



International Conferences

  1. S. Nickolas , A.V.Reddy, ”A Hyper Heuristic based Data Mining for scheduling Batch Processing Flow Shop”, International Conference on Manufacturing Automation(ICMA07), National University of Singapore, Singapore, May 2007.

  2. S. Nickolas, K Mani, ”Associative Rule Mining of Amino Acids in Protein Sequence”, 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control, KCE, Coimbatore, February 2008

  3. Sarojini BalaKrishnan, Raamaraj NarayanaSwamy, Nickolas Savarimuthu, Rita Samikannu , “Feature Subset Selection using SVM-RFE in Breast Cancer Dataset”, Proceedings of International Conference on Mathematics and Computer Science, ICMCS2008, Loyola College, Chennai, 2008.

  4. Sarojini BalaKrishnan, Ramaraj NarayanaSwamy, Nickolas Savarimuthu, Rita Samikannu ,”SVM Ranking with Backward Search for Feature Selection in TYPE II Diabetes Databases”, IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics,2008.

  5. Ilango Paramasivam, Hemalatha Thiagarajan, Nickolas Savarimuthu, Rita Samikannu, ”Enhancing the Quality of Diagnosis in HealthCare Industries By Imputation of Missing Data using Data Mining”, International Conference on Supply Chain Management and Information Systems , December  8-10,Tiruchirappalli, India, 2008.

  6. Ilango Paramasivam, Hemalatha Thiagarajan, Nickolas Savarimuthu, ”Imputation of Missing Data using Clusters in TYPE II Diabetes Databases”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Mathematics and Computer Science,ICMCS2008, Loyola College, Chennai, 2008.

  7. Sarojini BalaKrishnan, Ramaraj NarayanaSwamy, Nickolas Savarimuthu, ”Feature Selection for Enhancing the Quality Diagnosis in Health Care Industries using Data Mining”, International Conference on Supply Chain Management and Information Systems , December  8-10,Tiruchirappalli, India, 2008.

  8. Ilango Paramasivam, Hemalatha Thiagarajan, Nickolas Savarimuthu, Sarojini BalaKrishnan, ”A Semi Supervised  Approach for Imputation of Missing Data in Medical Databases for Effective Decision Making”, 6th Annual Conference on Information Science, Technology and Management(CISTM), New Delhi, India Jul.31-Aug.2, 2008.

  9. R.Chithra, S.Nickolas, “Clustering Prostate Cancer Dataset using K Modes and K Population Algorithms”, International Conference on Digital Factory, ICDF 2008, August 11-13, Coimbatore, India, 2008.

  10. Sarojini BalaKrishnan, Ramaraj NarayanaSwamy, Nickolas Savarimuthu, ”Enhancing the Performance of LibSVM Classifier by Kernel F-Score Feature Selection”,  International Conference on Contemporary Computing (IC32009),Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol.40, pp. 533-543, 2009.

  11. Sarojini BalaKrishnan, Ramaraj NarayanaSwamy, Nickolas Savarimuthu, Rita Samikannu ,”Feature Selection using FCBF in TYPE II Diabetes Databases”,  7th Annual Conference on Information  Science, Technology & Management, New Delhi,2009.

  12. Ilango Paramasivam, Hemalatha Thiagarajan, Nickolas Savarimuthu, ”A Multi Layered Perceptron Method for Imputation of Missing Data in TYPE II Diabetes Databases”, 7th Annual Conference on Information  Science, Technology & Management New Delhi,2009.

  13. Ilango Paramasivam, Hemalatha Thiagarajan, Nickolas Savarimuthu, “Genetic Chromo Dynamic Framework for Imputation of Missing Data in TYPE II Diabetes Databases “,International Conference on IT ,Thailand ,March 2009.

  14. N.Gayatri, S.Nickolas, A.V.Reddy, R.Chitra, ”Performance Analysis of Data Mining Algorithms for Software Quality Prediction”, International Conference on Advances in Recent Technologies in Communication and Computing, ARTCom’09, India, October 2009.

  15. N.Gayatri, S.Nickolas, A.V.Reddy, R.Chitra, ”Feature Selection using Decision Tree Induction in Class level Metrics Dataset for software Defect Predictions”, International Conference on Computer Science and Applications, WCECS2010, San Francisco, USA, October 2010.

  16. R. Eswari, S. Nickolas, "Path-Based Heuristic Task Scheduling Algorithm for Heterogenous Distributed Computing Systems", Second International Conference on Advances in Recent Technologies in Communications and Computing (ARTCom’10), Kottayam, Kerala, India, October 2010

  17. R.Chithra, S.Nickolas, “An Efficient High Utility Itemset Mining from Conditional Pattern Base”, International Conference on Information and Communication Technogology, Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, India, Dec. 2010

  18. R.Chithra, S.Nickolas, “A conditional Tree based Novel Algorithm for High Utility Itemset Mining”, IEEE-International Conference on Recent Trends in Information Technology, ICRTIT-2011, MIT, Anna University, Chennai, June 2011.

  19. Chithra Ramaraju, Nickolas Savarimuthu, “A Classification Model for Customer Segmentation”, International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communications (ACC2011),Vol. 190, pp. 661-670, 2011.

  20. R. Eswari, S. Nickolas, "Expected Completion Time Based Scheduling Algorithm for Heterogeneous Processors", Intl. Conf. on Information Communication and Management, IPCSIT, 2011, Vol.16, Singapore, October 2011

  21. R. Eswari, S. Nickolas, "Firefly Algorithm for Static Task Scheduling Problem", 3rd Intl. Conf. on Soft Computing, Intelligent Systems and Information Technology Bali, Indonesia, May 2012

  22. R.Chithra, S.Nickolas, “Scalable Algorithm for High Utility Itemset Mining”, 3rd Intl. Conf. on Soft Computing, Intelligent Systems and Information Technology Bali, Indonesia, May 2012.

  23. R. Eswari, S. Nickolas, "Solving Multi-Objective Task Scheduling for Heterogeneous Distributed Systems using Firefly Algorithm", 4th Intl. Conf. on Advances in Recent Technologies in Communication and Computing, ARTCom’12, Bangalore, October 2012.

  24. Arish, P., S.Nickolas, "KµRB:Kernel Micro Reboot Mechanism", 4th Intl. Conf. on Advances in Recent Technologies in Communication and Computing, ARTCom’12, Bangalore, October 2012.

  25. Thiruselvan S.,Nickolas S, "A Study on Optimized Resource on Provisioning in Federated Cloud",International Conference on Computing Cybernetics and Information System ,VIT University Vellore,2013

  26. Anandkumar P,Nickolas S,"Metaheuristic Algorithms and Polynomial Turing Reductions:Case Study Based on Ant Colony Optimization",ICICT 2014

  27. T. Subramanian, N. Savarimuthu, “Effective tariff selection on cloud services: A consumer perspective”, 2014 International Conference on Contemporary Computing and Informatics (IC3I) (2014) 326-330

  28. A. Pitchai, A. V. Reddy, N. Savarimuthu, “Quantum walk based genetic algorithm for 01 quadratic knapsack problem”, 2015 International Conference on Computing and Network Communications (CoCoNet) (2015) 283-287.

  29. Anandkumar Prakasam,Nickolas Savarimuthu,"Parallelization of Particle Swarm Optimization for Large Scale Classification and a Study on the Robustness of Parallel Multistart PSO",International Conference on Research in Engineering, Computers and Technology(ICRECT)(2016) 219-226.

  30. Arish Pitchai, A. V. Reddy, Nickolas Savarimuthu, “Quantum Algorithm to Find Equilibrium in Sequential Games”, International Conference on Innovation in Engineering and Technology(ICIET) (2016) 565-572.

  31. S. Suseela, R. Eswari, S. Nickolas, “Impact of Wireless Technologies in Routing Protocols on Wireless Sensor Networks”,International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems(ICACCS) (2017) 63-67.

  32. K. Shobha, S. Nickolas, “Integration and Rule-based Pre-Processing of Scientific Publication Records from Multiple Data Sources”, International Conference on Smart Intelligent Computing and Applications(SCI 2018), Springer, Bhubaneswar.

  33. M. Ramla, S. Sangeetha, S. Nickolas, “Fetal Health Sate Monitoring Using Decision Tree Classifier From Cardiotocography Measurement”, the Second International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control Systems (ICICCS 2018), IEEE, 2018, pp 1799 - 1803

  34. Silambarasan E, Nickolas S, Mary Saira Bhanu S, “Attribute based Convergent Encryption Key Management for Secure Deduplication in Cloud”, 3rd International Conference on Advanced Computing and Intelligent Engineering (ICACIE 2018), Springer, Bhubaneswar.

  35. Sareena Rose, Nickolas S, Sangeetha S, “Machine Learning and Statistical Approaches used in Estimating parameters that affect the soil fertility status : A Survey”, Second International Conference on Green Computing and Internet of Things (ICGCIoT 2018), IEEE, Bangalore.

  36. K. Shobha, S. Nickolas, “Imputation of multivariate attribute values in big data”,International Conference on Smart Intelligent Computing and Applications, Springer, Singapore, pp. 53-60, 2019.

  37. Johnpaul C.I, Munaga V.N.K. Prasad, Nickolas S, Gangadharan G.R, “An Optimal Wavelet Detailed Coefficient Determination using Time-series Clustering”, International Conference on Artificial intelligence and data engineering (AIDE 2019), Springer, Mangaluru, 2021.

  38. Silambarasan E, Nickolas S and Mary Saira Bhanu S, “PoI: Proof of Identity and PoDI: Proof of Data Integrity for Secure Data Deduplication in the Cloud”, 2nd International Conference On Advances In Computing, Communication, Embedded And Secure Systems (ACCESS,2-4 September 2021, IEEE, Kerala.

  39. Kavitha lakshmi R, Nickolas S, “Deep Learning based Betelvine leaf Disease Detection (Piper BetleL.)”, International Conference on Computing Communication and Automation (ICCCA2020), IEEE, Noida.

  40. S. Gayathri, S. Nickolas, S. Mary Saira Bhanu, M. Anitha, “Exploration and Visualization of the Hidden Information from the Congestive Heart Failure Patients data in MIMIC-III database”, International Conference on Data Intelligence and Cognitive Information(ICDICI-2020), Springer, Tirunelveli, 2021.

  41. M. Anitha, S. Nickolas, S. Mary Saira Bhanu, S. Gayathri, “Feature Engineering based Automatic Breast Cancer Prediction”, International Conference on Inventive Research in Computing Applications (ICIRCA-2020), IEEE, Dindigul.

  42. U Vignesh, S Nickolas, “Repeated pattern finding using First Base First Runner Cluster Sequence Finder algorithm and Protein Structure Prediction on Environmental Samples”, International Virtual Conference on Smart Advanced Material Science & Engineering Applications, Vijayawada, 2020.

  43. U Vignesh, S Nickolas, “Smart Evacuation Alerting System”, International Virtual Conference on Smart Advanced Material Science & Engineering Applications, Vijayawada, 2020.

  44. K. U. Maheswari, S. M. S. Bhanu and S. Nickolas, “A Survey on Data Integrity Checking and Enhancing Security for Cloud to Fog Computing”, 2nd International Conference on Innovative Mechanisms for Industry Applications (ICIMIA), pp. 121-127, 2020.

  45. S Nickolas, K Shobha, “Similarity-Based Data-Fusion Schemes for Missing Data Imputation in Univariate Time Series Data”, International Conference on Paradigms of Computing, Communication and Data Sciences, 2021.

  46. K Uma Maheswari, S Mary Saira Bhanu, S Nickolas, “An Efficacious E-voting Mechanism using Blockchain to Preserve Data Integrity in Fog Nodes”, Information and Communication Technology for Competitive Strategies, 2021.



National Conferences

  1. P.Asokan, S.Nickolas, ”CAD/CAM solutions for CNC machining/turning center”, Eighth ISME conference on mechanical engineering New Delhi, 1993

  2. R.Chithra, S.Nickolas, ”High Utility Itemset Mining based on Clustering”, National Conference on Advanced Pattern Mining and Multimedia Computing(APMMC 10), NIT, Tiruchirappalli, February 2010.

  3. N.Gayatri, S.Nickolas, A.V.Reddy, ”Comparative Study of Software Quality Metrics Feature Set Using Data mining Techniques”, National Conference  on  Advanced Pattern Mining and Multimedia Computing(APMMC 10) , NIT, Tiruchirappalli, February 2010.

  4. E. Silambarasan, S. Nickolas, ”IBE based DNA encryption for cloud data security”, National Workshop on Cryptography 2017, NIT, Tiruchirappalli, August 2017.

  5. E. Silambarasan, S. Nickolas, S. Mary Saira Bhanu, ”Secure Data Dedupliation with Dynamic Key Management in Cloud”, National Conference on Research Trends in Computer Applications, NIT, Tiruchirappalli, April 2019.

  6. S. Gayathri, S. Nickolas, S. Mary Saira Bhanu, M. Anitha, ”A study on various imputation techniques and their usage in Healthcare data”, National Conference on Research Trends in Computer Applications, NIT, Tiruchirappalli, April 2019.

  7. M. Anitha, S. Nickolas, S. Mary Saira Bhanu, S. Gayathri, ”Best practices of feature engineering for epidemiology data analysis”, National Conference on Research Trends in Computer Applications, NIT, Tiruchirappalli, April 2019.