Dr. Sishaj P Simon

Dr. Sishaj P Simon

Employment Profile

Job Title Employer From To
Professor NIT Trichy September 2022 Till Now
Associate Professor NIT Trichy March 2018 September 2022
Assistant Professor NIT Trichy August 2006 March 2018
Research Scholar IIT Roorkee July 2002 August 2006
Lecturer Karunya Institute of Technology November 2000 July 2002

Academic Qualifications

Examination Board / University Year Division/ Grade Subjects
Ph.D IIT Roorkee 2006 AA Investigations of Ant Colony Models for Solving Unit Commitment Problem
Post-Graduation Bharathiar University 2001 First Class Applied Electronics
Under Graduation Bharathiar University 1999 First Class Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Pre-Univ./12th Tamil Nadu State Board 1995 Distinction Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics
Matric/10th Tamil Nadu State Board 1993 Distinction Languages, Science, Social Science and Mathematics

Academic/Administrative Responsibilities within the University

Position Faculty/Department/Centre/Institution From To
Head of the Department (HoD) Dept. of EEE, NITT 18-12-2024 Till date
Chairman - Solar PV Power Plant NIT Tiruchirappalli 13-09-2023 01-07-2024
Coordinator - CRS Radio Broadcast NIT Tiruchirappalli 21-11-2022 Till date
Chairperson - QS Ranking Task Force NIT Tiruchirappalli 17-11-2022 Till date
Member PhD Admission Committee NIT Tiruchirappalli 28-01-2020 31-03-2022
Associate Dean (P and D) NIT Tiruchirappalli 23-11-2015 21-11-2017
Associate Dean (Works) NIT Tiruchirappalli 31-07-2015 22-11-2015
Building and Works Committee NIT Tiruchirappalli 24-11-2015 11-11-2017
Deputy Registrar Incharge (Accounts) NIT Tiruchirappalli 08-08-2014 11-11-2017
TEQIP-II Nodal Officer NIT Tiruchirappalli 11-01-2013 14-09-2017
Estate Committee member NIT Tiruchirappalli 19-09-2007 04-05-2008
Member of Library Core Task Committee NIT Tiruchirappalli 03-03-2014 30-11-2017
Staff Advisor of IEEE Professional Societies NIT Tiruchirappalli 10-03-2008 30-04-2009
Member of Constitution of Estate Works and Maintenance committee NIT Tiruchirappalli 05-05-2008 30-11-2012
Department level Committee: B-Tech Project Coordinator / Class Committee Chairman / Computer Lab In charge (Maintenance / Setting) / (MS and PhD admission) / Department Library In charge / DPEC Member M.Tech Internal Evaluation / Electronics Laboratory In charge (Purchase/ Repair) / Faculty Advisor / NBA Coordinator / Overall Lab development coordinator / PG admission coordinator / PhD Admission Test Committee member / TEQIP-II Coordinator/ etc... EEE Department,
NIT Tiruchirappalli
- -

Academic/Administrative Responsibilities outside the University

Position Institution
Journal reviewer IEEE transactions, IET, Elsevier, Taylor & Francis, etc...
Academic auditor Anna university academic audit for UG program of university departments (CEG, ACT, MIT, and SAP)
Thesis evaluation committee member Indian examiner for various Universities
Academic council nominee University nominee for the academic council in KLN college of engineering, Pottapalayam 630612
Member of academic course file auditor Karunya Institute of Technology and Science

Awards, Associateships etc.

Year of Award Name of the Award Awarding Organization
2017 Top three contributors in terms of number of research publications (Institute Day) (Department-wise) in 2016-17, Page no:08 NIT Tiruchirappalli
2022 Best Innovator Award (Institute Day) NIT Tiruchirappalli
2022 High Performing Faculty Award (Institute Day) NIT Tiruchirappalli
2023 Best Innovator Award (Institute Day) NIT Tiruchirappalli


Year of Award Name of the Fellowship Awarding Organization From (Month/Year) To (Month/Year)
2018 Young Faculty Research Fellowship DEITY, Govt. of India 2018 2021
2012 Offered Post Doctoral fellowship (Project in Collaboration with Irish Power grid) University of Limerick Ireland - -
2004 Early Faculty Induction Programme AICTE 2006 2009
2002 MHRD Fellowship IIT Roorkee 2002 2006

Details of Academic Work

  • Curriculum Development
  • Courses taught at Postgraduate and Undergraduate levels
S. No. Name of the theory Courses Taught
1 Basics of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
2 Electronic Circuits Laboratory
3 Artificial Neural Networks
4 Transmission And Distribution Of Electrical Energy
5 Machine Learning And Deep Learning
6 Advanced Power System Analysis
  • Projects guided at Postgraduate level: 72
  • Other contribution(s)
Sl. No. Patent Description Status
1 Name of applicant: NIT, Tiruchirappalli
Title: A method of differential relay for power transformer protection using DSP processor
Inventors: N. P. Padhy, Sishaj P Simon, M. Senthil Kumar, K. Sundareswaran, P. Srinivasa Rao Nayak
Granted on 28/10/2021, Patent Number:380676
2 Name of applicant: NIT, Tiruchirappalli
Title: A System with Multiple transmission Loss Co-efficient for Dynamic Economic Generator Dispatch.
Inventors: Sishaj P Simon, K Sundareswaran, Srinivasarao Nayak, C H Ram Jethmalani
Granted on 23/12/2021, Patent Number:382380
3 Name of applicant: NIT, Tiruchirappalli
Title: Single Axis Solar Tracking System And Method Thereof
Inventors: Sishaj P Simon, P. Srinivasa Rao Nayak, K. Sundareswaran. Krishna Kumba Mohammed Mansoor O, Venkateswarlu G
Granted on 07/04/2022, Patent Number:394395
4 Name of applicant: BHEL, Trichy
Title: A system to determine a day-ahead loading pattern of heavy machineries in industries and proactive control of peak load overshoot
Inventors: Muhammad Ehsan Rajith, Sishaj P Simon, K. Sundareswaran, P. Srinivasa Rao Nayak, Rohit Rajan Eapen, M. Senthil Kumar, Kevin Ark Kumar
Granted on 27/08/2022, Patent Number:404786
5 Name of applicant: NIT, Tiruchirappalli
Title: System and Method for Efficient Energy Extraction from an Existing Solar PV System
Inventors: Sishaj P Simon, Mohammed Mansoor O, K. Sundareswaran, P. Srinivasa Rao Nayak
Granted on: 03/05/2023, Patent Number: 431024
6 Name of applicant: BHEL, Trichy
Title: A Batteryless Solar Photovoltaic Power Generation System to Supply Electrical Powerduring all Seasons to the Utilities Throughout the Day.
Inventors: Kevin Ark Kumar, Sishaj P. Simon, K. Sundareswaran, Srinivasa Rao Nayak, TT Anilkumar,C.H. Ramjeth Malani & Ratchanniya Samuel
Granted on: 01/12/2023, Patent Number: 474811
7 Name of applicant: BHEL, Trichy
Title: An Autonomous Sys. for MF&O of a Dust Cleaning Mechanism for PV Panels
Inventors: Muhammad Ehsan R, Sishaj P Simon, P. Kevin ARK Kumar, K. Sundareswaran
Granted on: 09/07/2024, Patent Number: 544489
8 Name of applicant: NIT, Tiruchirappalli
Title: A Switching Mechanism for a Plurality of Photovoltaic Panels
Inventors: Sarath N, Sishaj P Simon, K. Sundareswaran, P. Srinivasa Rao Nayak
Granted on: 07/03/2025, Patent Number: 562062
9 Name of applicant: NIT, Tiruchirappalli
Title: A Photovoltaic System with Photovoltaic Panels arranged in a Cubicle Structure
Inventors: Sishaj P Simon, P. Srinivasa Rao Nayak, K. Sundareswaran, Ajay Kumar Prajapat, Sarath N
Date of Filing: 29-02-2024, Application No: 202441015197, Under Examination

Details of Major R&D Projects

Title of Project Funding Agency and Amount From To Role/ Ongoing/ Completed
A 10 kW pilot Plant Based on Single Axis Solar Tracking System Using Second lever Principle DST, 43.78 Lakhs 27-08-2021 30-09-2024 PI, Completed
Indo-Danish collaboration for data-driven Control and optimization for a highly Efficient distribution grid/id-edge DST, 15.81 Lakhs 26-06-2019 25-06-2023 Co-PI, Completed
Emergency Response Support System Centre for Development Advanced Computing, 20.00 Lakhs 22-10-2018 21-10-2022 Member, Ongoing
Design, Implementation, and Analysis of Wireless Power Transfer and PV System for Battery Charging of Passenger E-Bus CPRI Bangalore, 32.40 Lakhs 17-06-2019 16-06-2021 Co-PI, Completed
Optimal Mix of Communication Technology for Demand Response Management in Smart Grid Applications Visvesvaraya Ph.D. Scheme for Electronics and IT, 19.70 Lakhs 20-01-2018 30-09-2020 PI, Completed
Design and Development of Multi-Input 10kVA Online UPS (Solar+grid+battery) BHEL, Tiruchirappalli, 15.00 Lakhs 16-09-2014 04-03-2015 Member, Completed
Design and Optimization of Feedback Controller for Boost type dc-dc converters using Artificial Immune System Central Power Research Institute, 8.64 Lakhs 16-09-2014 04-03-2015 Co-PI, Completed
A pilot project on economic demand response management through online monitoring Science and Engineering Research Board (DST), 24.39 Lakhs 21-05-2013 25-11-2016 PI, Completed
Maximum Demand Control through Modern Algorithms Southern Railways, 1.00 Lakh 13-06-2013 23-03-2016 PI, Completed

Number of PhDs guided

Name of the Ph.D. Scholar Title of Ph.D. Thesis Role(Supervisor/ Co-Supervisor) Year of Award
S. Hemamalini Novel optimization techniques for economic scheduling of generating units Supervisor Jan’ 2011
K. Chandrasekaran Investigation on solving unit commitment problems using swarm intelligent techniques Supervisor Dec’ 2012
C. Cristopher Columbus Certain investigations on solving unit commitment problem using swarm based parallel models Supervisor Apr’ 2013
S. Sreejith Scheduling of thermal generating units incorporating facts devices using bee colony intelligent system Supervisor Jul’ 2013
C. H. Ram Jethmalani Investigations on transmission loss estimation in power system scheduling problems Supervisor Jan' 2018
Anil Kumar T T Investigations on Pico hydel hybrid power generation system incorporating an open well energy storage Supervisor May' 2018
M. Senthil Kumar Investigations on time-frequency transformation techniques for power transformer differential protection Supervisor Feb' 2018
J. Sathiyanarayanan Development and Analysis of Enhanced Schemes in Traction Network of Railway Workshop Supervisor Jun'2019
Rohit Rajan Eapen Economic Demand Response Management of a Secondary Distribution system Supervisor Apr' 2021
O.Mohammed Mansoor Design, Experimentation, Performance, And Feasibility Analysis Of Solar Photovoltaic Mirroring System Supervisor Aug' 2021
Venkateswarlu Gundu Demand Response Schemes in a Distribution System Using Deep Learning Techniques Supervisor Apr' 2022
Krishna Kumba Investigation of Second Order Lever Single Axis Solar Tracking System Supervisor Jun' 2023
R. Muhammad Ehsan Mitigation of Soiling Losses in Solar Photovoltaic Power Generation Using Superhydrophobic Nanocoatings Supervisor Jul' 2023
Gireesh V Puthusserry Development and Analysis of New and Modified Optimization Algorithms for Maximum Power Point Tracking in PV Systems under Partial Shaded Conditions Co-Supervisor Aug' 2023
Sindhu D Pillai Renewable Energy Supervisor In progress
Sai Kiran Data-Driven Control and Optimization for a Highly Efficient Distribution Grid Supervisor In progress
A.Jothivelu Smart Grid Supervisor In progress
Sarath N Renewable Energy Supervisor In progress
Ajay Kumar Prajapat Renewable Energy Supervisor In progress

Participation in Workshops/ Symposia/ Conferences/ Colloquia /Seminars/ Schools etc. (mentioning the role)

Date (s) Title of Activity Level of Event (International/ National/ Local) Role (Participant/ Speaker/ Chairperson, Paper presenter, Any other) Event Organized by Venue
14.12.2018 To 16.12.2018 20th National Power Systems Conference- NPSC 2018 National Technical Committee NIT Tiruchirappalli EEE Dept.
13.12.2019 To 15.12.2019 9th National Power Electronics Conference-NPEC 2019 National Publication Chair NIT Tiruchirappalli EEE Dept.

Workshops/ Symposia/ Conferences/ Colloquia/Seminars Organized (as Chairman/ Organizing Secretary/ Convenor / Co-Convenor)

Title of Activity Level of Event (International/ National/ Local) Date (s) Role Venue
Essence of Emergency Response Support system National 06th-10thApril 2022 Coordinator NITT
Fuzzy Logic and Neural Networks in Artificial Intelligence National 28thDec' 2020 - 01stJan' 2021 Coordinator NITT
Perspectives and Challenges in Outcome-Based Research National 13th-17thJul' 2020 Coordinator NITT
AICTE Margdharshan -Workshop on Recent Research Trends and Future Research
Directions in Solar Energy Technologies
National 18th- 22ndMay' 2020 Coordinator NITT
FDP on Recent Advance in E-Mobility and Charging National 19th-23rdJul' 2021 Coordinator NITT
Workshop on ""Recent Developments in Electrical Power Engineering" National 29th Aug' 3rdSep' 2016 Coordinator NITT
Workshop on “Implementation of Firefly Algorithm in SCILAB and µ- Controller” National 10th-11th Oct' 2014 Coordinator NITT
Workshop on Communication and Soft Skills for Engineers and Architects National 16th- 18th June'2014 Coordinator NITT
Workshop on “Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), Applications and Implementation on a Microcontroller” National 8thMar' 2014 Coordinator NITT
Conclave on “Academic Enhancement in Electrical Engineering” National 8thto 10th Nov' 2013 Coordinator NITT
Workshop on “Fuzzy Systems and Applications” National 13thJuly' 2013 Coordinator NITT
Workshop on “Application of Biologically Inspired Algorithms for Power System and Power Electronics” National 8thJuly 2012 Coordinator NITT
Staff development Programme on “ Recent Researches on Fuzzy Logic and Neural Networks National 21stJune– 3rdJuly 2010 Coordinator NITT
Staff development Programme on “Engineering Practices on Fuzzy Logic, Neural Networks and Hybrid Systems" National 15th- 27th June' 2009 Coordinator NITT
Workshop on “Recent Trends in Modeling and Simulation in Power Systems and Power Electronics” for Engineering College Teachers National 30th- 31st Mar'2007 Coordinator NITT
Intensive Course on “Wind Power Integration National 20th-27thAug'2007 Coordinator NITT
Work shop on “Developing Team Work” National 6thOct' 2007 Coordinator NITT

Invited Talks delivered

Topic Date Inviting Organization
Guest lecture on “Swarm Intelligence” 12/10/2007 ECE Association function of EGS Pillay Engineering College, Nagapattinam, Tamil Nadu
Speech on “Neural Networks and Applications in Electrical Power” 2/01/2008 Indian Institute of Industrial Engineering, Trichy Zone (Near BHEL)
Guest lecture on “Artificial Neural Network and Applications” 21/08/2008 Sengunthar Engineering College
Guest lecture on “Swarm Intelligence and Deregulation of Power Industry” 16/10/2008 National Engineering College, Kovilpatti, Tamilnadu
Guest Lecture on “Intelligent Computational Techniques for Power Industry” on AICTE-ISTE sponsored short term training program on “Computational Techniques for Power Electronics and Power Systems- CTPEPS-09” 20/03/2009. Adhiparasakthi Engineering College, Melmaruvathrur-603319, Tamilnadu
Guest Lecture on “Matlab – Fuzzy & ANN Toolkit” 16.04.2009 IRTT Erode
Resource lecture on “Ant Intelligence” for AICTE Sponsored National Seminar, Intelligent System Applications to Future Challenges in Power Engineering. 11/09/2009 PEC, Pondicherry,
Guest Lecture on “Bio-Inspired Intelligent System for IIR Filter Design” in the National Level workshop organized by the Department of Electrical and Communication Engineering, 21/11/2009 Hindustan College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore, India.
Guest Inaugural and keynote address on “AI and its Applications” 10/02/2010 National Seminar organized by Department of EEE and ECE, Nehru College of Engineering and Research Centre, Pampady, Thrissur District, Kerala, India.
Guest lecture on “ Computational Intelligence and Artificial Neural Networks in Power System” 07/08/2010 Vikram College of Engineering, Madurai on
Special Lecture on “De-regulated Power Market” in the National level workshop on “ Virtual Instrumentation, Distributed Generation and Deregulated Market” 08/01/2011 Angel College of Engineering and Technology, Tirupur on
Guest Lecture on “Deregulation of Power System” in the two-day workshop on “Insight into Smart Grid and its Applications” 05/02/2011 Kumara Guru College of Technology, Coimbatore
Guest lecture on “ Application on Intelligent techniques in the Analysis and Design of Electrical Systems” 29/04/2011 KSR college of Engineering, Tiruchengode, Tamilnadu
Guest Lecture delivered on “Intelligent Controllers”. 06/08/2011 Sethu Institute of Technology, Virudhunagar, Tamilnadu on
Guest Lecture delivered on “Power Systems” 19/08/2011 St. Joseph College of Engineering & Technology, Thanjavur, Tamilnadu
Guest Lecture on "Evolution of Smart Grids" on, One Day Pre-Conference Tutorial on “Smart Grid Systems” as a part of “International Conference on Renewable Energy Utilization (ICREU)”–2012 26/09/2011 at Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore
Guest Lecture delivered on “Application of Ant Colony Optimization” for the two-day National technical seminar of Application of Metaheuristics for Engineering Optimization” 20/03/2012 College of Engineering, Anna University, Chennai.
Guest Lecture delivered on “Meta-Heuristic Algorithm & Ant Colony Technique with Suitable Case Studies” 8/12/2012 R.M.K College of Engineering and Technology, Chennai
Guest lecture on “Smart Grids” for the workshop on “Power Electronics in Distributed Generation” 9/2/2014 Department of Electrical Engineering at National Institute of Technology, Suratkal, Karnataka.
Guest lecture on “Application of Artificial Intelligence Techniques on Unit Commitment Problem” on 15/07/2014 Department of Electrical Engineering at S.V. National Institute of Technology, Surat, Gujarat.
Guest lecture on “Fire Fly Algorithm for Generation Scheduling” 03/11/2015 Karunya University, Coimbatore
Guest lecture on “Smart Grid Technologies and Its Vulnerability to Cyber Attacks” for AICTE sponsored one week Online Faculty Development Program on “Internet of Things (IoT) Application in Smart Grid” 20/10/2020 Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai, TamilNadu
Guest lecture on “Areas prone for Vulnerable Cyber Attacks in Power Systems” for AICTE QIP- Short Term Course 27/07/2020 KCG College of Technology, Chennai, Tamil Nadu
Guest lecture on “Computational intelligent models for electrical engineering Applications” for AICTE Sponsored Online Short Term Training Programme on “cyber security and resilience of smart grid (CSRSG)” 10/09/2021 NIT Arunachal Pradesh

Membership of Learned Societies

Type of Membership (Ordinary Member/ Honorary Member / Life Member) Organization Membership No. with date
Life Member System Society of India LM30283
Life Member Indian Society of Technical Education LM68331
Life Member Solar Energy Society of India LM/1439/2010

Academic Foreign Visits

Country Duration of Visit Programme
United Kingdom 06-09-2011 to 08-09-2011 The IET Renewable Power Generation Conference 2011 (RPG-2011)
USA 16-04-2008 to 18-09-2008 Chaired the session “Electricity Market” at the Tenth IASTED International Conference on “Power and Energy System” held at Baltimore, USA April 16, 2008 –April 18, 2008. Also presented a research paper at the Tenth International Conference on Power and Energy Systems (PES-2008), International Association of Science and Technology for Development
Singapore 12/11/2007 to 11/12/2007 TEQIP Training for one month (Nov 12th2007 –Dec 11th2007) on “Artificial Intelligence” in the Game Lab, School of Computer Engineering at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Israel 16/11/2016 to 18/11/2016 Attended ICSEE 2016 Conference


(A) Refereed Research Journals:

Author(s) Title of Paper Journal Volume (No.) Page numbers Year Impact Factor of the Journal (Optional)
Kannan Madhavan Namboothiri, K Sundareswaran, P Nayak, Sishaj P Simon State of Charge Estimation of Lithium-Ion Batteries Using Long Short-Term Memory and Bi-directional Long Short-Term Memory Neural Networks Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series B https://doi.org/10.1007/s40031-023-00947-3 24/11/2023 1.333
Venkateswarlu Gundu, Sishaj P Simon, Krishna Kumba Short-term solar power forecasting-An approach using JAYA based recurrent network model Multimedia Tools and Applications https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-023-16723-w 21/09/2023 2.577
M Kannan, Kinattingal Sundareswaran, P Srinivas Rao Nayak, Sishaj P Simon A Combined DNN-NBEATS Architecture for State of Charge Estimation of Lithium-Ion Batteries in Electric Vehicles IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology https://doi.org/10.1109/TVT.2023.3242269 02/2023 6.239
Kannan Madhavan Namboothiri, Sundareswaran K, P Srinivasa Rao Nayak, Sishaj P Simon State of Charge Estimation of Lithium-Ion Batteries Employing Deep Neural Network with Variable Learning Rate Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series B https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpowsour.2018.06.104 02/2023 1.333
Manujith P Sasidharan, Sundareswaran Kinattingal, SP Simon Comparative Analysis of Deep Learning Models for Electric Vehicle Charging Load Forecasting Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series B https://doi.org/10.1007/s40031-022-00798-4 02/2023 1.333
Krishna Kumba, Sishaj P Simon, Kinattingal Sundareswaran, Panugothu Srinivasan Rao Nayak LSTM Based Forecasting of PV Power for a Second Order Lever Principle Single Axis Solar Tracker Strategic Planning for Energy and the Environment https://doi.org/10.13052/spee1048-5236.4226 31/01/2023 0.243
Manikandan Thangamalai, Srinivasa Rao Nayak P, Sishaj P. Simon, Kinattingal Sundareswaran A New Scheme for Parallel Transmission of Power and Full-Duplex Mode Information Sharing with LCC Topology Based on IPT System Distributed Generation & Alternative Energy Journal, River Publishers https://doi.org/10.13052/dgaej2156-3306.3828 03/01/2023 0.27
Muhammad Ehsan, Sishaj P Simon, K. Sundareswaran, P. S. R. Nayak Effects of Nanocoatings on the Temperature-Dependent Cell Parameters and Power Generation of Photovoltaic Panels Applied Nanoscience, Springer https://doi.org/10.1007/s13204-022-02633-0 12/2022 3.86
S Sreekumar, KC Sharma, R Bhakar, SP Simon, A Rana Multi interval Zero Carbon Flexible Ramp Product Electric Power Systems Research https://doi.org/10.1016/j.epsr.2022.108258 01/11/2022 3.818
Mallikarjuna Golla, S Sankar, K Chandrasekaran, Sishaj P Simon, Narayana Prasad Padhy An integrated power control module for photovoltaic sources in DC microgrid system International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijepes.2022.108348 01/11/2022 5.659
Mallikarjuna Golla, S Thangavel, Sishaj P Simon FPGA Implementation of High-Efficiency Dynamic MPPT Controller for Wind Energy Conversion System Using Neural Network Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering https://doi.org/10.1007/s13369-022-06814-5 11/2022 2.807
K Chandrasekaran, Madhusmita Mohanty, Mallikarjuna Golla, A Venkadesan, Sishaj P Simon Dynamic MPPT controller using cascade neural network for a wind power conversion system with energy management IETE Journal of Research https://doi.org/10.1080/03772063.2020.1756934 03/09/2022 1.877
Venkateswarlu Gundu, Sishaj P Simon, Vemalaiah Kasi, Narayana Prasad Padhy, Dheeraj Kumar Khatod Priority-Based Residential Demand Response for Alleviating Crowding in Distribution Systems IEEE Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy https://doi.org/10.35833/MPCE.2022.000034 17/08/2022 4.46
G Satheesh Krishnan, K Sundareswaran, Sishaj P Simon Increased Energy Harvesting from shaded PV power plant using a fast converging Fruit fly Algorithm Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series B https://doi.org/10.1007/s40031-022-00725-7 08/2022 1.333
Gireesh V. Puthusserry, Kinattingal Sundareswaran, Sishaj P. Simon, G. Satheesh Krishnan Maximum Energy Extraction in Partially Shaded PV Systems Using Skewed Genetic Algorithm: Computer Simulations, Experimentation, and Evaluation on a 30 kW PV Power Plant Distributed Generation & Alternative Energy Journal, River Publishers https://doi.org/10.13052/dgaej2156-3306.3763 27/07/2022 0.27
Krishna. Kumba, S. P. Simon, K. Sundareswaran, P. S. R. Nayak, K. A. Kumar and N. P. Padhy Performance Evaluation of a Second-Order Lever Single Axis Solar Tracking System IEEE Journal of Photovoltaic Vol.12, Issue:5 pp. 1219-1229 13/07/2022 4.40
Sreenu Sreekumar, Sumanth Yamujala, Kailash Chand Sharma, Rohit Bhakar, Sishaj P. Simon, Ankur Singh Rana, Flexible Ramp Products: A solution to enhance power system flexibility Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Elsevier Vo. 162 01/07/2022 16.79
Mallikarjuna Golla, S Thangavel, Sishaj Pulikottil Simon, Narayana Prasad Padhy An Enhancement of Power Quality With Efficient Active Power Transfer Capability in a PV–BSS-Fed UAPF for Microgrid Realization IEEE Systems Journal, 09/06/2022 4.80
M. Golla, S. Thangavel, S. P. Simon and N. P. Padh A Novel Control Scheme using UAPF in an Integrated PV Grid-tied System IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 07/06/2022 4.82
Mallikarjuna Golla, S Thangavel, K Chandrasekaran, Sishaj P Simon Real-Time Implementation of PV fed Universal Active Power Filter Using CF-SOGI based IPBT Control Scheme Electric Power Systems Research, Elsevier Vol. 206, 01/05/2022 5.65
Gundu, V., Simon, S.P Quality analysis of combined similar day and day ahead short-term load forecasting using recurrent neural networks Sādhanā, Springer vol. 47 pp. 1-11 03/2022 1.21
Venkateswarlu Gundu, Sishaj P Simon Short Term Solar Power and Temperature Forecast Using Recurrent Neural Networks Neural Processing Letters, Taylor and Francis Vol. 24 PP. 1-12 25/08/2021 2.56
Senthil kumar Murugan, Sishaj P Simon, Rohit Rajan Eapen A Novel Signal Localized Convolution Neural Network for Power Transformer Differential Protection IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 2021/5/17 4.82
Muhammad Ehsan, Sishaj P. Simon, K. Sundareswaran Kevin Ark Kumar and T. Sriharsha R. Effect of Soiling on Photovoltaic Modules and Its Mitigation Using Hydrophobic Nano coatings IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, 04/2021. 4.40
Mallikarjuna Golla, K Chandrasekaran, Sishaj P Simon PV integrated universal active power filter for power quality enhancement and effective power management Energy for Sustainable Development, Elsevier Vol. 61 pp. 104-117 1/04/2021 5.65
Venkateswarlu Gundu, Sishaj P Simon PSO–LSTM for short term forecast of heterogeneous time series electricity price signals Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Vol. 12 pp. 2375-2385 02/2021 3.66
Venkateswarlu Gundu, Sishaj Pulikottil Simon, Kinattingal Sundareswaran, Srinivasa Rao Nayak Panugothu Gated recurrent unitbased demand response for preventing voltage collapse in a distribution system Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey Vol. 26 pp. 3319-3334. 2020/11/30 0.85
Satheesh Krishnan Gopalakrishnan, Sundareswaran Kinattingal, Sishaj Pulikottil Simon MPPT in PV Systems Using PSO Appended with Centripetal Instinct Attribute Electric Power Components and Systems, Taylor and Francis Vol. 48 pp. 881-891, 2020/10/19 1.27
Satheesh Krishnan G, Sundareswaran Kinattingal, Sishaj P Simon, Panugothu Srinivasa Rao Nayak MPPT in PV systems using ant colony optimisation with dwindling population IET Renewable Power Generation Vol.14, pp. 1105-1112, 2020/10/19 3.03
K. Sundareswaran J. Sathiyanarayanan, Sishaj P. Simon Energy Audit in a Railway Traction Substation (A Real Case Study) J. Inst. Eng. India Ser. B, Francis and Taylor Vol.101(4) pp.411–416, August 2020 1.33
Mohammed Mansoor Odungat, Sishaj Pulikottil Simon, Kevin Ark Kumar, Kinattingal Sundareswaran, Panugothu Srinivasarao Nayak, Narayana Prasad Padhy Estimation of system efficiency and utilization factor of a mirror integrated solar PV system. IET Renewable Power Generation Vol.10, pp.1677-1687. 2020/7/23 3.03
Satheesh Krishnan Gopalakrishnan, Sundareswaran Kinattingal, Sishaj Pulikottil Simon, Kevin Ark Kumar Enhanced energy harvesting from shaded PV systems using an improved particle swarm optimisation. IET Renewable Power Generation Vol.14.9, pp. 1471-1480, 2020/7/1 3.03
Venkateswarlu Gundu, Sishaj P Simon A novel energy routing technique with hybrid energy storage for residential electricity cost minimization in a smart distribution network Energy sources, part A: Recovery, utilization, and environmental effects, Francis and Taylor pp. 1-18 2020/6/19 2.90
K Chandrasekaran, Madhusmita Mohanty, Mallikarjuna Golla, A Venkadesan, Sishaj P Simon Dynamic MPPT Controller Using Cascade Neural Network for a Wind Power Conversion System with Energy Management IETE Journal of Research, Francis and Taylor pp. 1-15 2020/6/19 1.87
Sishaj P Simon, Kevin Ark Kumar, Kinattingal Sundareswaran, P Srinivasa Rao Nayak, Narayana Prasad Padhy Impact and economic assessment on solar PV mirroring system–A feasibility report." Energy Conversion and Management, Elsevier Vol.203 pp. 112-222 2020/1/1 11.53
Madhusmita Mohanty, Sankar Selvakumar, Chandrasekaran Koodalsamy, Sishaj Pulikottil Simon Global maximum operating point tracking for PV system using fast convergence firefly algorithm Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences,Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey Vol. 27 pp.4640-4658 2019/12/1 0.85
Senthil Kumar Murugan, Sishaj Pulikottil Simon, Kinattingal Sundareswaran, Srinivasa Rao Nayak Panugothu, Narayana Prasad Padhy Hardware-in-the Loop Testing of Power Transformer Differential Relay Using RTDS and DSP Electric Power Components and Systems, Taylor and Francis Vol. 47 pp. 1090-1100 2019/7/21 1.27
Rohit Rajan Eapen, Sishaj Pulikottil Simon, Kinattingal Sundareswaran, Panugothu Srinivasarao Nayak User centric economic demand response management in a secondary distribution system in India IET Renewable Power Generation vol. 13 pp.834-846 22/04/2019 3.03
Rohit Rajan Eapen, Sishaj Pulikottil Simon Performance analysis of combined similar day and day ahead short term electrical load forecasting using sequential hybrid neural networks IETE Journal of Research, Taylor and Francis Vol. 65 pp. 216-226, 4/03/2019 2.33
CH Ram Jethmalani, Sishaj P Simon, K Sundareswaran, P Srinivasa Rao Nayak, Narayana Prasad Padhy Real coded genetic algorithm based transmission system loss estimation in dynamic economic dispatch problem Alexandria engineering journal, Elsevier vol. 57 pp. 3535-3547 1/12/2018 6.62
Ram Jethmalani C Hemparuva, Sishaj P Simon, Sundareswaran Kinattingal, Narayana Prasad Padhy Geographic information system and weather based dynamic line rating for generation scheduling Engineering Science and Technology, Elsevier vol, 21 pp. 564-573 1/8/2018 5.15
Sankar Selvakumar, Mohanty Madhusmita, Chandrasekaran Koodalsamy, Sishaj Pulikottil Simon, Yog Raj Sood High-speed maximum power point tracking module for PV systems IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics vol. 62 pp. 1119-1129 3/5/2018 8.61
K.Sundareswaran J. Sathiyanarayanan, Sishaj P. Simon Hybrid compensator for static and relative powers Of railway power system stabilizer with unified Traction system control Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, Springer Vol. 9. 2017/12 0.30
R Muhammad Ehsan, Sishaj P Simon, PR Venkateswaran Day-ahead forecasting of solar photovoltaic output power using multilayer perceptron Neural Computing and Applications, Springer Vol. 28. pp. 3981-3992, 12/2017 5.60
Anilkumar T.T., Srinivasa Rao Nayak Panugothu and Sishaj P Simon Experimental İnvestigation on a Prototype Solar-Wind Hybrid System with a Pico Hydro Turbine International Journal of Emerging Electric Power Systems, De Gruyter Vol, 18, no. 5 2017/10/1 1.34
C. H. Ram Jethmalani, S. P. Simon, K. Sundareswaran, P. S. R. Nayak and N. P. Padhy, Auxiliary Hybrid PSO-BPNN-Based Transmission System Loss Estimation in Generation Scheduling IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics vol. 13, no. 4 pp. 1692-1703, Aug. 2017 11.64
Anilkumar T.T., Sishaj P Simon and Narayana Prasad Padhy, Residential Electricity Cost Minimization Model through Open Well-Pico Turbine Pumped Storage System Applied Energy, Elsevier Vol. 195 pp. 23-35, 2017/6/1 11.44
S Sreejith and Sishaj P Simon, Security Constrained Unit Commitment Incorporating Interline Power Flow Controller Periodica Polytechnica. Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Vol. 61, no. 1 pp. 22-33 2017/2/10 1.61
A. Thalamttathu Thankappan, S. P. Simon, P. S. R. Nayak, K. Sundareswaran and N. P. Padhy, Pico-hydel hybrid power generation system with an open well energy storage IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution vol. 11, no. 3 pp. 740-749, 2017/2/9 2.99
D Poornima, Sishaj P Simon, B Sonia, T Sunita Multiobjective economic load dispatch problem using A-loss coefficients Int. J. Pure Appl. Math, Springer vol. 114, no. 4 pp. 143-153 2017 7.19
Banumalar Koolsamy, Manikandan Bairavan Veerayan, Chandrasekaran Koolsamy and Sishaj Pulikottil Simon, Firefly algorithm with multiple workers for the power system unit commitment problem Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey Vol. 24 pp. 4773-4789 2016/12/6 0.85
Ram Jethmalani Chinasamy Hemparuva, Sishaj Pulikottil Simon, Sundareswaran Kinattingal, Srinivasa Rao Nayak Panugothu and Narayana Prasad Padhy, Auxiliary Hybrid PSO-BPNN based Transmission System Loss Estimation in Generation Scheduling IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics Vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 1692-1703 2016/9/29 11.64
M Senthil Kumar, Sishaj P Simon, P Srinivasa Rao Nayak, K Sundareswaran, and Narayana Prasad Padhy Power Transformer Protection using Chirplet Transform IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution Vol, 10, no. 10 pp. 2520 – 2530 2016/7/7 2.99
Ram Jethmalani C H, Sishaj P Simon, Sundareswaran K, and Srinivasa Rao Nayak P Gravitational search algorithm based dynamic economic dispatch by estimating transmission system losses using A-loss coefficients Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey Vol. 24, no. 5 pp. 3769-3781 2016/6/20 0.85
S. K. Murugan, S. P. Simon, K. Sundareswaran, P. S. R. Nayak and N. P. Padhy An Empirical Fourier Transform-Based Power Transformer Differential Protection IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery vol. 32, no. 1 pp. 209-218 2016/6/8 4.82
C H Ram Jethmalani, Poornima Dumpa, Sishaj P. Simon, K Sundareswaran Transmission Loss Calculation using A and B Loss Coefficients in Dynamic Economic Dispatch Problem International Journal of Emerging Electric Power Systems, De Gruyter Vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 205-216 2016/4/1 0.86
K Sundareswaran, Vigneshkumar V, Sankar P, and Sishaj P Simon Development of an improved P&O algorithm assisted through a colony of foraging ants for MPPT in PV System. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics Vol. 12, No.1 pp. 187-200 2015/11/20 11.64
S Sreejith, Sishaj P Simon, M P Selvan Analysis of FACTS devices on Security Constrained Unit Commitment problem International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, Elsevier Vol. 66 pp. 280-293 2015/3/1 5.65
K Arthishri, R Balasubramanian, P Kathirvelu, Sishaj P Simon, and R Amirtharajan Maximum Power Point Tracking of Photovoltaic Generation System using Artificial Neural network with Improved Tracking Factor Journal of Applied Sciences, Asian Network for Scientific Information, ANSInet Publishers Vol. 14, No. 16 pp. 1858-1864 2014/12 3.67
K. Sundareswaran, P. Sankar, P. Srinivasa Rao Nayak, Sishaj P. Simon and S. Palani Enhanced Energy Output from a PV System under Partial Shaded Conditions through Artificial Bee Colony Sustainable Energy, IEEE Transactions Vol. 6, No. 1 pp. 198-209. 2014/11/13 8.31
K Chandrasekaran, Sishaj P Simon and N P Padhy SCUC Problem for Solar/Thermal Power System Addressing Smart Grid Issues Using FF Algorithm International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, Elsevier Vol. 62 pp. 450-460 2014/11/1 5.65
S Sreejith and Sishaj P Simon, Cost Benefit Analysis on SVC and UPFC in a Dynamic Economic Dispatch Problem International Journal of Energy Sector Management, Emerald Group Pub. Ltd Vol. 8, No. 3 pp. 395-428 2014/8/26 2.68
K Chandrasekaran, Sishaj P Simon, Wind-Thermal Integrated Power System Scheduling Problem Using Cuckoo Search Algorithm International Journal of Operations Research and Information Systems (IJORIS) Vol. 5, No. 3 pp. 81-109 2014/7/1 -
K Chandrasekaran, Sishaj P Simon and N P Padhy, Cuckoo search Algorithm for Emission Reliable economic multi-objective Dispatch Problem IETE Journal of Research, Taylor and Francis Vol. 16, No. 2 pp-128-138 2014/3/4 1.87
K Chandrasekaran, Sishaj P Simon and NP Padhy Multi-objective REED problem based on minimum deviation index using Cuckoo search algorithm International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology, Elsevier Vol. 6, No. 2 pp.89-100 Mar 2014 10.26
S E Peter, I J Raglend, S P Simon, An architectural frame work of ANN based short term electricity price forecasting engine for Indian energy exchange using similar day approach International Journal on Research & Engineering Technology Vol. 2, No. 4 pp.11-122 2014 1.25
K Chandrasekaran and Sishaj P Simon Fuzzified artificial bee colony algorithm for non-smooth and non-convex multi objective economic dispatch problem Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey Vol. 21, No. 1 pp. 1995-2014 2013/11/18 0.85
K Chandrasekaran, Sishaj P Simon Binary Real Coded Firefly Algorithm for Unit Commitment problem Information Sciences, Elsevier Vol. 248 pp. 67-68 2013/11/10 8.23
K Chandrasekaran, Sishaj P Simon Development of Sustainable Energy on Generation SystemLeads to Eco-Friendly Society Sustainable Cities and Society, Elsevier Vol. 8 pp. 1-15 2013/10/1 10.69
S E Peter, Santosh Kulkarni, I J Raglend and Sishaj P Simon, Wavelet based spike propagation neural network (WSPNN) for wind power forecasting International Review on Modelling and Simulations (IREMOS) Vol. 6, no. 5 pp. 1513-1522 Oct 2013 1.86
Santosh Kulkarni, Sishaj P Simon, Kinattingal Sundareswaran A spiking neural network (SNN) forecast engine for short-term electrical load forecasting Applied Soft Computing, Elsevier Vol. 13 pp. 3628-3635 2013/8/1 8.26
C Columbus and Sishaj P Simon Profit based unit commitment for GENCOs using Parallel NACO in a distributed cluster Swarm and Evolutionary Computing, Elsevier Vol. 10 pp 41-58 June 2013 10.26
K Chandrasekaran, S Hemamalini, Sishaj P Simon and N.P. Padhy Thermal unit commitment using binary/real coded artificial bee colony algorithm Electric Power Systems Research, Elsevier Vol. 84, No. 1 pp. 109– 119 2013/6/1 3.81
C Columbus and Sishaj P Simon Nodal-Based Ant Colony Optimization for Profit Maximization of Gencos in A Distributed Cluster Model Applied Artificial Intelligence, Taylor and Francis Vol.27, No. 2 pp.86-103 2013/2/1 2.77
K Chandrasekaran, Sishaj P Simon Network and Reliability Constrained Unit Commitment Problem using Binary Real Coded Firefly Algorithm Electrical Power and Energy Systems, Elsevier Vol. 43 No. 1 pp. 921-932 2012/12/1 5.65
K Chandrasekaran, Sishaj P Simon Multi-Objective UCP with Reliability Function using Fuzzified Binary Real Coded Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution Vol. 6, Issue 10 pp. 1060–1073 Oct. 2012 3.05
C C Columbus and Sishaj P Simon Parallel hybrid enhanced inherited GA based SCUC in a distributed cluster Artificial Intelligence Research Vol. 1, no. 1 pp. 96-106 2012/9 2.77
K Chandrasekaran and Sishaj P Simon Multi-objective scheduling problem: Hybrid approach using fuzzy assisted cuckoo search algorithm Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, Elsevier Vol. 5 pp. 1-16 2012/8/1 10.26
K Chandrasekaran and Sishaj P Simon Tuned fuzzy adapted firefly lambda algorithm for solving unit commitment problem Journal of Electrical Systems, Engineering and Scientific Research Groups Vol. 8, No. 2 pp. 132-150 June 2012
K Chandrasekaran, Sishaj P Simon Optimal Deviation-based Firefly Algorithm Tuned Fuzzy Design for Multi-Objective UCP IEEE Transaction of Power System Vo1. 28, No. 1 pp. 460-471 2012/6/03 7.32
C C Columbus and Sishaj P Simon, Profit Based Unit Commitment: A Parallel ABC approach using a Workstation Cluster Computers & Electrical Engineering, Elsevier Vol. 38, No. 3 pp. 724-745 2012/5/1 4.15
S Sreejith, Sishaj P Simon, M.P. Selvan Performance Comparison of FACTS Devices for Steady State Power Flow Control International Review on Modeling and Simulations, Praise Worthy Prize Publication, Vol. 5, no. 2 pp. 576-588 April 2012 1.86
K Chandrasekaran, S Hemamalini, Sishaj P Simon, Narayana Prasad Padhy Thermal unit commitment using binary/real coded artificial bee colony algorithm Electric Power Systems Research, Elsevier vol. 84 pp. 109-119 2012/3/1 3.81
C Columbus and Sishaj P Simon, A hybrid Artificial Bee Colony Approach for Security Constrained Unit Commitment International Review of Electrical Engineering, Praise Worthy Prize Publication Vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 5155-5166 2012 2.10
K Chandrasekaran, Sishaj P Simon, Firefly Algorithm for Reliable/Emission/Economic Dispatch Multi-Objective Problem International Review of Electrical Engineering, Praise Worthy Prize Publication Vol. 7, No. 1, Part A pp. 199-210 2012/1/1 2.10
S Hemamalini and Sishaj P Simon Emission Constrained Economic Dispatch with Valve-Point Effect Using Maclaurin Series Based Lagrangian Method International Journal of Power and Energy Conversion, Inderscience Publishers Ltd Vol. 3, Nos. 1/2 pp. 1-8 2012/1/1 0.95
C C Columbus, K Chandrasekaran and Sishaj P. Simon Nodal ant colony optimization for solving profit based unit commitment problem for GENCOs Applied Soft Computing, Elsevier Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 145–160 2012/1/1 8.26
K Chandrasekaran, Sishaj P Simon Reliability Constrained DR and Reserve Allocation for Profit based UCP using Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm International Journal of Engineering and Technology Vol. 1, no. 3 2011/12 1.27
C Christopher Columbus, Sishaj P Simon Profit based unit commitment for GENCOs using parallel PSO in a distributed cluster ACEEE Int. J. Electrical and Power Engineering Vol. 3, No. 1 2011 5.65
S Hemamalini and Sishaj P Simon Dynamic economic dispatch using artificial immune system for units with valve-point effect International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, Elsevier Science Ltd Vol. 33, No.4 pp. 868-874 2011/11 5.65
K Chandrasekaran, Sishaj P Simon An Enhanced Inherited Crossover GA for the Reliability Constrained UC Problem ACEEE International Journal on Communication Vol. 2, no. 3 pp. 32-40 Nov 2011 1.63
S Hemamalini and Sishaj P Simon Dynamic Economic Dispatch Using Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm for Units with Valve-Point Effect International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems Vol. 21, No. 1 pp.70–81 Jan 2011 2.63
S Hemamalini and Sishaj P Simon Dynamic Economic Dispatch Using Maclaurin Series Based Lagrangian Method Energy Conversion and Management, Elsevier Vol. 51, No. 11 pp. 2212-2219 Nov 2010. 11.53
S Hemamalini and Sishaj P Simon Economic/Emission Load Dispatch Using Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm ACEEE International Journal on Electrical and Power Engineering Vol. 1, No. 2 pp. 27-33 July 2010 5.65
S Hemamalini, Sishaj P Simon Artificial bee colony algorithm for economic load dispatch problem with non-smooth cost functions Electric Power Components and Systems, Taylor and Francis Vol. 38, No. 1 pp. 786-803 27/05/2010. 1.27
S Hemamalini and Sishaj P Simon Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm for Economic Load Dispatch with Valve-point Effect Electric Power Components and Systems, Taylor and Francis Vol. 38, No.7 pp.786-803 Jan 2010 1.27
S Hemamalini and Sishaj P Simon Maclaurin Series Based Lagrangian method for Economic Dispatch with Valve-Point Effect IET Generation Transmission and Distribution Vol. 3, No. 9 pp. 859-871 Sep 2009. 3.05
Sishaj P Simon, N P Padhy and R S Anand An Ant Colony System Approach for Unit Commitment Problem International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, Elsevier Science Ltd Vol. 28, No.5 pp. 315-323 2006/6/1 5.65
Sishaj P Simon, N P Padhy and R S Anand Solution to Unit Commitment Problem with Spinning Reserve and Ramp Rate Constraints Using Ant Colony System Journal of Energy & Environment, Centre of Energy Studies, Dhaka, Bangladesh Vol. 4, pp. 21-35 May 2005. 2.94

(B) Conferences/Workshops/Symposia Proceedings

Author(s) Title of Abstract/ Paper Title of the Proceedings Page numbers Conference Theme Venue Year
Faresh Khan KH, Sishaj P Simon Time Series prediction of Solar Radiation using Transformer Neural Networks 2022 IEEE 19th India Council International Conference (INDICON) pp. 1-5 24/11/2022
V Saikiran, Sishaj P Simon, Narayana Prasad Padhy Bi-Directional Search Optimization: A Search Strategy to the Optimal Placement and Sizing of Distributed Generation 2022 IEEE Delhi Section Conference (DELCON) pp. 1-9 11/02/2022
S Hemamalini and Sishaj P Simon, Economic Load Dispatch Problem with Valve-Point Effect Using Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm 32nd National System Conference 2008, Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Roorkee 17th- 19th, Dec 2008
P Srinivasa Rao Nayak, Kishan Dharavath, Radhakrushna Dey, Kinattingal Sundareswaran, Sishaj P Simon Performance Evaluation of Square Coupled Coils at Different Misalignments for Electric Vehicle Battery Charging VEHITS pp.290-297 2018
A Sriram, P R Venkateswaran, Sishaj P Simon Prediction of induced draft fan power consumption in 500MW steam generators using artificial neural network" International Conference onBig Data Analytics and Computational Intelligence (ICBDAC) pp.67-72 2017
A Sriram, P R Venkateswaran, Sishaj P Simon Artificial neural network predictor for induced draft fan power consumption in thermal power plants International Conference on power and Embedded Drive Control (ICPEDC) 2017
K Sundareswaran, V Vigneshkumar, Sishaj P Simon, P Srinivasa Rao Nayak Gravitational search algorithm combined with P&O method for MPPT in PV systems India Conference (INDICON), 2016 IEEE Annual 2016
K Sundareswaran, V Vigneshkumar, Sishaj P Simon, P Srinivasa Rao Nayak Cascaded simulated annealing/perturb and observe method for MPPT in PV systems IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives, and Energy Systems (PEDES)
Sishaj P Simon, M Senthil Kumar, K Sundareswaran and C Columbus Performance Analysis of Empirical FourierTransform based Power Transformer DifferentialProtection ICSEE 2016 Conference, Israel 16-18th Nov 2016
R Muhammad Ehsan, Sishaj P Simon, PR Venkateswaran, Artificial neural network predictor for grid-connected solar photovoltaic installations at atmospheric International Conference on IEEE Advances in Green Energy (ICAGE) pp. 44-49 17th Dec’2014
R Muhammad Ehsan, Sishaj P Simon, PR Venkateswaran Day-ahead prediction of solar power output for grid-connected solar photovoltaic installations using Artificial Neural Networks 2014 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Emerging Electronics (ICEE) pp. 1-4 12th Mar’ 2014
Mary Prasanna T, C H Ram Jethmalani, and Sishaj P Simon Thermal Unit Commitment Considering Pumped Storage Hydro Electricity Plants IEEE International Conference on Energy Efficient Technologies for Sustainability (ICEETS 2013), Nagercoil, India pp. 964-969 12th April 2013
S.Sreejith, Sishaj P Simon, N.P.Padhy Estimation of recovery Cost with the Incorporation of an IPFC in a SCUC problem IEEE 2013 Power and Energy Society General Meeting, Vancouver, Canada pp. 1-5 July 2013
Santosh Kulkarni, Sishaj P Simon "A New Spike Based Neural Network for Short-Term Electrical Load Forecasting 4thIEEE International Conference CICN, Mathura, India pp-804-808 3-5thNov.2012
Santosh Kulkarni, Sishaj P Simon A Spike Train Neural Network Model for Short-term Electricity Load Forecasting Proceedings of ICINC, New Delhi India. pp.171-176 Aug. 2012
S.Sreejith, Sishaj P Simon, M.P.Selvan Optimal power flow incorporating Thyristor Controller Series Compensator using Differential Evolution IEEE International Conference ICCEET pp. 174-179 2012
C.Christopher Columbus and Sishaj P Simon Hybrid Particle swarm approach for Security constrained unit commitment IEEE International Conference on Computing, Electronics and Electrical Technologies, ICCEET-2012, Tamilnadu, India. pp. 128 – 133 21-22ndof March 2012
S.Sreejith, Sishaj P Simon, M.P.Selvan Comparative evaluation of modeling methods for TCSC in optimal power flow studies IEEE International Conference on Power, Signals, Control & Computation (EPSCICON 2012), Thrissur, Kerala, India, 03- 06thJan. 2012
C.Christopher Columbus and Sishaj P Simon A parallel ABC for security-constrained economic dispatch using shared memory model IEEE International Conference on Power, Signals, Control & Computation (EPSCICON 2012), Thrissur, Kerala, India, pp. 1-6 January 03-06-2012
K. Chandrasekaran, Sishaj P Simon Binary/Real Coded Particle Swarm Optimization for Unit Commitment Problem IEEE International Conference on Power, Signals, Control & Computation (EPSCICON 2012), Thrissur, Kerala, India pp. 1-6 03-06thJan’ 2012
K Chandrasekaran, Sishaj P Simon Unit commitment problem for Hybrid power system using Binary/Real-coded PSO International Conference on Future Electrical Power and Energy Systems 2012
K. Chandrasekaran, Sishaj P Simon Reserve Management in Bilateral Power Market for Composite System with Load Forecast Uncertainty International Conference on Recent Advancements in Electrical,Electronics and Control Engineering, IConRAEeCE ’11, IEEE Conference, 2011 pp. 5-12 2011
S.Sreejith, Sishaj P Simon, M.P.Selvan Investigations on Power Flow Solutions Using Interline Power Flow Controller (IPFC)” IET International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Intelligent System(SEISCON 2011) Dr. M.G.R. University, Chennai, July. 20-22, 2011 pp: 63-68
K Chandrasekaran, Sishaj P Simon Demand Response Scheduling in SCUC Problem for Solar Power Integrated Thermal Unit System Using Firefly Algorithm IET Renewable Power Generation Conference, Edinburgh, UK, IET Conference pp. 44-52 2011
S Sreejith, Sishaj P Simon, M P Selvan Power Flow Analysis Incorporating Firing Angle Model Based TCSC Fifth International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems 2010, National Institute of Technology Karnataka Surathkal, Mangalore – 575025, Karnataka, India pg.183-193 29thJuly – 01stAugust 2010
S Hemamalini and Sishaj P Simon Economic/Emission Load Dispatch Using Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm International Conference on Control, Communication, and Power Engineering2010, CCPE-2010, Chennai, India, pp. 338-343 July 28-29, 2010
C Christopher Columbus and Sishaj P Simon, Parallel Particle Swarm Optimization for Non-Convex Economic Dispatch Problem 4thInternational Conference on Computer Applications in Electrical Engineering Recent Advances, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India, Feb 19- 21, 2010
K Chandrasekaran and Sishaj P Simon Reliability Constrained Unit Commitment using Genetic Algorithm International Conference on Recent Advancements in Electrical Sciences (ICRAES ’10), India 8th-9th, Jan 2010
S P Simon, P Karthigaikumar and Thomas Joseph Performance Analysis of Neural Network for Electrical Load forecasting International Conference on Computer Applications in Electrical Engineering-Recent advances (CERA-2002), IIT Roorkee pp 514 – 520 Feb 21-23, 2002
S P Simon, N P Padhy, and R S Anand Ant Colony System for solving Unit Commitment Problem with power flow constraints International Conference on Computer Applications in Electrical Engineering – Recent Advances, IIT Roorkee, Roorkee pp. 134-139 Oct 2005
S P Simon, N P Padhy, and R S Anand Modified Touring Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm for Unit Commitment Problem International Conference on Computer Applications in Electrical Engineering – Recent Advances, IIT Roorkee, Roorkee, pp 104-108 Oct 2005
S P Simon, N P Padhy, and R S Anand Max-Min Ant System Model for Unit Commitment Problem with Optimal Power Flow Constraints International Conference Challenges and Strategies for Sustainable Energy, Efficiency and Environmentheld on. P. Technical University, IET Campus, Lucknow, India. pp. 88-99 June 10 - 11, 2006
S P Simon and Narendra S Chaudhari Ant Colony Models: An Application to Traveling Salesman Problem International Conference on Soft computing and Intelligent System (ICSCIS-07), Jabalpur, India pp. 27-29 Dec. 2007
S P Simon, N P Padhy and R SAnand Ant Colony System based Unit Commitment Problem with Gaussian Load Distribution IEEE General Meeting 2006 held on, Montreal, Quebec CANADA June 18 - 22, 2006
N Purender, S Hemamalini and Sishaj P Simon Scheduling of Generators using Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization IEEE International Conference on Power System Analysis, Control and Optimisation(PSACO-2008) Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, AP, India pp. 87-91 2008
B Vanaja, S Hemamalini and Sishaj P Simon Genetic Algorithm based Economic Load Dispatch with Value point Effect Tenth IASTED International Conference on “Power and Energy System” held at Baltimore, USA pp. 210-214 16,2008 –April 18,2008
K Chandrasekaran and Sishaj P Simon, Unit Commitment in Composite Generation and Transmission Systems using Genetic Algorithm, IEEE Technical Conference, World Congress on Nature & Biologically Inspired Computing, 2009. NaBIC 2009, Bhubaneswar, India Dec. 21-22, 2009
Sreejith S, Chandrasekaran K, and Sishaj P Simon Touring Ant Colony Optimization Technique for Optimal Power Flow Incorporating Thyristor Controlled Series Compensator IEEE Technical Conference, International Symposium on Biologically Inspired Computing and Applications (BICA-2009), Bhubaneswar, India Dec. 21-22, 2009
S Sreejith, K Chandrasekaran and Sishaj P Simon Application of Touring Ant Colony Optimization Technique for Optimal Power Flow Incorporating Thyristor Controlled Series Compensator IEEE Technical Conference, TENCON-2009, IEEE region -10, Singap Nov 23-26, 2009
B Vanaja, S Hemamalini and Sishaj P Simon Artificial Immune Based Economic Load Dispatch with Valve-Point Effect IEEE Technical Conference, TENCON-2008, IEEE region -10, University of Hyderabad Nov 18-21, 2008
S Hemamalini and Sishaj P Simon Emission Constrained Economic Dispatch with Valve-Point Effect using Particle Swarm Optimization IEEE Technical Conference, TENCON-2008, IEEE region -10, University of Hyderabad Nov 18-21, 2008

(C) Areas of Interest

Power System Analysis
Power System Operation and Control
Power System Planning and Reliability
Artificial Neural Networks
Fuzzy Logic Systems
Application of Meta-Heuristics
Intelligent Techniques to Power Systems
Renewable Energy Sources

(D) Books & Monographs

Author(s) Title of Book/Monograph Name of Publishers Year of Publication ISSN/ISBN Number
N.P. Padhy & S. P. Simon Soft Computing With MATLAB Programming Oxford University Press 14-05-2015 9780199455423
Sishaj Pulikottil Simon,Narayana Prasad Padhy,Jong-Bae Park, et., “Power System Planning and Operation” Book chapter John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 2020 27-03- 2020 9781119602293

(E) Links

Google Scholar Web of Science Scopus NITT.IRINS
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ORCID iD:0000-0002-6607-0947

Contact Address

Dr. Sishaj P Simon,
Professor, Room No: EE09
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering,
National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirapalli,
Thuvakudi, Tiruchirapalli-620015,
Tamil Nadu, India.
Phone No : 0431-2503265 (off)
Mobile No : +91-9944073421
Fax: 0431-2503252 (off)
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