Applied Electromagnetics Lab
Associated Prof.: Dr. Geetha C
Applied electromagnetics laboratory is a facility that specializes in research and development related to the application of electromagnetic theory. The lab typically focuses on developing and testing new technologies related to electromagnetics, such as antennas, microwave circuits, and electromagnetic wave propagation. The main goal of the laboratory is to develop practical solutions to real-world problems, such as improving wireless communication systems, designing sensors for medical applications, and developing specialized RFID sensors. The lab is equipped with specialized software and hardware tools that allow researchers to simulate and analyze electromagnetic phenomena. These tools include electromagnetic simulators, signal generators, network analyzers, and oscilloscopes. The students and research scholars make use these tools to design and test their ideas before building physical prototypes.
List of Major Equipment:
- Handheld Vector Network Analyzer (20KHz to 4.5 GHz)
- RF Power Generation Module
- RFID system –UHF region
- Eddy Current Tester
- Ultrasonic Flaw Detector
- Infrared Thermal Camera - Fluke Ti480 PRO 60HZ
- Wireless Vibration Sensor (Vibe - WISER Pro)

Research Scholars
- Mr. Setti Suresh – Full Time (UGC) – 410420051 Research Area – Condition Monitoring
- Mr. Mohammed Arshad Ali Khan – Full Time (HTRA) – 410120051 Research Area – Wearable Sensors
- Mrs. Mable Alex – Full Time (QIP) - 410321001 Research Area – Hyperthermia