Admission Procedure
Doctor of Philosophy
Admission to Doctor of Philosophy is based on the following categories.
(1) Ph.D. (Full time) - Stipendiary Category
Half Time Research Assistantship (HTRA) is available to full time scholars who are admitted to Ph.D programmes in different departments subject to the availability as stipulated by Ministry of Human Resources Development. The award and renewal of the assistantship / scholarship is as per the guidelines issued by MHRD, from time to time. Those who would receive the assistantship are required to assist the department in academic works to a minimum of 8 hours per week. As per rules in force, candidates interested in getting the assistantship / scholarship, have to give an undertaking on stamped paper to the effect that they will not discontinue the course before completion. Those who discontinue the Ph.D. Programme are required to refund the entire scholarship amount drawn by them. The assistantship / scholarship will not be available for sponsored candidates or to scholars getting financial support from any private agency, state and central governments.

Reservation: Government of India reservation policy will be followed for OBC / SC / ST and Physically Challenged (PH) Candidates.
Ph.D. (Full time) – Other fellowship
Candidates having their own fellowships from funding agencies such as DST, CSIR, UGC, NBHM, etc. can apply for Ph.D. (full time) in any department.
Ph.D. (Full time) - Project category
The Applicants working under sponsored project at NIT-T should submit their application through Proper Channel, irrespective of the vacancy position. However, the selection procedure shall remain the same.
Ph.D. (Full time) - Non-Stipendiary Category
In the departments of Science and Humanities, non-GATE / UGC / CSIR / NBHM / NET candidates will also be considered for admission on non stipendiary basis.
(2) Ph.D. Programme (Part time – External / On campus categories)
Part-time Ph.D. programme is offered for working professionals from Govt. R&D Organizations / Public sector/ Industries/National Research laboratories and for faculty members from Govt./ Govt. Aided/ private Engineering/ Science and Arts Colleges/ Universities. There shall be two broad categories for the candidates seeking to pursue part time Ph.D. at NITT. The categories are:
Part-time (External): Candidates working in industries of repute /organization having R&D facilities, Govt. R&D Departments / National Research Laboratories / Units of Government / Quasi Government/ Public sector are considered under this category. The candidates must be officially sponsored by their employing organization. A candidate working in an establishment which is equipped with the necessary research and library facilities only shall be considered for admission under this category. A committee appointed by the Director (consisting of Dean-Academic, Dean-R&C and Head of the Department) in addition to members of Departmental Administrative Council (DAC) shall assess the adequacy of these facilities before recognizing the organization for the above purpose.
At the time of admission, the employer must expressly undertake to pay full salary to the candidate and relieve him/her to complete his/her residential requirement. A candidate applying for admission to the external registration programme must provide detailed information about the research facilities available at his/her organization and a certificate from the employer/Supervisor that these would be available to him/her for carrying out research. He/she should also provide the bio-data of the prospective supervisor (External guide) or Research Coordinator who would supervise/ co-ordinate the candidate's work at his/her organization.
Part-time (on Campus) Regular/ Full-time teachers/employees working in Govt/Govt. aided/ private Engineering/Technical institutions or Science and Arts Colleges/ Universities/ industry/ public sector are considered under this category. At the time of admission, the candidate must submit a “no objection” certificate from the Parent institute / organization to relieve him/her to complete his/her residential requirement. The candidate should have at least three years experience in a regular/permanent position at the time of application. The Departments concerned would decide the candidature of the selected candidates after thorough discussion and analysis in Departmental Administrative Council (DAC).
Selection Procedure
For both categories, the mode and norms for selection shall be on par with those in force for full-time Ph.D. candidates. Following the scrutiny and short-listing of the applications, eligible candidates will be called to attend a written test. The candidates, short listed based on the written test performance need to appear for a technical and personal interview by the Departmental Research Committee comprising HOD, all eligible Supervisors and the Dean’s nominee (observer).