
Dr. S. Velmathi


Department of Chemistry,

National Institute Technology (NIT), Trichy-620 015




Academic Profile.

B.Sc. Chemistry (1993) - Bharathi Women’s College, University of Madras, Chennai

M. Sc. General Chemistry (1995) – Presidency College, University of Madras, Chennai

Ph. D Organic Chemistry (2001) – University of Madras

Field of Specialization

Synthetic Organic Chemistry

Research Interests

Asymmetric Synthesis, Organometallic catalysts, Macromolecules synthesis, Heterogenous catalysts, Chemosensors and Microwave mediated organic transformations

Visiting scientist

  1. At Department of Organic material and polymer engineering, Dong-A University, Busan, Korea, January 2013, 2014

2.  At (WPI-MANA) World Premier Institute-Center for Materials Nano Architectonics, National Institute for Materials Science, Tsukuba, Japan June-July, 2008

3.  Department of Chemistry, University of Connecticut, USA, (Dec-Feb 2008)

4. At Fuel Cell Materials Center, National Institute for Materials Science, Tsukuba, Japan May-July-2007

Post Doctoral Fellowship

Ø  At Research Institute for Innovations in Sustainable Chemistry, Advanced Polymer Group, National Institute of Advanced Industrial science and Technology, AIST Central 5-1, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan.(2003 –2006)

Professional Experience

1.        Nov 2018-Till date Professor

2.        Nov 2011-2018 Associate Professor,Department of Chemistry, National Institute Technology (NIT), Trichy-620 015

3.        Nov 2008-Oct 2011 Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, National Institute Technology (NIT), Trichy-620 015

4.        August 2006- Nov. 2008 Lecturer Department of Chemistry, National Institute Technology (NIT), Trichy-620 015

5.        April 2002- November 2002 Research Associate in SPIC Science Foundation, Chennai-32

6.        April 2001 - March 2002 CSIR extended SRF

7.        April 1998 - March 2001-CSIRSenior Research Fellow.

8.        1996 October –1998 March Junior Research Fellow in a project sponsored by SPIC – Biotech division

9.        1995 July -1996 OctoberJunior Research Fellow in the project sponsored by ICAR.

Awards and Honors

  1. Best Performer award-2024-NITT
  2. Elected Fellow of Indian Chemical Society (FICS)
  3. CRSI Bronze Medal-20222
  4. Mother Teresa Women Researcher award-2021
  5. Tamil Nadu Scientist Award (TANSA)-2020
  6. Elected Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry FRSC-2019
  7. Elected Fellow of Academy of Sciences, Chennai
  8. Received the INSA Bilateral exchange fellowship to visit Taiwan -2015
  9. Received the prestigious Tamil Nadu Young Women Scientist Award-2012 for Chemical Sciences
  10. Received International Travel grant from DST, to visit South Korea for presenting a paper  n the 14th Tetrahedron symposium held at Seoul, South Korea,  Oct 21-24, 2013 (not availed)
  11. Chaired a session in the International Conference on Key Engineering materials ICKEM 2012, Held at Singapore Feb 26-28, 2012
  12. Editorial Board member in the journal ISRN Analytical Chemistry
  13. International Travel grant from DST, to visit Australia for presenting a paper  n the International Conference of 11th Pacific Polymer Conference held at Cairns, Australia,  Dec 06-10, 2009
  14. DST-SERC Fast Track Young Scientist Award –2007 Research Grant of 20 lakhs
  15. Received the best poster award in the 5th Green and Sustainable Chemistry Network symposium held at Tokyo, Japan, March 7-8, 2005
  16. Senior Research Fellowship (Extended), CSIR, India-April 2001
  17. Senior Research Fellowship of CSIR, India – April 1998

Honors and Achievements by my Ph.D scholars.

  • Ms. D. Udhayakumarireceived International Travel grant from DST, to visit Singapore for presenting a paper  n the 15th Tetrahedron symposium held at Singapore,  Oct 28-31, 2014 
  • Ms. S. Suganyareceived internship from Korea to work in Dong A university, Pusan  for 3 months (Jan-March 2014)
  • Ms. D. Udhayakumarireceived Best Poster presentation award for the Poster presented in the National Conference on Luminescence and its applications held on Jan 8-10, 2013 organised by PES institute of Technology, Bangalore
  • Ms. S. Suganyareceived Best Oral presentation award for the Paper presented in the National Conference on Luminescence and its applications held on Jan 8-10, 2013 organised by PES institute of Technology, Bangalore
  • Ms. S. Suganya, received the 1st prize for best oral presentation in Recent Applications of nanomaterials in chemistry and environmental research” (RANCER 2012) on July 20 -21, 2012 at Department of Chemistry, Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai,
  • Mr. U. Balakrishnanreceived internship from Japan to work in National Institute for Material Science(NIMS), Tsukuba, Japan for 3 months (May-July 2008)
  • Mr. U. BalakrishnanWon 1st price in oral presentation in NCCR, IIT Madras in the Orientation programme on catalysis in Dec 2007                    


         188 Full length articles in international journals

10 full papers published in conference proceedings

1 Indian Patent, 3 Japanese patents

90 papers presented in International/National Conferences

No. of M. Sc. /Ph.D. thesis guided /co-guided:

Ph. D –15- Completed , 10 ongoing, Post Docs- mentored-2, Ongoing Post doc -1, M. Sc- Guided -55, Guiding -2 B. Tech -2 (Co-Guide) M. Tech -2 (Co-Guide)

Membership in professional societies

  • Life member in Chemical Research Society of India,
  • Life member in Catalysis Society of India
  • Life member in Materials Research Society of India

Sponsored Projects Completed as Principal Investigator

  1. Received the DST-SERC Fast Track Young Scientist Project Research Grant of 20 lakhs. Project title- Studies towards the development of reusable chiral catalysts for asymmetric synthesis 2007-2010 SR/FTP/CS-142/2006
  2. Joint Research project between Dr. A. V. Adhikari, Dept. of Chemistry NITK has been sanctioned under TEQIP networking (4 lakhs). Project title –Development of new biodegradable polymers using microwaves 2007-2008
  3. A MOU has been signed between Fuel cell Materials center, NIMS-Japan and NITT(2007-2012)
  4. Received the CSIR Project on Studies towards the application of new tridentate ligands for ring opening polymerization of lactides (2008-11) 12.64 lakhs 01(2282)/08/EMR-II dated 20 th November 2008
  5. Received the DRDO Project Research Grant of 30.43 lakhs. Project title- Studies towards the development of colorimetric and fluorescent on-off receptors for cation/anion sensing (2011-2014) ERIP/ER/1006004/M01/1333 dt. 23-05-2011
  6. Received the DST Project Research Grant of 47 lakhs (2011-2014).Project title- Chiral Hybrid Organic-Inorganic three dimensional Mesoporous Materials for Enantioselective synthesis- SR/S1/OC-06/2011

Sponsored Projects completed as Co-Investigator

  1. Co-Investigator in the DST Nano Mission project (2009-12) grant of 5.8 crores Project title- Synthesis and characterization of nanomaterials for engineering applications SR/NM/NS-27/2008