Microprocessor and Microcontroller Lab
Microprocessor and Microcontroller Laboratory:
This laboratory is well equipped with Microcontroller trainer kits from Intel and Motorola, ARM boards, POWER PC Reference board, EEPROM Universal Programmer/Eraser. CAD tools like EMU8086, Keil tools for Microcontrollers, Intelligent Schematic Input System (ISIS) providing the development environment for PROTEUS VSM-the revolutionary interactive system level simulator- are available.

List of Experiments
Sl. No.
Intel 8086 (16 bit Micro Processor)
Study experiment on various Addressing modes of 8086 Microprocessor.
a) Block move.
b) Simple Arithmetic operations.
a) Choosing Smallest/ largest number from an array of binary numbers.
b) Sorting of an array of binary numbers.
a) Code Conversion (Eg. ASCII to Packed BCD form).
b) Addition of an array of BCD numbers stored in packed form.
a) Multiplying two 3x3 matrices.
b) Generation of Prime numbers.
Identification & displaying the activated key using DOS & BIOS function calls.
Intel 8051 ( 8 bit Microcontroller)
Detection of key closure (connected to a port line) by polling technique.
Delay generation using i) Nested loop & ii) Timers.
9. |
Toggling the ports and counting the pulses
Counting of external event occurrence through port line.
LCD interfacing.
Generation of different waveforms using DAC (0808).
13. |
ADC interfacing.
Mixed-Signal Microcontroller – 16bit – MSP430 series
14. |
PWM generation and speed control of Motors using MSP430
Details of the Trainer kits & Software tools in the laboratory:
Intel 8051 based trainer kits (ESA 51E)
HC(S) 08- 8 bit Microcontroller kit & its development Tool
HC(S) 12- 16 bit Microcontroller kit & its development Tool
ARM processor based reference kit & its development Tool
Power PC reference kit & its development Tool
Keil Software development tool
Proteus VSM (The complete electronic design system)
Emulator 8086 (emu4.02 version)
MSP430 Mixed Signal TI Microcontroller kits
CORTEX ARM processor boards
Healthy Pi Kit (Raspberry Pi + ECG signal acquisition)
Sensors and Accessories
Lab in charge: Dr.R.Thilagavathy
Contact details:
Name :Dr.R.Thilagavathy
Designation :Assistant Professor
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
National Institute of Technology
Tiruchirappalli – 620 015, Tamil Nadu
Phone : + 91 431 250 3313
Mail Id : thilagavathy@nitt.edu