- Algorithm development using Signal processing and Machine learning techniques
- Disseminating knowledge by writing books and recording video lectures Link
- Programming
Quotes and Captions that I like the most
"Gifted Teacher Reveals Simplicity"
"Knowledge and Happiness are the only things which increase on sharing"
"One Earth, One Family, One Future"
Recent activities, Publications and News
Simy M Baby, E.S.Gopi, "Complex Chromatic Imaging For Enhanced Radar Face Recognition" has been accepted for publication in the Elsevier journal on Computers and Electrical Engineering, 2025 Link
Neema et.al , "Improving the Performance of Wireless Signal Recognition Using Dimensionality Reduction–Based Classifiers for Low SNR Signals" has been accepted for publication in the Wiley international journal on Communication Systems, Link 2025
Kiruthika C, E.S.Gopi "FBCNet: Fusion Basis Complex-valued Neural Network for CSI compression in Massive MIMO networks" has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Networking Letters, 2024 Link
Kiruthika C, E.S.Gopi "CSI compression with Kernel-based sparsity learning for FDD Massive MIMO systems" has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking, 2024 Link
Delivered a guest lecture titled "Digital Twin for Agriculture" during the FDP (NC-46/2024-2025) on "Digital Twin" conducted by NITTTR Bhopal on 13-09-2024. Link
K. Vinodha, E.S.Gopi et.al., "Generalized soil texture classification using systematic generation of mixtures based on USDA soil classification triangle" has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters",2024 Link
Book chapter "Regression Model for Antenna Design" Link
Book chapter "DNN Approach to Obtain BER Versus SNR for Spatial Modulation System" Link
Book chapter "High-Resolution Remote Sensing Image Classification with Kernel Linear Discriminant Analysis" Link
Book chapter (Conference proceedings. Recognized as one of the Best paper ICDLAIR 2023,National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra) on "Experimental Analysis for Sensor Reduction to Depict Real-Time Applications Through Regression Techniques" Link
Book chapter (Conference proceedings) "Performance Analysis of Polar Decoding Using Linear Code Mapping with Feedback Based ANN Architecture" Link
Article on "Optimizing Broadband Access and Network Design in Wireless Mesh Networks using Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization" Link
Visited Sangam Digital Twin Networking session held at New Delhi during 18th and 19th June 2024 Link
Received Best Performer Award 2023-2024, NIT Tiruchirappalli
Link to the proceedings of the second international conference on Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Computational intelligence for wireless communication (MDCWC2023) Link
Link to the video lecture conducted during FDP on 5G Technology organized by DOT Link
Current research interest: Digital Twin, Semantic Communication
Visit of DOT officials to National Institute of Technology Tiruchirappalli Link
Attended IEEE Global Communication Conference during 4th to 8th December 2023, KL, Malaysia
K.Vinodha, E.S.Gopi, Tushar Agnibhoj (2024) "LiDAR dataset for object localization", IEEE Dataport, doi: Link
K.Vinodha, E.S.Gopi, Tushar Agnibhoj (2024) "LiDAR-based estimation of bounding box coordinates using Gaussian process regression and particle swarm optimization" Elsevier journal on Biomimetic Intelligence and Robotics , ISSN: 2667-3797
K.Vinodha, E.S.Gopi (2024), "Analyzing the performance improvement of Hierarchical binary classifiers using ACO through Monte carlo simulation and Multiclass Engine vibration data" , Elsevier journal on Expert systems with Applications (Impact factor:8.5, Cite Score:12.6 , ISSN: 0957-4174
Launch of 5G Usecase (Media News in English)
Launch of 5G Usecase (Media News in Tamil)
Proceedings of MDCWC2023 First page
MDCWC2023 (22 TO 24 June 2023) EVENT PHOTOS
Nominated as the Institute Library Advisory Committee member since April 2023
Delivered Invited Talk on "Introduction to Machine Learning RF, Microwave, Millimeter wave Technologies" during SERB Sponsored High End Workshop (Karyashala) on "Recent Trends and Future prospects for Beyond 5G in RF, Microwave, Millimeter wave Technologies" during 23rd 29th July 2023
Delivered Invited talk on "Machine Learning for Wireless Communication" during SERB Sponsored High End Workshop (Karyashala) on "Modelling of Energy Efficient Waveforms and Systems for B5G Communications during 3 to 9th July 2023
Delivered lectures on "Machine learning for wireless communication" during GIAN course at VNIT, Nagpur during 26th and 27th December 2022.
Link 1
Link 2
Link 3
Link 4
Delivered guest lecture on "Machine learning for wireless communication", during Karyashala high end workshop APPLICATION OF MACHINE LEARNING IN B5G WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS on 20th December 2022 (F.N.) at NIT, Tiruchirappalli
Session chair and Guest of Honor for the 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Applications (ICISA 2023), Organized by MIT World Peace University, Pune on May 3rd and 4th 2023
Delivered guest lecture on "Machine learning for wireless communication-case study", during SERB sponsored one day workshop on Advanced Multicarrier Waveforms for Next Generation Wireless Systems on 18th November 2022 during 2.00 P.M. to 3.30. P.M. at NIT, Tiruchirappalli
Summary on ONLINE Workshop MDCWC2022 (30th May to 24th June 2022)
Received Best performer Award 2022, NIT,Tiruchirappalli
Series Editor, Signals and Communication Technology (Springer pubication,Scopus indexed) : https://www.springer.com/series/4748
Principal investigator for the GTRE project
Workshops, Tutorials & Symposia officer for Machine Learning For Communications Emerging Technologies Initiative (IEEE ComSoc) ETI MLC
Editing the book on "Machine Learning for Wireless Communication with Simulation Illustrations, Signals and Communication Technology series, Springer publications" Link
Publications in Machine learning (Videos, Journals, Books and Book chapters)
- Video lectures: Youtube link on Pattern recognition and Computational Intelligence course
- Rajasekharreddy, Poreddy, E.S.Gopi Improvement of Accuracy of under-performing classifier in decision making using discrete memory less channel model and Particle Swarm Optimization (2022), Elsevier journal on Expert systems and applications,2022
- G.Jayabrindha, E.S.Gopi, Masking Technique based Attention Mechanism for Off-type Identification in Plants (2022), Elsevier journal on Machine Learning with Applications, 2022
- E.S.Gopi, Pattern recognition and Computational intelligence techniques using Matlab (2019), Transactions on computational science and computational intelligence, ISSN 2569-7072, Springer publications,
- E.S.Gopi, P.Palanisamy, "Fast computation of PCA bases of image subspace using its inner-product subspace", Elsevier journal on Applied Mathematics and Computation (Q1 quartile, Impact factor: 4.02 Cite score:3.092 ), Vol.219-12, pp.6729-6732, 2013, ISSN:0096-3003.(SCIE)
- E.S.Gopi, P.Palanisamy "Neural network based class-conditional probability density function using kernel trick for supervised classifier", Elsevier journal on neuro computing (Q1 quartile,Impact factor:4.02, Cite score:5 ), Vol.154, pp. 225-229, 2014, ISSN:0925-2312. (SCIE)
- E.S.Gopi,P.Palanisamy, "Maximizing Gaussianity using kurtosis measurement in the kernel space for kernel linear discriminant analysis", Elsevier journal on neuro computing (Q1 quartile,Impact factor:4.02, Cite score:5) ,Vol.144, pp.329-337, 2014, ISSN:0925-2312.(SCIE)
- E.S.Gopi, P.Palanisamy "Formulating particle swarm optimization based membership linear discriminant analysis", Elsevier journal on swarm and evolutionary computation (Q1 quartile, Impact factor: 6.33, Cite score:7.73 ) , Vol.12, pp.65-73, 2013, ISSN:2210-6502. (SCIE)
- Sankar N Nair, E.S.Gopi, "Deep Learning Techniques for Crime Hotspot Detection", Optimization in Machine learning and Applications, Springer, 2020
- G.J.Brinda, E.S.Gopi, "Maximizing Profits in Crop Planning Using Socio Evolution and Learning Optimization", Edited volume on Socio-cultural Inspired Metaheuristics, Springer, 2019
- Rajasekharreddy, Poreddy, E.S.Gopi, Feature Selection for Vocal Segmentation Using Social Emotional Optimization Algorithm, Springer, 2019
- E.S.Gopi, P.Palanisamy, "Formulating Particle Swarm Optimization based Generalized Kernel Function for Kernel-Linear Discriminant Analysis", Elsevier journal on Proceedia technology, Vol.6, pp.517-525, 2013
- E.S.Gopi, P.Palanisamy, "Scatter Matrix versus the Proposed Distance Matrix on Linear Discriminant Analysis for Image Pattern Recognition", Springer, pp.101-108, 2014
Publications in Signal and Image processing (Videos, Journals, Books and Book chapters)
- Video lectures: Youtube link on Linear algebra, Probability and Stochastic process
- E.S.Gopi, Digital signal processing for medical imaging using Matlab (2012), ISBN 978-1-4614-3139-8, Springer publications,(Book)
- E.S.Gopi, Mathematical summary for digital signal processing applications with Matlab (2010),ISBN:978-90-481-3746-6, Springer publications,(Book)
- E.S.Gopi, Algorithm Collections for Digital Signal Processing Applications Using Matlab (2007), ISBN: 978-1-4020-6409-, Springer publications,(Book)
- E.S.Gopi, Digital Image processing using Matlab (2007) : ISBN:9788183715867, Scitech publications,(Book)
- E.S.Gopi, Digital Speech processing using Matlab (2014), Signals and Communication technology, ISSN 1860-4862 , Springer publications,(Book)
- E.S.Gopi, Multi-Disciplinary Digital Signal Processing: A functional approach using Matlab (2017), ISBN 978-3-319-57429-5, Springer publications,(Book)
- G.Jayabrindha, E.S.Gopi, "An hierarchical approach for automatic segmentation of leaf images with similar background using kernel smoothing based Gaussian process regression " , Elsevier journal on Ecological informatics (Q1 quartile, Impact factor:2.511) Article 101323 , Vol.63, 2021. (SCIE)
- G.Jayabrindha, E.S.Gopi, "Ant Colony Technique for Optimizing the Order of Cascaded SVM Classifier for Sunflower Seed Classification" , IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence, pp.78 - 88, Vol.2, Issue 1, 2017.(Impact factor:4.989)(SCIE)
- E.S.Gopi, "Digital image forgery detection using artificial neural network and independent component analysis", Elsevier journal on Applied Mathematics and Computation (Q1 quartile,Impact factor:4.02 Cite score:3.092) ,Vol. 194-2, 2007, pp. 540-543. ISSN:0096-3003 (SCIE)
- Hemant Sharma and E.S. Gopi. "Signal processing approach for music synthesis using bird’s Sounds", Elsevier journal on Procedia Technology , Volume 10, 2013, Pages 287-294
- Vinoth S and E S Gopi. ‘’Neural network modeling of color array filter for digital forgery detection using kernel LDA’’, Elsevier journal on Procedia Technology , Volume 10, 2013, Pages 287-294
- Jay.K.Patel and E.S.Gopi, ‘’Musical Notes identification using Digital signal processing’’, Elsevier journal on procedia computer science (Cite score: 1.03) , Volume 57, 2015, Pages 876–884
- Hari Babu Padarthi and E.S.Gopi, ‘’ Medical data classifications using Genetic algorithm based Generalized Kernel Linear Discriminant analysis’’, Elsevier journal on procedia computer science (Cite score:1.03), Volume 57, 2015, Pages 868–875
- Florintina.C, E.S.Gopi, "Music composition inspired by sea wave patterns observed from beaches", Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Data Engineering and Communication Technology (ICDECT 2017), Springer,2017.
- Kshitij Rachchh, E.S.Gopi, "Inclusion of Vertical bar in the OMR sheet for Image Based Robust and Fast OMR Evaluation Technique using Mobile Phone Camera ",Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Data Engineering and Communication Technology (ICDECT 2017), Springer, 2017
- E.S.Gopi, R.Lakshmi, N.Ramya, and S.M. Shereen Farzana, " Music indexing using Independent Component Analysis with pseudo-generated sources,Independent Component Analysis and Blind Signal Separation", Springer Berlin Heidelberg,pp.1237-1244, 2004
Publications in Wireless communication (Videos, Journals, Books and Book chapters)
- Video lectures: Youtube link on Recent works done in wireless communication-part 1
- Video lectures: Youtube link on Recent works done in wireless communication-part 2
- Video lectures: Statistical theory of communication
- E.S.Gopi, Machine Learning, Deep learning and computational intelligence(2021), Proceedings of MDCWC2020, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Series, ISSN 978-981-16-0289-4, (Edited and authored few book chapters of the conference proceedings) Springer publications
- E.S.Gopi, Digital signal processing for wirelesss communication using Matlab (second edition) (2021) ,ISBN 978-3-319-20651-6, Springer publications (Book)
- E.S.Gopi, Digital signal processing for wirelesss communication using Matlab (2015) ,ISBN 978-3-319-20651-6, Springer publications (Book)
M.Neema,E.S.Gopi, Reddy Viswas and Mukesh Gandhi "DNN Approach to Obtain BER vs SNR for Spatial Modulation System " , Handbook of Formal Optimization. Springer, Singapore, 2023, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-8851-6_35-1
M.Neema,E.S.Gopi, "Data driven approach for mmWave channel characteristics prediction using deep neural network " , Springer journal on Wireless Personal Communications,(SCIE),2021
- Sharan Chandra, Gopi E S, Hrishikesh Shekhar and Pranav Mani ,” Deep Learning to Predict the Number of Antennas in a Massive MIMO Setup based on Channel Characteristics”, in the book "Proceedings of MDCWC2020', Springer publications, ,2021
- Yashvanth L, Dharanya V and Gopi E.S ,” Novel method of Self - Interference Cancellation in Full - duplex radios for 5G wireless technology using Neural Networks”, in the book "Proceedings of MDCWC2020', Springer publications, ,2021
- Pranav Mani, Gopi E S, Hrishikesh Shekhar and Sharan Chandra ,” Generative Adversarial Network and Reinforcement Learning to Estimate Channel Coefficients”, in the book "Proceedings of MDCWC2020 ', Springer publications,2021
- S Swedha and E.S.Gopi ,” LSTM Network for Hotspot Prediction in Traffic Density of Cellular Network”, in the book "Proceedings of MDCWC2020 ', Springer publications,2021
- Mayank Lauwanshi and E.S.Gopi ,” Rank reduction and Diagonalization of Sensing matrix for Millimeter wave Hybrid precoding using Particle Swarm Optimization”, in the book "Constraint Handling in Metaheuristics and Applications', Springer publications,2021
- Shailendra Singh and E.S.Gopi, “Maximising Downlink Channel Capacity of NOMA System using Power Allocation Based on Channel Coefficients using Particle Swarm Optimization and Back Propagation Neural Network”, in the book Constraint Handling in Metaheuristics and Applications', Springer publications, 2021
- Shaik Mahammad, E.S.Gopi, Vineetha Yogesh, "The Roulette Wheel selection based Computational Intelligence technique to design an efficient transmission policy for Energy Harvesting Sensors" ,Optimization in Machine learning and Applications, Springer, 2020
- Vineetha Yogesh, E.S.Gopi, Shaik Mahammad, "Particle Swarm Optimization based HMM parameter estimation for spectrum sensing in Cognitive radio system", Edited volume on Computational intelligence for Pattern Recognition, Springer, 2018.
Click here to view full list of conference publications
Other activities and News
- Delivered invited talk on "Maximum Likelihood, Bayes Optimal Classifier" on 7-07-2022 during Online Faculty Development Training Programme conducted by the Department of Computer Science, Anna University Regional campus, Tirunelveli
- Delivered invited talk on "Linear and Logistic regression" on 9-07-2022 during Online Faculty Development Training Programme conducted by the Department of Computer Science, Anna University Regional campus, Tirunelveli
- MDCWC2022 was conducted during 30th May to 24th June 2022
- Delivered the Lecture (online) on "Predictive and Temporal Medical Data Modelling" during AICTE – ISTE sponsored One Week (Six Days) Online Induction/Refresher Programme on Medical Data Analytics with Python on 6th Jan 2022
- Delivered the Lecture (online) on "Artificial Intelligence for Agriculture applications" Organized by Institute of Artificial Intelligence, MIT World peace University on November 22nd 2021
- Delivered the Lecture (online) on "Machine learning for wireless communication" during the invited talk organized as part of by P.G. programme on Wireless Communication offered by SLTC and Internationally recognized degree from Liverpool John Moores University, UK on 11th September 2021
- Delivered the invited talk (online)on "Machine learning for wire less communication" during CSIR sponsored Two days National Level Seminar on "Security issues and Challenges in 5G Wireless Networks" on 23rd August 2021
- Delivered the lecture (online) on "Illustrations on the usage of Deep learning on wireless communication applications" during the special session on Machine Learning , Deep learning and Computational intelligence 2021 (MDCWC 2021), 10th IEEE Conference on Information and Automation for sustainablility on 12th August 2021
- CALL FOR BOOK CHAPTERS Book series:Signals and Communication Technology, Springer publications. Editors:Dr.E.S.Gopi,NIT,Tiruchirappalli, Dr.Dush Nalin Jayakody, National Research Tomsk Polytechnique University (TPU), Russia
- MDCWC2021 programme schedule on 12th August 2021
- Delivered online invited talk on "Dimensionality reduction techniques for Healthcare Applications", during FDP on Artificial Intelligence in Revolutionizing Healthcare on 23rd July 2021, sponsored by AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy, Government of India
- Coming up: The book titled "Digital Signal Processing for Wireless communication using Matlab" (second edition), published by the series:Signals and Communication (indexed in scopus),Springer publications Click here for further details .
- Guest faculty for the course on M.Sc. in Wireless communication offered by SLTC and Internationally recognized degree from Liverpool John Moores University, UK. For futher details Click here .
- Delivered online invited talk on "Tips on Technical writing",during KARYASHALA, High-End Workshop, "Methods and Tools for Effective Dissemination of Research Ideas and Findings" on 20th June 2021
- Delivered online invited talk on "Digital speech processing" and "DFT and its applications" during FDTP on Discrete time signal processing on 1-06-2021 and 2-6-2021 respectively.
- Link to the Proceedings of MDCWC2020 edited by Dr. E.S.Gopi Link (Scopus indexed)
- Link to the promotional video on MDCWC 2021 MDCWC2021
- Speaker for the IEEE Training school in Machine learning for wireless communication, TOMSK Polytechnic University (24 to 26 March 2021), Russia.MLFWC
- Applications are invited from the candidate with B.Tech in CSE/ ECE/ IT/ EEE/ ICE with relevant M.Tech to execute DRDO/GTRE project on "Hunting representative sensors and constructing regression model between sensor outcomes using ML ". Formal advertisement and the Application form are available in the NITT homepage. Only selected candidates will be intimated for the ONLINE Interview. You need to upload ONLY in the specified format along with the relevant documents to the link provided in the advertisement (see to the NITT homepage) (Deadline over). Short listed candidates for the interview will be intimated shortly (Interview completed).
- Delivered Online Lecture on "Linear regression and dimensionality reduction techniques for Biomedical pattern recognition" as the part of Short term course on "Advancements in Signal Processing and Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare, on 16th Feb 2021 during 5.00 to 6.30 P.M., funded by SERB, Government of India, Organized by IIIT,Kancheepuram.
- Link to the Conference proceedings MDCWC2020 Event Details
- Link to MDCWC2021, Special session of ICIAFS2021 Submit paper to MDCWC2021
- Workshops, Tutorials & Symposia officer for Machine Learning For Communications Emerging Technologies Initiative (ETI MLC)
- Delivered online lecture on "Fuzzy clustering and Pattern recognition in Computer Science" on 31st December 2020 during 2.00 to 3.30 P.M., organized by ATAL Academy, Government of India
- Delivered online lecture on (a) Introduction to Data Science (b) Machine Learning and Deep learning for ATAL Academy, Government of India on 2nd November 2020 between 10.30 to 1.30 P.M.
- The book titled "Pattern reconition and Computational intelligence using Matlab" sole authored by Dr.E.S.Gopi is recognized as one of the best pattern recognition books and one of the best Matlab ebooks by Book authority. It is also recognized as one of the best New Pattern recognition book by Book authority. Also the book titled "Digital Signal Processing for Wireless Communication using Matlab" sole authored by Dr.E.S.Gopi is recognized as one the best new signal processing book,New signal processing books, Signal processing books of all time, Best wireless communication books of all time,
Courses handled/handling
- Statistical theory of communication (UG)
- Linear algebra and stochastic process (PG)
- Pattern recognition (UG Global elective)
- Pattern recognition and computational intelligence (PG elective )
- Digital signal processing for wireless communication (UG elective )
- Digital speech processing (UG elective)
- Statistical signal processing (UG Honours)
- Digital signal processing for medical imaging (UG Honours)
- Digital signal processing laboratory (for UG) (2009-2016)
- Digital signal and Image processing laboratory (for PG (communication systems)) (2010-2016)
Positions held
- Professor, Since 11th March 2024, National Institute of Technology Tiruchirappalli
- Associate professor, 2018-2024, National Institute of Technology Tiruchirappalli
- Lecturer, Assistant professor 2006 -2018, National Institute of Technology Tiruchirappalli
- Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, 1998-2006 - Other private institutions
- Ph.D (Investigations on Linear Discriminant Analysis), National Institute of Technology Tiruchirappalli.
- M.E, Communication Systems with First Class with Distinction from Anna University .
- B.E, Electronics and Communication Engineering with First Class with Distinction from Madurai, Kamaraj University.
Other Assignments
- Start-up cell faculty facilitator during 2018
- Community Radio Station FM 90.8 - Programme member during 2016 .
- Instrumental for the NBA activities for M.Tech. (Communication Systems) during 2016.
- Department Project Evaluation Committee member for M.Tech. (Communication Systems) during 2012-2015.
- BOS co-ordinator during 2015.
Awards received:
- Life Time Golden Achievement award 2021, by Bharat Rattan Publishing House.
- Young Scientist travel grant by Department of science and technology, SERC division to present paper in the conference held at Singapore during 26th to 28th Feb 2010
- "Best citizens of India 2013" by the International publishing house.
- "Shiksha Rattan Puraskar Award", certificate of excellence by Dr. Bhishma Narain Singh, Former Governor Assam and Tamil Nadu at India International Centre, New Delhi on 9th Feb 2013
- "Glory of India Gold Medal" by presented by Shri Syed Sibtey Razi, Former Governor of Jharkhand, at India International Centre, New Delhi on 9th Feb 2013
Countries visited for attending the international conferences:
- GLOBECOM 2023, Malaysia,2023
- ICDIP 2011,Singapore,2011
- ICA 2004,Granada,Spain,2004
Contact Address