Structural Engineering Laboratory

Established under IIT- REC Network scheme in the year 1983. The laboratory has two bays for testing purposes and a casting yard for fabricating specimens. The first bay has a structural testing floor, with a loading frame of capacity 300 kN. The various equipments available in the lab are,
1. Electrochemical corrosion measuring instrument
2. Strain and displacement measurement LVDTs with indicator
3. Push and pull load for cyclic loading Capacity 50 T
4. Capacity 20 T
5. Capacity 10 T
6. 6 Channel data acquisition system
7. Loading frame of 30T capacity
8. Rebound hammer
9. Hydraulic Jack 200t,100t
10. 80 Channel Data Logger
Lab in charge
Dr. R. Raghavan
Assistant Professor
Department of Civil Engineering
National Institute of Technology
Tiruchirappalli – 620 015.
Phone No : +91 431-2503156 (Direct)
+91 431-2503188 (lab)
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