
Accommodated in an energy efficient building with a seating capacity of 40, DEE library is home to more than 500 books covering the engineering disciplines of mechanical, chemical, electrical biotechnology, energy and environment. Library also has a good collection of materials on technical communication, and other general subjects such as health, education and philosophy. In addition to the above, library also possess digital resources (CDs and DVDs) to enhance the communication/listening and innovation skills of the students. Back issues of technical magazines and journals available here for students to keep them abreast on the recent advancements in the field of energy and environment. With books and journals orderly stacked and reports well-arranged year-wise in steel almirahs, the library is generally open for 8 hours in a day, and for more time as per the demands of the students. With the idea of moving towards library automation and for our students to acquire knowledge from digital sources, two desktop computers with high speed internet connection are provided in the library. The latest books are added periodically to the library using annual plan fund.