Dr. Makendran C

     Dr. Makendran C is an Assistant Professor (Grade-II) in the Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology (NIT) Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, India. He served as Assistant Professor, Road and Transportation Engineering, at the Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering Technology, Wollega University, Nekemte, Ethiopia, East Africa.

He received his Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from Anna University, Chennai, India, in 2018. His doctoral research focused on the performance modelling of low-volume village roads in India. After graduating in Civil Engineering from the Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Annamalai University, Chidambaram. He obtained a master’s in Transportation  Engineering from the College of Engineering Guindy (CEG), Anna University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.

His research interests include Pavement Materials, Modified Bitumen, Pavement Stabilization, Pavement Management Systems (PMS), Pavement Evaluation, Statistical Modelling, Artificial Neural Network Techniques, Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP), Geoplymer Concrete, Self Curing Concrete, Rural Development, Road Safety, and Low-Volume Roads.




Educational Background

Course University/Board Year of Passing
Ph.D. (Civil Engineering) Anna University, Chennai  2018
M.E. (Transportation Engineering) College of Engineering, Guindy, Anna University, Chennai 2009
B.E. (Civil Engineering) Annamalai University, Chidamabaram 2006
Intermediate (HSC) Govt. Aided PRG Higher Secondary School, Kattumannar Koil, Tamil Nadu State Board 2002
10th / SSLC Govt. (ADW) Higher Secondary School, M.Melavanniyur, Tamil Nadu State Board 2000



Research Interests

  • Rural Road Development (RRD)
  • Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP)
  • Full Depth Reclamation (FDR)
  • Modified Binder (MB)
  • Pavement Evaluation (PE)
  • Pavement Management System (PMS)
  • Pavement Distress and statistical modelling (PDSM)


Career Profile

Organization Designation Period
National Institute of Technology (NIT), Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu. Assistant Professor (Grade II) 14/10/2022 - Present
Wollega University, Nekmte, Oromia Region, Ethiopia, East Africa Assistant Professor  19/01/2020 to 30/09/2022

Courses Handled

Undergraduate Programme

  • Pavement Engineering
  • Highway Engineering
  • Railways, Airport and Harbour Engineering
  • Transport Engineering
  • Construction Materials
  • Construction Techniques, Equipment and Practices
  • Surveying
  • Prefabricated Structures
  • Estimation and Costing
  • Construction planning and Scheduling
  • Surveying Laboratory
  • Transportation Engineering Laboratory 

Postgraduate/Doctoral Programmes

  • Traffic Engineering and Management
  • Advanced Highway Materials
  • Pavement Evaluation and Management System
  • Road Safety Engineering
  • Pavement Analysis and Design
  • Advanced Geometric Design of Highways & Airfields
  • Airport Engineering

Research Funded Projects

Title of the Research Project Funding Agency  Duration Status
 Laboratory Investigation of Self-curing concrete using Water-soluble polymer in Ethiopia Wollega University, Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Ethiopia, East Africa 2020-2022  Completed 
Manufacturing of Geo-polymer concrete in Ethiopian Country Wollega University, Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Ethiopia, East Africa 2021-2022 Completed 

Academic and Administrative Responsibilities within Institute


Responsibility/Designation  Faculty/Department/Centre/Institution  From  To 
NSS Programme Officer Institute Level  22/11/2024  Till date
Anti-Ragging Squad Institute Level  (Academic Year Wise)     2024   2025
Surveying Lab Incharge  Department Level  01/04/2024  Till date 
Swatchhata Committee Member Institute Level 19/09/2023 Till date
E-Waste Disposal Committee Member Department Level 22/11/2023 Till date

Professional Memberships

Type of Membership  Organization  Membership No Date
Life Member  Indian Road Congress (IRC)  251092 03/01/2024
Life Member  Transport Research Group (TRG-India) 20207 26/02/2024
Life Member  Indian Geotechnical Society LM-970 17/06/2009

Students' Academic Projects

Ph.D. Scholars

S.No. Name Roll No. Full-Time/ Part-Time Research Area / Project Title Email Status
1 Alok Kumar 403122051 Full-Time Modified Binder  er.alokggv@gmail.com Ongoing
2 Sanam Teja Reddy 403824051 Part-Time Environmental Impact Assesment  403824051@nitt.edu Ongoing


Postgraduates (M.Tech.)

S.No. Name Roll No. Year Specialization Research Area / Project Title Email Status
1 Jitendra Sing 203122012 2023-2024 Transportation Engineering and Management

Developing User Perception Model of Service Quality Attributes for Paratransit Services-A Case Study of Agra, Uttar Pradesh

jitendra@gmail.com Completed
2 Vijay Singh 203122026 2023-24 Transportation Engineering and Management  Comparative Study of Stabilization Methods for Full-Depth Reclamation and The Formulation of Guidelines vijaysingh@gmail.com Completed
3 Kunwar Deepankar 203122014 2023-24 Transportation Engineering and Management

Structural Assessment of Pavement Quality Concrete Reinforced with Different Types of Grids

kunwar@gmail.com Completed
4 Mudimadugula Pavankumar 203522014 2023-24 Construction Technology & Management Study of Logistics Management and Cost Benefit Analysis for Proposed Greenfield Highways mudimadugula pavankumar@gmail.com Completed
5 Krishna Dev Nishad 203123013 2024-2025 Transportation Engineering and Management

Skid resistance 

krishnanishad251@gmail.com Ongoing
6 Kura Akash 203123014 2024-2025 Transportation Engineering and Management Full-depth reclamation 203123014@nitt.edu Ongoing
7 Poojala Venkata Sumanjali  203123020 2024-2025 Transportation Engineering and Management RAP 203123020@nitt.edu Ongoing
8 Rajkumar Dhakad 203123022 2025-2025 Transportation Engineering and Management Modified Binder 203123022@nitt.edu Ongoing


Undergraduates (B.Tech.)

S.No. Name Roll No. Year Research Area / Project Title Email Status
1 Ameer Faisal H 103120010 2023-24 Performance Analysis of Bituminous Concrete Using Calcium Lignosulfonate 103120010@nitt.edu Completed
Asvin Raja Kumar S A 103120018 103120018@nitt.edu
Navaneeth Iyyani Ragesh 103120072 103120072@nitt.edu
Priyanshu Bansal 103120085 103120085@nitt.edu
 Seyan Ebenezer F 103120100 103120100@nitt.edu
2 Krishna Yadav 103119059 2022-23

Study on Bituminous Concrete By Using Sisal Fibre and Polymer Modified Binder   

Cubes for Rural Roads in India 

103119059@nitt.edu Completed
Bhavya Kudikala 103119063 103119063@nitt.edu
Pagidi Sai Keerthi 103119076 103119076@nitt.edu
Teerth Raj 103119116 103119116@nitt.edu

Workshops/Conferences Organised



Refereed Journal Articles

  1. Makendran C; Karthik M, Study on Fly Ash‑Based Geopolymer Concrete for Rural Road Construction in India, Materials Circular Economy, (2024) 6:54,  Springer,  https://doi.org/10.1007/s42824-024-00143-8 

  2. Kamalasekar A.;Murugasan R.;Makendran C.;Francis M.R.Static and cyclic behaviour of fibre-reinforced pavement concrete with copper slag as fine aggregate, Revista Materia, Volume 29, Year 2024, DOI:10.1590/1517-7076-RMAT-2023-0323 

  3. Makendran C., Statistical modelling of rutting for low-volume roads in India, Gradjevinar, Volume 75, Year 2023, Pages 379-387,DOI:10.14256/JCE.3486.2022 

  4. Athiappan K.;Murugasan R.;Makendran C.;Raj F.M., Mechanical properties of asphalt mixtures containing reclaimed asphalt incorporating Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS), Revista Materia, Volume 28, Year 2023, DOI:10.1590/1517-7076-RMAT-2023-0201  

  5. C.Makendran.;Suthandhiram K.;Garoma S.;Merea B.;Sethuraman Garoma S., Merea B., and Sethuraman B., Laboratory Study on the Water-Soluble Polymer as a Self-Curing Compound for Cement Concrete Roads in Ethiopia,Technologies, Volume 10, Year 2022, DOI:10.3390/technologies10040080

  6. C.Makendran.;Rajiah M.;Senathipathi V.;Ravi Sekhar C.Comparative Evaluation of Distress Prediction Modelling of Village Roads in India Using Regression and ANN Techniques, Journal of Transportation Engineering Part B: Pavements, Volume 147, Year 2021,DOI:10.1061/JPEODX.0000287

  7. Makendran C.;Vignesh Kumar M.;Mahalingam B.;Packialakshmi S.;Palani T, Roughness prediction models based on variable distress parameters using neural network and MLRA for PMGSY roads,International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, Volume 29, Year 2020, Pages 2208–2218.

  8. Chandrakasu Makendran and Rajah M., Development of a roughness estimation model for low volume roads, Gradjevinar, Volume 70, Year 2018, Pages 97-104,DOI:10.14256/JCE.1488.2015 

  9. Makendran C.;Murugasan R.;Velmurugan S. Performance prediction modelling for flexible pavement on low volume roads using multiple linear regression analysis, Journal of Applied Mathematics, Volume 2015, Year 201,DOI:10.1155/2015/192485 

Conference Proceedinds

  1. Makendran C, Bituminous mixes using Sisal fibre for controlling the fatigue cracks in rural roads in India, Vol. 3, pp. 1–6, 2023.Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd, DOI 10.1088/1755-1315/1326/1/012061
  2. Makendran C, Study on self-curing concrete using Polyethylene Glycol 600 for highway infrastructure projects, Materials Today Proceedings, Vol. 3, pp. 1–6, 2023.
  3. C Makendran, M Karthik, SM Jakir Hasan, M Harivignesh, and G Varun Raahul, Designing an Intelligent Pavement Maintenance and Management System using Drone Imagery and Artificial Intelligence, MATEC Web of Conferences, Technologies and Advances in Automation, Aerospace and Robotics, VIT, Bhopal, 2024. 
  4. Makendran C and Karthik M, Study on Fly ash based geopolymer concrete for rural road construction in India, ICSMEA 2024, IITMadras, Chennai, 2024.
  5. Makendran C     B. Mahalingam and Jagan Inti., Laboratory study on partial replacement of conventional construction materials for the construction industry in India, MATEC Web Conf. 4th International Conference (SPICE 2023), Vol. 384, 2006, Sustainable Practices and Innovations in Civil Engineering, Chennai, 2023. 
  6. Gujar A.G, Basanta  Kumar P,Palai Sumanta B Aravinthd S. Gnana kumar G Ram S   Makendran C, Investigating mechanical strength of a natural fibre polymer composite using SiO2 nano-filler, Materials Today: Proceedings, 56, part (3), pp. 1522–1526, 2022.
  7. M.D. Mohan, Raghuram K.S. J.N.S.Raju, D.Ravi M. M.Venkata Rao RamSubbiah, and Makendran C, Study on influence of nano-filler content on the performance of natural fibre reinforced epoxy composites, Materials Today: Proceedings, 56, part (3), 1562 1562–1566, 2022.
  8. Makendran C, Patnaik, Nilofer Jifara Ravindra, Khongdet,  Reliability analysis of cement manufacturing technique in computerised clinker processing method, Al-kadhum 2nd international conference, Vol. 2591, Issue 1, applications of information and communication technology, Iraq, 2023.
  9. Makendran C, Relationship of Noise Level with Pavement Distresses, International Conference on Sustainable Technologies and Advances in Automation, Aerospace and Robotics, pp. 461–469, Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering, VITBhopal, 2022.
  10. Rajamane N.P., Makendran C , R.Gobinath, and S. Chandra Chary, Self-Curing Concrete Using Water-Soluble Polymer for Developing Countries, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering, Hyderabad, 2020.



Dr. Makendran C

Assistant Professor

Room No. 105, Department of Civil Engineering, Annex Building 

National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli

Tamil Nadu, India - 620015, 

makendran@nitt.edu, (+91) 431 250 3180 (Direct)