Dr. Vanama Raghava Kumar
Dr. Vanama Raghava Kumar
Assistant Professor
Department of Civil Engineering
National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli
Tamil Nadu, India

Educational Background
Course |
University/Board |
Year of Passing |
Percentage / CGPA |
Ph.D. (Civil Engineering) |
IIT Bombay |
2021 |
9.73 |
M.Tech. (Structural Engineering) |
VNIT Nagpur |
2015 |
9.17 |
B.Tech. (Civil Engineering) |
JNTU Kakinada |
2013 |
93.09 |
Intermediate (HSC) |
AP State Board |
2009 |
90.60 |
10th / SSC |
AP State Board |
2007 |
91.00 |
Research Interests
- Rebar Corrosion: Monitoring and Mitigation
- Concrete Durability Studies
- Alternative Aggregates for Concrete
- Service Life Estimation and Enhancement
- Repair and Rehabilitation of RC structure
- Conditional assessment and Non-Destructive Testing
- RC Marine structures
- Extradosed Bridges
- Stability of Structures
Career Profile
Organization |
Designation |
Period |
National Institute of Technology (NIT), Tiruchirappalli |
Assistant Professor |
Oct 2022 - Present |
Tech TANGENT Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai |
Manager - Design |
Mar 2022 - Sept 2022 |
IIT Bombay, Mumbai |
Post-Doctoral Fellow |
Mar 2021 - Mar 2022 |
National Institute of Ocean Technology (NIOT), Chennai |
Project Scientist -I (Civil) |
Mar 2016 - June 2017 |
L&T Construction, Chennai |
Postgraduate Engineer Trainee |
Oct 2015 - Feb 2016 |
- Vanama, R. K., Ramakrishnan, B., "An Interface Circuit for an Accelerated Corrosion Test Apparatus". Indian Patent Application No. 201921020474, Patent No.: 436523, GRANTED on 30/Jun/2023.
- Vanama, R. K., Ramakrishnan, B., "System and Method for Corrosion Acceleration of Rebar in Reinforced Concrete Pull-Out Specimen", Indian Patent Application No. 201921034527, Patent No: 393862, GRANTED on 31/Mar/2022.
Refereed Journal Articles
- Vanama, R.K., Ramakrishnan, B., "Experimental Investigation on the Bond-Slip Behavior of Rebars Coated with Epoxy and Polyurethane Systems: A Comparative Study", Journal of Building Engineering, 110066, Volume 94, 2024; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jobe.2024.110066
- Vanama, R.K., Addepalli, H., Ramakrishnan, B., "Optimal Dosage of Fe2O3 Nanoparticles to Enhance Chloride Resistance and Microstructural Properties of Concrete- A Comprehensive Study”, Indian Concrete Journal, 95(4), April 2021
- Vanama, R.K., Ramakrishnan, B., "Concrete Coatings for Mitigation of Embedded Rebar Corrosion", Materials Performance Journal, NACE, ISSN: 0094-1492, Volume 60, Issue 3, 2-5, March 2021
- Vanama, R.K., Ramakrishnan, B., Balasubramanian, K., Patil, S., "Conditional Assessment System for Reinforced Concrete Marine Structures – A Case Study", Intrnational Journal of Maritime Engineering (IJME): Transactions of the RINA, Volume 162, Part A4, 353-360, 2020; https://doi.org/10.5750/ijme.v162iA4.1144
- Vanama, R. K., Ramakrishnan, B., "Improved Degradation Relations for the Tensile Properties of Naturally and Artificially Corroded Steel Rebars", Construction and Building Materials, ISSN: 0950-0618, Volume 249, 118706, 2020; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2020.118706
- Vanama, R.K., Ingle, R.K., "Finite Element Analysis of Skew Box Underpass Bridge - Few Observations", Indian Highways Journal, A publication of Indian Road Congress, ISSN: 0376-7256, Volume 44, Issue Number 2, pp 23-28, February 2016
- Vanama, R.K., Ingle, R.K., "Parametric Study on Skew Underpass Bridge", IJMPE, ISSN: 2320-2092, Vol. 3 (7), 87-91, 2015
Conference Proceedings
- Kopuru, V.N., Vanama, R.K., “Prediction of compressive strength of blended cement mortar using machine learning models”, Proceedings of 14th Structural Engineering Convetion (SEC-2024), 12th-14th Dec 2024, NIT Tiruchirappalli. ISBN: 979-889171163-1
- Kopuru, V.N., Gayathri J.R., Vanama, R.K., “Mechanical and Permeation Characteristics of Concrete Made with Natural and Artificial Aggregates”, Proceedings of 14th Structural Engineering Convetion (SEC-2024), 12th-14th Dec 2024, NITT. ISBN: 979-889171163-1
- Kopuru, V.N., Vanama, R.K., “Potential of Rice Husk Ash Waste in Production of Cold-Bonded Lightweight Aggregate”, 10th International Conference on CONcrete under SEvere Conditions (CONSEC)– Environment and Loading, Chennai, India, September 25-27, 2024
- Vanama, R.K., Ramakrishnan, B., "Effectiveness of Epoxy and Moisture-Cure Polyurethane Coatings in Corrosion Mitigation of Embedded Rebar- An Experimental Study", CORROSION 2020: NACE International, Houston, TX, USA, 2020
- Vanama, R.K., Ramakrishnan, B., "Development of conditional assessment system for berthing structures – A case study", 6th International Conference on Ship & Offshore technology-India, The RINA, 94-99, IIT Kharagpur, India, November 2019
- Vanama, R.K., Ramakrishnan, B., "Effectiveness of Moisture-Cure Micaceous Iron Oxide Polyurethane Coatings in Reducing the Chloride Migration into Concrete - An Experimental Study", CORCON 2019: NIGIS, Mumbai, India, Sept 2019
- Vanama, R.K., Ingle, R.K., "Parametric Study on Skew Underpass Bridge", 25th IRF International conference, Chennai, India, May 2015
- Vanama, R.K., Ingle, R.K., "Study of Loading Specifications for Railway Underpass Bridge", International Conference on Advances in Civil and Mechanical Engineering Systems (ACMES), Govt. College of Engineering, Amravati, India, Dec 2014
- Vanama, R.K., Rao, P.K.R., Reddy, S.R.K., "Enhancement of Mathematical Model in the Stiffness Method of Structural Analysis", National Conference on Innovations in Engineering & Technology (NCIET), GEC, Andhra Pradesh, India, Dec 2013
Awards & Achievements
- Honoured with Young Alumni Achiever Award (YAAA), an SRGEC Ratna Award, Silver Jubilee Celebrations, GEC, Feb-2024
- Secured 'AP' Grade in Coastal and Ocean Environment Course work (CE-769), Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay, July 2017.
- Won Excellent Paper Award at 25th IRF International Conference on Civil Engineering held at Chennai, India, May 2015
- Received University Gold Medal for being Top Ranker in Civil Engg. among (200+) JNTUK Affiliated Colleges, 2009-13
- Honored with the Best Outgoing Student Award & Gold Medal, Gudlavalleru Engineering College (GEC) for 2009-13 AY
- Received Gold Medal and a Certificate of Merit for being the Top-Ranked Student of Civil Engineering 2009-13, GEC
- Received Certificate of Excellence for Securing First Rank among 637 Students of All Branches of B.Tech, GEC, 2009-13
- Received the Best Undergraduate Project award of Civil Engineering Branch of 61 Students, 2009-13 Academic Year, GEC
- Secured 98.21 Percentile In Graduate Aptitude Test for Engineers GATE- 2013 (Civil Engineering) among 67,472 Candidates, AIR 1202
- Won the State Level Technical Paper Contest on Artificial Neural Networks held at GEC, Gudlavalleru, A.P., March 2013
- Won First Prize in a National Level Technical Paper content held at AKRG College of Engg. and Tech., AP, 8th January 2011
- Won Third Prize at the Inter-Departmental Student Paper Contest on 'Green Engineering', GEC on 9th December 2011
Courses Handled
Undergraduate Programme
- Mechanics of Solids
- Analysis of Indeterminate Structures
- Basic Bridge Engineering
- Basics of Civil Engineering
- Engineering Graphics
- Building Planning and Drawing
- Strength of Materials and Concrete Lab
Postgraduate/Doctoral Programmes
- Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design
- Special Concrete
Students' Academic Projects
Ph.D. Scholars
S.No. |
Name |
Roll No. |
Full-Time/ Part-Time |
Research Area / Project Title |
Email |
Status |
1 |
Maruthamuthu P |
403123006 |
Full-Time |
Durability of Reinforced Concrete Structures |
maruthupandi3855@gmail.com |
Ongoing |
2 |
Venkata Naresh K |
403121054 |
Full-Time |
Development of Structural Lightweight Concrete Using Rice Husk Ash-Based Lightweight Aggregates |
venky5495@gmail.com |
Ongoing |
3 |
S Purushotham Rao |
403823051 |
Part-Time |
Durability of Structural Lightweight Concrete |
purushothamrao2011@gmail.com |
Ongoing |
4 |
Kavitha P |
403916002 |
Part-Time |
Experimental and Analytical Investigation of Ceramic Tile Waste Incorporated Fly Ash Concrete |
kavi.dynamic@gmail.com |
Thesis Defended |
Postgraduates (M.Tech.)
S.No. |
Name |
Roll No. |
Year |
Specialization |
Research Area / Project Title |
Email |
Status |
1 |
Apoorva Sonwani |
203223005 |
2024-25 |
Structural Engg. |
Bond-Slip Behaviour of Rice Husk Ash based Lightweight Aggregate Concrete |
apoorvasonwani123@gmail.com |
ongoing |
2 |
Ostwal Saksham Vijay |
203223018 |
2024-25 |
Structural Engg. |
Out-of-Plane Behaviour of Unreinforced Masonry Wallettes Strengthened Using Carbon Textile Reinforced Mortar (CTRM) |
ostsak1@gmail.com |
ongoing |
3 |
Parkavi S |
203223020 |
2024-25 |
Structural Engg. |
Production and Properties of Sugarcane Bagasse Ash Based Alkali-activated Artificial Aggregate under different curing conditions |
parkavisivakumar0@gmail.com |
ongoing |
4 |
Dharani Tharun |
203523008 |
2024-25 |
Construction Technology & Management |
Incorporating Best Practices for Technology Integration and Process Improvement in Substructure Construction of High-Speed Rail |
tharundharani7@gmail.com |
ongoing |
5 |
J R Gayathri |
203222011 |
2023-24 |
Structural Engg. |
Mechanical and Durability Characteristics of Concrete with Agricultural and Industrial Waste derived Pellets as Coarse Aggregates |
gayathrijr7@gmail.com |
Completed |
6 |
Chandan Kumar |
203222007 |
2023-24 |
Structural Engg. |
Mechanical and Durability Properties of Concrete with Ternary Blended Cement Comprising Industrial and Agricultural Waste - Based Supplementary Cementitious Materials |
chandanbitp@gmail.com |
Completed |
7 |
Meenakshi Sharma |
203522012 |
2023-24 |
Construction Technology & Management |
Incorporating Best Practices for Technological Integration and Process Improvement in Launching Full Span Girder in HSR Construction |
meenakshis7017@gmail.com |
Completed |
Undergraduates (B.Tech.)
S.No. |
Name |
Roll No. |
Year |
Research Area / Project Title |
Email |
Status |
1 |
Jitesh Choudhary |
103120045 |
2023-24 |
Chloride Ingress Studies of Lightweight Concrete Made of Rice Husk Ash Based Pellets |
jiteshc24702@gmail.com |
Completed |
Shourya Sinha |
103120105 |
shouryasinha.c137@gmail.com |
S M Jakir Hasan |
103120107 |
103120107@nitt.edu |
2 |
Pyata Anirudh Kumar |
103119085 |
2022-23 |
Optimal Design of Ultra High-Performance Fibre Reinforced Concrete Section |
anirudhkumar2713@gmail.com |
Completed |
SK Iliyas |
103119107 |
iliyasshaik001@gmail.com |
Karangula Yashwanth |
103119051 |
karangulayashwanth330@gmail.com |
Kumbam Tharun Goud |
103119064 |
kumbam.tharun@gmail.com |
Workshops/Conferences Organised
- Organising Secretary, 14th Structural Engineering Convention (SEC)-2024, an international conference, organising by the Department of Civil Engineering, NIT Tiruchirappalli, December 12–14, 2024. For more Details: https://sec2024.nitt.edu/
Academic/Administrative Responsibilities / Co-Curricular Activities
- Warden- Zircon Hostel-A&B, NIT Tirucirappalli, 26-Nov-2024 to Present
- Organising Secretary, 14th Structural Engineering Convention, SEC-2024, 12-14 Dec 2024, NIT Tiruchirappalli, India
- Coordinator of Infrastructure Committee, 19th Convocation 2023, NIT Tiruchirappalli
- Coordinator, Strategic Planning Committee, Department of Civil Engineering, NIT Tiruchirappalli, Calendar Year 2023.
- Coordinator, Ph.D./M.S. Admissions, Department of Civil Engineering, NIT Tiruchirappalli, July 2022, Jan 2023 Semesters.
- HoD Nominee: Comprehensive Examination Committee, Department of Civil Engineering, NIT Tiruchirappalli, Jan 2023, Jan 2024 Semester.
- Coordinator, MIS Committee (Time Table), Department of Civil Engineering, NIT Tiruchirappalli, Jan 2022 Semester.
- Coordinator Ranking Committee, Department of Civil Engineering, NIT Tiruchirappalli, July 2022 and Jan 2023 Semesters.
- Coordinator, NBA Committee for Criterion 1, Department of Civil Engineering, NIT Tiruchirappalli, November 2022 Visit.
- 'Teaching Assistant' at VNIT (2013–15) and IIT Bombay (2017–21) during M.Tech. and PhD programmes, respectively.
- Member of Core Committee Meetings at VNIT, Nagpur, Representing Structural Engineering Branch as 'Top ranker', 2014
- Member of Board of Studies Representing the Alumni, Dept. of Civil Engineering, GEC for Two Years w.e.f. July 21, 2014
- Spearheaded a team of 5 for an undergraduate project and Achieved the Best Thesis Award for the 2009–13 academic year, GEC
Outreach Activities
- Guest lecture at MIET Engineering College, Trichy. 14-Oct-2024
- Member of IRC code committee (Sub-Group B-4.5) to prepare ‘Guidelines on Design and Construction of UHPC (Ultra-High Performance Fibre Reinforced Concrete)’
- Online Expert Session, CHARUSAT, Changa, Gujarat, 19-Mar-2024
- Guest Lecture on UHPFRC, Gudlavalleru Engineering College, Dec 2023
- Reviewer, Structural Engineering Convention (SEC-2023), VNIT Nagpur, Dec-2023
- Member, Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), SRGEC, Gudlavalleru, 2022-24
- Delivered a guest lecture at RISE Krishna Sai Prakasam Group of Institutions, Ongole, on October 3, 2023.
- Keynote speaker at the Second International conference on Advancements in Sustainable Materials and Infrastructure 2023 (ASMI-2023), SNIST, Hyderabad, September 13, 2023
- Expert Talk on ‘Service Life Assessment of Reinforced Concrete Structures Subjected to Corrosion’ in One Week FDP at JBIET, Hyderabad, February 23, 2023
- Keynote Speaker on UHPFRC Fundamentals to Applications in Bridge Engineering, IAStructE Student Chapter, IIIT Hyderabad, 2023
- Vice President, Office Bearer of Alumni Association for FY 23-24, 24-25, Gudlavalleru Engineering College, Andhra Pradesh
- Delivered an Expert Talk on UHPFRC, Manthan Program, Tech Tangent Solutions Pvt. Ltd, 2022
- Delivered a lecture on 'Design of Port/Marine Structures' at CE&QIP Programme, IIT Bombay, July 1st-5th, 2019
- Participated in 'Recent Advances in Concrete Technology and Durability of Concrete structures', CSIR-SERC, August 2019
- Participated in Indo-Norwegian Training Program on 'Seismic Design of Multi-Storey Buildings: IS 1893 Vs. Eurocode8 : VNIT Nagpur, Dec 2014
- Participated in the Short Term Training Program on 'Practical Aspects of Structural Design', VNIT Nagpur, 29th March 2014
Professional Memberships
- Member, The Institution of Engineers (India)
- Life Associate Member, Indian Association of Structural Engineers (IAStructE)
Dr. Vanama Raghava Kumar
Assistant Professor
Room No. C19, Department of Civil Engineering
National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli
Tamil Nadu, India - 620015,
vanama@nitt.edu, (+91) 431 250 3178 (Direct)