Soil Mechanics Laboratory

Soil mechanics laboratory is well equipped with all equipments required for identification and classification of soils.
The various equipments available in the lab are,
1. Electronic direct shear Apparatus
2. Triaxial apparatus
3. Standard penetration test apparatus
4. Direct shear test apparatus
5. Proctor compaction apparatus
6. Sand pouring cylinder
7. Unconfined compression tester (proving ring type)
8. Pycnometer
9. Consolidation test apparatus
10. CBR apparatus
11. Shrinkage limit apparatus
12. Liquid limit device
13. Liquid limit cone penetrometer
14. Sieve shaker (motorized)
15. Plastic limit apparatus
16. Hot air oven
17. Vane shear apparatus
18. Brass sieve 4.75 to 75 micron
19. Sampling kit
20. G.I. sieve 100 mm to 4.75 mm
21. Plate load test apparatus
22. Triaxial out fit
Lab in charge
Dr. Jeevan Joseph
Assistant Professor
Department of Civil Engineering
National Institute of Technology
Tiruchirappalli – 620 015.
Phone No : +91 431-2503154 (Direct)
+91 431-2503188 (lab)
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