Dr. Sarthak Mandal
Spectroscopy and Chemical Dynamics Laboratory

Email: smandal@nitt.edu and sarthakmandal@gmail.com
Personal Webpage: https://sites.google.com/view/smandal-spectroscopy-group/
Ph. D., Physical Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India (2014) Advisor: Professor Nilmoni Sarkar
M. Sc., Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India (2010)
B. Sc. Chemistry (Hons.), The University of Burdwan (2008) (University Rank: 2)
Professional Experience:
Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, National Institute of Technology Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, India (2018 – Present)
Postdoctoral Research Associate with Professor Neal W. Woodbury, Arizona State University, Arizona, USA 2015 – 2018
Postdoctoral Research Scientist with Professor Kenneth B. Eisenthal, Columbia University in the City of New York, NY, USA (2014 – 2015)
Teaching Interests:
Teaching Experience:
2019 (Season: January)
CH IR 13 – General Chemistry II: Theory and Laboratory for B.Tech. First Year
CH 608- Molecular Spectroscopy: Theory for M.Sc. First Year
2018 (Season: July)
CHIR 11 – General Chemistry I: Theory and Laboratory for B.Tech. First Year
CHMI 11- Catalysis Science and Technology (UG Level, B. Tech. III Yr.)
CH603 - Coordination Chemistry: Bonding, Reactions, and Spectra: Theory for M.Sc. First Year
CH623 - Physical Chemistry Spectroscopy Laboratory: Laboratory for M.Sc. Second Year
Research Interests:
Ultrafast Photo-physical and Dynamical Processes in Chemistry, Materials and Biology.
Building Bio-mimetic Artificial Photosynthetic Systems and Their Photoelectronic Applications.
Photoelectrochemical Cell Development for Conversion of Light Energy into Electricity and Fuels
Molecular biophysics and biochemistry.
Our research focuses on the spectroscopic, microscopic and electrochemical investigations on advanced functional materials for light energy harvesting and its conversion to electrical and chemical energy.
One of the primary goals of our research is to design and develop artificial bio-mimetic photosynthetic systems using synthetic dye aggregates, conducting polymers, quantum dots and/or inorganic-organic halide perovskites on the templates of DNA, proteins and polymers. The light absorption, long distance energy transfer and charge transfer properties of these newly designed materials will be investigated in details using various ultra-fast spectroscopic techniques. Their photoelectronic applications towards the conversion of light energy into electrochemical energy will be explored through the development of photo-electrochemical cells on suitable electrode supports. In this research we stress on advancing our knowledge and understanding on efficient excitation energy transfer (beyond FRET limit), and charge separation mechanisms in solution and at interfaces.
Besides, we also focus on working in the area of molecular bio-physics and biochemistry and addressing several long standing concerns of biological processes using single molecule based fluorescence spectroscopic and microscopic approach.
Awards & Honors:
1) “Faculty Award” in recognition of the contribution to the growth of the Institute National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappallil -2019
2) CSIR-NET Research Fellowship - 2009
3) GATE (AIR Rank: 94 among 8056 Students) Indian Institute of Technologies (IITs) -2010
4) Awarded IASc-INSA-NASI Summer Research Fellowship Indian Academy of Sciences -2009
5) Ranked 14 among 2439 Students in Joint Entrance Admission Test to M. Sc. (JAM) Indian Institute of Technologies (IITs) -2008
6) Awarded Merit-Cum-Means (MCM) Scholarship Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur -2010
7) Awarded “Satchidananda Gold Medal” for securing 1st Position in B. Sc. Examination Bankura Christian College, Bankura, West Bengal -2008
Recent 10 Publications:
S. Mandal,* X. Zhou, S. Lin, H. Yan, and N. Woodbury “Directed Energy Transfer through DNA-Templated J-Aggregates” Bioconjugate Chem. (2019) ASAP (DOI: 10.1021/acs.bioconjchem.9b00043) (* As Corresponding Author)
S. Mandal,# X. Zhou,# S. Jiang, S. Lin, J. Yang, Y. Liu, D. G. Whitten, N. W. Woodbury, and H. Yan “Efficient Long-Range, Directional Energy Transfer through DNA-Templated Dye Aggregates” J. Am. Chem. Soc. (2019) ASAP (DOI: 10.1021/jacs.9b01548) (# Co-First Author)
S. Mandal,* E. Espiritu, N. Akram, S. Lin, J. C. Williams, J. P. Allen, N. W. Woodbury* “Influence of the Electrochemical Properties of the Bacteriochlorophyll Dimer on Triplet Energy Transfer Dynamics in Bacterial Reaction Centers” J. Phys. Chem. B (2018) 122, 10097
E. Boulais, N. Sawaya , R. Veneziano, A. Andreoni, J. Banal, T. Kondo, S. Mandal, S. Lin, G. Schlau-Cohen, N. Woodbury, H. Yan , A. Aspuru-Guzik, M. Bathe “Programmed coherent coupling in a synthetic DNA-based excitonic circuit” Nature Materials, (2017) DOI: 10.1038/nmat5033.
S. Mandal,* A. M. Carey, J. Locsin, B. R. Gao, J. C. Williams, J. P. Allen, S. Lin, N. W. Woodbury* “Mechanism of triplet energy transfer in photosynthetic bacterial reaction centers” J. Phys. Chem. B (2017), 121, 6499 – 6510. (* Corresponding Author)
J. Ma, S. Mandal, C. Bronsther, Z. Gao, K. B. Eisenthal “Second harmonic study of acid-base equilibrium at gold nanoparticle/aqueous interface” Chem. Phys. Lett. (2017) 166 – 171.
S. Mandal, J. Kuchlyan, S. Ghosh, C. Banerjee, N. Kundu, D. Banik, and N. Sarkar “Vesicles formed in aqueous mixtures of cholesterol and imidazolium surface active ionic liquid: a comparison with common cationic surfactant by water dynamics” J. Phys. Chem. B (2014), 118, 5913−5923.
S. Mandal, C. Ghatak, V. G. Rao, S. Ghosh, and N. Sarkar “Pluronic micellar aggregates loaded with gold nanoparticles and fluorescent dyes: a study of controlled nanometal surface energy transfer” J. Phys. Chem. C (2012), 116(9), 5585-5597.
S. Mandal, C. Banerjee, S. Ghosh, J. Kuchlyan, and N. Sarkar. “Modulation of the photophysical properties of curcumin in non-ionic surfactant forming micelles and niosomes” J. Phys. Chem. B (2013), 117 (23), 6957–6968.
S. Mandal, S. Ghosh, H. H. K. Aggala, C. Banerjee, V. G. Rao, and N. Sarkar “Modulation of the photophysical properties of 2,2′-bipyridine-3,3′-diol inside bile salt aggregates: a fluorescence-based study for the molecular recognition of bile Salts” Langmuir (2013), 29 (1), 133–143.
Positions Open
PhD positions for M.Sc. in Chemistry/Biochemistry students with NET qualifications are available in my group. Prior experimental experience is a plus but not essential.
Interested candidates should send a CV to: smandal@nitt.edu or sarthakmandal@gmail.com
Contact Address:
Dr. Sarthak Mandal
Assistant Professor,
Office# CH 320
Department of Chemistry,
National Institute of Technology Tiruchirappalli
Tamil Nadu 620015
Email: smandal@nitt.edu and sarthakmandal@gmail.com
Phone (Cell): (+91) 8158805377