Electronics and Communication Engineering

To excel in education and research in Electronics and Communication Engineering
M1: To educate with the state of art technologies to meet the growing challenges of the industry.
M2: To carry out research through constant interaction with research organizations and industry.
M3: To equip the students with strong foundations to enable them for continuing Education.
About the Department:
The Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) Department was established in the year 1968. The department offers Undergraduate (UG), Post Graduate (PG), M.S.(By Research) and Ph.D degree programs that provide students with the knowledge and tools they need to succeed in the Electronics and Communication Engineering. Research in the department focuses on high-impact various disciplines: Communication systems, Wireless networks, Signal and Image Processing, RF MEMS and MIC, Microwave antennas, Optical communication and Photonics, VLSI technologies.
In 1968, Five year B.E. Degree programme in Electronics and Communication Engineering was offered with 40 seats affiliated to University of Madras. In the year 2003, the institution was granted Deemed University Status with the approval of the UGC/AICTE and Government of India and renamed as National Institute of Technology (NIT). Currently the department offers four year B.Tech course with student intake of 144. In 1976 the department started M.E. course in Communication Systems and in 1999, M.E. course in VLSI System was started. Both the PG courses having an intake of 28 students. Department produced first doctoral degree in 1989. In 2005, department started the course M.S. (By Research).
The department of ECE is one of the established and largest departments in the institution. Our faculty brings state-of-the-art research, development, and design experience into the classroom, ensuring that our students and alumni are able to apply for registration as professional engineers in all part of global engineering and the scientific community. In all courses the Department has built an excellent reputation for its graduates in terms of placements.
All courses in the department are periodically reviewed, and all have received continuous and ongoing accreditation from the National Board of Accreditation (http://www.nbaind.org/views/Home.aspx). The UG course was accredited by the NBA in 1997 and 2005 for 5 and 3 years respectively. In 2014, the department was recognized by NBA-Washington Accord for 2 years (http://www.nbaind.org/En/1033-washington-accord.aspx). The UG course was provisional accredited by the NBA in 2017 for 3 years and accreditation was extended till 2022. The PG course Communication systems was accredited by the NBA in 2008 for 3 years and 2016 for 5 years respectively. The PG course VLSI was accredited by the NBA-AICTE in 2008 for 5 years and it has been applied for accreditation review in 2014 and accredited in 2019 for 6 years.

The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering claims a broad range of research that spans generation of new fundamental knowledge as a primary function. This culture of collaboration is one of the major strengths of the department, enabling integrative research based on interactions between investigators in different disciplines. The research programs provide facilities and support for graduate students and enable them to pursue their advanced study. Another important function of research is the continuing development of the faculty. In 1985, the department received the first sponsored research project. In the year 2005, the department was selected as a centre for Special Man power development (SMDP) in VLSI and Selected as a centre for Chip to System (C2S) under SMDP in 2015 in VLSI. Two analog VLSI chips- one through INDIA Chip 2010 Programme and another through an R&D project were fabricated. The department proposed the centre of excellence on Electronic System Design and Manufacturing which involves experts from different departments including Mechanical, Metallurgy, Electrical Instrumentation, Computer application and ECE.
Campus Communication Services (CCS), Nationwide Knowledge Network (NKN) and virtual class rooms were established and maintained for the institute by the department faculty members. The department organised programmes through video conferencing between NITT and experts from industry and academia from India and abroad. The Curriculum development workshop was conducted through video conferencing in the department. This is the first of its kind in NITT. In the year 2015, institute set up “Internet of Things’ (IoT) Innovation Centre”, the ECE department played a pivotal role in creation of this central facility and mentoring the students.
The department faculty members interacted with internationally reputed persons. The faculty members and students of the department presented research papers in the referred International conference in India and abroad. Research articles were published in International journals. The journal and conference publications by the department faculty members and students are around 372 and 169 respectively between 2018 and 2023. Patents are granted and filed by the faculty in the department. The department has been actively involved in quite a few quality enhancement projects such as UKIERI- Department of Science and Technology (DST), SMDP, Broadcom, USA, Texas Instruments Ltd and MOTOROLA Electronics. In recent years, the department has embarked on R&D projects funded by central agencies such as MHRD, DEiTy, and SERB-Government of India.
Approved Intake
UG in Electronics and Communication Engineering
Started with 40 seats in 1968
Intake increased to 55 in 1983
Intake increased to 60 in 1990
Intake increased to 76 in 1998
Intake increased to 92 in 2008
Intake increased to 109 in 2018
Intake increased to 145 in 2019
Accredited by NBA-AICTE in 1997 for 5 years
Accredited by NBA-AICTE in 2005 for 3 years
Accredited by NBA in 2014 for 2 years (Washington Accord)
Accredited by NBA in 2017 for 3 years
Accreditation extended by NBA till 2022
PG in Communication Systems
Started with 18 seats in 1976
Intake increased to 25 in 2008
Intake increased to 28 in 2009
Intake increased to 35 in 2020
Accredited by NBA-AICTE in 2008 for 3 years
Applied for Accreditation in 2014
Accredited by NBA in 2016 for 5 years
PG in VLSI System
Started with 18 seats in 1999
Intake increased to 25 in 2008
Intake increased to 28 in 2009
Intake increased to 35 in 2020
Accredited by NBA-AICTE in 2008 for 5 years
Applied for Accreditation in 2014
Accredited by NBA in 2019 for 6 years
Milestones |
Year |
Department of ECE started offering a 5-Year B.E. Degree affiliated to Univ. of Madras.
Starting of M.E. programme in Communication Systems.
Conversion of 5-Year B.E. into a 4-Year Programme.
Sanctioning of the first sponsored research project .
Grant of the Autonomy to the B.E. Programme.
First Ph.D. degree produced.
Visit by the NBA Team, Accredited 5 years.
Collaboration with Texas Instruments Ltd. in the area of VLSI Technology.
Establishment of VLSI laboratory
Starting up of a new M.E. Programme in VLSI System.
Signing up of an MoU with MOTOROLA Electronics India Ltd. for establishment of a Centre of Excellence in ‘DSP and Microcontrollers’.
Selection as a centre for Special Manpower Development Programme(SMDP) in VLSI .
Visit by the NBA Team, Accredited 3 years.
Starting of M.S.(by Research) Programme.
First prize (US$1500) and second
prize (US$1000) won by students in Altera SoPC Design contest.
The First Indian patent granted for a design to an ECE faculty.
ECE faculty won the “Best Ph.D. Thesis” award in Engineering stream.
Two VLSI test chips in UMC 180nm fabricated under India chip program.
Starting of collaboration with University of Saskatchewan, Canada. The First Canadian Common wealth Fellowship for 6 months granted to a Ph.D. student.
First UK-INDIA collaborative projects for £21000 sanctioned under UKIERI Scheme. Paves way for collaboration between NIT-T & University of Edinburgh, UK.
Collaboration with State Univ. of New York & GeorgiaTech, USA on Electronic packaging initiated.
Two VLSI test chips fabricated in 180 nm technology from IMEC, Belgium.
Visit by the NBA Team, Accredited 2 years (Washington Accord)
Critical Review Meeting conducted on 20th October 2014 by Prof.S.Raghavan , Scientific Secretary, Office of the Principal Scientific Adviser to the Government of India. Dr.Uday B.Desai , Director IIT Hyderabad.
Selection as a centre for Chip to System (C2S) under Special Manpower Development Programme (SMDP)in VLSI.
Institute set up “Internet of Things’ (IoT) Innovation Centre”, the ECE department played a pivotal role in creation of this central facility and mentoring the students
MoU with NIT- Uttarakhand – 4 Students from NITU pursuing courses under the credit exchange programme
UG student visited Shantou University, China for 2 months internship programme
Organized the first IEEE International conference on Microwave Integrated Circuits, Photonics, and Wireless Networks sponsored by TEQIP III and cosponsored by IEEE Madras section, IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society, and IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society Kerala chapter
Head of the Department (Previous):
Name |
Year |
Dr. P. Ramakrishna Rao |
1982 |
Dr. P. Ramakrishna Rao |
1983 |
Dr. A.L. Abdulsattar |
1992 |
Dr. P. Ramakrishna Rao |
1995 |
Dr. M. J. S. Rangachar |
1997 |
Dr. M. J. S. Rangachar |
1998 |
Dr. N. Kalyanasundaram |
1999 |
Dr. N. Kalyanasundaram |
2003 |
Dr. N. Kalyanasundaram |
2004 |
Dr. N. Kalyanasundaram |
2006 |
Dr. B. Venkataramani |
2007 |
Dr. B. Venkataramani |
2008 |
Dr. B. Venkataramani |
2009 |
Prof. P. Somaskandan |
2010 |
Prof. P. Somaskandan |
2011 |
Prof. P. Somaskandan |
2012 |
Prof. P. Somaskandan |
2013 |
Dr. D. Sriram Kumar |
May 2013 to August 2013(In-charge) |
Prof. P. Somaskandan |
September 2013 to January 2014 |
Dr. D. Sriram Kumar |
February 2014 to 2017 |
Dr. G. Lakshmi Narayanan |
2017 To Janurary, 2020 |
Dr. P. Muthuchidambaranathan |
Janurary, 2020 To December, 2022 |
Dr. M. Bhaskar |
December, 2022 To Till Date |
Contact Address
The Head of Department,
Electronics and Communication Engineering Department,
National Institute Of Technology,
Tiruchirappalli - 620 015.
Phone : +91 431 2503301
Fax : +91 431 2500133