Sathyaraj Venkatesan

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Scopus                 | Author ID: 26033748500

Web of Science             M-6172-2018 

Postal address: 

Dr. Sathyaraj Venkatesan | Professor of English | Department of Humanities and Social Sciences | Office #310, Lyceum Building | National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu (INDIA). PIN 620 015.


Dr. Sathyaraj Venkatesan is Professor of English in the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences at the National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli (Tamil Nadu, India), where he specializes in health humanities and comics studies, with an emphasis on graphic medicine. He earned PhD from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kanpur. He was a Fellow at the School of Criticism and Theory at Cornell University, New York, and a Senior International Bibliographer with the Publications of Modern Language Association of America (PMLA). He has published 100 research articles in journals indexed by SCOPUS and Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics).

Venkatesan has traveled extensively across twenty states in India and to the USA, UK, France, Singapore, Malaysia, Germany, Japan, Hong Kong, South Korea, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, and Ireland.

Venkatesan is the author/co-author/editor/co-editor of nine books: Pandemics and Epidemics in Cultural Representation (Singapore: Springer, 2022) with Antara Chatterjee (IISER, Bhopal), A. David Lewis (MCPHS University, USA) and Brian Callender (University of Chicago, USA); Infertility Comics and Graphic Medicine (New York/London: Routledge, 2021) with Chinmay Murali; India Retold (New York: Bloomsbury, 2021) with Rajesh James; Mental Disorders and Graphic Medicine (New York/London: Routledge, 2021) with Sweetha Saji; Gender, Eating Disorders and Graphic Medicine (New York/London: Routledge, 2020) with Anu Mary Peter; The Idea and Practice of Reading (Singapore: Springer, 2018)  with R. Joseph Ponniah; Edgar Allan Poe: Tales and Other Writings (India: Orient Blackswan, 2017); AIDS in Cultural Bodies: Scripting the Absent Subject (1980-2010) (Newcastle upon Tyne/UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2016) with Gokulnath Ammanathil and Mapping the Margins: A Study of Ethnic Feminist Consciousness in Toni Morrison’s Novels (2011). 

Venkatesan, in collaboration with Ishani Anwesha Joshi, is currently completing his tenth book manuscript, titled "Drawing Pandemic: Graphic Medicine and COVID-19" (under contract with Palgrave Macmillan/Springer Nature, 2025). Additionally, his eleventh book, "Dementia and Graphic Medicine: Beyond the Living Death Narrative", co-authored with Laboni Das, is forthcoming from Routledge/UK in 2025.

In addition to ninety conference presentations including plenaries and keynotes, Venkatesan has authored over 130 research articles that span African American literature, health humanities, graphic medicine, film studies, and other literary and cultural studies disciplines. His essays/book reviews have appeared in Web of Science/ESCI/Scopus indexed journals such as the British Medical Journal's Medical HumanitiesPerspectives in Biology and Medicine, Journal of Medical Humanities, American Medical Association Journal of Ethics (AMA), Health, Concentric: Literary and Cultural Studies, World Literature Today (WLT), SAGE Open, The Explicator, International Fiction Review, Journal of Visual Communication in Medicine, Economic and Political Weekly (EPW), Ariel: A Review of International English Literature, MELUS, Visual Studies, AMULA, American Notes and Queries, Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics and also in a number of renowned publications such as INKS: The Journal of the Comics Studies Society, The  London Film and Media Reader, Notes on Contemporary Literature. 

His interview/article/profile/podcast is published in media such as The Hindu, The Caravan, Scroll, The Pioneer, Wiley Research, Mid-Day, Madras Courier, The Telegraph, The New Indian Express, The Polyphony, India Art Review, JoongAng Libo (South Korean), British Medical Journal (BMJ) Medical Humanities blog, Malayala Manorama and Mathrubhoomi. He was also serving as a faculty on contract at the Indian Institute of Information Technology (IIIT), Trichy. Besides teaching and research, Venkatesan serves various research, academic, and administrative committees (faculty/PhD selection committee member, thesis examiner, jury member, board of studies member, test author, and academic auditor). 

Born in Tiruchirappalli, Venkatesan grew up in Kerala and studied literature in both Kerala and Uttar Pradesh. He is comfortable with six languages: Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu, Hindi, English, and (basic) French. 

Research Interests:

              Field:  Health humanities, Comics studies, American literature

              Specialty: Graphic medicine

Research Overview

My current research is situated at the intersection of comics and medicine or, what is generically termed as “Graphic Medicine.” I am interested in issues such as the rhetorical potency of images in the realm of graphic medicine; the implications of graphic medicine in medical science and literary studies; critical perspectives on medical practice; presentation of illness in popular and literary cultures; comics in the age of global health humanities; graphic medicine and bioethics among others. This productive conversation between comics and medicine/health, I believe, is rewarding in that it has implications for science studies, cultural and literary studies, biocultural studies, and global health humanities.


  • Best Performer Award, NIT Trichy, 2024 
  • Peter James Burns Scholarship, Graphic Medicine Conference 2024, Ireland. 
    "Report from the Conference: Professor Sathyaraj Venkatesan"
  • Jury Member, Graphic Medicine International Collective Award (GMIC). "(Re)Connecting." July 14-16, 2022. University of Chicago, Chicago, USA. Jury chair: Ian Williams.
  • Best Faculty Performer Award, NIT Trichy, 2022.
  • Best Faculty Performer Award (Humanities and Management category), NIT Trichy, 2021. 
  • UGC-Associateship, Indian Institute of Advanced Studies, Shimla.
  • Best Faculty Performer Award (Humanities and Management category), NIT Trichy, 2020. 
  • Faculty Award for Research publications, NIT Trichy, 2019.
  • Library Fellowship, Center for Contemporary Theory, Baroda, India. 
  • Modern Language Association (MLA) Bibliography Fellowship, Publications of Modern Language Association (PMLA), USA. 
  • School of Criticism and Theory (SCT) Fellowship, Cornell University, USA.
  • Senior Research Fellowship, IIT Kanpur, India.
  • Junior Research Fellowship, IIT Kanpur, India. 
  • National Eligibility Test (UGC-NET).  
  • National English Language Test Service (NELTS) administered by CIEFL and Orient Longman. 

International Collaborators 

  • Brian C. Callender, MD (University of Chicago, USA)
  • A David Lewis, Ph.D. (Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, USA)
  • Maureen Burdock, Ph.D. (Graphic storyteller and Independent Academic, USA) 

Editorial and Referee Services

  • Editorial Board Member, Graphic Medicine Review (Ubiquity Press)  <>
  • Member, Editorial Advisory Board, Samyukta:A Journal of Gender and Culture. <>
  • Reviewer of book proposals, Routledge. 
  • Editorial Board Member, Indian Journal of Language and Linguistics.
  • International Advisory Board Member, Health Humanities Lab, Uttara University, Bangladesh.
  • Reviewer of book proposals, Springer Nature, Springer.
  • Reviewer of book proposals, Palgrave. 
  • Series Editor, Health Humanities, Rupkatha Books.
  • Reviewer of Post-doctoral Proposals, UGC-India
  • Editorial Board Member, Indian Literary Narratives - ILN Journal.
  • Editorial Board Member, Media Watch [SAGE]. <>
  • Editorial Board Member and Section Editor of "Health Humanities," Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities [ESCI/Scopus]<>
  • Reviewer of Proposals, Wellcome Trust, UK. <>
  • Reviewer of Proposals, European Research Council. <>
  • Reviewer of Proposals, The European Science Foundation
  • Consulting Reader, The Explicator. Taylor and Francis.
  • Consulting Reader, Ex-position, National Taiwan University 
  • Consulting Reader, ACME: An International Journal for Critical Geographies
  • Consulting Reader, Journal of Creative Communications [Scopus], SAGE. Publons verified.
  • Consulting Reader, Journal of Medical Humanities [Scopus], Springer. Publons verified.
  • Consulting Reader, SAGE Open [Scopus]. Publons verified.
  • Consulting Reader, British Medical Journal's Medical Humanities (WoS/SCOPUS)
  • Consulting Reader, Perspectives in Biology and Medicine (WoS/SCOPUS]
  • Consulting Reader, Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics, Taylor and Francis. 
  • Editorial Consultant for Special Issues on "Democracy and its Discontents" and "The Public Intellectual."  Humanities Circle: International Journal of Central University of Kerala. ISSN 2321-8010.  
  • Editorial Board Member, Palimpsest: International Scientific Journal. 
  • Editorial Board Member, GNOSIS: An International Journal of English Language and Literature.
  • Editorial Board Member, iEnglish. <>

Special Issue Editor

--Special issue co-editor of "(Mis)Communicating Memory." "Introduction." Media Watch (Sage). 13(2) 143–146. May 2022. (with Avishek Parui).  DOI:10.1177/09760911221092833 

--Special Issue Editor of Health Humanities, Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities. [ESCI/Scopus]. Ongoing. <>

--Special Issue on Graphic Narratives and Comics Cultures. GNOSIS: An International Journal of English Language and Literature. [UGC-Care] March 2019. <>

--Special Issue on Health Humanities. Media Watch. January 2021. <>

Published Interviews with Dr. Sathyaraj Venkatesan/Podcast/YouTube Recordings

2022: "Health Humanities: An Introduction." National Webinar on 21st Century Trends in Literary Studies. Gandhigram Rural Institute (Deemed to be University). 15 July 2022. YouTube link:

2021: "When Comics Became Serious." An Interview with Dr. Sathyaraj Venkatesan. Mid-Day | 07 November.

Wiley Research Podcast. "This Study Shows." Sathyaraj Venkatesan on Graphic Medicine. Listen to Sathyaraj Venkatesan in conversation with Dominic Walliman, author of Professor Astro Cat and Sophie Scott, neuroscientist. Presented by Mary-Ann Ochota and Professor Danielle George. [Produced by Listen Entertainment]

An Interview with Dr. Sathyaraj Venkatesan. "On Medical Humanities and Graphic Medicine." May 2020. In The Golden: A Magazine of English Literature. 

"Our Global Guild: Responding to Sathyaraj Venkatesan’s “On Health Humanities and Graphic Medicine." May 2020.

Thesis Supervision [Ph.D/MA] 


Gokulnath. A:  "The Living End: Social Death, Sexual Death and Coping in selected African American HIV/AIDS Narratives."  [3/08/2013]
Raghavi R. K: "Picturing Breast Cancer: Female Body and Embodiment in Graphic Medical Narratives." [28/07/2018]
Anu Mary Peter. "Gender, Eating Disorders and Graphic Medicine." [07/11/2020]
Sweetha Saji. "Visualizing the Invisible: Metaphors of Mental Illness in Graphic Medicine." [07/11/2020]
Chinmay Murali. "Travails of (M)otherhood: Women's Infertility Memoirs and Graphic Medicine." [25/09/2021]
Pushpanathan S. "Challenges of Caregiving Alzheimer's Dementia Patients in South India." (Co-supervisor). Viva-voce held on 19/06/2023
Arya S. “Silenced Realities: Crafting a Critique of Psychiatry in Graphic Medicine.” Viva-voce held on 05/09/2023. 
Laboni Das. Beyond Forgetting: Dementia, Personhood and Graphic Medicine. Viva-voce held on 16/10/2024.


Bhuvana Sri V. “Playing with Metaphors: Visual Metaphors of Mental Illness in Independent Video Games.” [05/05/2022]
Meera S Menon. “Memento Mori: Drawing Death and Dying in Graphic Memoirs.” [05/05/2022]
Revathy Krishnan. “Drawing Industrial Disaster Comics: Eco-sickness and Memory in select Graphic Narratives.” [05/05/2022]
Ardhra P. “Climate Grief and Chronotope in select Eco-comics.” [06/06/2023]
Nandhita M. “Caste and Graphic Justice in select Graphic Narratives.” [06/06/2023]
Aliza Meria Mathew. "Beyond the Biological Body: A Graphic Medicine/Ethnographic Study of Lissa: A Story About Medical Promise, Friendship, and Revolution" [03/06/2024]
Neeraj Abe S S. "Reproductive Autonomy, Gynometaphors and Kalki Koechlin's The Elephant in the Womb" [03/06/2024]
Anakha Krishnan B. "Thin Ideals, Heavy Realities: Fat Ecologies in Select Graphic Memoirs" [03/06/2024]


  • Pandemics and Epidemics in Cultural Representation. Springer, Singapore. (2022). With Antara Chatterjee (IISER, Bhopal), A. David Lewis (MCPHS University, USA) and Brian Callender (University of Chicago, USA).
  • Mental Disorders and Graphic Medicine. New York/London: Routledge, 2021. (with Sweetha Saji)
  • Travails of Motherhood: Infertility Comics and Graphic Medicine. New York/London: Routledge, 2021. (with Chinmay Murali). 
  • India Retold. New York: Bloomsbury, 2021. (with Rajesh James).
  • Gender, Eating Disorders, and Graphic Medicine. New York/London: Routledge, 2020. (with Anu Mary Peter)     
  • The Idea and Practice of Reading. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2018.  (with R. Joseph Ponniah)< >
  • AIDS in Cultural Bodies: Scripting the Absent Subject (1980–2010). UK:  Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2016 with Gokulnath A.
  • Edgar Allan Poe: Tales and Other Writings. Hyderabad: Orient Blackswan, 2017. 
  • Mapping the Margins: A Study of Ethnic Feminist Consciousness in Toni Morrison’s Novels. Germany: VDM Publishing House Limited, 2011.

Representative Published Research Articles 

[ORCID ID:] [WoS Author ID: M-6172-2018]

“Gynometaphors, Graphic reproduction and Kalki Koechlin’s “The Elephant in the Womb.” Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics. 2025. (SCOPUS-Q1) (with Neeraj Abe). 

"The Time We See: ADHD, Neuroqueer Temporality, and Graphic Medicine"  Perspectives in Biology and Medicine. (with Prerna Tolani). 68.1 (Winter 2025): 117–138.

"‘Finally Making Sense’: Graphic Medicine and Adult Diagnosis of ADHD." Medical Humanities. (WoS/Scopus-Q1) (with Prerna Tolani).

"Concealed and Compromised: Masking, Autism and Graphic Medicine." Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics. 2024. 1-8. (SCOPUS-Q1) (with Prerna Tolani).

"Beyond Wrinkles: Ageing, Graphic medicine, and Zidrou and Aimee de Jongh's "Blossoms in Autumn." Medical Humanities. 2024. [WoS and SCOPUS]. (with Livine Ancy).

"Reproductive Autonomy, Graphic Reproduction and “The Elephant in the Womb." Perspectives in Biology and Medicine. [WoS and SCOPUS]. (with Neeraj Abe S S.) 68.1 (Winter 2025): 99–116.

"Of Comics and Climate Change: An Interview with Brian Fies." Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics.(SCOPUS-Q1) (withArdhra Anil). 1-7. 2024. <>

The Odi Assan: Myth, Liberation and Caste in “If in the Shadows, a Leopard!." Studies in South Asian Film and Media. (Scopus) (with Nandhitha Muruganandan). 16(2): 207- 219.Oct 2024.

“Care Process into a Cash Transaction”: Medical Neoliberalism, Afloat and Graphic Medicine." 
Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics (Scopus). 2024. (with Laboni Das).

“This will keep me happy for weeks”: Care Objects, Affect, and Graphic Medicine. Medical Humanities. [WoS and SCOPUS] (Livine Ancy). 2024.

“Systems that make Humans Inhumane”: Nursing Home Care, Graphic Medicine and Susan MacLeod’s Dying for Attention. 1–17.  2024. Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics. (Scopus) (with Livine Ancy A.)

"Regulated Pandemic Spaces: Spatial Crises in COVID Comics." 2024. Journal of Medical Humanities [Scopus] (with Ishani Anwesha Joshi).

“Inside Out of Mind”: Alternative Realities, Dementia and Graphic Medicine. Journal of Medical Humanities (2024). (with Laboni Das). (Scopus). 45, 171–184 (2024).

“Who Sanitizes the Sanitizer?”: COVID Comics and Sanitizers. Medical Humanities. [WoS and SCOPUS] (with Ishani Anwesha Joshi). 2024.

[Forthcoming] "Graphic Medicine: History, Theory, and Practice." (with Brian Callender MD, University of Chicago). In Palgrave Encyclopedia of the Health Humanities. Ed. Paul Crawford and Paul I. Kadetz. 2024.

"Drawing Change: Ecocomics and Rohan Chakravarty’s Green Humour for a Greying Planet." Postscript | Economic and Political Weekly [EPW]. [SCOPUS]  (with S. Yuvan). Vol. 59, Issue No. 2, 13 January 2024.

Politics of Extractivism, Grassroot Justice and Crude. Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics. [SCOPUS] (with Maureen Burdock). 2024.

“To mask, or not to mask, that is the question”: COVID (Anti)Masking and Comics." Interdisciplinary Literary Studies: A Journal of Criticism and Theory. vol. 26 no. 1, 2024, p. 91-111. [SCOPUS]  (with Ishani Anwesha Joshi). Project MUSE

"Climate Grief, Resilience and Brian Fies's A Fire Story" Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics.(SCOPUS-Q1) (Ardhra Anil). 2024.<>

"Caste and Comics: An Interview with Samarth" Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics. [SCOPUS] (with Nandhitha Muruganandan). 2023. 15(4), 612–624.

"Graphic Public Health: An Interview with Meredith Li-Vollmer." Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics. (SCOPUS-Q1) (with Ishani Anwesha Joshi) 2024. 15(3), 474–482.

"Unraveling Crip Temporalities: Epilepsy, Chronic Illness and Elodie Durand’s Parenthesis." Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics. (SCOPUS-Q1) (with Prerna Tolani). 2024 15(3), 415–430. <>

[Book chapter] "Drawing the Mind: Graphic Medicine, Aesthetics and Mental Disorders." In Aesthetic Literacy: An Endgame. vol. 3. Melbourne: Mont Publishing. Ed. Valery Vinogradovs. (with Anu Mary Peter). 52-59. 2023. 

"Samarth’s Suit: Manual Scavenging, Caste, and Comics." Economic and Political Weekly [EPW]. Vol. 58, Issue No. 25-26, 24 June 2023. (with Nandhitha Muruganandan). <>.

“There were days I felt empty”: Care, Affect, and Graphic Medicine." Visual Studies. 2023. [WoS and Scopus/Q-1]. (with Livine Ancy).

“Does anyone know how people die in sewers?”: Comics, Caste and Manual scavenging in Suit." Interdisciplinary Literary Studies: A Journal of Criticism and Theory. vol. 26 no. 1, 2024, p. 1-22. [SCOPUS] (with Nandhitha Muruganandan). Project MUSE

[Book chapter] “Didn’t ring true for me”: Queering Breast Cancer, Graphic Medicine and Kimiko Does Cancer. Routledge Handbook of Health Communication and Popular Culture. Ed. by Christina Beck. New York, Routledge. 2025. 257 - 269.

“DON’T TOUCH ANYTHING”: Tactility, COVID-19, and Graphic Medicine. Visual Studies. 2023. [WoS and Scopus/Q-1]. (with Ishani Anwesha Joshi).

[Forthcoming] "Graphic Medical Posthumanism." Keywords/images in Graphic Medicine. Eds. Lisa Diedrich and Briana L Martino. Penn State UP.  2024. 

"Futures of Care: Care Technologies and Graphic Medicine." Perspectives in Biology and Medicine. 66.4 (2023): 639-650. [WoS and Scopus/Q-2] (with Livine Ancy).

"Care as a Creative Practice: Comics, Dementia and Graphic Medicine." Journal of Visual Communication in Medicine. 46.2. 75-84. 2023. [Scopus/Q-1] (with Livine Ancy).

"“I AM NOT A VIRUS”: COVID-19, Anti-Asian hate, and Comics as Counternarratives." Journal of Medical Humanities. [ESCI/Scopus] (with Ishani Anwesha Joshi)  2023.

"Anthologizing COVID: An Interview with Kendra Boileau and Michael Green." Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics. 14.6. 921-931 (2023).  [Scopus-Q1]. (with Ishani Anwesha Joshi).

"Of Comics and Dementia: An Interview with Nigel Baines, Rebecca Roher, and Liza Futerman." Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics. [Scopus-Q1]. 15:1. 119-135. 2024. (with Laboni Das). <>.

COVID-19, Graphic Medicine and Thinking Beyond Data. Perspectives in Biology and Medicine. [Scopus/WoS].(with Ishani Anwesha Joshi). Volume 65, Number 4, Autumn 2022, pp. 694-709. 2022. <>.

"Drawing Eco-sickness: Industrial Disaster Comics, Postmemory, and The Minamata Story: An Eco Tragedy." Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics. [SCOPUS-Q1]. (with Revathy Krishnan). 15:1, 3-19. 2024.

Book review of Maureen Burdock's "Queen of Snails." Brokenfrontier. 14 November 2022.

"Geography of Madness: Communitarian Psychiatry and Spatial Logic in The Third Population." Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics. [Scopus/ESCI] 2022. (with Arya Suresh).

"Re-imagining Care in Comics: An Interview with Susan Macleod, Simon Grennan, Ernesto Priego and Peter Wilkins." Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics. 2022. [Q1 - Scopus/ESCI]. (with Livine Ancy).

"Indian Folk Art and COVID-19" British Medical Journal's Medical Humanities blog. 18 January 2022.

"Person-Centered Care, Dementia and Graphic Medicine." Journal of Visual Communication in Medicine. 2022. [Q1 - Scopus/ESCI]. (with Laboni Das).

[Book chapter] Venkatesan, Sathyaraj. “Their Lives Just Do not Matter?”: “Racing” COVID-19 and Graphic Medicine. In: Venkatesan, S., Chatterjee, A., Lewis, A.D., Callender, B. (eds) Pandemics and Epidemics in Cultural Representation. Springer, Singapore. (2022).  pp 231–244.

Mapping the Bipolar Mind through Comics: An Interview with Ellen Forney. Studies in Comics. (with Sweetha Saji) [Scopus]. 12(1). 145-150. 2021. 

‘Fog of Medication’: Psychiatric Drugs, Neurochemical Selves, and Graphic Medicine. Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics [Scopus-Q1]. (with Arya Suresh) 14:5 (2023): 681-696. [DOI: 10.1080/21504857.2022.2052918]

"On drawing Graphic Industrial Disasters: An Interview with Sean Michael Wilson." Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics, 2022. DOI: 10.1080/21504857.2022.2082503 Weblink: (with Revathy Krishnan).

“The Graying of the World”: Medical and Popular Expressions of Dementia." Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities. 14.2, April-June, 2022. (ESCI/SCOPUS) (with Laboni Das). <>

[Forthcoming] [Book chapter]."Graphic Medical Posthumanism." Keywords and Keyimages in Graphic Medicine. Edited by Lisa Diedrich and Briana Martino. (contract under the Penn State University Press’s Graphic Medicine series). 2023.

“The time is out of joint”: Temporality, COVID-19 and Graphic Medicine. Medical Humanities. [WoS and SCOPUS] (with Ishani Anwesha Joshi) 17 March 2022. 1-7. Also available as a blog summary here: 

“Critique of DSM, Medicalization and Graphic Medicine.” Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics. [Scopus]. (with Arya Suresh) 2022.

Drawing Pain: Graphic Medicine, Pain Metaphors, and Georgia Webber’s Dumb. Perspectives in Biology and Medicine. (with Diptarup Ghosh Dastidar and A. David Lewis). 65.2 (Spring 2022): 356-372. [Scopus/WoS].

[Book chapter] "I found Balance": Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Select Graphic Medical Narratives." In The Routledge Handbook of Health and Media. Edited by Lester D. Friedman and Therese Jones. 337 - 345. 2022.

Imagining the Middle East: Migration and Malayalam Cinema. 2022. IUP Journal of English Studies.  Vol. 17, Iss. 1,  (Mar 2022): 95-108. [Scopus]. (with Rajesh James).

“Mapping the Queer Body: Queer Tropes and Malayalam Cinema”. WACANA SENI Journal of Arts Discourse. [Scopus/Q-2] (with Rajesh James). 21, 85–92. 2022. <>

[Book chapter] "Conceiving the Inconceivable: Graphic Medicine, Queer Motherhood, and A.K. Summer's Pregnant Butch." (with Chinmay Murali). LGBTQ Comics Reader. Edited by Alison Halsall and Jonathan Warren. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2022. 305-314. 

[Book chapter] "Graphic Medicine, Ecological Consciousness, and Paula Knight’s The Facts of Life." (with Chinmay Murali). Bloomsbury Handbook of Medical-Environmental Humanities. Edited by Scott Slovic, Swarnalatha Rangarajan, and Vidya Sarveswaran. Bloomsbury Academic, London [England], 2022. 41-50. 2022.

In Defence of Caregiving: Neoliberalism, Care Ethics, and Graphic Medicine. Journal of Dharma. 46, 3 (July-September 2021), 239-248. (with Livine Ancy). [WoS/Scopus].

"Queering Indian Documentary: An Interview with Debalina Majumdar." Studies in Documentary Film. [Scopus] (with Rajesh James). 2021. <>.

"Sites, Contexts and Beyond: Mapping Health Humanities." Editorial Introduction for a special section on Health Humanities. Media Watch 12 (1) 1-6. 2021. [Scopus/Q1]    

‘Eye of the Beholder’: Psychiatric Medical Reasoning, Narrative Humility, and Graphic Medicine. Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities [Scopus/ESCI] (with Arya Suresh). 13(2): 1-9. 2021. <>.

“Drawing Illness and Medicine: Health Humanities and Graphic Medicine.” Cultural Studies: Significance and Representation in Literature. Edited by P. Kulalmolial, D. Jaisankar and C. Vairavan. ESN Publications. 2021.

"Spaces of Care and Graphic Medicine." Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities. Vol. 13, No. 4, 2021. 1-10. [ESCI/Scopus] (with Livine Ancy).

"Kashmir: A Long Winding Road to Freedom." Studies in Documentary Film. [Scopus] (with Rajesh James). 2023, 17.1, 82–90.

"On Graphic Mental Illness Narratives: An Interview with Clem Martini, Tatiana Gill and Tyler Page." Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics [Scopus/ESCI] (with Arya Suresh).

Changing Configurations in the Portrayal of Doctors in Graphic Narratives: A Study of The Bad Doctor and The Lady Doctor. SAGE Open. [WoS/Scopus]. 11.3. 2021. (with Livine Ancy A).

[Book Chapter] "Enjoy Enjaami and “The Right to Breathe”: Towards a Theory of Graphic Medical Posthumanism." In "Posthuman Ontologies: New Bearings in Post-Anthropocentric Studies." Edited by Sambhu R and Sushil Kumar R. Notion Press, India. 15-31. (with G. Saravana Prabu).

"Sequential Sadness: Metaphors of Depression in Clay Jonathan’s Depression Comix." Media Watch 12 (1) 33-45, 2021. (with Arya Suresh). [Scopus/Q1].       

 "Comics in the time of a pan(dem)ic: COVID-19, Graphic Medicine, and Metaphors." (with Sweetha Saji and Brian Callender). Perspectives in Biology and Medicine. [Scopus/WoS]. 2021. 64.1: 137–155. The summary of the article is available here:

“It just went wrong, as bodies are prone to do”: Graphic Medicine and the Trauma of Miscarriage." Journal of Medical Humanities [Scopus] [with Chinmay Murali]. 2020. Reprinted in Jones, Therese and Kathleen Pachucki. The Medical/Health Humanities-Politics, Programs, and Pedagogies. Switzerland: Springer Nature, 2022. 251-265. 

"Visualizing Shame: Menstruation, Graphic Medicine, and the Discourse of Lycanthropy." Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities. [Scopus] [with Anu Mary Peter]. 12(6), 1-8. 2021.

"Capturing Alternate Realities: Visual Metaphors and Patient Perspectives in Graphic Narratives on Mental Illness." Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics. 12:5, 924-938, 2021. [Scopus] [with Sweetha Saji]. 2020.

"Voices from the Valley: An Unfinished Agenda." Studies in Documentary Film (2020) 14:3: 267-279.  [with Rajesh James] [Scopus/ESCI]. <>.

"The Infertile Body in the Clinic: Medicalisation, Gaze, and Loss of Agency in Women’s Infertility Comics." 2020. [SCI/Scopus] Women's Studies: An Inter-disciplinary Journal.  [with Chinmay Murali]

"Drawing Infertility: An Interview with Paula Knight, Jenell Johnson, Emily Steinberg, and Phoebe Potts." Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics. 12:5, 1187-1200, 2021. [Scopus] [with Chinmay Murali] <>

"On Voicelessness, Graphic Medicine and Beyond: An Interview with Georgia Webber." Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics. 12:5, 1177-1182, 2021. [Scopus] [with Diptarup Ghosh Dastidar] <>

"Lost Your Superpower"?: Graphic Medicine, Voicelessness and Georgia Webber's Dumb." Perspectives in Biology and Medicine (Winter 2020) 63.1: 207-17. (Johns Hopkins University Press) [SCI/Scopus] [with Diptarup Ghosh Dastidar].

"Of Comics and Bipolar Disorder: In Conversation with Rachel Lindsay." World Literature Today (Spring 2020) 94.1: 72-76 [Scopus/SCI] [with Sweetha Saji]. <>

"Chronicles of Eating Disorders from Physicians' Notes to Netflix Series: Representations of Eating Disorders in Popular Media." Media Watch. [Scopus] [with Anu Mary Peter] 11.1 (2020). 164-176.

“Reflections on the Visceral: Metaphors and Illness Experience." 12.1 (2020). Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities. [with Sweetha Saji] [Scopus].

"On Comics and the Chronicles of Emaciation: An Interview with Katie Green." 21.3. 2021. 266-270. Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics. [Scopus] [with Anu Mary Peter]. <>

"Anorexia through Creative Metaphors: Women Pathographers and Graphic Medicine." (2019) Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics. 12:5, 429-442, 2021. [Scopus] [with Anu Mary Peter] <>

"Graphic Medicine and the Critique of Contemporary U.S. Healthcare." Journal of Medical Humanities [Springer].  43:27–42. (2022). [with Chinmay Murali] [Scopus] <>

"Graphic Illness Memoirs as Counter-Discourse." (Online - 2019/ Print - 2021) Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics. 12:2, 145-162. [Scopus] [with Sweetha Saji] <>.

"“Childless? Childfree? Neither, Just ME”: Pronatalism and (M)otherhood in Paula Knight’s The Facts of Life." Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics. (Online - 2019/ Print - 2021). 12.2, 108-126. [Scopus] [with Chinmay Murali]

"Drawing the Mind: Aesthetics of Representing Mental Illness in Select Graphic Memoirs." Health (Jan. 2021). 25:1, 37-50. [SCI/Scopus] [with Sweetha Saji]

"Conjuring the 'Insane': Representations of Mental Illness in Medical and Popular Discourses." Media Watch. 10.3 (September 2019). 522-539. [Scopus] [with Sweetha Saji]

"Towards a Theory of Graphic Medicine." Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities. [Scopus] [with Anu Mary Peter]. 2019.

Special issue Editor for "Comics and Graphic Novels/New Literatures." "Introduction." Gnosis. (March 2019). 12-25. (UGC journal; ISSN 2394-0131).

"Feminine Famishment: Graphic Medicine and Anorexia Nervosa." Health. [SCI/Scopus] [with Anu Mary Peter]. 24.5. (September 2020). 518-534.

“I don’t even feel human anymore”: Monstrosity and Othering in Ken Dahl’s Monsters." 10.3 (2018). Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities. [with Chinmay Murali] [Scopus/SCI]. <>

“(Un)bridgeable Chasms?: Doctor-Patient Interactions in select Graphic Medical Narratives.” Journal of Medical Humanities [Springer].  Online first: 2018. 40.4(2019): 591-605. [with Sweetha Saji] [Scopus] <>

"Graphic Medicine and the Limits of Biostatistics." AMA Journal of Ethics. 20.9 (2018): E897-901.  [with Sweetha Saji] [Scopus and Medline] <>

[Book Chapter]  "The Idea, Practice and Power of Reading." Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2018.  1-10. (with R. Joseph Ponnaih). <>

[Book Chapter] “Fugitive Fifties: History, Segregation and Toni Morrison’s Home.” New Delhi: Pencraft International, 2018. 215-235.  [with Gurumurthy Neelakantan]

“Magic and Laughter”: Graphic Medicine, Recasting Alzheimer Narratives and Dana Walrath’s Aliceheimer’s: Alzheimer’s Through the Looking Glass." Concentric: Literary and Cultural Studies. 44.1 (2018): 61-84.  [with Raghavi Ravi Kasthuri] [SCI] <>

"Infertility Comics and Graphic Medicine." Perspectives in Biology and Medicine. 61.4 (2018): 609-621. (published by Johns Hopkins University Press) (with Chinmay Murali). [SCI and Scopus] <>

“I want to live, I want to draw”: The Poetics of Drawing and Graphic Medicine." 13.2 (2018): 104-116. Journal of Creative Communications (SAGE). (with Anu Mary Peter) [Scopus] <>

“Mapping the Margins: An Interview with Meena Kandasamy.” 49.1 (2018): 143-154. Ariel: A Review of International English Literature (Johns Hopkins University Press and the University of Calgary). (with Rajesh James) [SCI and Scopus] <>

““Casting the Caste”: Dalit Identity, Papilio Buddha and Malayalam Cinema.” 59.49 (2017): 48-52. Economic and Political Weekly (EPW). (with Rajesh James) [Scopus] <>

“The Cult of Victorianism: Eating Disorders and Graphic Medicine.” Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities 9.3 (2017): 1-9. (with Anu Mary Peter) [Scopus] <> 

“No time to Rest, Vent or Mourn”: Medical Intern Narratives and Graphic Medicine.” 1.2 (2017): 187-205. INKS: The Journal of the Comics Studies Society. Published by The Ohio State University. (with Anu Mary Peter). Project Muse Access:

““Body of the Christ has AIDS”: AIDS, Black Church and Pearl Cleage’s What Looks Like Crazy on an Ordinary Day.” 2017. Humanities Circle: International Journal of Central University of Kerala in a special issue titled Minding the Body. (with Raghavi Ravi Kasthuri). 4.2 (2016): 35-50. ISSN 2321-8010

Venkatesan, Sathyaraj, and Sweetha Saji. “Royal Road to Wisdom: Tarot Cards and Justin Green’s Binky Brown Meets the Holy Virgin Mary.” The Explicator 74.3 (2016): 170-72. Print. [SCI]

Venkatesan, Sathyaraj. “AIDS-Origins Traditions.” American Myths, Legends and Tall Tales: An Encyclopedia of American Folklore. Ed. Christopher R. Fee and Jeffrey B. Webb, California: ABC-CLIO, 2016. 6-7. Print. [Encyclopedia entry]

Venkatesan, Sathyaraj, and Sweetha Saji. “Rhetorics of the Visual: Graphic Medicine, Comics and Its Affordances.” Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities 8.3 (2016): 221-31. Print. [Scopus]

Kasthuri, Raghavi Ravi, and Sathyaraj Venkatesan. “From Diaries to Virtual Narratives: Breast Cancer and Feminism.” IUP Journal of English Studies 12.3 (2017): 25-33. Print. [Scopus]

Venkatesan, Sathyaraj. Rev. of The Bad Doctor: The Troubled Life and Times of Dr. Iwan James, by Ian  Williams. Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics 8.1 (2016): 110-12. Web. 29 Feb. 2016. [Scopus]

Venkatesan, Sathyaraj. Rev. of Graphic Medicine Manifesto, by M. K. Czerwiec, Ian Williams, Susan Merrill Squier, Michael J. Green, Kimberly R. Myers, and Scott T. Smith. Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics 7.1 (2015): 93-94. Web. 29 Nov. 2015. [Scopus]

James, Rajesh, and Sathyaraj Venkatesan. “Transgressing the Borders: Ambiguous Queer Spots, Homoerotic Silences and Tagore’s Gora and Two Sisters.The Apollonian 2.2 (2015): 175-84. Web. 17 Jan. 2017.

Venkatesan, Sathyaraj, and Anu Mary Peter. “Life is a game: visual metaphors in Brian Fies’s       Mom’s Cancer.” Hektoen International: A Journal of Medical Humanities. Hektoen Institute of Medicine, Fall 2015. Web. 10 Jan. 2017.

Venkatesan, Sathyaraj, and Anu Mary Peter. “Journeys into caregiving: lessons from Sarah Leavitt’s “Tangles: A Story About Alzheimer’s, My Mother, and Me.” Research and Humanities in Medical Education 2. University College of Medical Sciences, 6 Oct. 2015. Web.10 Jan. 2017.

Venkatesan, Sathyaraj, and Anu Mary Peter. Rev. of Billy Me & You: Memoir of Grief and  Recovery, by Nicola Streeten. Graphic Medicine, 3 June 2015.   Web. 20 Jan. 2017.

Kasthuri, Raghavi Ravi, and Sathyaraj Venkatesan. “Picturing Illness: History, Poetics, and Graphic Medicine.” Research and Humanities in Medical Education 2. University College of Medical Sciences, 31 May 2015. Web. 10 Jan. 2017.

Venkatesan, Sathyaraj, and Rajesh James. “Celluloid Closet: Condensed Queerity and Displacement in Harikrishnans.Gnosis: An International Journal of English Language and Literature 2.1 (2015): 38-45. 

Venkatesan, Sathyaraj, and Raghavi Ravi Kasthuri. Rev. of Lisa’s Story: The Other Shoe, by Tom Batuik. Graphic Medicine, 17 Mar. 2015. Web. 20 Jan 2017.

Venkatesan, Sathyaraj, and Raghavi Ravi Kasthuri. “Humour and Tumour: Breast Cancer, Graphic Memoir and Miriam Engelberg’s Cancer Made Me A Shallower Person: A Memoir in Comics.Gnosis: An International Journal of English Language and Literature 1.2 (2015): 51-58. 

Venkatesan, Sathyaraj. “The Spectacle of AIDS: Mapping Indian Queer Cinema, 1985-2010.” The London Film and Media Reader 3: The Pleasures of the Spectacle, Ed. Phillip Drummond. London: The London Symposium, 2015. 371-381.

Venkatesan, Sathyaraj, and Raghavi Ravi Kasthuri. Rev. of "The Test of My Life: From Cricket to Cancer and Back" by Yuvaraj Singh. Research and Humanities in Medical Education 1. University College of Medical Sciences, 29 July 2014. Web. 10 Jan. 2017.

Kasthuri, Raghavi Ravi, and Sathyaraj Venkatesan. “‘I am all things marvelous’: Beauty and AIDS in Marvelyn Brown’s The Naked Truth: Young, Beautiful and (HIV) Positive.Samyukta: A Journal of Women’s Studies 14.1 (2014): 65-73. Print.

Venkatesan, Sathyaraj. “AIDS in Cultural Bodies: Textualizing the Virus in Indian Writing in English.” Recent Trends in Indian English Literature. Ed. Saikat Banerjee. Kolkota: Power, 2014. 219- 223. Print.

Venkatesan, Sathyaraj. “Telling Your Story Git You Over That River: Aids and Scenes of Reading and Writing in Sapphire's Push.” Journal of Language, Literature and Culture  60. 2 (2013): 109-117. Print.

Venkatesan, Sathyaraj. “Testing Times: The Q-Factor and English Language Testing.” Proceedings of the National Seminar on English for Specific Purposes: A Reappraisal, March 7-8.  Ed. Stars Jasmine, Gitanjali, R Shalini, S. Synthia, V. Mary Binduja. Chennai: Sai, 2012. 77-82. Print.

Venkatesan, Sathyaraj. Rev. of Home, by Toni Morrison. AUMLA: Journal of the Australasian Universities Language and Literature Association 118 (2012): 108-110. Print.

Venkatesan, Sathyaraj, and Gokulnath Ammanathil. “Plotting the Crisis: HIV/AIDS and the African American Literary Response: 1981-1990.” IRWLE 8.2 (2012): 1-9. Print.

Venkatesan, Sathyaraj. “Online Communities, Social Networking Sites and Teaching English.” Technology Integrated Language Teaching, March 1-2. Ed. A Shahin Sultana, Revathi Vishwanathan P. Rathna, Vijayakumar, Sathikulameen. Chennai: Department of English, B.S Abdur Rahman  University, 2012.11-14.

Ammanathil, Gokulnath, and Sathyaraj Venkatesan. “‘HIV Is Not an Advocate’: Self-Love, Self-Respect, and Responsibility in Marvelyn Brown’s The Naked Truth: Young, Beautiful and (HIV)Positive.IUP 4.3 (2011): 7-13. Print.

Venkatesan, Sathyaraj, and Gokulnath Ammanathil. “‘From the Paralysis of Fear to the  Response of Solidarity’: Mapping the Literary AIDS in America.” IUP 3.3 (2010): 7-13. Print.

Venkatesan, Sathyaraj. Rev. of What Moves at the Margin: Selected Nonfiction, by Toni Morrison.  Melus 34.1 (2009): 239-41. Print. [SCI]

Venkatesan, Sathyaraj. “The Colour Consciousness: A Selected Bibliography of African American Studies.” IRWLE 5.1 (2009): 76-88. Print.

Venkatesan, Sathyaraj, and Gurumurthy Neelakantan.“Morrison’s Sula”. The Explicator 66.2 (2009): 113-115. Print.

Venkatesan, Sathyaraj. “Black Power Movement.” Encyclopedia of World History: The Contemporary World 1950s to the Present. Ed. Marsha E. Ackermann, Michael J. Schroeder, Janice J. Terry, Jiu-Hwa Lo Upshur and Mark F. Whitters. New York: Facts On File, 2008. 66-7. Print.

Venkatesan, Sathyaraj. “Centering the Margins: Locating Black Feminist Theory and Praxis.” Critical Responses to Feminism. Ed. Binod Mishra. New Delhi: Sarup & Sons, 2008. 191-200. Print.

Venkatesan, Sathyaraj. “Toward a Theory of African American Motherhood.” Critical Perspectives on American Literature. Ed. S.P Dhanavel. New Delhi: Sarup &  Sons, 2008. 287-97. Print.

Venkatesan, Sathyaraj. “Ishmael Reed.” Encyclopedia of Hip Hop Literature. Ed.  Tarshia L. Stanley. Connecticut: Greenwood, 2008.199-200. Print.

Venkatesan, Sathyaraj. “Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee.” Africa and the Americas: Culture, Politics, and History A Multidisciplinary Encyclopedia. Ed. Richard  M. Jung and Noelle Morrissette. California: ABC-CLIO, 2008. 1033-34. Print.

Neelakantan, Gurumurthy, and Sathyaraj Venkatesan. “Toni Morrison’s Quarrel with the Civil Rights Ideology in Love.International Fiction Review 34.1-2 (2007): 139-46. Print.

Venkatesan, Sathyaraj. Rev. of Signs and Cities: Black Literary Postmodernism, by Madhu Dubey. ANQ: A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles Notes and Reviews 20.2 (2007): 56-9. Print.

Venkatesan, Sathyaraj. “Amelia E. Johnson (1858- 1922).” Encyclopedia of African American Women Writers. Ed. Yolanda Page. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 2007. 309-311. Print.

Venkatesan, Sathyaraj, and Gurumurthy Neelakantan. “History in Inquisition: Postmodernist Poetics in Toni Morrison’s Beloved.ICFAI: Journal of English Studies 2.1 (2007): 7-12. Print.

Venkatesan, Sathyaraj, and Gurumurthy Neelakantan. “Immigration and Labour Patterns in Toni Morrison’s Sula. Notes on Contemporary Literature 37.2 (2007): 9-11. Print.

Venkatesan, Sathyaraj, and Gurumurthy Neelakantan. “Family and Parenting in Toni Morrison’s Love. Notes on Contemporary Literature 36.4 (2006): 9-10. Print.

Venkatesan, Sathyaraj. “Love.” The Facts on File Companion to the American Novel. Ed. Abby H.P. Werlock. New York: Facts On File, 2006. 794-796. Print.

Venkatesan, Sathyaraj, and Joe Varghese Yeldho. “History in Shreds: A Reading of Shashi Tharoor’s Riot.” Indian Writings in English, Ed. Mishra, Binod, and Sanjay Kumar. Delhi: Atlantic, 2006. 57-65. Print.

Yeldho, Joe Varghese, and Sathyaraj Venkatesan. “Trauma, Selfhood and Toni Morrison’s The Bluest Eye.Atlantic Literary Review 6.4 (2005): 53-58. Print.

Venkatesan, Sathyaraj. “‘From Pages To Real Life’: Oppositional Consciousness in Toni Morrison’s The Bluest Eye and Sula. Protest and Aftermath in Post-war Literature in English. Ed. Urbashi Barat and Neelajana Pathak. Jaipur: Surabhi, 2005. 171-180. Print.

Venkatesan, Sathyaraj. “A Marxist Approach to Toni Morrison’s Song of Solomon.Littcritt: An Indian Response to Literature 31.2 (2005): 69-79. Print.

Venkatesan, Sathyaraj. “‘Dragon Daddies and False-Hearted Men’: Patriarchy in Toni Morrison’s Love.Notes on Contemporary Literature 35.5 (2005): 2-4. Print.

Venkatesan, Sathyaraj, and Joe Varghese Yeldho. “Psychosis, Incest and Narration: A Reading of Salman Rushdie’s Midnight’s Children.Readings: A Biannual Journal of English Studies. 2. 1&2 (2004): 74-79. Print.

Venkatesan, Sathyaraj. Rev. of Love, by Toni Morrison. Journal of Literature and Aesthetics 3 (2003): 178-179. Print. 

Articles/Short Essays/Creative Pieces in [print/online] Newspapers/Magazines

2023: "Planet-Saving Panels: Rise of Green Comics." | Madras Courier | 28 October 2023. (with S. Yuvan)

2023: "Teaching Health Humanities: Challenges and Insights." | Indian Writing in English Online | 30 August.

2023: "A New Arsenal" | The Telegraph | 19 September. (with Nandhita Muruganandan).

2023: "‘Mom Guilt’: Postpartum Depression and Motherhood." The Polyphony. | 2 May. (with Prerna Tolani).

2023: "Comics Dissertations." India Art Review | 06 February

2022: "How imagination and technology are combining to bring comics to people with visual disabilities." Scroll | 19 February.

2021: "When Comics Became Serious." An Interview with Dr. Sathyaraj Venkatesan. Mid-Day | 07 November.

2021: "A Jab of Humour: Comics and COVID-19." The Hindu | Magazine | 20 August.

2021: "Comics play the role of another COVID-19 helpline." The Pioneer | Saturday, 08 May.

2021: "Bringing superheroes into the fight against COVID-19 misinformation." The Caravan |

2020: "How comics creators are using the theme of the pandemic to depict the new normal in everyone’s lives." Scroll | 08 August.

2018: "The attitude towards Alzheimer’s needs to change." The Hindu | Literary Review. 16 September.

2018: "Panels in Pixels." The Hindu | Literary Review. 8 July.

2017: "Cancer, AIDS and other Evil Villians." The Hindu | Magazine. 22 October.

2012 : “How to Name It?” The Hindu | Magazine. 24 November.
2011 : “Narratives of Hope.” The Hindu | Literary Review. 04 December.

2010: "No More a Taboo on Celluloid." The Hindu | Magazine. 28 November.

2019: "The distinction between fiction and non-fiction is getting blurred." Chalachitra Sameeksha: A Bilingual Magazine from Kerala State Chalachitra Academy. 1.9 (2019)

Plenary Lectures/Invited Talks 

Inaugural Address. "Storying Illness: Contextualizing Health through Humanities." One Day International Virtual Conference on “Health Humanities on A Multidimensional Exploration of the Mind, Body and Soul.” Organized by the Department of English, PSGR Krishnammal College for Women, Coimbatore. 06 March 2025.

“Healing Lines: Introduction to Graphic Health.” Three-Day International Conference on "Graphic Narratives and Comics Studies as World Literature Phenomena." Organized by the Department of Indian and World Literatures, English and Foreign Languages University (EFLU), Hyderabad. 12 – 14 February 2025.

FDP Speaker. "Inner Worlds, Outer Forms: Contextualizing Health Humanities." Online FDP on Critical Humanities and the Futures We Imagine. Organized by Malaviya Mission Teacher Training Centre (MMTTC) in collaboration with the Centre for Theory and Criticism, Central University of Kerala. 30 January 2025.

Workshop Moderator. Two-day National Research Workshop on "Empowering Future Leaders in English Language Education." Organized by the Department of Languages, Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science, Chennai. 22-23 November, 2024. 

Graphic Medicine: Tracing the Roots and Mapping the Routes." 2024 Online Ex-position talk series. Organized by the Department of Foreign Languages and Literature at National Taiwan University, Taiwan. 8 November 2024. 

"Beyond the Clinic: Role of Humanities in Health and Care." Two-day national conference on "Blending Boundaries and Transforming Literary Landscapes" was organized by the Department of English. Periyar University, Salem. 28-29 October 2024. 

"Health Humanities in Context: Sites, Contexts, and New Frontiers" at the UGC-Malaviya Mission Teacher Training Centre of Bharathiar University, Coimbatore. Refresher Course in English for university/college teachers. 01 October 2024. 

"Mastering Academic Research Writing: Techniques and Strategies." Organized by the Department of English, School of Engineering. Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetam, Bengaluru. 21 September 2024. 

Plenary speaker. "Visual Stories in Healthcare: The Rise of Graphic Medicine." In a one-day online workshop on "Illness, Society, and Care: Integrating Scientific and Humanistic Approaches to Healthcare" jointly organized by IIT Roorkee and AIIMS, Rishikesh. 7 August 2024.

"Fundamentals of Academic Writing and Successful Publication" (on 13 June 2024) and "Polishing Your Work: Essential Editing and Proofreading Strategies." (on 14 June 2024). Online Short-Term Training Program on Writing Quality Research Paper and Proposal. Organized by the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences,  Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology, Surat. 11 - 15 June 2024.

"From Stethoscopes to Stories: Intersection of Health and Humanities." Organized by the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, LNM Institute of Information Technology, Jaipur (Rajasthan). 15 March 2024.

"Recent Trends in Humanities and Social Science Research."  Seven Days Faculty Development Program (Online) on Exploring New Frontiers: Research Trends and Innovations in the Context of Multidisciplinarity. Organized by the School of Humanities and Social Sciences (SHSS), JAIN (Deemed-to-be University), Bangalore. 19 March 2024. 

Workshop leader. Two-day in-person workshop on "Research Writing English Studies." Organized by the Department of English and Comparative Literature, Central University of Kerala, Kerala. Feb. 26 - Feb 27, 2024. 

Plenary speaker. "Breaking Boundaries: Exploring the Intersection of Health and Humanities." (Online) National Seminar on Health, Literature, Arts organized by the  Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi (UP). 20 February 2024.

"Strategies for Effective Research Writing." E-short-term course on "The Art of Writing Research Articles and Scholarly Publications in English Language and Literature" Organized by the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, National Institute of Technology (NIT), Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh. 01 February 2024.

Plenary speaker. "Artful Medicine." "Exploring Health Humanities: A National Seminar on Critical Readings of Literature." 5 January 2024. SRM University, Chennai.

Plenary speaker. Two-day Faculty Development program on "Writing for Research Publication and Project Funding." Organized by English Division, KCG College of Technology, Chennai. 15 and 16 December 2023.

Plenary speaker. “Bridging Art and Medicine: Exploring the Intersections of Health Humanities.”  Dan Thottakkara Memorial National Seminar 2023 on "Healing Narratives: Intersections of Health and Humanities." Organized by the Department of English and Centre for Research Sacred Heart College, Thevara, Kochi. 30 and 31  October, 2023.

Panelist, "Contextualizing Language, Literature and Culture in the Digital Age." International Conference on Social Sciences, Languages and Culture (ICSSLC23). Organized by the  Department of English, Centre for International Relations & School of Arabic and Islamic Studies, BSACIST 12-13, October, 2023. YouTube:

Workshop moderator. A one-day workshop on "Academic Writing and Publication", organized by the Department of English, Anna University. 14 October, 2023.

External Expert, Evaluation of research activities of PhD graduates in English.  Karpagam Academy of Higher Education, Coimbatore. 22 July 2023.

Advisory Committee Member, ICCPE-2023 Conference organized by the Department of English, Chandigarh University. 14-15 July 2023.

"Health Humanities." Online lecture organized by the Department of English, University of Kashmir. 17 June 2023.

"The Art of Writing Research Article." Organized by the Department of Science and Humanities, MCET, Pollachi, Tamil Nadu. 03 April 2023.

"Research Writing." Organized by the School of Social Sciences and Languages (SSL), VIT, Vellore. 10 March 2023.

"Academic Writing and Research Publication." Organized by Answeshan: The Research Fourm of Department of English Language and Literature, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Kochi campus. 4 March 2023.

"Research Writing." Organized by the PG Department of English [Unaided], Kongunadu Arts and Science College, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. 21 January 2022.

"How to Write and Publish Research Articles." Department of Languages, Presidency University, Banglore. 11 - 12 November 2022.

"Writing and Publishing in WoS and Scopus Journals." One-day National Workshop. Periyar University, 5 November 2022.

"Research Writing." Organized by the Department of English, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham/Amrita University, Coimbatore. 09 October 2022. 

"Publishing Articles in Scholarly Journals." Induction Program for Ph.D. scholars at CMR University, Banglore. 27 September 2022. Online lecture.  

Three-day National Level Workshop on "Qualitative Research Methods." Organized by the Department of Languages, Rajagiri College of Social Sciences. 27-28 August 2022 and 17 September 2022.

Conference session chair. 2nd National conference on Contemporary Perspectives in English Language, Literature and Cultural Studies, NCCPE-2022. Department of English, Chandigarh University. 16 July 2022.

"Health Humanities: An Introduction." National Webinar on 21st Century Trends in Literary Studies. Gandhigram Rural Institute (Deemed to be University). 15 July 2022. 

"Writing and Publishing your First Book." UGC-Sponsored Online Refresher Course in English Language & Literature, Bharathidasan University. 19 May 2022.

"Academic Research Writing and Publishing Articles in Scholarly Journals." Alagappa Government Arts College. Tamil Nadu State Council for Higher Education (TANSCHE) (Under Partial Financial Assistance Scheme). 29 April 2022.

“An Introduction to Medical Humanities.” “Lecture Series 2022” at the Centre for Canadian Studies, School of English and Foreign Language, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli. 23 March 2022.

"Writing for Academic Publication." Organized by the Department of Social Work, Sree Sankaracharya University of Sanskrit, Kalady (Kerala). Faculty Development Programme on Academic Writing and Publishing in Social Sciences. 5 March 2022.

"Understanding Publishing Process." Refresher course on ‘Shifting Paradigms in Social Science Research.’ Organized by UGC-HRDC, Doctor Harisingh Gour University (a Central University), Sagar, Madhya Pradesh. December 13, 2021.

"How to Write and Publish a Research Article." Two-day workshop organized by the Department of English, NGM Pollachi, (Tamil Nadu). 17 December - 18 December 2021.  

"Medical Humanities." Online Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on Literary Studies in the New Millennium organized by the Department of English, Pondicherry University, Puducherry. 23 October 2021.

"Planetary Health Humanities: A Posthumainst Intervention." Faculty Development Programme on Literature and Environmental Humanities: Ecology, Ecocriticism and Environmental Studies organized by the School of Management Studies, National Institute of Technology, Calicut (Kerala). 26 October 2021.  

"Fundamentals of Health Humanities." Faculty Development Program on "New Vistas in English Studies." 20th-26th September, 2021. Organized by the Department of Languages, School of Engineering, Presidency University, Bangalore. Lecture delivered on 22 September 2021.

Plenary Speaker. "Theorizing Health in the Posthuman Era." HSS Webinar, IIT Indore. September 10, 2021.

Plenary Speaker. "Whose Health Matters." 1st Bhatter College International Conference on Recent Advances in English Studies. Organized by The PG Department of English, Bhatter College, Dantan in collaboration with Central University of Hariyana and Yonphula Centenary College, Royal University of Bhutan. 03 - 04 July, 2021.

Plenary Speaker. "Drawing Memory: Graphic Medicine and Alzheimer Narratives. Memory." Memory Studies Workshop. IIT Madras, Chennai. 28 April, 2021.

"Recent Research Trends in Literature" organized by the Department of English, School of Humanities and Management, National Institute of Technology, Andhra Pradesh. 07 March 2021.

"Writing for Scholarly Publications" One-day Workshop organized by the Department of English and Research Committee, NGM, Pollachi (Tamilnadu). 6 March 2020.

"The Rubrics of Academic Writing, Publication and the Practical Use of ICT, Mobile Apps for Research." One-day Seminar organized by the Department of English, St. Paul's College (Kalamassery) in collaboration with M. G. University, Kottayam. 28 February 2020.

“Elements of Research.” Research Colloquium on Business and Social Sciences. Organized by the Department of Management Studies, Humanities and Social Sciences and Architecture, National Institute of Technology, Trichy (NIT/T). November 29 – December 3, 2019.

"Research Publication and Pedagogy on Teaching." Two-day Faculty Development Programme. Department of English, PSG College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore. 20-21 November, 2019.

“Art of Writing Research Paper and Publishing in Highly Reputed Journals.” G.T.N. Arts College, Dindigul, Tamilnadu. 04 November 2019. 

“Workshop on Research Writing and Publications: Theory and Practice.” Workshop organized by Internal Quality Assurance Cell, Mannar Thirumalai Naicker College, Madurai, Tamilnadu. 19 October, 2019.

“Elements of Literary Research: Concepts and Practice,” Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu. 06 July 2019.

"Research in Humanities." TEQIP Phase-III Sponsored two-day National Workshop on Innovative Methods of English Language Teaching and Learning, Department of English, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore. 13-14 September, 2019.

“Elements of Research Writing.” ICSSR Sponsored two-week Capacity Building Programme for Young Social Science Faculty organized by the Department of Management Studies, NIT Trichy on 28 August 2019.

“Visualizing the Future.” Research Scholars’ Forum. Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur (IIT Kanpur). 2-3 March 2019.

“Elements of Literary Research and Publication.” UGC-sponsored Refresher course organized by the UGC-Human Resource Development Center, Bharathidasan University, Trichy. 14 and 11 August, 2019. 

“Dissertation Writing: Theory & Praxis.” Christ. (Deemed to be University), Bangalore. 14-17 March 2019.

“Visual Thinking: Literary Foundations and Philosophical Contexts.” Amrita School of Engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore. 26 February 2019.

“Health Humanities.” UGC sponsored Refresher course organized by the UGC-Human Resource Development Center, Bharathidasan University, Trichy. 09 July, 2018. 

“Medical Humanities: An Introduction.” Special Lecture, Bishop Heber College, Trichy. 25 January 2018.

“Medical Humanities.” UGC sponsored Refresher course organized by the UGC-Human Resource Development Center, Bharathidasan University, Trichy. 27 November, 2017. 

"Art of Writing." “Thesis Writing: From Copper Strip to Gold Bar.” A 5 day National Level Training Programme organized by the Centre for Technical and Academic Writing, Bharathidasan University, Trichy. 3 November, 2017.

“Research Writing: Theory and Praxis.” Organized by the Department of English, Rajiv Gandhi Memorial College of Engineering and Technology (Nandyal). September 15-16, 2017.

Conference/Seminar/Workshop/Roundtable Presentations

"Beyond Borders: Unveiling the Magic of Graphic Medical Narratives in India." 2024 Annual Conference. Organized by the Technical University of the Shannon, Athlone, Ireland. July 16-18, 2024. [Recpeint of the 2024 Peter James Burns scholarship].

“Beyond My Skin: Fat Shaming, Graphic Medicine and MarieNoelle Herbert’s My Body In Pieces” in the PAN NIT Humanities and Social Sciences Research Conclave (HSSRC) 2024 on Humanities at the Crossroads: The Convergence of Language, Literature and Technology organized by the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, National Institute of Technology, Warangal from 28-30th May 2024.

"Beyond Performance: Graphic Depictions of Autistic Masking and Identity Struggles." Two-day international seminar on "Ink and Insights: Indisciplinary Discourses in Health Humanities." Organized by SVR NSS College Vazhoor, PG Department of English, in collaboration with College Development Council, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam (Kerala). 14-15 February, 2024. 

"Concealed Chronicles: Masking, Autism, and Graphic Medicine." (with Prerna Tolani). (Online presentation). International Conference on Health and Humanities: Exploring Uncharted Terrains in Literary Paradigms. Organized by the Department of English, Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous), Bengaluru, India. January 24-25, 2024.

“Graphic Medicine and Medical Neoliberalism in the Healthcare Sector.” National Conference on Vulnerability Studies organized by the Department of English, School of Humanities and Management, NIT Andhra Pradesh, 6-7 October, 2023. (online presentation) (with Laboni Das).

"Constructing and Reconstructing Self in Graphic Medicine: Narrative Ecology, Life-Story Revision and Chronic Healing in Elodie Durand’s Graphic Memoir Parenthesis." Second International Memory Studies Conference: Memory, Ecology and Sustainability. September 20-22, 2023. [Online presentation] (with Prerna Tolani). 

“NOT FOR THE FAINT OF HEART”: Postpartum Depression and Graphic Medicine." Two-day International Conference on "Drawing Meaning Through Visual Narratives" organized by the Department of Languages, Presidency University, Bengaluru held on 2nd and 3rd August 2023.

Participant in an online roundtable entitled "Lines of Connection: Comic in Times of Planetary Crisis" organized by the 2023 Joint Conference of the International Graphic Novel & Comics and the International Bande Dessinée Society, Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge (UK). 3 July 2023. Other participants:  Maureen Burdock, Katja Herges, Laura H. Kahn and Anne Rüggemeier. Website: 

""Afloat, Medical Neoliberalism, and Graphic Medicine." International Virtual Conference on Being and Bioethics: Towards and Inclusive Society". Organised by the Research & Postgraduate Department of English St. Aloysius College, Elthuruth, Thrissur, Kerala. 23-24 February 2023. (With Laboni Das).

"“You have Special Powers”: Creative Care, Graphic Medicine, and Dementia" (with Livine Ancy A). Graphic Narratives: Thinking through Visual Research. Online presentation. The workshop is jointly organized by the Asia Research Institute, and the NUS Department of Japanese Studies; with support from the Ministry of Education Academic Research Grant Tier 1. 17 Jan 2023 - 18 Jan 2023.

"Wuhan virus" through Graphic Medicine." Online International Multidisciplinary conference on "Gender Medicine: Global Perspectives on the Entanglement between Biomedicine and Socio-Cultural and Political Constructs." 15-16 December 2022. Organized by the School of Social Sciences and Languages, Vellore Institute of Technology Chennai, India.  

""Inside Out of Mind": Aliceheimer's, Dementia and Graphic Medicine." Of Remembering/Forgetting: Memory Studies Now, Dan Thottakkara Memorial National Seminar 2022. Sacred Heart College Thevara, Kochi. 26-27 September 2022. (with Laboni Das)

"Forget Memory: Person-Centered Care, Dementia, and Graphic Medicine." Memory in a Digital Age, International Memory Studies Conference. IIT Madras. 23-25 August 2022.

"(Re)Connecting People with Dementia: Person-Centered Care and Graphic Medicine.” [online presentation]. Graphic Medicine Annual Conference. Hosted at the University of Chicago. July 15 - 16, 2022. 

"'The Time I Kill is Killing Me'": Temporality, COVID-19 and Graphic Medicine." 10th International Health Humanities Virtual Conference on "Spaces of/for Health Humanities." Jointly organized by Leigh University, Hiram College, and Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Science, USA. 25 - 27 March 2022. (with Ishani Anwesha Joshi).

"It's not how we Planned Things": Illness, Caregiver Burden and Relational Suffering. 11th National Virtual Conference on Transformational Practices in Language, Literature and Cultural Studies. Department of English and Foreign Languages, College of Engineering and Technology, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai. April 22-23, 2022. (with Livine Ancy).

"Dementia Care Approaches in Graphic Detail." Medical Humanities in the Middle East Online. 2nd International Conference on the Medical Humanities in the Middle East. April 9-10, 2022. (online). Organized by VCUArts Qatar and Weill Cornell Medicine – Qatar. (with Laboni Das).

"(Dis)embodied Dementia: Graphic Medicine and Recasting Alzheimer's Narratives." Two Day International Virtual Conference on Sustainable Development: Literary, Ethical and Religious Perspectives organized by the Research and Postgraduate Department of English, St. Aloysius College, Thrissur, Kerala in collaboration with the Journal of Dharma. 24-25 March 2022.

"Drawing Eco-sickness: Industrial Disaster, Post memory and The Minamata Story: An Eco Tragedy." Online International Conference on "Memory in Transition." Organized by the Department of HSS, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh. 3-5 March, 2022. 

"Burdens of Care and Graphic Medicine: A Study of Sarah Leavitt’s Tangles." Virtual National Conference on "Gender and the New Normal: Realities and Representations." Organized by Department of English, Kristu Jayanti College, February 17-18, 2022. (with Livine).

“I don’t want to shake your hand!”: Tactility, COVID-19 and Graphic Medicine. International Virtual Conference on Humanities through Literature, Film and Media. Organized by the School of Social Sciences and Languages, VIT Chennai. October 19-20, 2021.

“Brain in the Jar: Creative Care Approaches to Dementia and Graphic Medicine.” IMH Conference titled “Alternate, Virtual and Augmented Realities” held online on 20-21 September 2021. Organized by the Durham University and Wellcome Trust, UK. (with Laboni Das).

“Fallacies of Neoliberalism: Importance of Care and Graphic Medicine.” First Bhatter College International Conference on Recent Advances in English studies organized by the PG Dept of English, Bhatter College, Dantan. July 03 - 04, 2021.

The Right to Breathe: Comics, Networked Bodies, and Graphic Posthumanism." International Virtual Conference on Voices from the Margins: Exploring Fringe Articulations in Literature and Culture. St. Berchmans College, Changanacherry, Kerala. 6-8 September 2021. (with Arya Suresh).

"Imagining the Geographies of Care: Spaces, Experiences and Graphic Medicine." (with Livine Ancy A). Rupkatha International Conference 2nd RIOC on Recent Advances in Interdisciplinary Humanities. Organized by Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities in collaboration with the University of Arizona, Tucson, USA &
University of Talca, Chile. August 28-30, 2021.

"A New Epoch: Touch, COVID Comics and Graphic Medicine." 7th JGU International Literary Conference (Online) on “Postmodernism: Time for Reappraisal” organized by the English Literary Society, O.P. Jindal Global University on July 23-25, 2021. (with Ishani Anwesha Joshi).

"In Defense of Caregiving: Neoliberalism, Care Ethics and Graphic Medicine." In "Crises of Care Conference: Pandemic Culture, Biopolitics and the Medical Humanities." Organized by the Institute of English and American Studies, University of Debrecen, Hungary. 26-27 June 2021.

"Enjoy Enjaami and “The Right to Breathe”: Ecosophy, Health, and Graphic Posthumanism." International Conference on Ecosophy, Art and Peace (ICEAP-2021). Organized by the Gandhian Centre for Philosophical Arts and Science (GCPAS) in association with UNESCOPeace Chair, MAHE, Manipal, India. June 3 and 4, 2021.

"Sites of Care and Graphic Medicine." One Day Virtual Conference on Cultural Representations in the 21st Century Literature. Organized by The New College (Chennai) in Collaboration with Alpha Researchers Academy. 12 June 2021.

“Visualizing Care: The Autonomy Myth, Relationality and Graphic Medicine.” Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute (SICI) Golden Jubilee International Conference on “Electronic Textual Cultures: A Study of Digital Literature and Literature in Digital Spaces.” Organized by The Department of Indian and World Literatures, The English and Foreign Languages University Hyderabad (EFLU). 09 - 12 March, 2021.

“Forget Memory: (Lack of) Memory, Personhood, Dementia and Graphic Medicine.” National Conference on The Story: Life Narratives of Experience, Memory, Identity and Agency. Organized by the Department of English, Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous), Bangalore. 25 - 26 March, 2021.  

Participated in a Webinar on “Medical Humanities” organized by the Department of Biochemistry, Vinayaka Mission’s Kirupananda Variyar Medical College & Hospitals, Salem. 28 October 2020.

"Sequential Sadness: Representation of Depression in Clay Jonathan's Depression Comix." First Rupkatha International Open Conference on "Recent Advances in Interdisciplinary Humanities" (Virtual). August 20-22, 2020.

"Image and Illness: Graphic Medicine in Context." International Conference on Innovation in Teaching of English Language and Literature (ICITELL), VIT University, Vellore, India. August 16-17, 2019. (with G. Saravana Prabu).

"(Re)Negotiating the Spectacle: Gender, Body and Discourse in Films." International Conference organized by the Post Graduate and Research Department of English, Sacred Heart College (Autonomous), Thevara, Kochi. 14-15 February 2020.

"Picturing the Wounded Healer: A Study of Ian William's 'The Bad Doctor.'" RSRO Conference on Contemporaneity of Language and Literature in the Robotized Millennium organized by the Department of English and Other Foreign Languages and REST Society for Research International held at SRMIST, Ramapuram, Chennai. 04-05 October, 2019.

“Comics in the Classroom: Affordances of Graphic Narratives.” Second International and 11th Annual Conference on “Multiple Technologies: Teaching Literature, Mass Media and Business English.” Organized by the Department of English and Foreign Languages in association with ELTAI, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai. February 7-9, 2019.

"I'll not falter, I'll Never Be Broke": Ecological Consciousness in Paula Knight's 'The Facts of Life.' National Seminar on Green Literature, Department of English, Periyar University, Salem, Tamilnadu. 31 January 2020.

“Gendered Narratives of Suffering: Culture, Femininity, and Graphic Medicine.” National Conference on “Extending Postcolonialism: Living in an Age of “Precariousness” and “Precarity.” Organized by the Department of English, Christ (Deemed to be University), Bangalore. 4-5 February 2019.

“Comics and Affect.” International Conference on “New Approaches in English Language and Literature Studies.” Jointly organized by the Research Department of English, The American College (autonomous) Madurai and L Ordine Nuovo Publications. 25 January 2019.

“Drawing Illness: Graphic Medicine and Medical Humanities.” Two-day National Colloquium on “Culture in Contemporary Literature and Language.” Department of English and Foreign Languages, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore in collaboration with Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR). January 4-5, 2019.

"One Showing is Worth a Hundred Sayings": Towards a Theory of Graphic Medicine." The 2018 Research Institute for Interdisciplinary Medical Humanities/“Uneven Distribution of Humanity.” Organized by  National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan.  Sponsored by the Ministry of Science and Technology in Taiwan, National Chiao Tung University and National Cheng Kung University. Taiwan, November 2-4, 2018. 

“When Disability Studies meets Graphic Medicine: Reading AI Davison’s The Spiral Cage.” International Conference on “Achievements of and/or Innovations for the Specially Abled.” Center for Differently Abled Persons, Bharathidasan University, Trichy and Tamil Nadu Udavikkaram Association for the Welfare of Differently Abled, Chennai. 7 Jan. 2018.

“Picturing Otherness: Urban Ethos and Lesbian Angst in Amruta Patil’s Kari.” International Conference on “Major Writers and Literary Movements: Exploring Last Three Decades of Globalization.” Organized by Indian Society for Commonwealth Studies in collaboration with Osmania University Center for International Programmes (OUCIP). 8-10 February 2018.

"Cultural Readings of Feminine Slenderness: Eating Disorders and Graphic Medicine." International Conference hosted by Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute, New Delhi and Department of English, School of Humanities, Pondicherry University, Puducherry. 30-31 August 2018.

“Doctor as the Failed Hero: Deconstructing the Doctor Figure in Ian William’s The Bad Doctor.” International Conference on “In Search of the Hero(es) within the Genre and Beyond” (Sponsored by ICSSR, New Delhi), Banaras Hindu University, Uttar Pradesh. 23-24 February 2018. (with Chinmay Murali)

“Question Papers, Assessment Tools and English Language Testing in India.” ICEL Tokyo International Conference on Education and Learning. Organized by Global Academic-Industrial Cooperation Society (GAICS). Tokyo, Japan. 16-18 August, 2017.

“Picturing the Lybranthine of Mind: Translating Mental Illness into Comicsape.” Interrogating Cultural Translation: Literature and Fine Arts in Translation.” First International Conference of Caesurae Collective jointly organized with Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore. 21-23 August, 2017.

“So, You’re Living in Sin: Infertility and (M)Othering in Paula Knight’s The Facts of Life.” International Conference on English Studies and Women Empowerment. Organized by UNESCO and IMRF. Govt. of India approved conference MHA Vide: Eno42170601/CC. July 21-22, 2017.

“Psychological Implications of Care Giving Through Graphic Medicine: An Analysis of Sarah Leavitt’s Tangles.” National Seminar on Humanizing Clinical Psychology: Trends and Challenges, Organized by the Department of Psychology, Sree Sankaracharya University of Sanskrit, Kerala. 27-29 June 2017.

“Documenting the Uncinematic: Towards the Poetics and Politics of Indian Independent Documentary Films.” International Symposium on Mapping Indian Political Documentary Films: Discursive and Formal Trajectories, Department of English and Comparative Literature, Central University of Kerala, Kasargod. 14-16 February, 2017. (with Rajesh James).

Participated in the Ford Foundation and LIRNasia sponsored program at IIT Delhi on “How to Engage in Broadband Policy and Regulatory Processes.” IIT Delhi. 16-19 December, 2016. [Financially supported by the Ford Foundation and LIRNEasia, Srilanka]

“Talking in Tongues”: AIDS, Black Church and Pearl Cleage’s What Looks Like Crazy on an Ordinary Day.” Two day National Seminar on Harlem Renaissance: Its Impacts on American Literature, Department of English, Annamalai University, Tamilnadu. 20-21 October, 2016. (with Raghavi Ravi Kasthuri).

“Graphic Medicine, Comics and Its Affordances.” 6th International Conference on Social Science and Humanities (ICSSH), Global Research and Development Services, Hong Kong. 17-18 October 2016.

“Holocaust, Memory and Comics: Reading Art Spiegelman’s Maus.” Two day Conference on Mass Violence and Memory organized by the Jindal School of International Affairs, Middle East Institute, New Delhi, SSRE and the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Washington DC. at O.P. Jindal University, New Delhi. 18 and 19 May 2016. [Financially supported by the O.P. Jindal University, Middle East Institute, New Delhi, SSRE and the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Washington D.C.]

“Horrors of Food: Eating Disorders, Gender Politics, and Graphic Medicine.” International Conference on The Culture of Food: Literature and Society. M.E.S.   College   of   Arts   and   Commerce,   Goa.   25- 27 February, 2016.

“Beyond On, Off, Zat: Superheroes in Graphics Cancerland.” Three-day International Conference on Comics as Visual Literature. Dr. M.G.R Educational and Research Institute, Chennai. 2-4 September, 2015.

“A Game of Luck and Skill: Visual Metaphor in Brain Fies’ Mom’s Cancer.” International Conference on Exploring Moral Interfaces: Private Worlds and Public Systems, The English and Foreign Languages University (EFLU), Hyderabad. 07-09 October, 2015. (with Anu Mary Peter)

“Public and Private Spaces of Care in Stan Mack’s Janet and Me: An Illustrated Story of Love and Loss and Angelo Merendino’s The Battle We Didn’t Choose.” International Conference on Exploring Moral Interfaces: Private Worlds and Public Systems, The English and Foreign Languages University (EFLU), Hyderabad. 07-09 October, 2015. (with Raghavi Ravi Kasthuri)

“Fertile/Infertile Subjectivities, Contested Masculinities and Indian Cinema.” International Conference on Language, Literature, and Culture (ICLLC) organized by the Institute of Advanced Studies in English, Pune. 15-17 December, 2014.

Participated in the UGC-sponsored National Seminar on Dalit Feminist Autobiography Gendered Subalternity organized by the Department of English, Sacred Heart College, Cochin. 28-29 October, 2014.

“Testing Times: The Q-Factor and English Language Teaching.” National Seminar on English for Specific Purposes: A Reappraisal organized by the Department of English, Anna University, Chennai. 7-8 March, 2014.

“Reproduction in Crisis: Infertility in Tamil Cinema.” UGC sponsored National Conference on Film, Film Studies and Ideology organized by the Department of English, Sree Kerala Varma College, Thrissur, Kerala. 12- 14 November, 2014.

“The Spectacle of AIDS: Mapping Indian Queer Cinema, 1985-2010” (Conference Panel 12, “Global Queerdom 1”) in The Third Annual London Film and Media Conference at the Institute of Education, University of London, UK. 27-29 June, 2013.

Participated in the UGC-sponsored National Seminar on Representations of Power and Terror in Post 9/11 Discourses organized by the Department of English, Sacred Heart College, Cochin in collaboration with Sree Sankaracharya University of Sanskrit, Kalady. 28-29 November, 2013.

Participated in the two-day short course on Technical Writing for Research Scholars in Engineering and the Sciences organized by the Department of Chemical Engineering and Department of Humanities, NIT Trichy. 25-26 May, 2013.

“Online Communities, Social Networking Sites and Teaching English.” National Seminar on Technology Integrated Language Teaching organized by the Department of English, B.S. Abdur Rahman University, Chennai in association with University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations. 1-2 March, 2012.

“Performance of AIDS in Literature: Opening Questions.” Three-day International Conference on English Literary Studies: Current Trends and Concurrent Challenges organized by Thassim Beevi Abdul Kader College for Women in collaboration with ELTAI, Ramanathapuram. 21– 23 September, 2012.

“Plotting the Crisis: HIV/AIDS and African American Response.” International Conference on Recent Trends in Literature: A Global Perspective organized by the Department of Languages, Garden City College, Bangalore. 27- 28 January, 2012. (with Gokulnath. A).

“Social Networking Sites (SNS) Enabled Language Learning.” International Seminar on Humanistic Language and Literature Teaching organized by the Department of English, College of Engineering, Anna University, Chennai. 18-19 February, 2011.

“Social Networking Sites (SNS) Enabled Language Learning.” National Conference on Modern Methodologies in Teaching English Language Skills organized by the Department of English, Kamaraj College of Engineering and Technology, Virudhunagar. 09 September, 2011.

Participated in a Workshop on “Empowering Yourself through Communicative Skills” jointly organized by the Computer Society of India, IEEE Computer Society and IEEE Professional Communication Society held at Anna University, Chennai. 29–30 October, 2011.

“AIDS in Cultural Bodies: Scripting the Absent Subject.” 40th Annual Conference of the Indian Association for American Studies (IAAS) organized by Bharathiar University, Coimbatore in collaboration with the US Consulate General, Chennai. 11-13 August, 2010.

“Breakup, Analyze and Dialogize”: AIDS Counternarrative in Delany’s Tale of Plagues and Carnivals.” Three-day International Conference on Diversity in New Literatures organized by the Department of English, Kakatiya University, Warangal in collaboration with the Indian Society for Commonwealth Studies. 16-18 December, 2010. (with Gokulnath. A)

“X-Fear: Politics of Media and Rhetoric of HIV/AIDS.” International Conference titled Fables of Fear organized by CPRACSIS: Center for Performance Research and Cultural Studies in South Asia, Thrissur, Kerala. 7-8 August, 2010.

“FACE the TWEET in the ELT Classroom.” National Seminar on Teaching of General and Technical English organized by the Department of English, College of Engineering, Anna University, Chennai. 5-6 February 2010.

“Be True to the Earth: Ecological Imagination in Toni Morrison’s A Mercy.” 6th Biennial Toni Morrison Society Conference. Paris, France. 4-7 November, 2010.

Participated in the National Workshop on Technical Communication organized by the Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management, Technopark, Trivandrum, Kerala. 27- 28 February, 2009.

“Panic Bodies: The Birth of AIDS Literary Narratives.” International Seminar on The Novel in 21st Century: Texts and Contexts organized by the Department of English and Modern European Languages, University of Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh. 29 November – 1 December 2009.

“And I will teach you what you are hungry for”: The Politics of Food and Culinary Practices in Toni Morrison’s Paradise.” National Conference on Cultural History of Culinary Practices in North Eastern India organized by the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, IIT Guwahati. December 1-2, 2007.

“Politics of History in Toni Morrison’s Beloved.” XXXIX National Conference on Women and American Studies: Concerns, Conditions and Contributions organized by Indian Association for American Studies and the Department of English, Auxilium College (autonomous), Vellore, Tamil Nadu. 6-8 September, 2007.

“Culture, Identity and African Americans.” Conference on The Contentious Question of Culture(s) in Contemporary Societies organized by the Department of Germanic and Romance Studies, University of Delhi, Delhi. 1-3 March, 2007. [Supported by the University of Delhi and DOSA, IIT Kanpur]

“‘An Experimental Life’: Ethics, Irresponsibility and Toni Morrison’s Sula.” International Conference on Irresponsibility organized by the Division of English, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore. 28-30 September, 2006.

“(Tran)Scripts on Black Skin”: Body Scars, Subversion and Toni Morrison’s Beloved.” 11th International Cultural Studies Workshop on Cultures of the Body organized by the Center for Studies in Social Sciences, Calcutta held at the International Center, Goa. 23-28 January, 2006. [Financially supported by the Ford Foundation (India), the Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, Calcutta (CSSSC) and SEPHIS of International Institute of Social History (IISH), the Netherlands].

“Bridging the Difference: Converging Postcolonial Feminism and Black Feminism.” International Conference on Commonwealth Literature organized by the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, IIT Roorkee. 13-15 October, 2005.

“Ain’t a Woman?: Locating Black Feminist Theory and Praxis.” International Conference on Worlds In Discourse: Representations of Realities organized by the School of Language Studies and Linguistics, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, National University of Malaysia (UKM), Malaysia. 21-23 November, 2005.

“Glocal Feminism: Bridging Minority Feminism and Third World Feminism.” 9th International Interdisciplinary Congress on Women organized by Ewha Womans University in association with Worldwide Organization of Women’s Studies, Seoul, South Korea. 19-24 June, 2005. [Financially supported by vMoksha Technologies, Banglore, Narayana Murthy–Infosys Project Fund and DOAA, IIT Travel Grants].

‘“History in Inquisition”: Locating Postmodern Poetics in Toni Morrison’s Beloved.” International Conference on Post-Modernism, Globalization and the Media organized by Mudra Institute of Communications, Ahmedabad (MICA) India in academic collaboration with University of Limerick, Ireland and Kogakuin University, Tokyo, Japan. 5-7 March 2005. [Supported by MICA, Ahmedabad and HSS Department, IIT Kanpur].

“Fractured History: Reading Shashi Tharoor’s Riot.” National Seminar (under the aegis of UGC) on Familial Relations and Society in Contemporary Indian Writing in English organized by the Department of English, DAV College, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh. 17-18 February, 2005.

‘“Be true to the Earth”: Nature and Ecological Imagination in Toni Morrison’s The Bluest Eye.” Third World Conference and XI All India English Teachers’ Annual Conference jointly organized by the Department of English, Madras Christian College, Chennai, World Association for Studies in Literatures in English (WASLE) and Indian Association for Studies in Contemporary Literature (IASCL) at Madras Christian College, Chennai. 20-21 December, 2004.

“From Pages to Real Life”: Oppositional Consciousness in Toni Morrison’s The Bluest Eye and Sula.” International Conference on Protest and Aftermath in Post-War Literature in English organized by the Department of Post-Graduate Studies and Research in English, Rani Durgavati Vishwavidyalaya, Jabalpur (Madhya Pradesh) in association with Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), New Delhi. 26-27 August, 2004.

“Black Bourgeoisie: Reading Class and Race in Toni Morrison’s Song of Solomon.” International Conference on Past and Future Perspectives: Negotiating Contemporary Theory, Criticism and Culture in Crisis organized by the Department of English, Meerut University, Meerut, India. 10–14 February, 2004. [Financially supported by HSS Department, IIT Kanpur]

“Byte in the class: Internet assisted Teaching and Learning.” National Seminar on Recent Developments in English Language Teaching organized by the Department of English, Juhari Devi Girls’ Post Graduate College, Kanpur, Uttarpradesh. 19–20 November, 2004.

Participated in three day National Conference of Young Scholars on Indian Philosophy, Science and Culture at Jamia Hamdard University in association with Indian Council of Philosophical Research, New Delhi. 23-25 January, 2004.

Participated in two-day National Seminar on Translation: Indian Perspectives. Organized by the Department of English, Government Victoria College, Palakkad, Kerala. 1-2 December 2004.

Summer School

Center for Continuing Education, IIT Madras. “Self-Awareness and Higher Goals in Education.” 29 May – 02 June, 2017.
VI Theory/Praxis. Organized by Goa University and the Forum for Contemporary Theory, Baroda. June 16-July 12, 2008.
Fellow, School of Criticism and Theory (SCT) at Cornell University, Ithaca, USA. June 18-July 27, 2006. [Awarded full fellowship]

Pedagogical Training

National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research, Chennai. “Instructional Design and Delivery System.” 21–27 August,2008. 

Participated in Conclave on Academic Reforms held at the National Institute of Technology, Trichy on 28-39 April 2015.                                           

Workshops Organized

Member, Organizing Committee, one-day workshop on Academic Writing: Theory and Praxis, Department of Humanities and SocialSciences, NIT Trichy. 28 May 2019.
Coordinated and organized a three-day workshop on Glocal Trends and issues in English language Teaching: Challenges and Opportunities.Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, NIT Trichy. 24 - 26January 2014.
Coordinated and organized One day workshop on Writing Research: Theory and Praxis Department of Humanities and SocialSciences, NIT Trichy. 10 May 2014.


Outbound Academic Activities

Dr. Venkatesan has undertaken various academic roles, including serving as a member of faculty and PhD selection committees, thesis examiner, PhD committee member, board of studies member, test author, academic advisor, and academic auditor, among others, across several institutions/universities. These include:

Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad.
Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Bhopal (IISERB)
Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology (IIST), Trivandrum.
National Institute of Technology, Calicut
Delhi University, New Delhi.
National Institute of Technology, Andhra Pradesh
Anna University, Chennai
Central University of Tamil Nadu
Kargagam Academy of Higher Education, Coimbatore
Indian Institute of Information Technology, Trichy
Vellore Institute of Technology, Andhra Pradesh
Presidency University, Banglore
K. Ramakrishnan College of Technology, Trichy
Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore
National Institute of Science Education and Research Bhubaneswar
Sona College of Engineering, Salem
Kamaraj College of Engineering and Technology, Virudhunagar
Rajeev Gandhi Memorial College of Engineering and Technology, Nandyal, Andhra Pradesh
Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Kochin
Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore
Central University of Kerala
Christ University, Banglore
Biju Patnaik University of Technology, Odisha
Mepco Schlenk Engineering College, Sivakasi
Alagappa Government Arts College, Karaikudi
Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli
Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli
Annamacharya Institute of Technology and Sciences, Rajampet
Tamil Nadu Newsprint and Papers Limited (TNPL), Karur
Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore
Mahatma Gandhi University, Kerala
Pondicherry University, Pondicherry
Kunthavai Naacchiyaar Government Arts College for Women, Tanjore
Vel Tech, Chennai
Jamal Mohamed College, Trichy
Bharathiar University, Coimbatore
Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering and Technology, Andhra Pradesh.
Chandigarh University, Punjab
Mahendra Engineering College, Namakkal
Thassim Beevi Abdul Kader College for Women, Ramanathapuram
SRM, College of Science and Humanities, Chennai
Avinshiligam University, Coimbatore
Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education, Madurai
Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan University, Trichy
Sree Ayyappa College for Women, Nagercoil
Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology, Odisha.
Scott Christian College, Nagercoil
Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology (SKCET), Coimbatore

Key Administrative Positions (past/present)

Member, Report on Achievements, Dean's Report, Institute Day 2024.
Scrutinizing Committee for Cross Verification, Faculty Recruitment
Member, E-waste Disposal Committee
Member, Scrutinizing Committee for Group-A Officers
Member, M.S. and Ph.D. Admissions Committee
Member, Invitation and Reception Committee, 18th Convocation
Member, Invitation Cards, Visit of Education Minister, 2023
Language Coordinator, German
NPTEL HSS Course Coordinator
Associate Warden, Garnet B
Associate Warden, Agate
Member, Library Advisory Committee
Member, Digital Insight Committee
Officer-in-Charge, Officers' Club
Member, Seed Grant Project Screening Committee
Member, Anti-ragging Committee
Team Head, Content Creation and Public Relations Committee
Faculty Advisor, Pixelbug
Faculty Advisor, OGMA Club
Faculty Advisor, Film Society
Faculty Advisor, Balls by Picasso Club
Faculty Advisor, Graphique
Founding Member and Faculty Advisor of FEEDS, Student's Magazine.
Member, Media Committee
Member, Green Campus Committee
Member, Annual Report Compilation, Institute Day 2011.
Member, Invitations, and Public Relations. Institute Day 2014.
Member, Invitations, MINT and Transport Committee, Institute Day 2018.
Member, Public Relations Committee, Convocation 2014.
Member in-charge of Video/Photo/Audio coverage, Visit of Air Marshal P.Kanakaraj VSM, AVSM. 2014.
Member in-charge of Video/Photo/Audio coverage, Visit of Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam. 2014.
Guest, Special Camp, NSS
Faculty Advisor, Vox Lumox, The Speakers' Forum
Member, Annual Report Compilation, Institute Day 2009
Course coordinator, I semester B. Tech course 2010
Member, Annual Report Compilation, Institute Day 2010
Member, Reception Committee, 6th Convocation 2010
Member, Foreign Language Committee, 2010
Member, Reception Committee, Convocation 2012
Member, Annual Report Compilation, Institute Day 2012
Member, Annual Report Compilation, Institute Day 2013
Subject coordinator, I semester B. Tech course 2013
Stock Verification Officer 2010-11/2011-2012
Member, Public Relations Committee, 11th Convocation 2015
Member, Reception Committee, 7th Convocation 2011

Member, Annual Report Compilation, Institute Day 2008