Dr. M. Jaya Bharata Reddy

Dr. M. Jaya Bharata Reddy is working as a Professor in the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, National Institute of Technology (NIT), Tiruchirappalli, India. He received the Ph.D. degree from Birla Institute of Technology (BIT), Ranchi, India, in 2008. In 2010, he received the prestigious national level Institution of Engineers of India (IEI) Young Engineer's Award in the field of Electrical Engineering in recognition of his research. Subsequently, in 2013, he received SERB Fast Track Young Scientist Award from the Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India. He is a Senior Member of IEEE. He is presently serving as Associate Editor for four highly reputed International journals like IET GTD, IET HV, IEEE Access and Electric Power Components & Systems. He holds three patents. He has published more than 110 journal and conference papers. He received four SERC externally funded projects from Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India worth of 177 Lakhs approximately. He has been a reviewer for many reputed international journals such as IEEE transactions, IET, Elsevier etc. in the field of power engineering. He has served as a Program Committee member for many IEEE international conferences. His current research interests include smart grid, micro grid, substation automation, wide-area protection, digital relaying, soft computing applications in power system, power quality analysis and power system protection.
Name Dr. M. Jaya Bharata Reddy
Designation Professor
Office Address Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu 620 015.
Email (Primary) jbreddy@nitt.edu
- Ph.D., DSP applications for Digital Relaying, Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi (2008).
- M. E., Electrical Engineering, Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi (2004).
- B. Tech., Electrical Engineering, Nagarjuna University, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh (2002).
- Professor - National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirapalli, Tamil Nadu, India (Oct 2019 - present)
- Associate Professor - National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirapalli, Tamil Nadu, India (Jan 2012 - Sept 2019)
- Assistant Professor - National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirapalli, Tamil Nadu, India (Jan 2009 - Jan 2012)
- Lecturer - Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi, India (July 2004 - Jan 2009)
Research Areas
- Digital relaying
- Power system protection
- Soft computing applications in power systems
- Wide Area Measurements and Protection
- Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU)
- Substation automation
- Power quality analysis
- Micro grid and Smart grid
- Renewable sources
- Cyber security for smart grid
Curriculum Development
- MATLAB application to Power system (BIT,Mesra)
- Digital Signal Processing (BIT,Mesra)
- Power System Hardware Lab-PG (NIT,Trichy)
- Circuits and Devices Lab (NIT,Trichy)
- Computer Relaying and Wide-Area Measurement Systems (NIT,Trichy)
- Power systems lab-UG (NIT,Trichy)
Courses taught at Postgraduate and Undergraduate levels
- Circuit Theory
- Power systems I & II,
- Basic Electrical Engineering,
- Introduction to system theory,
- Power system switchgear and Protection,
- Power Generation systems.
- Transmission and Distribution systems
- Power system Analysis
- Digital Signal Processing (DSP)
- Power Quality
- Computer Relaying and Wide-Area Measurement Systems
- Power systems lab-UG and PG
Details of Major R&D Projects
- Sustainable Energy system for Achieving Novel Carbon Neutral Energy communities (SUSTENANCE), Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India, Rs.118.6 Lakhs (2021-2025) - Ongoing- Role- Co-PI
- Realization and Implementation of Wide-Area Disturbance Monitoring and Protection Methodology for Future Grids using PMUs, SERB, DST, Govt. of India, Rs.31.56 Lakhs (2019-2022) - Completed-Role-PI
- Investigation on Data-Driven Event Detection using Indian Power Grid’s Synchrophasor Data, SERB, DST, Govt. of India, Rs.19.41 Lakhs (2018-2021)- Completed-Role-Co-PI
- Design and Development of Solar Photo-Voltaic Powered Cold Storage System, CERI, Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India, Rs 105.81560 Lakhs- (2016-2020) - Completed-Role-PI
- Development of Micro grid Test-Bed for Renewable Energy Management System,SERB, DST, Govt. of India, Rs.20.85 Lakhs-(2012-2015)-Completed-Role-PI
Research Scholar
- PhD : Graduated-4; Continuing-2
- M Tech: Graduated-39; Continuing-2
Ph.D Guidance
- A Mariselvam, Ph.D. PMRF Scholar (graduated in September 2023), Thesis Title: “A Novel Secure and Dependable Distance Protection Methodology Immune to Stressed Conditions”.
- B. Pradeep Kumar, Ph.D. (graduated in December 2021), Thesis Title: “Investigation of Effective Schemes for Detecting Array Faults and Module Degradation in PV Systems”.
- Mallikarjuna B, Ph.D. (graduated in August 2019), Thesis Title: “Real-time Synchrophasor Assisted Adaptive Relaying Methodology to Prevent Mal-operation Under Stressed Conditions”.
- GopaKumar P, Ph.D. (graduated in August 2015), Thesis Title: “Transmission Line Fault Detection, Classification and Localization in Smart Power Grids using PMUs”.
Awards and Honors
- Innovating Contributions Award 2023-NIT, Tiruchirappalli.
- Sponsored Research Projects Award (Department of EEE) 2018-NIT, Tiruchirappalli.
- Research Publication Award (Department of EEE) 2018-NIT, Tiruchirappalli.
- Sponsored Research Projects Award (Department of EEE) 2016-NIT, Tiruchirappalli.
- IEI YOUNG ENGINEERS AWARD - 2010 in the Field of Electrical Engineering. (Received an amount of Rs10,000/- and a Certificate)
- GATE (Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering) Scholarship form 2002-2004.
- IEEE Senior Member (from March 2013 onwards)
- Organizing Secretary and Technical Chair 20th National Power Systems Conference- NPSC 2018,NIT,Trichy
- Program Committee Member for EEEIC (2008-2013) International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering(IEEE).
Editorial Board Member
- Subject Editor for IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution (from August 2023-Till date)
- Associate Editor for IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution (from August 2018-Till date)
- Guest Editor-in-Chief- IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution special issue on "Emerging Trends in System Integrity Protection Schemes (SIPS) for Improving the Performance of Smart Grid" (February 2018- January 2019).
- Associate Editor for IEEE Access (from March 2017- March 2022)
- Associate Editor for IET High Voltage (from September 2017-December 2022)
- Editorial Board member for Electric Power Components & Systems(Taylor & Francis)-(from Jan 2010-Till date)
- Editor for Electric Power Components & Systems(Taylor & Francis)-(from Aug 2013-Till date)
Awards Received by Students
- Prashant Khare (Ph.D. Student)-Prime Minister’s Research Fellowship (PMRF) -2022
- A.Mariselvam (Ph.D. Student)-Prime Minister’s Research Fellowship (PMRF) -2021
- Diptak Pal (U.G. Student)-Prime Minister’s Research Fellowship (PMRF) -2018
- P.Gopa Kumar (Ph.D.Student) - POSOCO POWER SYSTEM AWARD (PPSA-2016)
- R. Jayakumar Reddy (M.Tech. Student)-POSOCO POWER SYSTEM AWARD (PPSA-2017)
- Saggurthi Anil Kumar (M.Tech. Student)-POSOCO POWER SYSTEM AWARD (PPSA-2019)
- Kolli Jnaneswar (M.Tech. Student)-POSOCO POWER SYSTEM AWARD (PPSA-2020)
- Rishabh Devagupta (M.Tech. Student)-POSOCO POWER SYSTEM AWARD (PPSA-2021)
- S Devaraj (M.Tech. Student)-POSOCO POWER SYSTEM AWARD (PPSA-2021)
Academic/Administrative Responsibilities-NIT Trichy
- Head IPR Cell - 2021 -2023
- Institute Innovation Council-IPR Activity Coordinator- 2021--Till date
- PMRF coordination committee Member -2021--Till date
- Associate Dean of Research & Consultancy- 2017-2020
- IPR Cell Member- 2016-2020
Books & Book Chapters
- M. Jayabharata Reddy, D. K. Mohanta,Deepak Kumar, D.Ghosh, “Advances in Smart Grid Automation and Industry 4.0 Select Proceedings of ICETSGAI4.0”, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering book series (LNEE, volume 693), Springer Science, USA,2021.
- D.K.Mohanta and M.Jaya Bharata Reddy (Editors), “Synchronized Phasor Measurements for Smart Grid ”, Power and Energy Series 97,The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET),U.K ,March 2017.
Book Chapters
- Soham Dutta, P.K. Sadhu, M. Jayabharata Reddy and D. K. Mohanta, “Role of Micro Phasor Measurement Unit (μPMU) for Decision Making Based on Enhanced Situational Awareness of Modern Distribution System”, Edited book by Shady Abdel Aleem, Almoataz Abdelaziz, Ahmed Zobaa, and Ramesh Bansal, “Decision Making Applications in Modern Power Systems” Elsevier,USA, 2020.
- A. Bhargav, M. Jaya Bharata Reddy and D.K. Mohanta “Standards and Communication Systems in Smart Grid”, Edited book by Ersan Kabalc and Yasin Kabalc entitled “Smart Grids and their Communication Systems ”, Springer Science, USA,2019.
- G. SaravanaIlango, C. Nagamani, M.A. Asha Rani,M. Jaya Bharata Reddy and A. Karthikeyan, “Sensor-Less Estimation of Rotor Position In A Doubly Fed Induction Machine ”, Edited book by R.C. Bansal entitled “Handbook of Distributed Generation ”, Springer Science, USA,March 2017.
- Gopakumar Pathirikkat, M. Jaya Bharata Reddy and D. K. Mohanta, “Transmission Line Fault Detection, Classification and Localization in Smart Power Grids using Synchrophasor Measurements”, Edited book by D.K.Mohanta and M.Jaya Bharata Reddy entitled “Synchronized Phasor Measurements for Smart Grid ”, Power and Energy Series 97,The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET),U.K,March 2017.
- M. Jaya Bharata Reddy, D. K. Mohanta and B. M. Karan , “A novel power monitoring system for detection, localization and classification of disturbances” , Indian Patent Application No: 612/KOL/2008 (Granted on 31/12/2012) Patent Number : 254882 .
- M. Jaya Bharata Reddy and D. K. Mohanta, “A novel system for detection and classification of power transmission line fault”, Indian Patent Application No: 611/KOL/2008 (Granted on 16/05/2013) Patent Number: 256209.
- M. Jaya Bharata Reddy , P. Gopakumar , “Real-Time digital fault monitoring system for transmission lines in autonomous power grids and method thereof”, Indian Patent Application No: 201941022285. (Granted on : 04/02/2022) Patent Number : 388584.
(A) Refereed International Journal publications
1.Ankit Pal, Saravana Ilango and M. Jaya Bharata Reddy , “Data-Driven Soiling Estimation and Optimized Cleaning Strategies for Industrial Rooftop PV Systems” , IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, Accepted for publications. (SCIE) ISSN: 2156-3381.
2.Niroop Sugunaraj, Shree Ram Abayankar Balaji, Barathwaja Subash Chandar, Prashanth Rajagopalan,Utku Kose, David Charles Loper, Tanzim Mahfuz, Prabuddha Chakraborty, Seerin Ahmad, Taesic Kim,Giovanni Apruzzese, Anamika Dubey, Luka Strezoski, Benjamin Blakely, Subhojit Ghosh, M. Jaya Bharata Reddy , Harsha Vardhan Padullaparti, and Prakash Ranganathan, “Distributed Energy Resource Management System (DERMS) Cybersecurity Scenarios, Trends, and Potential Technologies: A Review”, IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, Accepted for publications. (SCIE) ISSN: 1553-877X.
3.Jennie Angela Jose Shirley, R P Pooja and M. Jaya Bharata Reddy, “Metaheuristic Algorithm Based Energy Management System for Electric Vehicle Charging Station”, IEEE Access, Vol.12, pp.16354 – 116367,2024 .(SCI) ISSN: 2169-3536.
4. Jennie Angela Jose Shirley, Harini Manivelan, Prashant Khare and M. Jaya Bharata Reddy, “Dynamic Load Shedding and System Restoration using Wide Area Distribution Management System”, IET Generation Transmission & Distribution, Vol 18, No.17, pp. 2860–2874, 2024 . (SCI/SCIE) ISSN: 1751-8687.
5.Mariselvam Arumuga, M. Jaya Bharata Reddy, “An Intelligent Distance Relay Sensing Methodology Immune to Power Swing and Load Encroachment”, IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 23,No.1, pp.800-811, 2023 (SCIE) ISSN: 1530-437X
6.Mariselvam Arumuga, M. Jaya Bharata Reddy, “ Critical analysis of the effect of source impedance ratio and power flow on the performance of the distance relay during non-fault and fault conditions”, Electrical Engineering (Springer publication),Vol.105, No.1,pp.193-205,2023. (SCI/SCIE) ISSN:1432-0487
7. K. Karthikeyan, Vairavan Mariappan, P. Sarafoji, K. Uma Bharathi, M.Loganathan, M. Jaya Bharata Reddy & R. Anish, “Effect of PCM-based cold storage system under periodic and continuous operations on physico-chemical characteristics of mango (Mangifera indica L.) fruit and performance evaluation of mango cold storage systems”, International Journal of Ambient Energy (Taylor & Francis Publications), Vol. 43,No.1, pp.7678-7693, 2022. (SCOPUS) ISSN: 0143-0750
8. Mariselvam Arumuga, M. Jaya Bharata Reddy, "Distance Protection Methodology for Detection of Faulted Phase and Fault Along With Power Swing Using Apparent Impedance", IEEE Access, Vol.10,pp.43583-43597,2022. (SCI) ISSN: 2169-3536.
9. K Karthikeyan, V Mariappan, R Anish, P Sarafoji, M. Jaya Bharata Reddy, “Experimental study on the charging and discharging behaviour of capric–lauric acid/oleic acid mixture in a cold thermal energy storage system for cold storage applications”, Journal of Materials Today: Proceedings (Elsevier publication), Vol. 46, no. 19, pp. 10022-10029,2021. (SCOPUS) ISSN: 2214-7853
10. K. Jnaneswar,B. Mallikarjuna,S. Devaraj,Diptendu Sinha Roy, M. Jaya Bharata Reddy and D. K. Mohanta “A real-time DWT and traveling waves-based multi-functional scheme for transmission line protection reinforcement”, Electrical Engineering (Springer publication), Vol. 103, no.2, pp. 965-981. April 2021. (SCI/SCIE) ISSN: 1432-0487.
11. B. Mallikarjuna, Rishabh Devagupta,M. Jaya Bharata Reddy,D.K. Mohanta, “Synchrophasor Sensors Assisted Novel Algorithm for Power System Protection Reinforcement and Health Monitoring”, IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 20, no. 15, pp. 8213 - 8222. 2020 (SCIE) ISSN: 1530-437X
12. Soham Dutta,M.Jaya Bharata Reddy, D.K. Mohanta M. S. Kushwah , P.K. Sadhu, “μPMU based Intelligent Island Detection – The first crucial step towards enhancing grid resilience with microgrid”, IET Smart Grid, Vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 162-173. 2020. (SCOPUS) ISSN: 2515-2947.
13. B. Mallikarjuna,M.Jaya Bharata Reddy, “Synchrophasor Measurements Assisted System Integrity Protection Scheme for Smart Power Grid", Journal of Control Automation and Electrical Systems (Springer publication), Vol. 31, no. 1, pp 207-225. 2020. (ESCI) ISSN: 2195-3880.
14. Diptak Pal, B. Mallikarjuna, P.Gopakumar, M. Jaya Bharata Reddy, B.K.Panigrahi and D.K.Mohanta, “Probabilistic study of Undervoltage Load Shedding Scheme to mitigate the impact of Protection System Hidden Failures”, IEEE Systems Journal, Vol. 14, no. 1, pp 862-869. March 2020. (SCIE) ISSN: 1932-8184.
15. B. Mallikarjuna,P.Gopakumar,Diptendu Sinha Roy,M.Jaya Bharata Reddy,“A Real‑Time Synchronized Harmonic Phasor Measurements‑Based Fault Location Method for Transmission Lines”, Journal of Control Automation and Electrical Systems (Springer publication), Vol. 30, no. 6, pp 1082–1093. December 2019 (ESCI) ISSN: 2195-3880.
16. Anmol Dwivedi, B. Mallikarjuna, Diptak Pal,M. Jaya Bharata Reddy and D.K.Mohanta, “A Real-Time Synchrophasor Based Zone-3 Supervision of Distance Relays Under Load Encroachment Condition”, IEEE Systems Journal, Vol. 13 , no. 4,pp 4227 – 4235, Dec. 2019. (SCIE) ISSN: 1932-8184.
17. D.K. Mohanta, M.JayaBharata Reddy, Yuan Liao, Anurag Srivastava and Sandro Corsi, “Guest Editorial: Emerging Trends In System Integrity Protection Schemes (SIPS) for Improving the Performance of Smart Grid”, IET Generation Transmission & Distribution, Vol. 13, no. 8, pp 1191-1193, April 2019. (SCI/SCIE) ISSN: 1751-8687.
18. B. Bijukumar,A. G. Kaushik Raam,G. Saravana Ilango,C. Nagamani, M. Jaya Bharata Reddy, “MPPT Algorithm for Thermoelectric Generators Based on Parabolic Extrapolation”, IET Generation Transmission & Distribution, Vol. 13, no. 6, pp 821-828, March 2019. (SCI/SCIE) ISSN: 1751-8687.
19. Diptak Pal, B. Mallikarjuna, M. Jaya Bharata Reddy and D.K.Mohanta, "Analysis and Modelling of Protection System Hidden Failures and its impact on Power System Cascading Events", Journal of Control Automation and Electrical Systems (Springer publication), Vol. 30, no. 2, pp 277-291, Feb 2019. (ESCI) ISSN: 2195-3880.
20. V. Chandrasekar, M. Chakkarapani, M. Jaya Bharata Reddy, G. Saravana Ilango,C.Nagamani, “Enhanced Power Output from the PV with Low Input Ripple DC-DC Converter”, Electric Power Components and Systems (Taylor & Francis Publications), Vol. 46, no. 11-12, pp 1288–1299, 2018. (SCIE) ISSN: 1532-5008.
21. P.Gopakumar, B. Mallikarjuna, M. Jaya Bharata Reddy and D.K Mohanta, “Remote Monitoring System for Real Time Detection and Classification of Transmission Line Faults in a Power Grid using PMU Measurements ”, Protection and Control of Modern Power Systems (Springer publication), Vol. 3, no. 16, pp 1-10, Dec 2018. (SCOPUS) ISSN: 2367-0983.
22. B. Mallikarjuna, P. Shanmukesh, D. Anmol, M. Jaya Bharata Reddy and D.K Mohanta, “PMU based adaptive zone settings of distance relays for protection of multi-terminal transmission lines”, Protection and Control of Modern Power Systems (Springer publication), Vol.3,no.12,pp. 1-15, Dec 2018. (SCOPUS) ISSN: 2367-0983.
23. Soham Dutta, P.K. Sadhu, M.Jaya Bharata Reddy and D.K. Mohanta, “Shifting of Research Trends in Islanding Detection Method - A Comprehensive Survey”, Protection and Control of Modern Power Systems (Springer publication), Vol.3,no.1,pp. 1-20,Dec 2018. (SCOPUS) ISSN: 2367-0983.
24. P Rajaraman,N.A Sundaravaradan, B. Mallikarjuna, M.Jaya Bharata Reddy and D.K Mohanta, “Robust Fault Analysis in Transmission Lines Using Synchrophasor Measurements”, Protection and Control of Modern Power Systems (Springer publication), Vol. 3, no. 14, pp 1-13, Dec 2018. (SCOPUS) ISSN: 2367-0983.
25. Soham Dutta, P.K. Sadhu, M.Jaya Bharata Reddy and D.K. Mohanta, “Smart Inadvertent Islanding Detection employing p-type μPMU for an Active Distribution Network”, IET Generation Transmission & Distribution, Vol. 12, no. 20, pp 4615 – 4625, Nov. 2018. (SCI/SCIE) ISSN: 1751-8687.
26. Anand Kumar, P.K. Sadhu, D.K. Mohanta and M. Jaya Bharata Reddy,”An effective switching algorithm for single phase matrix converter in induction heating applications”, Electronics (Switzerland)Vol. 7, no. 8, Article number 149, August 2018. (SCIE) ISSN: 2079-9292.
27. B. Mallikarjuna, D. Chatterjee, M.Jaya Bharata Reddy and D.K Mohanta, “Real-Time Wide-Area Disturbance Monitoring and Protection Methodology for EHV Transmission lines”, INAE letters (Springer publication), Vol. 3, no. 2, pp 87-106, June 2018.
28. N A. Sundaravaradan, and M. Jaya Bharata Reddy, “How is Earthing done?" IEEE Potentials, Vol. 37, no. 2, pp. 42-46, March-April 2018. (SCOPUS) ISSN: 0278-6648.
29. Diptak Pal, Rounak Meyur, Santhosh Menon, M Jaya Bharata Reddy and D K Mohanta “Real Time Condition Monitoring of Substation Equipment Using Thermal Cameras”, IET Generation Transmission & Distribution, Vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 895-902, Feb 2018. (SCI/SCIE) ISSN: 1751-8687
30. B. Pradeep Kumar, G. S Ilango, M. Jaya Bharatha Reddy, C.N. Nagamani, “Online Fault Detection and Diagnosis in Photovoltaic Systems Using Wavelet Packets”, IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, Vol. 8, no.1, pp. 257-265, Jan. 2018.(SCIE) ISSN: 2156-3381
31. P. Gopakumar, M. Jaya Bharata Reddy and D. K. Mohanta, “Phasor Measurement Sensor Based Angular Stability Retention System for Smart Power Grids with High Penetration of Microgrids” , IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 18, no.2, pp.764-772, Jan. 2018.(SCIE) ISSN: 1530-437X
32. Diptak Pal, B.Mallikarjuna, R.Jayakumar Reddy, M. Jaya Bharata Reddy and D.K. Mohanta, “Synchrophasor Assisted Adaptive Relaying Methodology to Prevent Zone-3 Mal-operation During Load Encroachment”,IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol.17,no.23,pp. 7713-7722,Dec 2017.(SCIE) ISSN: 1530-437X
33. B. Mallikarjuna, P.V. Vardhan Varma, S. D. Samir Kumar, M.Jaya Bharata Reddy and D.K.Mohanta, “ An Adaptive Supervised Wide-Area Backup Protection Scheme for Transmission Lines Protection” Protection and Control of Modern Power Systems (Springer publication), Vol.2,no.22,pp. 1-16,Dec 2017. (SCOPUS) ISSN: 2367-0983
34. SP Jainaveen, M. Jaya Bharata Reddy and D.K. Mohanta, “Automatic License Plate Detection using Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System and Wavelet Packets” Australian Journal of Multi-Disciplinary Engineering (Taylor & Francis Publications), Vol.13,no.1,pp. 2-17,Oct 2017.
35. Umesh K. Shinde,Sumant G. Kadwane,S. P. Gawande,M. Jaya Bharata Reddy and D.K.Mohanta, “Sliding Mode Control of Single-Phase Grid-Connected Quasi-Z-Source Inverter”, IEEE Access, Vol.5,pp. 10232 – 10240,May 2017. (SCIE) ISSN: 2169-3536
36. M. Jaya Bharata Reddy, Rounak Meyur, Diptak Pal , C. Krantikumar and D. K. Mohanta. “An Online geographical information system-based Condition Monitoring System for 11 kV Distribution Line Insulator”, IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine, Vol. 33, Issue 3, pp.26-32, May 2017. (SCIE) ISSN: 0883-7554
37. N. A. Sundaravaradan, P. Rajaraman,Rounak Meyur, B. Mallikarjuna, M. Jaya Bharata Reddy and D. K. Mohanta, “Real-Time Fault Analysis of Transmission Lines Using Wavelet Multi Resolution Analysis Based Frequency Domain Approach, IET Science Measurement and Technology, Vol.10, Issue 7, pp. 693-703, Sep 2016. (SCI/SCIE) ISSN: 1751-8822
38. M. Jaya Bharata Reddy, P. Gopakumar and D. K. Mohanta “A Novel Transmission Line Protection Using DOST and SVM”, Engineering Science and Technology-an International Journal-JESTECH (Elsevier publication), Vol.19, Issue 2, pp. 1027-1039, June 2016. (ESCI) ISSN: 2215-0986
39. P. Rajaraman, N A. Sundaravaradan, M. Rounak, M. Jaya Bharata Reddy and D. K. Mohanta, “Fault Classification In Transmission Lines using Wavelet Multiresolution Analysis" IEEE Potentials , Vol.35, Issue 1, pp. 38-44, Jan-Feb. 2016. (SCOPUS) ISSN: 0278-6648
40. P. Gopakumar, M. Jaya Bharata Reddy and D. K. Mohanta “Transmission line fault detection and localisation methodology using PMU measurements”, IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, Vol.9, Issue 11, pp. 1033-1042, Aug. 2015. (SCI/SCIE) ISSN: 1751-8687
41. P. Gopakumar, M. Jaya Bharata Reddy and D. K. Mohanta , A Novel Topological Genetic Algorithm Based PMU Placement and Scheduling Methodology for Enhanced State Estimation, Electric Power Components and Systems (Taylor & Francis Publications), Vol.43, Issue 16, pp. 1843-1858, Aug. 2015. (SCIE) ISSN: 1532-5008
42. P. Gopakumar, M. Jaya Bharata Reddy and D. K. Mohanta “Pragmatic Multi-Stage Simulated Annealing for Optimal Placement of Synchrophasor Measurement Units in Smart Power Grids”, Frontiers in Energy (Springer publication), Vol. 9, Issue 2,pp.148-161, June 2015. (SCIE) ISSN: 2095-1701
43. C. Nagamani, G. Saravana Ilango, M. Jayabharata Reddy, M. A. Asha Rani and Z. V. Lakaparampil,“Renewable Power Generation Indian Scenario - A Review”, Electric Power Components and Systems (Taylor & Francis Publications), Vol.43, Issue 8-10, pp. 1205-1213, May 2015. (SCIE) ISSN: 1532-5008
44. C.K.Aravind, G.Saravana Ilango, C.Nagamani and M. Jaya Bharata Reddy “A control strategy for Hybrid Autonomous Power System (HAPS) with a Battery Management Scheme (BMS)”, Electric Power Components and Systems (Taylor & Francis Publications), Vol.43, Issue 8-10, pp. 1159-1172, May 2015. (SCIE) ISSN: 1532-5008
45. S. Sarojini Mary, S. Senthil Kumar, Syam Prasad Poluru, and M. Jaya Bharata Reddy, “A Dual DC Output Power Supply for a Stand-Alone Photo voltaic System”, Electric Power Components and Systems (Taylor & Francis Publications), Vol.43, Issue 8-10, pp. 939-950, May 2015. (SCIE) ISSN: 1532-5008
46. P. Gopakumar, M. Jaya Bharata Reddy and D. K. Mohanta “Fault Detection and Localization Methodology for Self-healing in Smart Power Grids Incorporating PMUs”, Electric Power Components and Systems (Taylor & Francis Publications), Vol.43, Issue 6, pp. 695-710, March.2015. (SCIE) ISSN: 1532-5008
47. Deepak Kumar, D. K. Mohanta and M. Jaya Bharata Reddy “ Intelligent optimization of renewable resource mixes incorporating the effect of fuel risk, fuel cost and CO2 Emission”, Frontiers in Energy (Springer publication), Vol.09, Issue 1, pp.91-105, March.2015. (SCIE) ISSN: 2095-1701
48. P. Gopakumar, M. Jaya Bharata Reddy and D. K. Mohanta “Adaptive Fault Identification and Classification Methodology for Smart Power Grids Using Synchronous Phasor Angle Measurements”, IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, Vol.09, Issue 2, pp.133-145, Feb.2015. (SCI/SCIE) ISSN: 1751-8687
49. M. Jaya Bharata Reddy, D.Venkata Rajesh, P. Gopakumar, and D. K. Mohanta, “Smart Fault Location for Smart Grid Operation Using Remote Telemetry Unit (RTU) and Computational Intelligence Techniques”, IEEE Systems Journal, Vol.08, Issue 4, pp.1260-1271, Dec.2014.(SCIE) ISSN: 1932-8184
50. M.Jaya Bharata Reddy, K. Sagar and D.K Mohanta, “A Multifunctional Real Time Power Quality Monitoring System using Stockwell Transform, IET Science Measurement and Technology, Vol.8, Issue 4, pp.155-169, July.2014. (SCI/SCIE) ISSN: 1751-8822
51. P. Gopakumar, M. Jaya Bharata Reddy and D. K. Mohanta, " Stability Control of Smart Power Grids with Artificial Intelligence and Wide Area Synchrophasor Measurements” Electric Power Components and Systems (Taylor & Francis Publications), Vol.42, Issue 10, pp.1095-1106, June.2014. (SCIE) ISSN: 1532-5008
52. P. Gopakumar, M. Jaya Bharata Reddy and D. K. Mohanta, " Stability Concerns in Smart Grid with Emerging Renewable Energy Technologies” Electric Power Components and Systems (Taylor & Francis Publications), Vol.42, Issue 3-4, pp.418-425, Feb.2014. (SCIE) ISSN: 1532-5008
53. P. Gopakumar, G. Surya Chandra, M. Jaya Bharata Reddy and D. K. Mohanta," Optimal Redundant Placement of PMUs in Indian Power Grid – Northern, Eastern and North-Eastern Regions", Frontiers in Energy (Springer publication), Vol.7, Issue 4, pp. 413-428, Dec. 2013. (SCIE) ISSN: 2095-1701
54. P. Gopakumar, G. Surya Chandra, M. Jaya Bharata Reddy and D. K. Mohanta,"Optimal Placement of PMUs for the Smart Grid Implementation in Indian Power Grid - A Case Study", Frontiers in Energy (Springer publication), Vol.7, Issue 3, pp. 358-372, Sep. 2013. (SCIE) ISSN: 2095-1701
55. Krishnavel, D. K. Mohanta and M. Jaya Bharata Reddy , "Well-Being Analysis of Generator Step-Up (GSU) Transformer Insulation Incorporating the Impact on Power Generation Using Fuzzy Logic", Frontiers in Energy (Springer publication), Vol.7, Issue 3, pp. 288-299, Sep. 2013. (SCIE) ISSN: 2095-1701
56. M.Jaya Bharata Reddy, D.Venkata Rajesh and D.K.Mohanta,"Robust Transmission Line Fault Classification Using Wavelet Multiresolution Analysis", Computers & Electrical Engineering (Elsevier publication), Vol.39, Issue 4, pp. 1219-1247,May 2013. (SCIE) ISSN: 0045-7906
57. M. Jaya Bharata Reddy, Karthik Chandra B and D. K. Mohanta, "Condition Monitoring of 11 kV Distribution System Insulators Incorporating Complex Imagery Using Combined DOST-SVM Approach", IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, Vol.20, Issue 2 pp. 664-674, April 2013. (SCI/SCIE) ISSN: 1070-9878
58. M. Jaya Bharata Reddy, Rama Krishnan RaghupathyAuthor Vitae, K.P. VenkateshAuthor Vitae and D.K. Mohanta, "Author VitaePower quality analysis using Discrete Orthogonal S-transform (DOST) ", Digital Signal Processing (Elsevier Publication), Vol.23, Issue 2 pp. 616-626,2013,March 2013. (SCI/SCIE) ISSN: 1051-2004
59. M. Jaya Bharata Reddy, B. Karthik Chandra, D. K. Mohanta, “A DOST Based Approach for the Condition Monitoring of 11 kV Distribution Line Insulators”, IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, Vol. 18, Issue 2, pp. 588-595, April 2011. (SCI/SCIE) ISSN: 1070-9878
60. M. Jaya Bharata Reddy and D. K. Mohanta, “A Modular Approach for Classification and Location of Arcing and Non- Arcing Faults on Transmission Lines” International journal of Energy Technology and Policy,(Inderscience publication.), Vol. 7, No.4, pp. 309-324, 2011. (SCOPUS) ISSN: 1472-8923
61. M. Jaya Bharata Reddy and D. K. Mohanta, “A Wavelet- Support Vector Machine Combined Approach for Location of Transmission Line Faults”, Australian Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (Taylor & Francis Publications), Vol.6, No.1, 2009. (SCOPUS) ISSN: 1448-837X
62. M. Jaya Bharata Reddy and D. K. Mohanta, “Reply to Discussion on “A Wavelet-neuro-fuzzy Combined Approach for Digital Relaying of Transmission Line Faults” by Tarkan Erdik and Zekai Sen”, Electric Power Components and Systems (Taylor & Francis Publications), Volume 36, Number 12, pp 1390-1394, December 2008. (SCIE) ISSN: 1532-5008
63. M. Jaya Bharata Reddy and D. K. Mohanta, “A DSP Based Frequency Domain Approach for Classification of Transmission Line Faults” Digital Signal Processing (Elsevier Publication), Vol.18, No.5, Sep 2008. (SCI/SCIE) ISSN: 1051-2004
64. M. Jaya Bharata Reddy and D. K. Mohanta, “Performance Evaluation of Adaptive Network Based Fuzzy Inference System Approach for Location of Faults on Transmission Lines Using Monte Carlo Simulation”, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, Vol.16,No.4, Aug 2008. (SCI/SCIE) ISSN: 1063-6706
65. M. Jaya Bharata Reddy and D. K. Mohanta, “Adaptive -Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System Approach for Transmission Line Fault Classification and Location Incorporating Effects of Power Swings”, IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution , Vol. 2, No.2, pp. 235–244,2008. (SCI/SCIE) ISSN: 1751-8687
66. M. Jaya Bharata Reddy and D. K. Mohanta, “A Wavelet-Neuro–Fuzzy Combined Approach for Digital Relaying of Transmission Line Faults”, Electric Power Components and Systems (Taylor & Francis Publications), Volume 35, Number 12, pp 1385-1407, December 2007. (SCIE) ISSN: 1532-5008
67. M. Jaya Bharata Reddy and D. K. Mohanta, “A Wavelet-Fuzzy Combined Approach for Classification and Location of Transmission Line Faults”, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems (Elsevier Publication), Volume 29, Issue 9, pp 669-678, November 2007. (SCIE) ISSN: 0142-0615
68. M. Jaya Bharata Reddy, D. K. Mohanta and B.M.Karan “Power System Disturbance Recognition Using wavelet and S-transform Techniques”, International Journal of Emerging Electric Power Systems, Vol.1, Issue.2, pp.1-16, December 2004. (ESCI) ISSN: 1553-779X
(B) Refereed International/National Conference Proceedings
1.Mariselvam Arumuga, M. Geethanjali and M.Jaya Bharata Reddy, “Adaptive System Integrity Protection Scheme Constrained by Minimum Loss of Service Using PMU Data”, 22nd National Power Systems Conference (NPSC -2022), 17th -19th Dec 2022,IIT Delhi,India. (SCOPUS)
2. Asha Rani, M.A., Chakkarapani, M., Nagamani, C., Saravana Ilango, G., Jaya Bharata Reddy, M., “Performance Evaluation of R-PLL for Robust Sensorless Operation of DFIG under Harmonics, DC Offset and Phase Jump in Grid Voltage”, ICPEE 2021 - 2021 1st International Conference on Power Electronics and Energy, 2rd-3rd Jan 2021, KIIT, Bhubaneswar,India. (SCOPUS).
3. Rishabh Devagupta, K T Sai Akhil, N Sai Suprabhath, P Kritesh, B Mallikarjuna, M Jaya Bharata Reddy, D K Mohanta and Diptendu Sinha Roy,” Dynamic State Estimation of Synchronous Generator Rotor Angle Using PMU and EKF under Stressed conditions”, International Conference on ‘Emerging Trends for Smart Grid Automation and Industry 4.0’ (ICETSGAI4.0 2019), 5th-7th December 2019,BIT,Mesra,Ranchi,India. (SCOPUS)
4. K Jnaneswar, S Devaraj, B Mallikarjuna, M Jaya Bharata Reddy and D K Mohanata, “EHV/UHV Transmission Line Protection Using Traveling Waves”, International Conference on ‘Emerging Trends for Smart Grid Automation and Industry 4.0’ (ICETSGAI4.0 2019), 5th-7th December 2019,BIT,Mesra,Ranchi,India. (SCOPUS)
5. S Dutta,S Verma, P K Sadhu, M.Jaya Bharata Reddy and D K Mohanta, “Islanding detection in a distribution system: A pattern assessment based approach using Concordia analysis”,2019 20th International Conference on Intelligent System Application to Power Systems (ISAP),10-14 December 2019, IIT Delhi, India. (SCOPUS)
6. S. Verma, Soham Dutta, P.K. Sadhu, M. Jaya Bharata Reddy and D.K Mohanta, “Islanding detection using bi-directional energy meter in a DFIG based active distribution network”,International Conference on Computer, Electrical & Communication Engineering (ICCECE), 18th -19th January 2019, Kolkata, WestBengal, India. (SCOPUS)
7. P. Gopakumar, B. Mallikarjuna and M. Jaya Bharata Reddy, “ Recent Trends on Performance Analysis of Latency on Wide Area Technologies in Smart Grids”, 20th National Power Systems Conference (NPSC -2018), 14th-16th Dec 2018,NIT Trichy,India. (SCOPUS)
8. B. Mallikarjuna, S.Anil, M. Jaya Bharata Reddy and D.K.Mohanta, “PMU based Distance Protection Methodology to Avert Malfunction due to FACTS controllers”, 20th National Power Systems Conference (NPSC -2018), 14th-16th Dec 2018,NIT Trichy,India. (SCOPUS)
9. S.K.Sahu, M.K. Anant,D. K. Mohanta, M. Jaya Bharata Reddy, R.C.Jha and D. Ghosh, “Fuzzy Reliability Analysis of Unit Commitment Problem Considering Uncertain Outage Replacement Rate and Load Representation”, 20th National Power Systems Conference (NPSC -2018), 14th-16th Dec 2018,NIT Trichy,India. (SCOPUS)
10. Anmol Dwivedi, Kotni Tirumala Sai Akhil, Nibhanupudi Sai Suprabhath, B. Mallikarjuna, M. Jaya Bharata Reddy and D.K.Mohanta, “Real-Time Implementation of Phasor Measurement Unit Using NI CompactRIO”, 2017 IEEE International Conference on Advances in Electrical Technology for Green Energy (ICAETGT’17), 23rd September 2017, Coimbatore, India. (WOS) (SCOPUS)
11. Nitish Kumar, Dusmanta Kumar Mohanta, M. Jaya Bharata Reddy, Enakshi Kispotta and Dulal Hansda, “Efficiency Enhancement of Thermal Power Plants Using Refrigerant-R600a in Condenser Section”,IEEE International Conference on Innovations in Green Energy and Health Care Technologies (IGEHT 2017), 16 - 18 March, 2017, Coimbatore, India. (WOS) (SCOPUS)
12. B. Mallikarjuna, Rounak Meyur, Diptak Pal, M. Jaya Bharata Reddy and D.K.Mohanta, “An Adaptive Secure-Dependable Wide-Area Backup Protection Scheme for Transmission Lines Using Multi-Phasor Measurement Units”,IEEE International conference on power electronics, drives and energy systems (PEDES2016) 14-17 December 2016, Trivandrum, Kerala, India. (WOS) (SCOPUS)
13. Rounak Meyur, Diptak Pal,N.A. Sundaravaradan,P. Rajaraman,K.V.V.S. Srinivas, M. Jaya Bharata Reddy and D.K.Mohanta, “A Wavelet-Adaptive Network Based Fuzzy Inference System for Location of Faults in Parallel Transmission Lines”,IEEE International conference on power electronics, drives and energy systems (PEDES2016) 14-17 December 2016, Trivandrum, Kerala, India. (WOS) (SCOPUS)
14. B. Mallikarjuna ,P. Gopakumar, M. Jaya Bharata Reddy and D. K. Mohanta, “A Case Study on Optimal Phasor Measurement Unit Placement for Emerging Indian National Smart Grid ", International conference on Signal Processing, Communication, Power and Embedded System (SCOPES)-2016, Oct 3-5, 2016, Paralakhemundi,Odisha,INDIA. (SCOPUS)
15. N.A.Sundaravaradan, Rounak Meyur, P. Rajaraman, B. Mallikarjuna, M. Jaya Bharata Reddy and D. K. Mohanta, “A Wavelet Based Novel Technique for Detection and Classification of Parallel Transmission Line Faults" International conference on Signal Processing, Communication, Power and Embedded System (SCOPES)-2016, Oct 3-5, 2016, Paralakhemundi,Odisha,INDIA. (SCOPUS)
16. Aditie Garg, Aditi Sinha,M Jaya Bharata Reddy and D. K. Mohanta,, “Detection of Islanding in Microgrid Using Wavelet-MRA”, 2015 IEEE International Conference on Power, Control, Communication and Computational Technologies for Sustainable Growth (PCCCTSG),December11-12, 2015, Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh, India. (WOS) (SCOPUS)
17. Sundaravaradan N A, Rajaraman P, Suzith D, Dilip Kumar M, Abilash G, M Jaya Bharata Reddy and D. K. Mohanta,, “Wavelet Based Transmission Line Fault Analysis : A Literature Survey”, 14th IEEE International conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering, (EEEIC-2014), 10-12th May 2014, Poland.(DOI: 10.1109/EEEIC.2014.6835874). (WOS) (SCOPUS)
18. Chakrapani Mishra,D.K.Mohanta and M.Jaya Bharata Reddy, “Impact of Adaptive Relaying in Smart Grid”, 14th IEEE International conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering, (EEEIC-2014), 10-12th May 2014, Poland.(DOI: 10.1109/EEEIC.2014.6835858). (WOS) (SCOPUS)
19. G Deepak, M. Jaya Bharata Reddy and D. K. Mohanta,, “Hardware Implementation of Grid Connected PV System With Energy Management Scheme”, 13th IEEE International conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering, (EEEIC-2013), 1-3rd Nov 2013, Poland.(DOI: 10.1109/EEEIC-2.2013.6737930). (WOS) (SCOPUS)
20. K. Ajay Varma, D. K. Mohanta, M. Jaya Bharata Reddy, “Applications of Type-2 Fuzzy Logic in Power Systems: A Literature Survey”, 12th IEEE International conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering, (EEEIC-2013), 5-8th May 2013, Poland.(DOI: 10.1109/EEEIC.2013.6549632). (WOS) (SCOPUS)
21. P. Gopakumar , M Jaya Bharata Reddy and Dusmanta Mohanta, “Novel Multi-Stage Simulated Annealing for Optimal Placement of PMUs in Conjunction with Conventional Measurements”, 12th IEEE International conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering, (EEEIC-2013), 5-8th May 2013, Poland.(DOI: 10.1109/EEEIC.2013.6549625). (WOS) (SCOPUS)
22. P.Gopakumar, M Jaya Bharata Reddy and Dusmanta Mohanta “Renewable Energy Utilization using Low Power Micro grid System”, IEEE International Conference on Power, Energy and Control (ICPEC '13),6-8th Feb 2013,India .(DOI: 10.1109/ICPEC.2013.6527755). (SCOPUS)
23. P. Gopakumar, G. Surya Chandra and M. Jaya Bharata Reddy, "Optimal placement of phasor measurement units for Tamil Nadu state of Indian power grid", 11th IEEE International conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering, (EEEIC-2012), 18-25th May 2012, Venice (DOI: 10.1109/EEEIC.2012.6221549). (SCOPUS)
24. A. K. Nayak, D. K. Mohanta and M. Jaya Bharata Reddy “Generation Reliability Evaluation Incorporating Maintenance Scheduling and Load Forecasting ”, 11th IEEE International conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering, (EEEIC-2012), 18-25th May 2012, Venice (DOI: 10.1109/EEEIC.2012.6221426). (SCOPUS)
25. A Alam, S. Upadhyay,C. H. Murthy, M. Jaya Bharata Reddy, K.C Jana and D. K. Mohanta, " Reliability evaluation of solar photovoltaic microgrid ", 11th IEEE International conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering, (EEEIC-2012), 18-25th May 2012, Venice (DOI: 10.1109/EEEIC.2012.6221427). (SCOPUS)
26. K. T Solaiappan, C. H. Murthy, M. Jaya Bharata Reddy and D. K. Mohanta," Impact of distributed energy resources on distribution system reliability", 11th IEEE International conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering, (EEEIC-2012), 18-25th May 2012, Venice (DOI: 10.1109/EEEIC.2012.6221534). (SCOPUS)
27. Sagar Kondaveti, M. Jaya Bharata Reddy and D. K. Mohanta, “A DSP based frequency domain approach for non-stationary signals using S-Transform”, 10th IEEE International conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering, (EEEIC-2011), 8-11th May 2011, Rome, Italy (DOI: 10.1109/EEEIC.2011.5874664 ). (SCOPUS)
28. V.V.R.V Chaitanya, D. K. Mohanta and M. Jaya Bharata Reddy, “Topological analysis of eastern region of Indian power grid”, 10th IEEE International conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering, (EEEIC-2011), 8-11th May 2011, Rome, Italy (DOI: 10.1109/EEEIC.2011.5874651 ). (SCOPUS)
29. M. Jaya Bharata Reddy and Dusmanta Kumar Mohanta, “Detection, classification and localization of power system impulsive transients using S–transform”, 9th IEEE International conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering, (EEEIC-2010), 16-19th May 2010, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland (DOI: 10.1109/EEEIC.2010.5489944). (SCOPUS)
30. Karthik Chandra B, M. Jaya Bharata Reddy and D. K. Mohanta, “Condition Monitoring of 11KV Distribution Line Insulators using Discrete S-trasform”, 9th IEEE International conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering, (EEEIC-2010), 16-19th May 2010, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland (DOI: 10.1109/EEEIC.2010.5489931). (SCOPUS)
31. Sagar Kondaveti, M. Jaya Bharata Reddy and D. K. Mohanta, “Power Quality Analysis on EHV Transmission line Using Modified S-Transform”, 9th IEEE International conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering, (EEEIC-2010), 16-19th May 2010, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland (DOI: 10.1109/EEEIC.2010.5489936). (SCOPUS)
32. Karthikeyan, A. Nagamani, C. Saravana Ilango, G, M.Jaya Bharata Reddy, “A constant frequency hybrid exciter for an autonomous wind energy conversion system ”, 9th IEEE International conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering, (EEEIC-2010), 16-19th May 2010, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland (DOI: 10.1109/EEEIC.2010.5490029). (SCOPUS)
33. D. K. Mohanta, M. Jaya Bharata Reddy, Abhishek Singh, Jayant Kumar Papneja, and Shalabh Agarwal , “Distribution System Reliability Evaluation Incorporating the Effect of Voltage Stability Index”, 7th IEEE International conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering ,(EEEIC-2008),5-10th May 2008, Wroclaw University of Technology and Cottbus University of Technology, Poland.
34. Diptendu Sinha Roy, Sathish Kumar Y., M. Jaya Bharata Reddy, A. K. Panda and D. K. Mohanta, “Effect of Redundancy on Transmission Protective System Using Digital Relays”, International Conference on power system analysis, control and optimization ,(PSACO-2008),13th – 15th March 2008, Andhra University College of Engineering, Visakhapatnam, India.
35. Piyush Kumar O jha, R.C.Jha, M.Jaya Bharata Reddy and D.K. Mohanta, “Portfolio Based Approaches in Generation Planning for Indian Power System”, International Conference on power system analysis, control and optimization ,(PSACO-2008),13th-15th March 2008, Andhra University College of Engineering, Visakhapatnam, India.
36. M. Jaya Bharata Reddy , D. K. Mohanta and B. M. Karan, “Power Quality Monitoring Incorporating Power Swing Using S-Transform Software Tool ” International Conference on Trends in Intelligent Electronic Systems, Sathyabama University, Chennai,12-14 ,November 2007.
37. M. Jaya Bharata Reddy , D. K. Mohanta and B.M.Karan, “A Wavelet Approach for classification of transmission line faults using soft computing techniques” International conference on power system protection, Power System division, CPRI ,Bangalore, 20-21, February 2007.
38. M. Jaya Bharata Reddy, S. Sunil and D. K. Mohanta, “A Wavelet-Fuzzy Combined Approach For Classification And Location Of Transmission Line Faults”, International Conference on Emerging Trends In Electrical Engineering, Electrical Engineering Department, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, January 2007.
39. M. Jaya Bharata Reddy , D. K. Mohanta and P. Vengala Reddy, “A Wavelet Based Technique For Digital Relaying Of Transmission Line Faults Using Artificial Neural Networks”, International Conference on Emerging Trends In Electrical Engineering, Electrical Engineering Department, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, January 2007.
40. M. Jaya Bharata Reddy and D. K. Mohanta, “Detection, Localization And Classification Of Power System Oscillatory Transients Using S-Transform”, International Conference on Emerging Trends In Electrical Engineering, Electrical Engineering Department, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, January 2007.
41. M. Jaya Bharata Reddy , D. K. Mohanta, B.M.Karan,P.K.Sadhu and R.Chakrabarti, “Power system disturbance recognition using wavelet and S-transform techniques” International Conference on soft computing, Bharat Institute of higher education and research, Chennai, 27-28,May,2004.
42. M. Jaya Bharata Reddy , D. K. Mohanta, B.M.Karan, P.K.Sadhu and R.Chakrabarti “Power System Disturbance Recognition using STD MRA Techniques” International Conference on Intelligent Signal Processing and Robotics, IIIT, Ahmedabad, 20-23 February2004.
43. D. K. Mohanta, M. Jaya Bharata Reddy, B.M.Karan, P.K.Sadhu and R.Chakrabarti, “Power Quality Disturbance Analysis using Wavelet Transform” International Conference on Emerging Technologies 2003, KIIT, Bhubaneswar, 19-21, December, 2003.
44. Diptendu Sinha Roy, Ashim Kumar, M.Jaya Bharata Reddy, A. K. Panda, D. K. Mohanta, “Effect of Monitoring Software Reliability on Digital Relay for prediction of Optimum Routine Test Interval”, IEEE National Conference on Computational intelligence ,control and computer vision in robotics & Automation ,(CICCRA-2008), March 10-11, 2008, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, India
45. D. K. Mohanta, M. Jayabharata Reddy, R. C. Jha, T. Ghose, C. K. Panigrahi “Impact Assessment of Renewable Sources Using Portfolio-Based Electricity Generation Planning”, NREPC 07, BIT, Mesra, Ranchi, December 07.
46. M. Jaya Bharata Reddy , D. K. Mohanta and S. Sunil, “A wavelet based technique for location of transmission line faults using artificial neural networks”, National Seminar on Recent developments in devices, circuits and communication,NASDEC2-06, Department of ECE, BIT, Mesra, Ranchi, November 06.
47. M. Jaya Bharata Reddy , D. K. Mohanta and P. Vengala Reddy, “Transmission line fault classification using wavelet transform and artificial neural networks”, National Seminar on Recent developments in devices, circuits and communication,NASDEC2-06, Department of ECE, BIT, Mesra, Ranchi, November 06.
48. D. K. Mohanta and M. Jaya Bharata Reddy, “A Stochastic approach for reliability evaluation of captive power plant”, All India Seminar on Emerging Trends in Power sector, Department of EEE, Birla Institute of Technology, 5-6 August 2006.
49. Arup kumar Goswami, Siddharth Khaitan, M. Jaya Bharata Reddy ,D. K. Mohanta and B.M.Karan , “Z-transform method for construction of capacity outage probability table for generation reliability evaluation”, National convention on Automation and Road Map, Gayatri Vidya Parishad College of Engineering, Visakhapatnam, 5-7,February 2005.
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Dr. M. Jaya Bharata Reddy
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
National Institute of Technology
Tiruchirappalli – 620 015
Tamil Nadu, India
Telephone : +91-431-250 3270
Email: jbreddy@nitt.edu