Energaia 2018
List of Technical Events:
- Ideate
- Paper/Poster presentation
- Aware a Eco
- Biss whizz (Quiz)
- Just a minute
List of Informal Events:
- Snap it (Photography)
- Contraption
- Treasure hunt
Workshop / Guest lectures:
- Computational Fluid Dynamics workshop by – Mr. Jeswanth Ravula, Application Engineer, ANSYS fluent.
- Solar Photovoltaics and Industrial applications by – Dr. M. Premalatha, Professor, DEE, NIT Trichy
- Electric Hybrid vehicles workshop by – Mr. Vishnu Prakash, M.Tech. 1 st year, DEE, NIT Trichy
Overall Coordinator:
Jude Felix
M.Tech 1 st year, DEE, NIT Trichy