using Chest X-ray Images |
Afr.J.Biomed.Res. |
Vol. 27(4S) |
11831-11844 |
2024 | |
Appasami K, Nickolas Savarimuthu |
Federated learning for secure medical MRI brain tumor
image classification |
The European Physical Journal Special Topics |
| |
2.6 |
M. Anitha. Nickolas Savarimuthu, S. Mary Saira Bhanu |
Chi‑Square Target Encoding for Categorical Data Representation:
A Real‑World Sensor Data Case Study |
SN Computer Science |
6:228 |
2025 | |