Transportation Engineering Laboratory

Established in the year 1983 under IIT-REC Network Scheme. Well equipped with facilities for the range of tests on pavement materials. Various equipments include Geogauge, Axle load weigh pads, Benkelman beam, fatigue test, GPS receiver , Road unevenness indicator, Standard tar viscometer, Pavement core drilling machine, Pavement cone penetrometer and Film striping device.
The Highway Lab Infrastructure-
1. Portable Axle / Wheel Weigh Pad.
2. Bump Integrator / Road Unevenness Recorder / Roughometer.
3. Pavement Core Drilling Machine.
4. Electronic California Bearing Ratio Test Apparatus.
5. Radar Speed Gun.
6. Vehicle Emission Testers- Petrol & Diesel.
7. Noise Dosimeter.
Lab in charge
Dr. V. Sunitha
Associate Professor
Department of Civil Engineering
National Institute of Technology
Tiruchirappalli – 620 015.
Phone No: +91 431-2503165 (Direct)
+91 431-2503196 (Lab)
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