
Dr.S.Arul Daniel


Dr.S.Arul Daniel


Professor (Higher Administrative Grade)



E-mail Id

daniel@nitt.edu, saruldaniel@gmail.com

Specialization: Power Systems

Details of Academic Work

  • Curriculum Development: Introduced (a) Networks and Linear Systems and (b) Design thinking at B.Tech. level & (a) Electrical Distribution Systems (b) Renewable power generation technologies at the M.Tech. level.

B.Tech    : (a) Circuit theory (b) Networks and Linear systems (c) Transmission and distribution of electric energy (d) Power system analysis (c) Computer Architecture (d) Linear integrated circuits (e) control systems (f) instrumentation systems (g) circuits and devices laboratory (h) electronics laboratory (i) ac and dc machines laboratories (j)instrumentation and control laboratory (h) microprocessors and micro-controller laboratory (i) power electronics laboratory

M.Tech. : (a) Power System Operation and Control (b) Electrical Distribution Systems (c) Power System Stability (d) Smart Grid technologies (e) Power system planning and reliability (f)Renewable power generation technologies

  • Projects guided at the Postgraduate level: More than 60
  • Other contribution(s): Had been in Department Project Evaluation Committee (DPEC) since its inception.