Dr. G.Saravana Ilango

- B.E - Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- M.E - Power Electronics and Drives
- Ph.D - FACTS Controllers
- Post-Doctoral Fellow at Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, North Carolina State University.
Research Publications
Recent 10 publications:
- Sivaprasad Athikkal, Bharatiraja Chokkalingam, Saravana Ilango G, Brad Lehman and Telles Brunelli Lazzarin, “Performance Evaluation of a Dual-Input Hybrid Step-Up DC-DC Converter”, in IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 58, no. 3, pp. 3769-3782, May/June 2022, doi: 10.1109/TIA.2022.3152973.
- Bharatiraja C, Ramanathan G and Saravana Ilango G, “A Stand Alone Building Integrated PV Tied Bidirectional Capability Direct DC Electric Vehicle Charging System Through Z-Source Inverter Impedance Network Capacitors”, in ECS Transactions, vol. 107, no.1, 2022.
- Chandrasekar V, C. Nagamani and Saravana Ilango G, “A low ripple current rejection method to improve the lifetime of solar photovoltaic integrated GaN converter system, in in Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, a Taylor and Francis Publication, vol. 44, no. 2, pp. 3903-3923, May 2022, doi: 10.1080/15567036.2022.2070688.
- Chandrasekar V, C. Nagamani and Saravana Ilango G “A low-profile, high performance, GaN converter design for a portable SPV charger”, in Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, a Taylor and Francis Publication, Feb 2022, doi: 10.1080/15567036.2022.2036876.
- P. Rosayyan, S. Subramaniam and Saravana Ilango G, "Decentralized Emergency Service Vehicle Pre-Emption System Using RF Communication and GNSS-Based Geo-Fencing," in IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 22, no. 12, pp. 7726-7735, Dec. 2021, doi: 10.1109/TITS.2020.3007671.
- B. Pradeep Kumar, M. Nitheesh kumar, M. Chakkarapani, Saravana Ilango G, C. Nagamani, " Estimation of PV Module Degradation Through Extraction of I-V Curve at Inverter Pre-Startup Condition," IET Renewable Power Generation, vol. 14, no.17, pp. 3479-3486, Feb 2021.
- B. P. Kumar, D. S. Pillai, N. Rajasekar, M. Chakkarapani and Saravana Ilango G, "Identification and Localization of Array Faults with Optimized Placement of Voltage Sensors in a PV System," in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 68, no. 7, pp. 5921-5931, July 2021, doi: 10.1109/TIE.2020.2998750.
- P. K. Boggarapu, C. Manickam, B. Lehman, Saravana Ilango G and N. Chilakapati, "Identification of Pre-existing/Undetected Line-to-Line Faults in PV Array Based on Preturn on/off Condition of the PV Inverter," in IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 35, no. 11, pp. 11865-11878, Nov. 2020, doi: 10.1109/TPEL.2020.2987856.
- Maheswari, L., Sivakumaran, N., Balasubramanian, K.R. et al. A unique control strategy to improve the life cycle of the battery and to reduce the thermal runaway for electric vehicle applications. J Therm Anal Calorim 141, 2541–2553 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10973-020-09673-0
- Rajesh Kuttappan Achary, Chilakapati Nagamani, Saravana Ilango G, “Frequency-independent rotor position signal generation scheme without position sensors”, IET Electric Power Applications, 14(9), 1570-1576, 2020
For more details click below
Areas of Interest
- Power Electronics Controllers.
- FACTS Controllers.
- Photovoltaic System design.
- Bhaskara Advanced Solar Energy (BASE) Fellowship DST- Indo-U.S. Science and Technology Forum (IUSSTF). (2017)
- Young Faculty Research Fellowship from DEITY, Govt. of India (2017)
- Young Scientist Award in Engineering Sciences Fast Track Project on “Design and Development of Shunt Active Filter,” DST, Govt. of India. (2009)
Ph.D Guidance
- Rajesh K, Ph.D. (graduated in July 2021), Thesis Title: “Certain Investigations for Improved Performance of a Permanent Magnet Brushless DC Motor Drive”.
- B. Pradeep Kumar, Ph.D. (graduated in December 2021), Thesis Title: “Investigation of Effective Schemes for Detecting Array Faults and Module Degradation in PV Systems”.
- L. Maheswari -, Ph.D. (graduated in July 2021), Thesis Title: “Investigation of Control Battery for Battery Life Improvement and Power Converters for Photovoltaic System”
- B. Bijukumar, PhD (graduated in August 2019), Thesis Title: “Investigation on module arrangement scheme and control strategies for thermoelectric generator fed power converters for enhanced power extraction”.
- M. Chakkarapani, PhD (graduated in December 2017), Thesis Title: “Development of GMPPT algorithm with partial shading detection and fault identification scheme in PV system”.
- Sarojini Mary. S, PhD (graduated in July 2017,) Thesis Title: “Investigation of static reconfiguration technique of modules and power electronic controller for solar photovoltaic system”
- Venkata Ram Raju Rudraraju, PhD (graduated in May 2016), Thesis Title: “Certain control strategies for wind driven induction generators at low speed”
- P. Srinivasa Rao, PhD (graduated in July 2015), Thesis Title: “Investigation of module interconnection schemes and control strategies for photovoltaic system”
- C. K. Aravind, PhD (graduated in June 2015), Thesis Title: “Investigation of control strategies for autonomous and non-autonomous operation of wind energy conversion system”
- B. Indu Rani, PhD (graduated in March 2013), Thesis Title: “Investigation of control techniques for effective utilization of solar PV system”
Details of sponsored projects :
Applied Research:
- Development of Shaft Motor System for Chainless Bicycles CEEYES Engineering Industries PVT LTD, Tiruchirappalli, 2021-23. 3 lakh
- Mentored for dispersing Knowledge to 10 Technical Institutions to encourage best practices, 2018-22, 30 Lakhs, Margdarshan Scheme – AICTE
- Intelligent Off-Grid System for Energy Sustainable Village, VIT (Sponsored by DST, Govt. of India), 2018-20, 7.08 lakh.
- Electronification of Ground Water Control and Conveyor Systems in Mines (Ministry of Coal, Govt. of India , 2017-18, 179.53 lakh)
- Dynamic Loading of Conveyor Drive Heads in Mines (NLC, Neyveli, 2015-17, 122.21 lakh)
- Technical Assistance to Reduce the Energy Consumption for Vapour Compressor Refrigeration Chiller Plant at Machine Shop, Heavy Alloy Penetrator Project, Ministry of Defence, 2018-19, 2.47 lakh.
- Electrical Performance Evaluation of TEG System in Boiler Flue Gas Duct (BHEL, Tiruchirappalli, 2017, 3.45 lakh)
- Developed an industry-standard interleaved 250W DC-DC converter
Sponsored Research (Last Five Years):
- Sustainable Energy Systems for Achieving Normal Carbon Neutral Energy Communities (SUSTENANCE), (DST, Govt. of India). 2021-23, 118.60 lakh.
- Design of Controller for Buck Converter, ISRO-STIC Cell, 2020-21, 12.79 lakh.
- Design and Development of WBG Device Based High Current Converters for Industry Applications, NaMPET Phase III, 2020-23, 83.76 lakh.
- Development and Validation of Semi Centralized DC Microgrid Model for Indian Residential DC Home, SERB Government of India. 2020-23. 18.50 lakh.
- Design and Development of Resilient Building Integrated Photovoltaic Grid Connected DC Fast Electric Vehicle Charging System for Indian Prospects, SERB, Govt. of India, 2019-22, 18.30 lakh.
- Development of SiC Based Modular Multilevel Converter for Improving Power Quality in Grid Connected Solar PV System, Indo-US Science and Technology Forum, 2018, 8.98 lakh.
- Development of Modular Multilevel Converter for Enhancing Power Quality and PV Output Power under Partial Shading Conditions in Grid-Connected PV System (SERB, Govt. of India, 2017-20, 46.28 lakh)
Contributions to the Institute - Academic/Administration
Associate Dean(P&D) [0ct 2012 - Nov2015]
Warden [Jan 2010 - Dec 2012]
Member of Quality Assurance Committee for Estate Maintenance works [Mar 2007 - Oct 2010]
G.Saravana Ilango,
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering,
National Institute of Technology, Trichirapalli,
Tamil Nadu 620 015, India
Ph: +91-431-2503259
Mob:+91 9442366994