International Journals
Seismic Resistant Design of Structures
Ananda Mitra, L. Aditya, Vikrant Parthe, G. Tamizharasi, R. Senthilkumar (2024), “Assessing earthquake resilience in RC buildings: The role of transfer beams and trusses on structural integrity”, Structures, Volume 70, 107885,
- G Tamizharasi, T Shubham, L Aditya, R Senthilkumar (2023), “Performance assessment of RC frame buildings with open ground storey”, Structures, Volume 58, pp 105662, DoI:
- Senthilkumar R and Satish Kumar S R. (2020). “Seismic Performance of Semi-Rigid Steel Concrete Composite Frames”. Structures, Elsevier, Vol. 24, pp. 526-541.
- M Suneel Kumar, Senthilkumar R, L Sourabha (2019), “Seismic Performance of Special Concentric Steel Braced Frames”, Structures, Elsevier, Vol. 20, pp 166-175.
- Senthilkumar R, Satish Kumar S R (2017), “Design of Semi-Rigid Steel Concrete Composite Frames for Seismic Performance”, Journal of Structural Engineering (SERC), Vol.44 (2), pp 136-147.
Steel-Concrete Composite Structures and Stability of Steel Structures
- M. G. Sreelakshmi, Uma Chandru, R. Senthilkumar (2023), "Strengthening Stainless Steel Tubular Beams using Fibre-reinforced Concrete incorporating Sugarcane Bagasse Ash", Journal of Constructional Steel Research, DoI:
- Divya Mohan, Arun Krishna, Senthilkumar R (2023), "Numerical studies on the behavior of cold‐formed double‐channel shear connector", Structural Concrete, DoI:
- Divya Mohan, Senthilkumar R, Prince George, Jayabalan P, Bahurudeen A, Konstantinos Daniel Tsavdaridis (2023), "Development of Novel Shear Connectors for Cold-Formed Steel Concrete Composite Beams", Construction and Building Materials, DoI:
- R Senthilkumar, Pradeesh K and Uma Chandru (2023), "Progress and challenges in double skin steel–concrete composite walls: a review", Innovative Infrastructure Solutions, DoI:
- Senthilkumar R, Divya M, Divya Roy S, Bahurudeen A, Siva Avudaiappan and Konstantinos Daniel Tsavdaridis (2022) “ Behaviour of cold-formed steel-concrete composite columns under axial compression: Experimental and numerical study”, Structures, Elsevier, 44, 487-502.
- Senthilkumar R, Jayabalan P and Divya M (2022) "Push Out Tests on Various Shear Connectors Used for Cold-Formed Steel Composite Beam", Steel and Composite Structures, Technopress, 42(3), 315-323.
- Senthilkumar R, Sunil T S, P Jayabalan (2019) , “Buckling Behaviour of Hollow Flange Channel Beam Sections in Bending”, International Journal of Steel Structures, Springer, Vol.19, pp 1454-1464.
Fire Resistant Design of Structures
- R Senthilkumar, Chinchinada Praveen Akhil Sai Kumar, R Saravanakumar and Dasari Prem Kumar (2022), "Numerical Study on Restrained Thermal Elongation of Cold-Formed Steel Column Subjected to Non-Uniform Thermal Loading under Transient State", Fire Safety Journal, Elsevier, 131,103608
- Senthilkumar R and Dasari Prem Kumar (2021), “Numerical studies on restrained cold-formed steel column subjected to transient thermal loading”, Structures, Elseveir, 32(2),pp 161-169
Development of New Alternative Materials
Shreekanth Birgonda, R. Senthilkumar, S.T. Ramesh (2024), “Long-Term Performance and Phase Characterization of Quaternary Blended Self-Compacting Concrete Incorporating IFSS Aggregates: A Multidisciplinary Investigation”, Journal of Building Engineering,
Uma Chandru, A Bahurudeen, R. Senthilkumar, T. Vijay (2024), “Evaluating the availability and carbon footprint of agricultural waste ashes: a strategy for achieving sustainable cement production in India”, Innovative Infrastructure Solutions, 9:482,
Shreekanth Birgonda, R. Senthilkumar, S.T. Ramesh (2024), “Induction furnace slag as fine and coarse aggregate in quaternary blended self-compacting concrete: A comprehensive study on durability and performance”, Materials Today Sustainability, Volume 27, 100873, DoI:
- Sanjana S Kumar, Rahul Kumar Sonker, Senthilkumar R (2023), "Behaviour of glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) structural profile columns under axial compression", International Journal of Materials Research, DoI:
- Uma Chandru, A. Bahurudeen, R. Senthilkumar (2023), "Systematic comparison of different recycled fine aggregates from construction and demolition wastes in OPC concrete and PPC concrete", Journal of Building Engineering, DoI:
- Sanjana S Kumar, R. Rithuparna, R. Senthilkumar, A. Bahurudeen (2023), "Cleaner production of waste-derived alkali activators from industrial and agricultural by-products for sustainable alkali activated binders", Construction and Building Materials, DoI:
- SN Chinnu, SN Minnu, A Bahurudeen and Senthilkumar R (2022), “Influence of palm oil fuel ash in concrete and a systematic comparison with widely accepted fly ash and slag: A step towards sustainable reuse of agro-waste ashes”, Cleaner Materials, Elsevier, 5, 100122
- KS Teja, Senthilkumar R, Athira G., and Bahurudeen A., (2022), “Reuse of Uncontrolled Burnt Bagasse Ash from Sugar Industry with Waste Rubber Powder in Construction: A Waste to Wealth Approach for Sugar Mills”, Sugar Tech, an International Journal of Sugar Crops and Related Industries, Accepted.
- SN Chinnu, SN Minnu, A Bahurudeen and Senthilkumar R (2021), “Recycling of industrial and agricultural wastes as alternative coarse aggregates: A step towards cleaner production of concrete”, Construction and Building Materials, Elsevier, 287, 123056
- SN Chinnu, SN Minnu, A Bahurudeen and Senthilkumar R (2021), “Reuse of industrial and agricultural by-products as pozzolan and aggregates in lightweight concrete”, Construction and Building Materials, Elsevier, 302,124172
- T Shanmugapriya and Senthilkumar R (2020). “Flexural behaviour of reinforced concrete beams with silica fume and processed quarry fines” Advances in Concrete Construction, Techno press, 10, pp. 161-169.
- Prafulla P. S., Jittin V., Bahurudeen A., Athira G., Senthilkumar R (2019) , “International Perspectives on Industrial Concrete Flooring and the Way Forward in India”, Indian Concrete Journal, pp 59-75.