ECE Association
The ECE Association was the conception of Dr. A.L. Abdusattar (former HOD) in March 1992 seeded with the idea of organizing a national level technical symposium which would be the first of its kind in the college.
Since its conception in 1992, the ECE Association has played the vital role of being the much needed bridge between the students and industry level research and development.
The Association organizes several events throughout the academic year like guest lectures, competitions, field trips, tech talks and most importantly PROBE, one of the largest department symposium in India.
PROBE has played host to several industry giants such as Atmel, National Instruments, CISCO, Cypress Semiconductors, Intel, Schneider Electric and Texas Instruments through workshops and technical talks at the NIT, Trichy campus. With active participation from students in and around the region and recently with international level participation, PROBE has escalated to being a series of events held throughout the year.
The Association works with the following objectives:
- All students of the Department of ECE, NIT Trichy are given default membership
- To provide for all supportive co-curricular training required by students to enhance their curricular performance and keep them updated with recent trends in industry
- To work towards bridging the distance between the textbook syllabi taught and the practical application in industry
- To groom and nurture the qualities of teamwork, leadership, mutual understanding and co-existence and to provide exposure to public and executive communication
- To motivate continued inspiration of the students towards core research in the field of Electronics and Communication Engineering
The ECE Association maintains 3 websites for its members, symposium and national connectivity respectively.
The association has currently taken up the initiative to connect the students in all other sister NITs on a single online platform with active participation from industry and academic researchers.
Activities Conducted By ECE Association 2019-2020
1. Welcoming first years: The academic session kicked off by welcoming the first years to the department as a part of their orientation programme. The ECE Association, being firm believers of collaboration and unity stepped out to give the freshmen an overview into their upcoming four years in the department. A brief session was held to discuss the grading system, internships and placement opportunities, the annual department symposium ‘Probe’, and the department’s achievement in NITTfest and Sportsfete. The session concluded with high spirits and optimism from the freshmen.
2. Inauguration: The ECE Association 2019-’20 was inaugurated by Dr Surendra Pal, Ex-Vice Chancellor DIAT Pune and Deputy Director, Digital & Communications Area, ISRO Satellite Center. The event held on 28th August congratulated the office bearers for the upcoming year and was then followed by a guest lecture by Dr Surendra Pal on the Moon mission Chandrayaan. HoD Dr G Lakshminarayanan, Senior Professors of the Department Dr S Raghavan and Dr B Venkataramani, Faculty Advisor, ECEA, Dr R. Pandeeswari, Faculty Treasurer, ECEA, Prof. R Thilagavathy and other dignitaries graced the occasion with their presence.
3. Sportsfete: The annual inter-departmental sports fest of NITT, witnessed the ECE department head onto the field to prove its mettle in the field of sports. The ECE Association worked tirelessly to inspire teamwork and cooperation within the department. The days of the fest were marked with enthusiastic participation and brought laurels to the department in various events such as chess, basketball, kabaddi and more.
4. Event for first years: ‘Quizzardo’ was the quizzing event hosted exclusively for first years on topics ranging from science and technology to books and cartoons. Nearly 40 teams competed eagerly in this event conducted by the ECE Association and the Balls by Picasso team of NITT.
5. Social Responsibility event: The ECE Association celebrated Children’s Day 2019 by reaching out and spreading joy amongst the children of the REC Middle school, Thuvakudi. Students from first to eighth grade participated in drawing, singing and dancing competitions and various games as a part of this event which aimed at interacting with the children who will become the leaders and innovators of the future.
Initiatives by ECE Association (2021)
1. Started publishing Electronics related content in Medium website
To make use of the Medium website to spread information to a larger scale audience. And to make the information much more accessible to the students. Students showed enthusiasm towards learning through a online medium much more fun at the time of covid. On addition to that this initiative got lot of praise from both students and faculty members.
2. Started a podcast series named Probe FM 55.5
At the time of covid podcasts got so much attention, keeping that in mind we started a podcast series. In the podcast series comprises of notable speakers such as Dr. Shilpa pandit, Dr. Sudeb Dasgupta etc. The podcast consists of their experiences on various topics such as the journey to the Purdue from the corporate world, scaling peaks through mind steps, Exploring scenic depth - the software way, and some of their life experiences.
3. Started a simplified Meme series for better understanding of Electronics
To make the learning about technology much more fun we started a meme series on the Electronics which was hit among the students.
Initiatives by ECE Association (2022)
1. Came up with Student Relations team which works for welfare of the students. They have initiated mentorship program where seniors directed students regarding academic activities in college. In this the seniors students are assigned a couple of juniors to guide them through the college about the academics, extracurricular activities etc. And through this the interaction between the seniors and juniors were made easy and to spread the information accurately through a point of contact.
2. Had a tie up with ECE Association of NIT warangal trying to make this Electronics community much more bigger.
3. Had this campus to corporate where students can interact with Eminent company professionals regarding corporate work lives and career paths
4. Had started a website for ece association from the year 2022
Website link :
Initiatives by ECE Association(2023)
1. Gave an opportunity to the students of ECE to intern under highly qualified professors of ECE department during winter break which helped them gaining high knowledge. The students who are much more interested in the research rather than placement are provided with an winter intern under our Professors and which in sence many students shown Zeal to pursue research.
2. Gave briefings about DAAD and MITACS to student
The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD; German: Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst) and Mathematics of Information Technology and Complex Systems(MITACS) are well known scholarship programs, and through the association we made sure each and every student got the accurate information regarding the scholarship from the eligibility to the application for the scholarship.
3. Placements and Internship
As a part of association we conducted 2 interactive session with the 3rd year ECE students and 2nd year students about the placements and Internship opportunities. The sessions comprises of the importance of getting an internship and what makes it easier to get placed through internship briefly and we also explained how the placements preperation should be done when you are preparing for different job roles. Many of our ECE students profited these sessions.
ECE Association Inaugration 2022-2023

Office bearers
Position of responsibility |
Name |
Faculty advisor |
Dr. R Pandeeswari |
Faculty treasurer |
Dr.R.Thilagavathy |
President , ECE A |
Dr.M.Bhaskar |