Enviromental Engineering Laboratory

The Environmental Engineering Department was established in the year 1989 under IIT-NIT Network Scheme funded by Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India. The Laboratory has sophisticated equipments to analyze pollution parameters in water and waste water, soil, Air.The sophisticated instrument list includes,
1. pH meter
2. Thermometer (10-110°c)
3. Thermometer (0-250°c)
4. Desiccator
5. Quebec colony counter
6. Junior student microscope
7. Vacuum pump
8. Refrigerator
9. Voltage stabilizer
10. Water bath
11. Hot air oven
12. Platinum crucible
13. Micro kjeldahl digestion unit
14. Spectro calorimeter
15. Photo fluorimeter
16. Muffle furnace
17. Naphelometer
18. Spectrophotometer
19. Projection microscope
20. Flame photometer
21. Analytical balance
22. Soxlet extractor
23. U-V spectrophotometer
24. Peristaltic pump
25. High volume sampler
26. 6 test sterity unit
27. Vacuum pump Double stage
28. Vacuum Sterility Filter Holder 25mm Diameter
29. Vacuum glass frit filter
30. Vacuum sterility filter holder 47 mm diameter
31. Smoke meter
32. Water quality checker
33. Centrifuge
34. Autoclave
35. Inoculation Chamber
36. Magnetic stirrer
37. De ionizer
38. BOD incubator
39. Electronic balance (6 kg)
40. Electronic balance (250 g)
41. Deep freezer
42. pH Meter
43. Jar test apparatus
44. Refrigerator
45. Mixer grinder
46. LPG gas stove
47. Pressure cooker
48. Conductivity meter (pen type)
49. Hot plate
50. Muffle furnace
51. Heating mantle (1000 ml)
52. Heating mantle (250 ml)
53. Magnetic stirrer
54. pH Meter (Pen Type)
55. COD digester
56. Orbital shaking incubator
57. Flue gas analyzer
58. Ion analyzer
59. U-V visible spectrometer
60. Atomic adsorption spectro photo meter
Lab in charge
Dr. R. Gandhimathi
Department of Civil Engineering
National Institute of Technology
Tiruchirappalli – 620 015.
Contact No : 0431-2503171 (Direct)
0431-2503190 (lab)
E-mail : rgmathii@nitt.edu