Dr. Karthika V.K.

Dr. V.K. Karthika 

Dr. V.K. Karthika is Assistant Professor of English in the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences at National Institute of Technology (NIT), Tiruchirappalli. She has her Master’s degree in TESOL Studies from the University of Leeds, England after a Master’s in English and Comparative Literature with 1st Rank and Gold Medal from Pondicherry Central University, India. She completed her B.A. in English Language and Literature with 2nd Rank from Mahatma Gandhi University, India. She began her teaching career in England as an ESOL instructor and assessor for ESOL Examinations and conducted studies related to language acquisition, cultural adaptation and professional needs of English instructors. During the four years she spent in England as a student and a teacher, she gained insights into the challenges encountered by language learners and the potential remedies that resolve them and polished her understanding of a multilingual, multicultural, and multi-ethnic learning and teaching scenario. She earned her doctorate in English Language Education from the English and Foreign Languages University (EFL-U), Hyderabad, India.

She teaches Linguistics, English Language Teaching, Second Language Acquisition, Translation Studies and Critical Discourse Analysis to M.A. students and offers English for Communication and Professional Ethics courses to the undergraduate students and guides Ph.D. students at NIT Trichy.

Her research interest is situated in the fields of Second Language Learning Strategies, Multilingual Education, English Medium Instruction (EMI), Aviation English, Soft Skills and Employability Skills, Critical Pedagogy, Continuing Professional Development, Sustainable Development Goals in Language Classrooms, Peace Education, Translation, Translation Studies and Cultural Studies. Interested in  cultural criticism and philosophy of education, her work focuses on communicative peace, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and Indian Knowledge System (IKS). Her interdisciplinary research explores design thinking, posthumanism and sustainable development goals and connects them with English language studies and cultural studies.

With over 100 invited lectures delivered at higher education institutions in India and abroad, she is a recognized expert in English Language Education, Literature, and Cultural Studies. She also provides specialized training in various areas, including Aviation English for the Airports Authority of India (AAI), Translation and Critical Discourse Analysis for the National Translation Mission-NTM, Government of India, and Public Speaking Skills at the MCRHRD Institute of Telangana for trainees and in-service IAS, IFS, IPS, AIS, CCS, ISS, and IES officers. Additionally, she conducts sessions on Continuing Professional Development and Teaching and Learning Strategies for TSWREIS and other educational institutions. Her expertise is frequently sought by IITs, NITs, IIITs, Central Universities, and other public and private higher education institutions, where she offers training on Language and Literary Studies, Popular Culture, Employability, and Communication Skills.

She serves as a reviewer for internationally renowned SCOPUS indexed and UGC CARE Listed journals. She has presented her research in conferences of national and international repute in India and abroad. She has 34 published research articles of which 21 are in SCOPUS/WoS/ABDC indexed journals. She has published her work in the ELT Journal, Educational Philosophy and Theory, Journal of Applied Learning and Teaching, Journal of Asia TEFL, Higher Education for the Future, Radical Teacher, Journal of Poverty, Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education, Journal of Engineering Education and Technology, Economic and Political Weekly, Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities, Peace Review: A Journal of Social Justice, Visual Studies, and Journal of International Women’s Studies. She regularly writes articles for The Pioneer, Madras Courier, India Art Review, The Logical Indian, and Arithmetic of Compassion. She is currently working on two projects: one funded by ICSSR and another in collaboration with Bridgewater State University. She has bagged several awards which include the prestigious Tetley and Lupton Scholarship from the University of Leeds, the Community Care Award for Teaching from Word of Grace Learning Centre, Leeds, England, Best Student Feedback Award from VIT-AP University Amaravati, India to name a few.

She also serves as a member of NCERT’s National Syllabus and Teaching-Learning Material Committee’s (NSTC) Curricular Area Group (Languages-English) to develop syllabi and corresponding textbooks for National Education Policy 2020 (NEP 2020) implementation at secondary level directly under the aegis of The Ministry of Education, Government of India since July 2023. She has developed coursebooks for Pondicherry Central University, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Open University, Regional Institute of Education (RIE) Bhopal, and Maulana Azad National Urdu University

She has headed the Soft Skills wing of VIT-AP University and assisted the University’s Placement Cell in developing the students’ employability skills from 2018 to 2020 and she was also a member of the Press & Social Media Team.  She has organised Faculty Development Programmes in collaboration with National Translation Mission (NTM) Central Institute of Indian Languages (CIIL) Mysuru, Tamil Nadu Textbook and Educational Services Corporation (TNTB&ESC), and the UNESCO Chair in Vulnerability Studies, University of Hyderabad. She is an external member of the Doctoral Advisory Committee for 15 PhD students across IIT Madras, NIT Puducherry, SASTRA University, and VIT Vellore. Additionally, she serves as a Board of Studies member for various English Departments in higher education institutions.

Her teaching philosophy is deeply rooted in her belief that education must be an agent of transformation by enabling its stakeholders to activate social and emotional learning, thus building a better humanity. 


Office: #314, Lyceum, NIT Tiruchirappalli, Tanjore Highway, Tiruchirappalli - 620015, Tamil Nadu, India
Mobile : +91 80782 38829  I  Email : karthika.leedsuniversity@gmail.com , vkkarthika@nitt.edu
Academia : https://nitt.academia.edu/DrKarthikaVK
ORCiD ID   : https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6335-1153

SCOPUS ID: 57221446429

Research Interests

Second Language Acquisition, Second Language Learning Strategies, Multilingual Education, Continuing Professional Development, Cultural Studies, English Medium Instruction (EMI), Aviation English, Soft Skills and Employability Skills, Critical Pedagogy, Sustainable Development Goals, Peace Education, Translation and Translation Studies, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and Indian Knowledge System (IKS)

Awards & Honours

  • The ICSSR (Indian Council of Social Science Research) Fellowship (July 2023) 
  • The Bridgewater State University's JIWS Fellowship for the year 2022-2023 (May 2023)
  • Tetley and Lupton Scholarship from the University of Leeds, England, United Kingdom (June, 2008)
  • Community Care Award for Teaching from Word of Grace Learning Centre, Leeds, England (December 2009)
  • Best Student Feedback Award in 2017-18, VIT-AP University, Amaravati, India (March 2018)
  • Best Faculty Co-ordinator Award for the Theatre and Fine Arts Club 'Dhwani', in 2018-19, VIT-AP University, Amaravati, India (March 2019)
  • 1st Rank and Gold Medal from Pondicherry Central University, India for MA in English and Comparative Literature (March, 2008)
  • 2nd Rank for BA in English Language and Literature from Mahatma Gandhi University, Kerala, India (March, 2006)
  • ‘The Rashtrapati Guide Award’ from the Honourable President of India (January 2002)
  • ‘Rajya Puraskar’ award from the Honourable Governor of Kerala (January 2000)
  • University Merit Scholarship from Pondicherry Central University, India for MA in English and Comparative Literature (March, 2007)
  • Best Fundraiser Award for Save the Children Charity, from the Home Fundraising, England (January, 2009)
  • Oxford Cambridge and RSA Certificate in Adult Literacy, United Kingdom (January, 2009)

Employment History

  • ESOL Instructor - Little London Community Centre, Leeds, England (September 2008 - January 2009)
  • ESOL Instructor - Word of Grace Community Centre, Leeds, England (January 2009 - December 2009)
  • ESOL Instructor - Local Learning Zone, Bradford, England (January 2010 - April 2011)
  • Assistant Professor- B.C.M. College, Kottayam, Kerala, India (June 2011- March 2012)
  • Assistant Professor - MITS, Madanapalle, India (July 2014 - August 2015)
  • Assistant Professor - VIT-AP University, Amaravati, India (June 2017 - May 2020)
  • Assistant Professor - National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli, India (May 2020 - )

Research Papers Published in Peer-reviewed Journals

  1. 'Game-based tasks in a ‘speaking classroom’: Collaborative map-drawing as an agent for rhizomatic learning'. Educational Philosophy and Theory (SCOPUS indexed) <https://doi.org/10.1080/00131857.2024.2440475> with Humaira Mariyam B. 2024
  2. 'Thambimar Kathai: A Verse Archive of History from Below'. Economic and Political Weekly. (SCOPUS indexed) ISSN 2349-8846, 2024.
  3. 'Graphic assemblages for storytelling: A posthuman perspective from an English language classroom'. Journal of Applied Learning and Teaching. (SCOPUS indexed) <https://doi.org/10.37074/jalt.2024.7.2.21> with Humaira Mariyam B. 2024
  4. 'Exploring Learner Engagement in an Indian ESP Classroom'. ELT Journal. (SCOPUS indexed)  <https://doi.org/10.1093/elt/ccae030> 2024
  5. 'Homes that House Precarity: A Visual Essay on Capturing an Eco-dystopian Reality'. Visual Studies.(SCOPUS indexed)<https://doi.org/10.1080/1472586X.2024.2357721> 2024
  6. The Human, Non-human Affective Entanglements: A Posthuman Perspective of an ESOL Classroom'. Higher Education for the Future. (SCOPUS indexed) <https://doi.org/10.1177/23476311241246634> 2024
  7. 'From Belief to Inquiry: Transforming Perspectives in the English Language Classroom'. Peace Review: A Journal of Social Justice (SCOPUS indexed) <https://doi.org/10.1080/10402659.2024.2344593> 2024
  8. 'Podcasts as Teaching Tools: Investigating the Impact of Learners' Transportable Identities on Their Speaking Proficiency'Journal of Engineering Education Transformations. (SCOPUS indexed) <https://doi.org/10.16920/jeet/2024/v37i4/24160 > with Anjana Krishna S.  2024
  9. 'Integrating CRTWC's Anchor Competencies Framework into an ESP Syllabus for Fostering Social Emotional Learning Skills'. Journal of Engineering Education Transformations. (SCOPUS indexed) <https//doi.org/10.16920/jeet/2024/v37i4/24160 > With Mythiri B. 2024
  10. 'Reimagining English Language Teaching: Towards Developing a Heutagogical Framework'. Higher Education for the Future. (SCOPUS indexed) with Anjana Krishna S. and Mythiri, B. <https://doi.org/10.1177/23476311231222964> 2024.
  11. 'A Study on Indian ESP Teachers' Classroom Practices in Fostering Social Inclusivity' . Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education. (SCOPUS indexed). ISSN 2050-7003 with Mythiri, B. and Anjana Krishna S. <https://doi.org/10.1108/JARHE-09-2022-0298> 2024.
  12. 'Reimagining History: The Politics of Representation in Nangeli's Tale'. Economic and Political Weekly. (SCOPUS indexed) ISSN 2349-8846, 2024. 
  13. 'Discourses on War and Peace in a Professional Ethics Classroom'. Radical Teacher. (SCOPUS indexed) ISSN 1948-0312. Vol.127, No.3, 2023.
  14. 'Transcending Gender Boundaries, Altering Power Structures' . Economic and Political Weekly. (SCOPUS indexed) ISSN 0012-9976. Vol.58, No.42, 2023.
  15. 'Challenges in Remote ESL Learning in Under-Resourced Language Classrooms: An Indian Perspective During and After the Pandemic'. Journal of Poverty. (SCOPUS indexed) ISSN 1540-7608. 2023 with B. Mythiri <https://doi.org/10.1080/10875549.2023.2235341>  
  16. 'What Makes Her a Maja Ma?'. Journal of International Women's Studies (SCOPUS indexed). ISSN 1539-8706. Vol.25. Issue 4. 2023.
  17. 'Gendering Art: Questions of Parity in Pentholppavakkooth'. Economic and Political Weekly (SCOPUS indexed) ISSN 0012-9976. Vol.58, No.10, 2023.
  18. 'Mothering and Othering: Surrogacy and the Saga of Yashoda'. Journal of International Women's Studies (SCOPUS indexed). ISSN 1539-8706. Vol.25. Issue 1. 2023.
  19. 'In Conversation with Prema Rangachary'. Language and Language Teaching (UGC CARE Listed). Vol.12. No.1. Issue 23. 148-154. 2023.
  20. 'Mapping Caste Violence in the Domestic Front: Representation of the Caste Questions in Contemporary Malayalam Cinema'. Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities (SCOPUS indexed). ISSN 0975-2935. Vol.14. No. 5, 2022 <https://doi.org/10.21659/rupkatha.v14n4.03>
  21. 'What is the caste of music?' Economic and Political Weekly (SCOPUS indexed). ISSN 0012-9976. Vol.57, No.48,  2022.
  22. 'Language Teachers and Their Professional Development: Mainstreaming Some Sustainability Dialogues'. Critical Studies in English Language and Literature.  ISSN 09730524. Vol.17. 94-100. 2022. 
  23. Teacher perceived problems and solutions in ESL classrooms of tribal learners'. ELT Research (IATEFL). ISSN 2520-2537. Vol.36, 8-13, 2021.
  24. 'Influence of Use and Disuse  of Speaking Strategies on L1 and L2 'Talk as Performance': A Case Study with Undergraduate Learners'. The Journal of Asia TEFL. (SCOPUS indexed) ISSN 2466-1511. Vol. 17, No. 4,   1458-1467, 2020 <https://doi.org/10.18823/asiatefl.2020.>
  25. ‘“You can be a better teacher”: The Role of Learner-feedback in fostering CPD Practices.’ FORTELL a Journal of Teaching English Language and Literature. (UGC CARE Listed) ISSN 2229-6557 (Print) ISSN 2394-9244 (Online), 41, 32-45, 2020
  26. ‘Nationalist Ethos and its Female Heralds in Indian Films’. The Malayalam Research Journal (UGC CARE Listed). ISSN 0974-1984. Vol 13 (1), 4682-4688, 2020
  27. ‘Culture, Language and Translation: A Translator’s Dilemma’. Think India Quarterly (UGC CARE Listed). ISSN0971-1260. Vol 22 (7), 244- 247, 2019
  28. ‘Critiquing teacher beliefs in enhancing CPD practices’. ELTIF Journal. ISSN 2230-7710. Vol. X.3. September, 48-51, 2019
  29. ‘English inside a tertiary level classroom in Kerala’. Phoenix. ISSN 2523-0972. Vol 1. Issue1, 20-28, 2018
  30. ‘Let there be language! Adapting materials in ESL classrooms'. ELTIF Journal. ISSN 2230-7710. Vol IX.2. June, 18-22, 2018
  31. 'Neither cane nor raised eyebrows: Towards humane strategies for classroom management'. ETCJELL. ISSN 2349-2295. Vol. 5. Issue 1. April, 16-18, 2018
  32. ‘Enhancing the Use of Speaking Strategies through Convivial Feedback Discussions’. JOELL. ISSN 2349-9753. Vol. 4(Issue 2), 89-94, 2017
  33. ‘The Role of Motivation in Oral Communication Strategy Use: A Case Study’. ELTIF Journal. ISSN 2230 - 7710. Vol 1. Issue 4. December, 18-22, 2017
  34. ‘Rereading the myths of female subjectivity: A comparative critiquing of M. Sajida’s Matsyagandhi and Snehalatha Reddy’s Sita’. RJELAL. ISSN 2395-2636 (Print) 2321-3108 (E- Journal). Vol 3. Issue 3, 106-111, 2015

Books/ Book Chapters

  1. Motivational Strategies in IELTS Preparation: Teachers’ Perspectives in India' in Hybrid Learning in English Language Teaching: Motivation, Challenges, and Opportunities. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 2023. with Anjana Krishna S. 
  2. British Drama. Directorate of Distance Education. Pondicherry University. 2023. 
  3. Art Integrated Language Learning. NCERT Bhopal. 2022. 
  4. Unit 6: Writing an Analytical Essay.in Academic Writing. B.R. Ambedkar Open University Hyderabad for B.A. Third Year, Semester VI English Discipline Specific Elective Course- C Edited by Anand Mahanand. 2021.
  5. Unit 5: Writing an Argumentative Essay.in Academic Writing. B.R.  Ambedkar Open University Hyderabad for B.A. Third Year, Semester VI English Discipline Specific Elective Course- C Edited by Anand Mahanand. 2021. 
  6. Unit 4: Writing a Descriptive Essay.in Academic Writing. B.R. Ambedkar Open University Hyderabad for B.A. Third Year, Semester VI English Discipline Specific Elective Course- C Edited by Anand Mahanand. 2021.
  7. ‘Narrating Nationhood Through Female Mouthpieces: A Critique of Select Bollywood Films' in Role of Language, Literature and Culture in Nation Building: Essays in the Construction of Political Reality'. Edwin Mellen Press, New York, 2021. 1-4955-0891-9978-1-4955-0891-2. 181- 195. 
  8. ‘Transcending Boundaries of Hegemonic Discourses: A Postcolonial Perspective on the Malayalam Film Nandanam' in In- Between Spaces: Culture and Territoriality in Literature, Art and Cinema. Akhand Publishing House, New Delhi, 2021. 978-93-90870-25-7. 120-130.
  9. ‘How do we nurture the little ‘Totos’ in our classrooms? ‘ in Teaching of English: Suppositions and Suggestions. ELT Series Vol.8. Tamil Puduvai, Puducherry, 2020, 42-48.
  10. ‘Integrating ICT in the Tertiary Level Indian ESL Classrooms: Problems and Possibilities’ in Emerging Trends in ELT. Rudra Publications. ISBN 978-93-89960-068, 2019, 34-56
  11. Lesson 19, Speaking in ‘Classroom Tasks in English: A Resource Book for Multilingual Teaching’. Edited by Anand Mahanand et.al. Viva Books, ISBN 978-93-8838-684-5, 2018, 79 - 85
  12. Lesson 30, Reading in ‘Classroom Tasks in English: A Resource Book for Multilingual Teaching’. Edited by Anand Mahanand et.al. Viva Books, ISBN 978-93-8838-684-5, 2018, 128 - 133
  13. Lesson 44, Writing in ‘Classroom Tasks in English: A Resource Book for Multilingual Teaching’. Edited by Anand Mahanand et.al. Viva Books, ISBN 978-93-8838-684-5, 2018, 188 – 194
  14. 'Criticising the skill of speaking' in English Language and Literature. L’ Ordine Nuovo Publication. ISBN: 978-93-86782-33-5, 2018, 227 - 231
  15. ‘Bringing Social Media into the English Classrooms: Teachers’ Perspectives’ in The Cultural Semiotics of English Language and Literature. Emerald Publishers. ISBN: 9878-81-7966-471-1, 2018, 340 – 345

Articles in Print & Online Media

  1. The Aesthetics of Violence: Art or Sensationalism? India Art Review. 02 March 2025.
  2. More Than a Fairy Tale: Nayanthara’s Journey, Resilience, and the Price of Stardom. India Art Review. 06 January 2025.
  3. Pranaya Parijaatham:The Tales of the Lost. India Art Review. 12 September 2024. 
  4. Aattam: The Pendulum of Judgements. India Art Review, 17 August 2024.
  5. Snehakkood: A Saga of Love, A Century's History. India Art Review, 09 June 2024.
  6. Interview with Padma Shri Dr. Narthaki Nataraj. India Art Review, 29 April 2024. 
  7. Anna Poorani: The Politics of Food. India Art Review, 18 February 2024
  8. Blowing Away Bias: How M S Subbalaxmi Overcame Sexism to Master the Saxophone. India Art Review, 24 January 2024
  9. K. G. George (1946-2023): A Maestro Who Redefined Cinema and Society. India Art Review, 25 September 2023
  10. Photographing Vulnerability: Trans-scalar Articulations of Precarity from the Shorelines of Kerala. The Arithmetic of Compassion, 03 May 2023
  11. Pathaan: A Triumph of Love over Hate. India Art Review, 31 March 2023
  12. Eastern Ethos Lifts Up Cameron's Avatar Sequel. India Art Review, 31 January 2023
  13. Humanities Develop A Rounded Personality. The Pioneer, 04 January 2023
  14. Academic Accountability In Our Higher Education Institutions: How Can It Be Evaluated?  The Logical Indian, 29 November 2022
  15. Reviving Yazh, The Indian Harp.  India Art Review, 28 November 2022
  16. Viswaguru Needs High HEI Rankings.  The Pioneer, 12 October 2022
  17. Ranting Against HEI Rankings.  The Pioneer, 11 October 2022
  18. Girl Power Up In Puppetry.  India Art Review, 30 September 2022
  19. Why The National Award For The Tribal Singer Nanchiyamma Matters.  India Art Review, 27 August 2022
  20. Sexist Attitudes,  Remarks Must Be Challenged.  The Pioneer, 01 July 2022
  21. Social, Cultural And Academic Spaces Are Infested With Sexism.  Madras Courier, 6 June 2022

Invited Talks/ Resource Person

  1. Keynote Speaker of the National Conference on 'Innovations in English Language and Literature: Teaching Methodologies, Approaches, and Future Perspectives' organised by the Department of English, Kongu Engineering College, Erode. Topic: Sustainable Development Goals in English Language and Literature Classrooms. (07 March 2025)
  2. Keynote Speaker of the ICSSR Sponsored National Conference on Nationalism(s) and Boundaries organised by the Department of English Alipurduar Mahila Mahavidyalaya, North Bengal. Topic: Nationalism, Women, and Popular Culture. (25 February 2025)
  3. Plenary Speaker at the International Conference 'Humanities in the 21st Century: Intersections of Mind, Body, and Text' organised by the Research and Postgraduate Department of English, CMS College, Kottayam, Kerala. Topic: Maternal Bodies, Medical Horror, and Biomedical Capitalism: Analysing Surrogacy in Cinema. (18 February 2025)
  4. Resource Person for the colloquium for students organised by the Department of Materials, Testing, and Evaluation, the English and Foreign Languages University (EFL University) Hyderabad. Topic: Research Writing and Publishing: Concerns and Clarifications. (10 February 2025)
  5. Plenary speaker for the International Conference on Transformative Multidisciplinary Research-2025 organised by the Research and Development Cell, St.Thomas College Thrissur. Topic: Key Steps to Academic Publishing in Alignment with Sustainable Development Goals of the UN. (07 February 2025)
  6. Invited talk in the seminar on 'Language and Culture in a Changing Society: Research to Support Kerala's School Education System' organised by the Vakkom Moulavi Foundation Trust in collaboration with the Centre for Development Studies Thiruvananthapuram and Tata Institute of Social Sciences at CDS Thiruvananthapuram. Topic: Cultural Roots and Linguistic Growth: Rethinking English Education for Kerala's Tribal Children (15 January 2025)
  7. Resource Person for the Online Faculty Development Programme 'Teach 2025: Teaching English with AI, Critical Pedagogy, and History' organised by the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, NIT Warangal. Topic: Researching Your Classroom, Documenting the Pedagogy (09 January 2025)
  8. Resource Person for the Online Refresher Course in Comparative Literature and Translational Studies organised by the UGC Malaviya Mission Teacher Training Centre, University of Hyderabad. Topic: Power and Ideology in Translation: A CDA Perspective. (26 December 2024)
  9. Resource Person for the Online Faculty Development Programme 'Integration of Technology into English Language Teaching' organised by Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai. Topic: From Page to Screen: Enhancing Learner Engagement through Digital Story Telling (20 December 2024)
  10. Resource Person for the Three- Day Faculty Development Programme 'The Art of Publishing' organised by the GITAM School of Humanities and Social Sciences, GITAM University, Visakhapatnam. Topic: Research Writing and Peer Review. (18 December 2024)
  11. Resource Person for the two-week training programme on ‘Introduction to Translation’ organised by National Translation Mission, Central Institute of Indian Languages, Ministry of Education, Government of India. Topic: Translation and Language Pedagogy (14 December 2024)
  12. Resource Person for the two-week training programme on ‘Introduction to Translation’ organised by National Translation Mission, Central Institute of Indian Languages, Ministry of Education, Government of India. Topic: Introduction to Critical Discourse Analysis: Reconceptualization and Ideology (13 December 2024)
  13. Resource Person for the  Five day Advanced MDP on 'Women’s Journey to Business Leadership' sponsored by the Ministry of MSME,  organised by the Department of Management Studies, NIT Tiruchirappalli. Topic: Multigenerational Diversity. (05 December 2024)
  14. Resource Person for the Six-Day Online Faculty development Programme 'Envisioning the Future: Multidisciplinary Approaches in Languages and Literature' organised by SRM Institute of Science and Technology. Topic: Research and Publications: Essential Considerations (02 December 2024)
  15. Resource Person for the Orientation Programme for students organised by the Department of English, ME College, Namakkal. Topic: From Tech-talk to Talk-smart: Building Your Communication Skills (29 November 2024)
  16. Resource Person for the Three- Day Faculty Development Programme 'Trends in Research Methodology: Language and Literature' organised by the GITAM School of Humanities and Social Sciences, GITAM University, Visakhapatnam. Topic: Action Research in English Classrooms. (26 November 2024)
  17. Resource Person for the One Day Conclave titled Integrating Humanities in STEM: Suggestions from NEP 2020 for S & T Institutes Topic: Humanities Develop A Rounded Personality (10 November 2024)
  18. Resource Person for the first lecture of the Lecture Series tiled 'How to Teach? Pedagogical Approaches in Higher Education' organised by Centre for Study of Contemporary Theory and Research, Adamas University, West Bengal. Topic: From Words to Worlds: Graphic Narratives and Posthuman Pedgogic Practices. (07 November 2024)
  19. Faculty for the One Credit Course in Vulnerability Studies offered by the John Wilson Education Society's Wilson College Mumbai in collaboration with the UNESCO Chair in Vulnerability Studies, University of Hyderabad. Topic: Painting Vulnerabilities: Archiving the History of the Oppressed. (04 October 2024)
  20. Chief Guest at the Valedictory ceremony of CALI(HE)BER organised by the Department of English Bishop Heber College Tiruchirappalli. Topic:Harmonising Arts and Languages: Fostering Creativity and Humanity. (18 September 2024)
  21. Resource Person for the One Week Faculty Development Programme Enhancing Teaching Excellence and research Capacity for the 21st Century Teachers organised by J.B. Institute of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad. Topic: Research Writing Essentials: From Conceptualisation to Publication. (16 August 2024)
  22. Resource Person for the One Week  online Faculty Development Programme on Soft Skills for Professional Development organised by School of Social Sciences and Languages, VIT University, Chennai. Topic: Critical Thinking in Reading and Researching. (26 July 2024)
  23. Keynote Speaker for the 2nd Dr. Beena Nayar Memorial Event organised by Dr. Beena Nayar Foundation at Trivandrum Club, Thiruvananthapuram. Topic: Women in 21st Century. (13 July 2024)
  24. Resource Person for the online Short Term Course in SDGs, Precarity and Literary Studies jointly by the UGC - Malaviya Mission Teacher Training Centre (UGC - MMTTC), University of Hyderabad and the UNESCO Chair in Vulnerability Studies, University of Hyderabad.  Topic: Stories of Stolen Childhood: Precarity in Young Adult Fiction. (04 July 2024)
  25. Resource Person for the online Short Term Course in SDGs, Precarity and Literary Studies jointly by the UGC - Malaviya Mission Teacher Training Centre (UGC - MMTTC), University of Hyderabad and the UNESCO Chair in Vulnerability Studies, University of Hyderabad.  Topic: Oil and Oppression: Analysing Petrosexual Politics. (04 July 2024)
  26. Resource Person for the two-week training programme on ‘Introduction to Translation’ organised by National Translation Mission, Central Institute of Indian Languages, Ministry of Education, Government of India. Topic: Translation and Language Pedagogy (26 June 2024)
  27. Resource Person for the two-week training programme on ‘Introduction to Translation’ organised by National Translation Mission, Central Institute of Indian Languages, Ministry of Education, Government of India. Topic: Introduction to Critical Discourse Analysis: Reconceptualization and Ideology (27 June 2024)
  28. Chief Guest and Keynote Speaker of the Two Day International Conference cum Workshop in English Language and Literature organised by the Department of English and Foreign Languages, Madanapalle Institute of Technology and Science (MITS), Andhra Pradesh. Topic: Green English: Experimenting with a Posthuman Pedagogy. (12 June 2024)
  29. Resource Person for the online Refresher Course in English, conducted by the UGC - Malaviya Mission Teacher Training Centre (UGC - MMTTC), Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli. Topic: Climate Action in English Classrooms: Towards a Posthuman-Borderless Pedagogy. (07 June 2024)
  30. Resource Person for the online Refresher Course in English, conducted by the UGC - Malaviya Mission Teacher Training Centre (UGC - MMTTC), Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli. Topic:  From Draft to Print: Overcoming Challenges in Academic Publishing (07 June 2024)
  31. Resource Person for a one-day student training programme at M.E. College, Namakkal. Topic: Enhancing Workplace Competencies (28 May 2024)
  32. Resource Person for a one-day student training programme at N.P.R. College of Engineering and Technology Dindigul. Topic: Empowering Effective Communication Skills of Engineering Students (10 May 2024)
  33. Resource Person for a one-day student training programme at VIT University Vellore  Topic: Cultivating Career Readiness Competencies (13 March 2024)
  34. Resource Person for the Seven-Day Faculty Development Programme in Contemporary Literary Trends and Devices organised by the Department of English,  S.R.M. Institute of Science and Technology, Kattankulathur, Tamil Nadu. Topic: Researching Ecological Vulnerability (08 February 2024)
  35. Plenary Speaker for the One-Day National Seminar on Literary Odyssey beyond Belief: Sprouting the Unreal organised by the Postgraduate Department of English Alphonsa College Pala in collaboration with School of Letters, mahatma Gandhi University Kottayam. Topic: Rereading Popular Cinema, Decrypting Stereotypes (02 February 2024)
  36. Plenary Speaker for the One-Day National Seminar on Semantics, Syntax and Simulation: Literature in the Era of Artificial Intelligence organised by St. Joseph's College, Devagiri, Kerala. Topic: Writing in the Age of AI. (17 January 2024)
  37. Resource Person for the One Week Online Faculty Development Programme in Pedagogical Paradigms: Navigating Innovation in Education organised by VIT Chennai. Topic: Enhancing Learners' Self-directedness. (10 January 2024)
  38. Plenary Speaker for the Two- Day National Seminar on Politics of Vulnerability; Extending the Narratives of Inclusion organised by CMS College, Kottayam, Kerala. Topic: Cultural Representations of Ecological Vulnerability and Psychic Numbing. (04 January 2024)
  39. Plenary Speaker for the One Day National Seminar organised by Christ College, Thiruvananthapuram. Topic: Becoming a Body of Water: An Introduction to Hydrofeminism (30 November 2023)
  40. Resource Person for the One Day Workshop for students organised by the Department of Science and Humanities, Federal Institute of Science and Technology (FISAT), Kerala. Topic: Enhancing Employability Competencies. (29 November 2023)
  41. Resource Person for the International Faculty Development Programme on Interdisciplinary Concepts organised by the School of Sciences and Humanities, S. R. University, Warangal. Topic: Research and Publishing: Questions of Ethics and Efficacy (27 November 2023)
  42. Resource Person for the workshop on Building Employability Skillset organised by the Department of English, School of Engineering and Technology, Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan University, Samayapuram, Tiruchirappalli. (31 October 2023)
  43. Plenary Speaker for the Two-Day ICSSR Sponsored National Seminar on 'The Role of Indian English Literature in Strengthening National Consciousness' organised by Sri S. Ramaswamy Naidu Memorial College (SRNM College) Sattur. Topic: Masculinist Edifices of Nationalism and Body Politics in Popular Culture. (05 October 2023) 
  44. Resource Person for the Online Faculty Development Programme titled English for Research organised by the National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research (NITTTR) Chennai. Topic: Writing an Effective Abstract. (20 September 2023)
  45. Discussion Initiator and speaker for Talking Film's Online (TFO) weekly film debate. Topic: Reading Yashoda. (29 July 2023)
  46. Resource Person for the Five Day National Facuty Development Programme on Promoting Learner Autonomy on Gen Z Learners organised by the Postgraduate Department of English, SDNB Vaishnav College for Women, Chennai. Topic: Role of Educators in Promoting Learner Autonomy: A Design Thinking Perspective (01 July 2023)
  47. Resource Person for the two-week training programme on ‘Introduction to Translation’ organised by National Translation Mission, Central Institute of Indian Languages, Ministry of Education, Government of India. Topic: Challenges in Literary Translation (21 June 2023)
  48. Resource Person for the two-week training programme on ‘Introduction to Translation’ organised by National Translation Mission, Central Institute of Indian Languages, Ministry of Education, Government of India. Topic: Critical Discourse Analysis and Translation (20 June 2023)
  49. Chief Guest for the Valedictory Ceremony of English Literary Association of Bishop Heber College, Tiruchirappalli. Topic: Women in Popular Culture (28 March 2023)
  50. Resource Person for the Career Guidance Programme organised by St. Joseph's College Moolamattam in association with Holycross Institute of Management and Technology, Calicut, Kerala. Topic: English Majors and the Paths Ahead (27 March 2023)
  51. Resource Person for the Finishing School Programme Lecture Series organised by the Department of English, Mary Matha College Sulthanbathery Wayanad, Kerala. Topic: What Do We Do with an English Major? (18 March 2023)
  52. Resource Person for the One Day National Webinar on Content Based Instruction organised by the Directorate of Distance Education, University of Kerala in collaboration with ELTAI. Topic: Engaging with SDGs in Classrooms: Perspectives and Possibilities. (25 February 2023)
  53. Plenary Speaker for the One Day India-Canada Bilateral Symposium on Inclusion of Cultural Heritage in Curriculum organised by the School of Arts, Science, Humanities and Education, SASTRA Deemed to be University, Tiruchirappalli. Topic: Culture, Inclusivity, Diversity and Liberal Arts:Concerns and Clarifications (24 February 2023)
  54. Resource Person for the academic lecture programme organised by the Department of English Sri Krishna College of Arts and Science Coimbatore. Topic: Literature in Life: Myths and Contemporary Cultural Discourses (22 February 2023)
  55. Plenary Speaker for the One Day International Conference on Women in Popular Culture organised by Sr Ramakrishna College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore. Topic: En'gendering' Popular Culture: Recasting Stereotypes (22 February 2023)
  56. Resource Person for a one-day student training programme at VIT University Vellore  Topic: Key Employability Skills for a Conducive Workspace (21 February 2023)
  57. Resource Person for the Five-Day Faculty Development Programme on Critical Theories in English Literature organised by the Department of Languages, Presidency University, Banglore. Topic: Literature, Culture and Psychoanalysis (14 February 2023)
  58. Resource Person for theStudent Induction Programme organised by CARE College of Engineering, Tamil Nadu. Topic: Constructive Communication (03 February 2023)
  59. Invited Speaker at the Chennai International Book Fair (CIBF 2023) organised by BAPASI and the Tamil Nadu Textbook & Educational Services Corporation (Government of Tamil Nadu). Topic: Paulo Coelho’s Literature (17 January 2023)
  60. Resource Person for the two-week training programme on ‘Introduction to Translation’ organised by National Translation Mission, Central Institute of Indian Languages, Ministry of Education, Government of India. Topic: Critical Discourse Analysis: Reconceptualization and Ideology (17 December 2022)
  61. Resource Person for the two-week training programme on ‘Introduction to Translation’ organised by National Translation Mission, Central Institute of Indian Languages, Ministry of Education, Government of India.Topic: Translation and Language Pedagogy (16 December 2022)
  62. Resource Person for the Student Induction Programme organised by M.E. College, Namakkal. Topic: 21st Century Skills for Engineers (18 November 2022)
  63. Resource Person for the English Graduate Association of Kerala’s Language Acquisition Programme. Topic: Constructive Communication (06 November 2022)
  64. Chief Guest & Keynote Speaker for the Inauguration of English Literary Association of Thiagarajar College, Madurai. Topic: Literature of Crisis (21 October 2022)
  65. Resource Person for the two-week training programme on ‘Introduction to Translation’ organised by National Translation Mission, Central Institute of Indian Languages, Ministry of Education, Government of India. Topic: Translation and Language Pedagogy (24 September 2022)
  66. Resource Person for the two-week training programme on ‘Introduction to Translation’ organised by National Translation Mission, Central Institute of Indian Languages, Ministry of Education, Government of India. Topic: Introducing Critical Discourse Analysis: Reconceptualization and Ideology (23 September 2022)
  67. Resource Person for the Faculty Development Programme organised by the Department of English, St. Joseph’s College, Tiruchirappalli. Topic: Designing Tasks for Communicative Classrooms (15 September 2022)
  68. Invited Speaker at the National Seminar on Teacher Identity: Reweaving the English Classroom organised by Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Technology, Hyderabad. Topic: Reweaving the English Classroom: The Role of a Quizzing Teacher (30 August 2022)
  69. Invited Speaker for the seminar on English Language Teaching Recent Trends and Practices organised by Sylhet International University and American Corner Sylhet - U.S. EMBASSY in Bangladesh. Topic: Rethinking Pedagogy through a Posthuman Lens (30 July 2022)
  70. Keynote Speaker at the International Conference in Language and Literature: Cultural and Pedagogical Perspectives in the Context of NEP 2020 organized by Department of English, Government Degree College for Women, Osmania University, Hyderabad. Topic:  Foregrounding Sustainability Dialogues in English Classrooms (24 June 2022)
  71. Plenary Speaker at the International Conference on “Professionalism in English Language Teaching: Concepts, Applications and Implications” conducted by Bishop Heber College (Autonomous), Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, India. Topic: “Mainstreaming Some Sustainability Dialogues: Perspectives, Practices and Professional Development” (20 May 2022)
  72. Resource Person for the UGC-Sponsored Online Refresher Course in English Language & Literature, conducted by the UGC-Human Resource Development Centre, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli. Topic: Posthuman Practices in ELT Classrooms (18 May 2022)
  73. Resource Person for the E-Workshop organised by the Directorate of Distance Education, Pondicherry Central University, Puducherry. Topic: The Business of Reading and the Socratic Seminar (22 April 2022)
  74. Resource Person for the AICTE Sponsored Short Term Course on Practical Challenges and Theoretical Applications in Teaching English organised by Indian Institute of Technology, Chennai (IIT-Madras). Topic: A Posthumanist Perspective on Teaching English to Adults (24 March 2022)
  75. Resource Person for the One Day Workshop organised by ELTEP of English Language Teachers’ Interaction Forum, Kerala. Topic: Let there be language! Teachers and Language Teaching Materials (23 March 2022)
  76. Invited speaker for the Two-day symposium Literature, Language and the Mind organised by Bishop Heber College, Tiruchirappalli. Topic: Going Meta on Teaching English (21 March 2022)
  77. Resource Person for the Five-Day Online Programme titled Secondary and Senior Secondary Teachers' Training Programme organised by the Regional Institute of Education (RIE), Bhopal and NCERT, New Delhi. Topic: Introduction to Art Integrated Language Learning (03 February 2022)
  78. Resource Person for the AICTE- ISTE sponsored online Refresher/Induction Program on Personality Profile for Industry Readiness organised by P.T. Lee Chengalvaraya Naicker Polytechnic College, Chennai. Topic: Aspects of Constructive Communication (31 January 2022)
  79. Keynote speaker for the One Day National Seminar organised by the English Literary Club of M.E. College, Namakkal. Topic: Developing Soft Skills: The Whys and the Hows (10 January 2022)
  80. Resource Person for the AICTE – ISTE Sponsored Refresher/Induction Program on Value Based Education System- Current and Future Scenario organised by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Panimalar Institute of Technology, Chennai. Topic: Developing Learners ‘Global Competence: Teachers’ Perspectives (18 December 2021)
  81. Resource Person for the One Day Faculty Development Programme on New Trends in Teaching English to Engineering Students organised by the Department of English and Foreign Languages, SRM University. Topic: Strategies for Enhancing Academic Writing Skills (10 December 2021)
  82. Invited speaker for the National Webinar conducted by the Department of Science and Humanities, Federal Institute of Science and Technology (FISAT), Ernakulam, Kerala. Topic: Introduction to Academic Writing (26 November 2021)
  83. Resource Person for the One-Day workshop for students organised by Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Chennai.  Topic: Enhancing Constructive Communication (12 November 2021)
  84. Resource Person for the AICTE Sponsored Short Term Training Programme on Teaching English organised by JNTUH, Hyderabad. Topic: Research Paper Writing (09 November 2021)
  85. Resource Person for the Five-Day Online Faculty Development Programme on Design Thinking organised by Sathyabhama (Deemed to be) University, Chennai. Topic: Design Thinking in Teaching and Learning Process (30 October 2021)
  86. Invited speaker for the One Day Webinar organised by St. Joseph’s College, Chennai. Topic: Questioning Strategies for English Language Classrooms (01 October 2021)
  87. Resource Person for the One Day Faculty Development Programme organised by Thiagarajar College, Madurai. Topic: Design Thinking in Teaching and Learning. (21 September 2021)
  88. Resource Person for the One Week Intensive Training cum Orientation Programme on Translation and Interpretation organised by National Translation Mission, Central Institute of Indian Languages, Ministry of Education, Government of India. Topic: Introduction to Critical Discourse Analysis: Reconceptualization and Ideology (20 September 2021)
  89. Resource Person for the UGC-Sponsored Two Week Online Refresher course in English Language & Literature organised by Bharatidasan University, Tiruchirappalli. Topic: Questioning the Question: Revisiting Some Conventions of Teaching (17 September 2021)
  90. Invited speaker for the Webinar organised by the Department of English, Sona College of Arts and Science, Salem. Topic: Aspects of Literary Criticism (03 September 2021)
  91. Resource Person for the Eight Day National Level Faculty Development Programme on Reading: Back to Basics organised by ELTAI (English Language Teachers' Association India) in association with Department of English, Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore. Topic: 'Rereading and Rethinking Reading Comprehension Questions' (30 August 2021)
  92. Invited speaker for the National Webinar on 'Social and Emotional Learning' organised by KL Educational Foundation, Hyderabad (20 August 2021)
  93. Resource Person for the One Week Online Faculty Development Programme on 'Research in Literature: Emerging Trends and Approaches' organised by the Department of English, Kristu Jayanti College, Bangalore. Topic: Research Publications: Challenges and Solutions (09 August 2021)
  94. Resource Person for the Two-Week Online Faculty Development Programme on 'Continuing Professional Development: Practising, Researching and Publishing' organised by the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli. Topic: Conceiving, Conducting and Drafting a Classroom Research: An Anecdote (20 July 2021)
  95. Invited speaker for the Two-Day Webinar on 'Blending Remote Teaching and Learning' Organised by NRI Institute of Technology, Vijayawada. Topic: REAL Strategies for Online and Blended Learning (2nd and 3rd July 2021)
  96. Invited speaker for the One Day Webinar organised by Nehru Arts and Science College, Coimbatore. Topic: Critical Approaches to Literature (23 June 2021)
  97. Resource Person for the One Week Karyashala-High-End Workshop on Methods and Tools for Effective Dissemination of Research Ideas and Findings sponsored by VIGYAN and NSERB India organised by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli. Topic: Nuances of Writing a Scientific Abstract: The Writing Process (17 June, 2021)
  98. Resource Person for the One Week Karyashala-High-End Workshop on Methods and Tools for Effective Dissemination of Research Ideas and Findings sponsored by VIGYAN and NSERB India organised by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli. Topic: Nuances of Writing a Scientific Abstract: Features of Scientific Abstracts (17 June, 2021)
  99. Plenary Speaker for the One Day Virtual Conference on Cultural Representations in 21st Century Literature organised by The New College, Chennai (12 June 2021)
  100. Resource Person for the One Day Training Programme for Engineering students organised by M.E. College, Namakkal. Topic: Being Skilled in Constructive Communication (21 May 2021)
  101. Resource Person for the Six Week Online Technology Based Entrepreneurship Development Programme organised by Indian Institute of Information Technology (IIIT) Sri City. Topic: Soft Skill Development: Communication and Information Seeking (16 April 2021)
  102. Resource Person for the National Workshop for Young Engineering Aspirants organised by Jayalakshmi Institute of Technology, Dharmapuri. Topic: Enhancing Critical Thinking Skills to Develop English Speaking Proficiency (08 April 2021)
  103. Resource Person for the AICTE sponsored Short Term Training Programme for teachers organised by Indra Ganesan College of Engineering, Trichy. Topic: Fostering Critical Thinking Skills and Creativity: A Classroom Perspective (09 February 2021)
  104. Resource Person for the AICTE sponsored Faculty Development Programme organised by Guru Nanak Dev Engineering College, Ludhiana, Punjab. Topic: Self-directedness in Teaching and Learning: An Ethical Perspective (17 December 2020)
  105. Resource Person for the AICTE/ISTE Induction and Refresher Programme, Phase III organised by Thiagarajar Polytechnic College, Salem. Topic: Questioning as an Instrument to Enhance Critical Thinking Skills (17 December 2020)
  106. Resource Person for the AICTE/ISTE Induction and Refresher Programme, Phase II organised by Thiagarajar Polytechnic College, Salem. Topic: Role of Teachers in Developing Learners' Self-directedness (05 December 2020)
  107. Resource Person for the AICTE/ISTE Induction and Refresher Programme, Phase I organised by Thiagarajar Polytechnic College, Salem. Topic: Fine-tuning Learner Chosen Materials to Develop Learner Autonomy (24 November 2020)
  108. Resource Person for Airports Authority of India (AAI) Ministry of Civil Aviation (Government of India) for the 4-day Recurrent Training Programme for Air Traffic Controllers, Interlocutors, Raters and Trainers (29th October - 1st November 2020).
  109. Resource Person for the 5-day workshop on 'Ethnomethodology' organised by ELTIF Kerala and Department of English, Payyanur College, Kerala (21st - 25th December 2019)
  110. Resource Person for the 5-day workshop on 'Academic Writing' organised by ELTIF Kerala and Department of English, Payyanur College, Kerala (21st - 25th December 2019)
  111. Resource Person for the 21 days’ training programme on ‘Translation: Theory and Practice’ organised by National Translation Mission, Central Institute of Indian Languages, Ministry of Education, Government of India. (29th June 2019)
  112. Resource Person for the 21 days’ training programme on ‘Introduction to Translation’ organised by National Translation Mission, Central Institute of Indian Languages, Ministry of Education, Government of India. (25th Feb 2019)
  113. Resource Person for the 21 days’ training programme on ‘Introduction to Translation’ organised by National Translation Mission, Central Institute of Indian Languages, Ministry of Education, Government of India. (1st Jan 2019)
  114. Resource Person for the 21 days’ training programme on ‘Introduction to Translation’ organised by National Translation Mission, Central Institute of Indian Languages, Ministry of Education, Government of India. (13th Oct 2018)
  115. Resource Person for the 21 days’ training programme on ‘Research Methodology in Translation Studies’ organised by National Translation Mission, Central Institute of Indian Languages, Ministry of Education, Government of India. (4th Aug 2018)
  116. Resource Person for a workshop on Teaching Strategies in Language Classrooms for English teachers of Sri Prakash Vidya Niketan, Vishakhapatnam, India (6th May 2017)
  117. Resource Person for a workshop on Continuous Professional Development for teachers of Sri Prakash Vidya Niketan, Vishakhapatnam, India (5th May 2017)
  118. Resource Person for a three-day workshop on ‘Classroom Management’ for the teachers of Telangana Social Welfare Residential Educational Institutions Society (TSWREIS) as part of the Capacity Building Program at TSIPARD, Hyderabad (23 Jan 2017, 3rd Feb 2017 and 8th Feb 2017)
  119. Resource Person for a two-day workshop on ‘Curriculum Enrichment’ for the teachers of TSWREIS, Hyderabad (6th and 7th January 2017)
  120. Resource Person for the Public Speaking Skills Module of the Special Foundation Course for AIS, CCS, IES, and ISS in-service officers at Dr. MCR Human Resource Development Institute of Telangana (MCRHRDI), Government of Telangana, Hyderabad (Oct 2015 - Dec 2015) 
  121. Resource Person for the student orientation programme organised by the Department of English, St. Mary's College, Manarcad, Kottayam. Topic: English for Employability. (8 June 2011)
  122. Resource Person for the Induction Programme for International Students organised by the School of Education, University of Leeds, United Kingdom. Topic: Introducing India to the World. ( 21 September 2009)

Papers Presented in Conferences & Seminars

  1. Using Artificial Intelligence for Self-Assessment to Develop Academic Writing in an ESP Classroom at the International Seminar on Artificial Intelligence, Educational Communication, and Media Transformations organised by the English and Foreign Languages University (EFLU), Hyderabad (November, 2024) with Humaira Mariyam B.
  2. Graphic assemblages, stories and English language classroom: A case study from India at the Teachers' College Columbia University Roundtable in Second Language Studies, Columbia University (February 2023) with Humaira Mariyam B. 
  3. Caste Violence and Crises in the Domestic Spaces: A Critique of Contemporary Malayalam Films at the Global Anxieties in Times of Current Crises Conference (RIOC) organised by University of Turin, Italy and Rupkatha Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities (December, 2022)
  4. Correlating Motivation, Amotivation and IELTS Test-Takers’ Learning at the 7th Annual International Conference organised by Qatar University, Qatar (October 2022) with S. Anjana Krishna
  5. Towards Green Trends in ELT: Perceptions from an Indian ESP Classroom at the Future of ELT Conference organised by Trinity College London and Regent's University, London, United Kingdom (June 2022)
  6. Proposing a Model for ESP Classrooms: Design Thinking through Affect Theory at the Future of ELT Conference organised by Trinity College London and Regent's University, London, United Kingdom (June 2022) with Anila V.S. 
  7. A Critical Review of Body-Mind Mapping as a Posthuman Tool in ESL Classrooms at the International Conference on Language and Literature: Cultural and Pedagogical Perspectives in the Context of NEP 2020 organised by Government Degree College for Women, Osmania University, Hyderabad (June 2022) with Humaira Mariyam B.
  8. From Technology to Design Thinking: Developing Teaching Methods for Indian ESP Classrooms in the Context of NEP 2020 at The International Conference on Language and Literature: Cultural and Pedagogical Perspectives in the Context of NEP 2020 organised by Government Degree College for Women, Osmania University, Hyderabad (June 2022) with Anila V.S.
  9. Social-Emotional Learning: Observations from an Online ESP Classroom at the International Conference on Language and Literature: Cultural and Pedagogical Perspectives in the Context of NEP 2020 organised by Government Degree College for Women, Osmania University, Hyderabad (June 2022) with B. Mythiri
  10. Coping Strategies of IELTS Trainers Before, During, and After COVID-19 at The International Conference on Language and Literature: Cultural and Pedagogical Perspectives in the Context of NEP 2020 organised by Government Degree College for Women, Osmania University, Hyderabad (June 2022) with S. Anjanakrishna
  11. Towards a Trauma-informed Pedagogy: Teaching and Learning in Low Resources Indian Classrooms during the Pandemic at the One Day Symposium titled Lessons from Teacher Research in Difficult Circumstances organises by Teachers for Teachers, Nepal in collaboration with IATEFL, Research SIG and TELC- NET (July 2021)
  12. Problems and Possibilities in Negotiating with Online Teaching: An Indian Perspective of a Limited Resource Classroom at the 23rd Warwick International Conference in Applied Linguistics on 'Crossing Boundaries' organised by University of Warwick, United Kingdom (June 2021) with Ms. B. Mythiri  
  13. Enhancing Speaking Skills Using Podcasts that Assert Learners' Transportable Identities at the 23rd Warwick International Conference in Applied Linguistics on 'Crossing Boundaries' organised by University of Warwick, United Kingdom (June 2021) with Ms. S. Anjana Krishna 
  14. Embracing Diversity and Sustainability: Perceptions on Peace Education from an ESP Classroom at the Two-Day International Virtual Conference on 'Sustainable Learning:Strategies and Consequences in Digital India' organised by NIT Goa and NITK Suratkal, India (June 2021)
  15. The Invisible 'Culture Hero' in Virus (2019 Film): Revisiting the Cinematic Documentation of Nipah Outbreak in Kerala at the Three-Day International Conference on 'Living in the End Times: Utopian and Dystopian Representations of Pandemics in Fiction, Film and Culture' organised by Cappadocia University, Turkey (January 2021)  
  16. Own Your English: Towards a Multilingual Perspective on Adapting Materials in ESL Classrooms at the Two-Day National Conference on ‘ELT: Issues and Challenges’ at EFL University, Hyderabad, India (January,2020)
  17. Possibilities of fostering edutainment to enable better language learning: Perspectives from rural Indian ESL classrooms at the Two-day International Conference on 'English Language Teaching: Trends and Innovations' at S.S.N. College of Engineering, Chennai, India (December, 2019)
  18. Creative Teaching Strategies for Enhancing Writing Competencies of Tertiary Level Learners at the International Conference on ‘Creativity and Writing’ at EFL University, Hyderabad (December, 2019)
  19. Implications of Use and Disuse of Strategies on Individual Growth in ‘Talk as Performance’ at the National Conference on ‘Innovations in Teaching ESL and Literature: the Present and the Future’ at National Institute of Technology, Warangal, India (September 2019)
  20. Developing and Adapting Language Learning Materials in ESL Classrooms: A Multilingual Perspective at the MATSDA Conference 2019 at University of Liverpool, England, UK (June 2019)
  21. Translating Identities: An Analysis of Select Products of Popular Culture at the National Seminar on ‘Translation and Nation’ by National Translation Mission in association with CIIL, Mysore, India (September 2018)
  22. Identifying learner specific speaking strategies in ESL classrooms at the National Conference on ‘Skill Development in Teacher Education’ in association with SLBSRSV conducted by Teaching Learning Centre of PMMMNMTT, Government of India, New Delhi, India (March, 2018)
  23. Sustaining Teacher Motivation in Large ESL Classrooms: What Teachers Have to Say! at the National Seminar on ‘English Language Education In India – Theory and Practice’ in association with ELTAI, organized by the University of Hyderabad, India (March, 2018)
  24. Documenting the measures undertaken by the Government of India to safeguard the rights of minority at the National Conference on ‘Empowering Minorities through Education’ organized by Maulana Azad National Urdu University, Hyderabad, India (March, 2018)
  25. Translating Poetry: Challenges and Possibilities at the International Conference on ‘Translation and Knowledge Society - A Conference, Workshop & Translathon' by NTM (GoI), CIIL, at Manasagangotri, India (March, 2018)
  26. Bringing Social Media into the English Classrooms: Teachers’ Perspectives at the International Conference on ‘The Cultural Semiotics of English Language and Literature' in association with ELTAI organised by DRBCC Hindu College, Chennai, India (March, 2018)
  27. Can there be an Island Manori?: A Comparative-Critical Reading of Where Shall We Go This Summer?, Ancient Promises and Ladies Coupe at the International Seminar on ‘Novel Issues in Indian Writing in English’ held at JKC College, Guntur , India (February, 2018)
  28. Translating Culture Specific Notations: Challenges and Possibilities at the International Conference on "Translation: An Art of Examining Cultural Proximity and Political Transmission Across Boundaries " in association with Sahitya Akademi, Delhi, held at SSRNM College, Sattur, India (February, 2018)
  29. To be or not to be; is that the question? A critique of teacher beliefs in continuing professional development at the National seminar on 'Emerging Trends and Innovations in Teacher Education' organized by School of Education, Christ University, Bangalore, India (February, 2018)
  30. Neither cane nor raised eyebrows: Towards humane strategies for classroom management at the 6th Annual International Conference on 'Recent Trends and Innovative Practices in Teaching English Language and Literature' in association with ELTAI organised by C.R. Engineering College, Tirupati, India (February, 2018)
  31. “Can we use this video in today’s class?” Towards learner autonomy through encouraging learner chosen-materials in the ESL classrooms at the International Seminar on 'Role of International Languages in Higher Education’ organised by HITS, Chennai, India (February, 2018)
  32. The Role of the Learners’ First Language in Teaching and Learning English: An Indian Perspective at the National Conference on 'New Perspectives in ELT' in collaboration with ELTAI held at T.K.S. College of Technology, Theni, India (February, 2018)
  33. Critiquing the skill of speaking at the International Conference on ‘English Language and Literature’ in association with Bodhi International Journal, held at Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences, Coimbatore, India (February, 2018)
  34. Enabling Critical Thinking Ability to Enhance Learner Interaction in ESL Classrooms at the International Conference on ‘Teaching and Assessing English Language and Literature’ in association with RELO, Delhi, held at Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, India (January, 2018)
  35. Translation of a short story from Malayalam to English-Bhinnasankhya (The Fractional Number) in the seven day U.G.C Sponsored Interdisciplinary National Level Workshop cum Seminar on ‘Translation and National Integration' held at Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur, India (January, 2018)
  36. Let there be language! Adapting materials in ESL classrooms at the International Conference on ‘English Language Teaching, Literature & Cultural Studies' in association with ELTIF Thalasseri, held at Sree Narayana College of Education, Mahe, India (January, 2018)
  37. Using Convivial Feedback Discussions to Raise Awareness of Speaking Strategies at the International Conference on 'Language and Literature: Dynamic Resources in the ELT Classroom' held at S.S.N. College of Engineering, Chennai, India (November, 2017)
  38. Questions of Hegemony and Subjugation: A Postcolonial Reading of the Malayalam Film Nandanam at the National Conference on ‘Film Theory and Appreciation’ in association with Chalachitra Academy held at U.C. College, Aluva, India (March, 2012)

Conferences/Seminars/Training Programmes participated 

  1. 'Material Developers' Workshop' organised by the Department of Materials, Testing, and Evaluation, The English and Foreign Languages University (EFL University) Hyderabad. (February 2025)
  2. 'Sustaining and Innovating Changes in ELT Classroom Environment' organised by Antalya Bilim University, Turkey (April, 2022)
  3. A five-day online workshop to prepare the course content of the Diploma Course in the Teaching of English organised by NCERT, Bhopal, India (October 25 to October 29, 2021)
  4. A three-day online workshop to plan the course content of the Diploma Course in the Teaching of English organised by NCERT, Bhopal, India (October 11 to October 13, 2021)
  5. 'The Future of English Language Teaching Conference' organised by Trinity College, London and Regent's University London (June, 2021)
  6. A five-Day Faculty Development Programme in Online Teaching Practices in English organised by Amity University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan (June, 2021)
  7. A One Week Online Faculty Development Programme on 'English Language Teaching and Research' organised by Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore, India (May 17 to May 23 2021)
  8. ‘5th Annual International Virtual Conference on English Language Teaching and 21st Century Skills- Communicate, Collaborate, Create’ organised by the QU Foundation Program Department of English, Deanship of General Studies by Qatar University, Doha (November, 2020)
  9. ‘EMI Symposium: Where does EMI take us? Global perspectives and local realities’ organised by the School of Education, University of Oxford, England, United Kingdom (June, 2019)
  10. ‘English Teachers’ conference: Diversifying English’ organised by the School of English, University of Leeds, England, United Kingdom (June, 2019)
  11. ‘Arts, Culture and Health Conference’ organised by the Cultural Institute of University of Leeds, England, United Kingdom (June, 2019)
  12. ‘Teaching and Learning Conference’ organised by The Grammar School at Leeds, England, United Kingdom (June, 2019)
  13. A five-day Training Programme for Interlocutors, Aviation English Language Experts, Raters and Trainers at IIT Madras, Chennai, India (November 15 to November 19, 2019)
  14. A three-week Intensive Training Programme on ‘Introduction to Translation’ organised by National Translation Mission, Government of India, Mysuru, India (May 18 to June 07, 2018)
  15. International Symposium on 'Current Trends and Future Prospects in Translation Studies Research' organized by the Department of Translation Studies, EFL University, Hyderabad, India (January, 2018)
  16. A seven-day U.G.C Sponsored Interdisciplinary National Level Workshop cum Seminar on ‘Translation and National Integration' held in Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur, India (January, 2018)
  17. A five-day in-house seminar on CPD led by Prof. Rod Bolitho and Prof. Tony Wright at the English and Foreign Languages University, Hyderabad, India (February, 2016)
  18. Participated and volunteered in Teacher Educator’s Conference (TEC-13) organised by British Council, in association with EFL University, ELTAI and IATEFL at Hyderabad, India (March, 2013)
  19. Workshop on Teacher Training at Sree Narayanamma College of Engineering, Hyderabad, India (September, 2012)
  20. ‘The Annual International IATEFL Conference & Exhibition’ held in Brighton, England, United Kingdom (April, 2011)
  21. One day workshop on Assessing Language Skills organized by Local Learning Zone Bradford in collaboration with Pearson, England, United Kingdom (October, 2010).
  22. One day conclave on English Language Teaching: Theory and Practice headed by Jeremy Harmer organized by the School of Education, University of Leeds, England, United Kingdom (August, 2009)
  23. National seminar on Literature, Language, Communication organized by the Department of English, Pondicherry University, India (27-28 March 2008)
  24. National Seminar on Translation and Nation organized by the Department of English, Pondicherry University and CIIL, Mysore, India (27-29 February, 2008)
  25. Symposium on R K Narayan: Current Readings organized by the Department of English, Pondicherry University, Puducherry, India (25 January, 2007)
  26. International conference on Nature and Human Nature organized by the Department of English, Pondicherry University and ASLE India (21-23 September 2006)

Faculty Development Programmes Organised 

  1. Convenor of the One-Week training programme titled Researching Cultural Vulnerability: Concepts, Contexts, and Challenges in collaboration with the UNESCO Chair in Vulnerability Studies, University of Hyderabad held at National Institute of Technology Tiruchirappalli (27 January 2025-01 February 2025)
  2. Convenor of the One Day Conclave titled Integrating Humanities in STEM: Suggestions from NEP 2020 for S & T Institutes (10 November 2024)
  3. Convenor of the One-Week training programme titled Reading and Researching the Literature of Crisis in collaboration with the UNESCO Chair in Vulnerability Studies, University of Hyderabad held at National Institute of Technology Tiruchirappalli (22-28 January 2024)
  4. Convenor of the One-Week training programme titled 'Children's Literature: Reading, Writing and Publishing' at National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli (17- 22 July 2023)
  5. Convenor of the One-Week training programme titled Text and Context in Translation’ in collaboration with National Translation Mission, Central Institute of Indian Languages (Government of India) and Tamil Nadu Textbook And Educational Services Corporation (Govt. of Tamil Nadu) held at National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli (18- 23 July 2022)
  6. Convenor of the Two-Week online faculty development programme on 'Continuing Professional Development: Practising, Researching and Publishing' at National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli (12- 23 July 2021)
  7. Co-ordinated a one day conclave on 'Lacan, Language and Education' at VIT-AP University, Amaravati, India (13th November 2019).
  8. Co-ordinated a One-day National Workshop on Soft Skills at VIT-AP University, Amaravati, India (25th August 2018).
  9. Co-ordinated a one day conclave on ‘Worlds are Made by Words’ for the faculty and students of VIT-AP University, Amaravati, India (11th August 2018).
  10. Co-ordinated a one day workshop on ‘Researching to Publishing: A Rewalk with Web 2.0’ for the faculty and students of VIT-AP University, Amaravati, India (March 2018).

Positions of Responsibility 

  • Faculty Coordinator for the 'Two-Day Sensitisation Programme on Learning Disabilities' organised for faculty members by the Office of Learning Support, NIT Tiruchirappalli (03- 04 February, 2025)
  • Member, Office of Learning Support (OLS) NIT Tiruchirappalli  from 2024 onwards
  • Member, Institute Day Dean's Report Committee at NIT Tiruchirappalli for 4 years from 2021-2024
  • Member, Convocation Committee at NIT Tiruchirappalli for 4 years from 2021-2024
  • Member, Yuva Sangam Committee at NIT Tiruchirappalli (2023)
  • Member, Women Cell Committee Member at NIT Tiruchirappalli from 2023-present
  • Member, Alumni Institute Interaction Cell at NIT Tiruchirappalli from 2023-present
  • Member, International Women’s Day Coordinating Committee at NIT Tiruchirappalli for 3 years from 2021-2023
  • Member, NITT Community Radio Station FM 90.8 at NIT Tiruchirappalli from 2023-present
  • Member, Committee Member Physical Assets Verification at NIT Tiruchirappalli for 3 years from 2022-2024
  • Committee Member MA Admissions 2023
  • Library Coordinator at NIT Tiruchirappalli for 2 years from 2021-2023
  • Member, Anti-ragging Committee at NIT Tiruchirappalli from 2020-2023
  • Convenor of the Annual Cultural Festival of VIT-AP University, Amaravati, VITopia-2020
  • Faculty Co-ordinator of Onam cultural fest, AARAVAM, VIT-AP University, Amaravati, India, September, 2019.
  • Co-ordinator of Annual Report Committee, VIT-AP University, Amaravati, India, April, 2018.
  • Souvenir editor of the two International Sports and Cultural Festivals of VIT-AP University, Amaravati, India, 2017-2019.
  • Faculty co-ordinator for the Documentation Committee during two annual International Sports and Cultural Festivals of VIT-AP University, Amaravati, India, 2017-2019.
  • Member of Student Welfare Department, VIT-AP University, Amaravati, India, 2017-18.
  • Coordinating Head of the Soft Skills Programme at VIT-AP University, Amaravati, India (2018 to 2020).
  • Course co-ordinator for English courses at VIT-AP University, Amaravati, India (2017 to 2020).
  • Faculty Co-ordinator for the Theatre and Fine Arts Club 'Dhwani' from 2017-2020 and conducted more than 40 cultural events during the period winning the Best Cultural Club Award for the years 2018 and 2019
  • Social Media Coordinator, VIT-AP University, Amaravati, India (2017-2020)
  • Assessor and Internal Verifier for the ESOL Examinations (City & Guilds, Edexel) at Local Learning Zone, Bradford, England, United Kingdom (2010 -2011)
  • Worked as a Team Leader to raise funds for the charity organisations Save the Children and Association of International Cancer Research in West Yorkshire, UK in 2008)

Thesis Supervision (Ph.D.)

  1. The Impact of Transportable Identity-Based Podcasts in Enhancing Speaking Proficiency of IELTS Test Takers - Ms. Anjana Krishna S.  (Awarded in January 2025)
  2. Developing a Sustainable and Inclusive Pedagogy for Tertiary Level English Language Classrooms - Ms. Mythiri B. (Submitted)
  3. The Affective Turn in English Language Teaching: Reimagining Pedagogy Using Design Thinking - Ms. Anila V.S. (Ongoing)
  4. Posthuman Pedagogy in English Language Classrooms: An Exploratory Study - Ms. Humaira Mariyam B. (Ongoing)
  5. Artificial Intelligence in English Language Learning and Teaching - Ms. Haritha Das (Ongoing)
  6. Sacred Patterns and Social Shifts: Unveiling the Artistry and Gender Dynamics of Kolam - Ms. Subitha Sudhakaran (Ongoing)

Thesis Supervision (Master's)

  1. Petro-sexual Politics and Environmental Degradation in Oil on Water and How Beautiful We Were-  Ms. Amia Mariam Hasheel. (May 2022)
  2. English Language Learning through Peace Linguistics: An Experimental Study with Undergraduate Students-  Mr. D. Shiyam Ganesh (May 2022)
  3. Dancing Bodies and the Questions of Agency: A Critiquing of the Ritualistic Performance of Thiruvathira - Ms. Radhika Krishnan U.K. (May 2022)
  4. Art Vulnerability and Ecoprecarity:  Delineating the Compassionate Arithmetic in K. R. Sunil's  Select Photography Projects - Ms. Kripa Mathew (May 2023)
  5. A Critical Examination of the End Semester Examination Question Papers of English COourses in Indian Engineering Institutions of National Importance- Ms. Mohana Kumari K. (May 2023)
  6. Satiating Hunger, Enduring Shame of Food Memory and Identity  in Joothan and Writing Recipes - Ms. Nivedita (May 2023)
  7. A Comprehensive Examination of the CLARA Framework: Implications for Enhancing Learner Engagement in English Language Classrooms- Mr. Jasir P.P. (May 2024) 
  8. AI Powered English Language Learning: An Exploratory Case Study- Ms. Aishwarya A. (May 2024)
  9. Ecoprecarious Imaginaries and Hydrofeminist Perspectives on Screen: A Comparative Study of 'The Shape of Water' and 'Aavasavyuham:The Arbit Documentation of an Amphibian Hunt'- Ms. Sandra Shaji R. (May 2024)

Social Outreach Activities

  • Coordinated more than 40 bi-monthly open lectures for secondary and tertiary level teachers of English, and researchers as part of ELTIF from 2020-2022.
  • Conducted a one day workshop on interpersonal and communication skills, titled 'Each One Teach One', for the children of the Z.P. Government High School, Inavolu, Amaravati on 14 October (2019)
  • Worked as an ESOL instructor for Asian and African immigrant learners at Word of Grace Community Centre, Roundhay, West Yorkshire, England (2008-2009) 
  • Offered voluntary service as an ESOL tutor for immigrant women at Little London Community Centre, Leeds,  West Yorkshire, England (2008)
  • Offered a one-day workshop on English proficiency for the children of fisherman community in the Government High School, Kalapet, using puppet show as a teaching tool, Pondicherry (2007)

Membership in Professional Associations

  • Member of International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language (IATEFL)
  • Member of Materials Development Association (MATSDA)
  • Member of Asian Association for Language Assessment (AALA)
  • Member of English Language Teachers Association of India (ELTAI)
  • Member of English Language Teachers’ Interaction Forum (ELTIF)

Courses Offered at NIT Trichy

  • English for Communication (B.Tech.)
  • Professional Ethics (B.Tech.)
  • Language and Linguistics (M.A.)
  • Second Language Acquisition (M.A.)
  • Communicative Language Teaching (M.A.)
  • Language and Language Teaching (M.A.)
  • Critical Discourse Analysis (M.A.)
  • Translation Studies (M.A.)
  • Research Methodology in Humanities (Ph.D.)
  • Social and Emotional Learning (Ph.D.)