Dr. D. Sriram Kumar

- Microwave and Optical Engineering
- Antennas and Wave Propagation
- Carbon Nanotube Antennas
Academic Qualification
- B.E (1991) in Electronics and Communication Engineering, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai, India.
- M.E (1993) with Distinction in Microwave and Optical Engineering, Alagappa Chettiar College of Engineering and Technology, Karaikudi, India.
- Ph.D (2009) in Microwave Integrated Circuits – Coplanar Waveguide- Discontinuities, Periodic structures – Analysis, Antenna Applications, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli, India.
Work Experience and Positions Held
- Professor since March 2018
- Head of the department (From 4-2- 2014 to 3-2- 2017)
- Head of the department - In charge (30/05/2013 – 04/08/2013)
- Associate Professor (Since July 2010)
- Faculty, National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli, India (Since 19/11/1997)
- Faculty, Raja College of Engg & Tech, Madurai, Tamil nadu (24/07/1996 - 18/11/1997)
- Faculty, VIT, Vellore, Tamil nadu (03/08/1994 - 23/06/1996)
Research Interests
- Microwave integrated circuits
- Optical networks
- Smart antennas
- Carbon nanotube antennas
- Free space optics
- Optical & Reconfigurable antennas
- Flexible electronics
- Photonics
Academic Excellence
- Underwent TEQIP training at Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore during May 2007 (1 month), on "Millimeter wave techniques and fabrication", under the guidance of Prof. Dr. A. Alphonse, School of Electrical and Electronics Engineering.
- Got best researcher award, 2017 at NIT Trichy.
Projects Undertaken
- RF MEMS component (Reconfigurable antenna), MHRD, 36 months, worth Rs.11 lakhs (As Project Coordinator).
- Highly-Compact Very Large Mode-Area Hybrid Multi-Trench Optical Fiber for High Power Industrial Lasing Applications, Science and Engineering Research Board(SERB), Department of Science and Technology, worth Rs. 20.89 lakhs (As Co-Principal Investigator).
- Development of Dense Deployable Massive MIMO antenna system for 5G wireless communications with reduced correlation/ mutual coupling, Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), Department of Science and Technology, worth Rs. 60 lakhs (As Project Coordinator).
D. Sriram Kumar, Problems and Solutions in Probability, Random Variables and Random Signal Principles by Peyton Z. Peebles, McGraw-Hill Education publications, 2012.
Click here to view the list of Journals.
Click here to view the list of National and International Publications.
Ph.D Guidance
M.S (By Research) Guidance
Workshop / Seminar organized
- TEQIP II Sponsored, a two-day workshop on “Research methods and LaTeX”, 20 & 21, September 2013.
- TEQIP II Sponsored, a two-day workshop on “Recent trends in wireless networks”, 26 & 27, August 2013.
- A one-day technical seminar on “Research issues and challenges in social network computing”, 04, May 2012.
- Two-day workshop on “Research methods”, 05 & 06, August 2010.
- AICTE - MHRD sponsored faculty development program on “Recent trends in microwave integrated circuits”, 17, July 2010.
- One-day workshop on “Microwave integrated circuit component's design, layout and fabrication - an introduction”, 07, October 2006.
Arranged Guest Lecturers
Several IIT Madras and IISc Bangalore eminent professor’s guest lecturers were arranged. The very recent guest lecturers are listed below,
- “Wireless optical networks”, The talk delivered by Prof. Dr. Srinivas, Department of Electrical Communication Engineering, Indian Institute of Science (IISc.), Bangalore.
- “Photonic integrated circuits and applications”, The talk delivered by Prof. Dr. Srinivas, Department of Electrical Communication Engineering, Indian Institute of Science (IISc.), Bangalore.
- “MOEMS and its applications”, The talk delivered by Prof. Dr. Srinivas, Department of Electrical Communication Engineering, Indian Institute of Science (IISc.), Bangalore.
- “Advances in fiber optic communication”, The talk delivered by Prof. Dr. Balaji Srinivasan, Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT M) Madras.
- “Issues and threads in mobile networks”, The talk delivered by Prof. Dr. Giridhar, Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT M) Madras.
- “Research avenues in RF domain”, The talk delivered by Prof. Dr. Subramanian, Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT M) Madras.
Academic and Administrative Responsibilities Held
- Ph.D. & MS (By Research) Admission committee (Chairman 2012-14).
- Presently member in Centre of Excellence (CoE) in (i) Electronic packaging, (ii) Smart structures, and (iii) Social network computing.
- TEQIP (Nodal Officer / Finance, during Jan. 2010 – Jan.2013)
- Computer Central Committee (Executive member, from 29/05/2009 to 22/03/2012)
- Training officer at Training and Placement NITT (During Jan. 2007 – Dec. 2010)
- Secretary and Treasurer of ISTE-NITT chapter (Since 2003 to till date).
Professional Body Membership
- Fellow of IETE, New Delhi, Since April 2017.
- Fellow of Institution of Engineers, Since March 2017.
- Chartered Engineer (INDIA), Since 09.02.2001.
- Member of Society of Automotive Engineers, INC, Since 1997.
- Life Member of ISTE (LM 20034), New Delhi, Since 1995.
Contact Address
Dr. D. Sriram Kumar
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
National Institute of Technology Tiruchirappalli
India - 620015