Dr. E. S. Gopi

Short profile

Dr. E. S. Gopi is a professor in the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering at the National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli (Government of India), with 25 years of experience in teaching and research. He has authored eight books and edited three publications with Springer, primarily focusing on signal processing and pattern recognition. His book Pattern Recognition and Computational Intelligence using MATLAB was recognized by Book Authority as a notable resource in the field. In addition, he serves as the series editor for Springer's Signals and Communication Technology series. He has contributed to several research publications, including journal articles, book chapters, and conference proceedings. His publications include articles in IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking, IEEE Networking Letters, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence, Neurocomputing, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Expert Systems with Applications, Machine Learning with Applications, Ecological Informatics,Computers & Electrical Engineering and Swarm and Evolutionary Computation. He was the principal investigator for a GTRE (DRDO) project on machine learning applications for sensor modeling. Beyond writing, he creates instructional videos on topics such as pattern recognition, statistical theory of communication, and linear algebra, which are popular among students. He has also organized several academic events, including the virtual international conferences MDCWC2020 and MDCWC2023, with proceedings published by Springer. He actively engages with the IEEE community as the Workshop, Tutorials & Symposia Officer for the Machine Learning for Communications Emerging Technologies Initiative. He has been invited to speak at platforms like the Global Initiative of Academic Networks (GIAN) and the IEEE Training School on Machine Learning for Wireless Communication. His research interests include machine intelligence, pattern recognition, statistical signal processing, and computational intelligence.

E-mail and Google link

esgopi [at] nitt [dot] edu

Googlehomepage CV

Research interests