
Research Papers


  1. Adam Lecko, S. Madhumitha and V. Ravichandran, Ma-Minda Starlikeness of Univalent Functions, Results in Mathematics, Volume 80 (2025), Article number 44. Volum

  2. B. B. Janani, and V. Ravichandran, Ma-Minda starlikeness of certain analytic functions, Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Mathematica, Volume 70 (2025), no 1, 15-32. 

  3. N. Prakash, M. Vimal Kumar, Quasi-Polyhedral Convex Bodies in Locally Convex Spaces, Journal of the Ramanujan Mathematical Society, 2025 (Accepted).

  4.  J. Sangeetha and R. Ponalagusamy, “Electrokinetic effect on flow of two-phase fluid in a circular tube”, Sigma Journal of Engineering and Natural Sciences, 2025 (In Press).

  5. S. R. Anandasrinivasan, R. Tamil Selvi and R. Ponalagusamy, “Electroosmotic Blood Flow in Tapered Arteries with Stenosis and Aneurysms”, Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 2025 (Accepted).


  1. J. Sangeetha, R. Ponalagusamy and R. Tamil Selvi, “Electroosmotic peristaltic flow of thixotropic-Newtonian fluids  in a circular tube: Effect of variable viscosity co-efficient of core fluid”, Chinese Journal of Physics, 92,   pp. 470-493, 2024,

  2. R. Padma, R. Ponalagusamy, R. Tamil Selvi, “Corrigendum to “Mathematical modeling of electro hydrodynamic non- Newtonian fluid flow through tapered arterial stenosis with periodic body acceleration and applied magnetic field” [Appl. Math. Comput. 362 (2019) 124453]], Applied Mathematics and Computation, 471 (2024)128606,

  3. M. Vimal Kumar, N. Prakash, Polyhedral points, QP-points and Q-points, Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo Series 2, Vol. 73 (2024) 651-661.

  4. Neenu Jose, V. Ravichandran, Abhijit Das, Differential Subordination for Bounded Turning Functions Using pre-Schwarzian  and the Schwarzian Derivatives, Analysis and Mathematical Physics, Volume 14 (2024), article number 113. 

  5. A. Naz, S. Nagpal and V. Ravichandran, Exponential radii of starlikeness and convexity of some special functions, The Ramanujan Journal, Volume 65 (2024), 391–427.o

  6. Priya G. Krishnan, and V. Ravichandran and P. Saikrishnan, Radius problem associated with certain ratios and linear combinations of analytic functions,  Mathematica Slovaca, Volume 74 (2024), no. 4, 877-894.

  7. B. B. Janani, and V. Ravichandran,  Sufficient conditions for functions to be meromorphic starlike of reciprocal order, The Journal of Analysis, Volume 32 (2024), no. 4,  2265 - 2280.

  8. Asha Sebastian, V. Ravichandran, Criteria for starlikeness using Schwarzian derivatives,  The Journal of Analysis, Volume 32 (2024), no 4, 1973 - 1990. (Dedicated to Professor Milutin Obradović )

  9. Shalu Yadav, and V. Ravichandran, Sufficient conditions for analytic function to be starlike of reciprocal order, Honam Mathematical Journal, Volume 46 (2024), no. 1,  120-135.    

  10. Afis Saliu, Kanwal Jabeen, and V. Ravichandran, Differential subordination for certain strongly starlike functions,  Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo Series 2, Volume 73 (2024), no.1, 1–18.

  11. M. Obradovíc and V. Ravichandran, Functions whose derivative has positive real part, Advances in Mathematics: Scientific Journal 13 (2024), no.3, 455–461.

  12. Amit Kumar Pandey, Abhijit Das, Thermohydrodynamics of Bödewadt hybrid-nanofluid flow in a horizontal magnetic field, European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids Volume 106, 2024, Pages 148-165.

  13. Sudha, Y., V. N. Deiva Mani, and K. Murugesan. "On the Solvability of Time-Fractional Spatio-Temporal COVID-19 Model with Non-linear Diffusion." Iranian Journal of Science (2024): 1-18.
  14. Arunkumar, M., Gaurav Joshi, and K. Murugesan. "Estimating a semi-analytical solution for fish farm model using homotopy analysis method." International Journal of Dynamics and Control (2023): 1-16.
  15. Rajan, Praveen Kumar, and Murugesan Kuppusamy. "A fractional order human papillomavirus model with Caputo derivative." The Journal of Analysis (2023): 1-22.
  16. Rajan, Praveen Kumar, Murugesan Kuppusamy, and Abdullahi Yusuf. "A fractional-order modeling of human papillomavirus transmission and cervical cancer." Modeling Earth Systems and Environment 10.1 (2024): 1337-1357.
  17. Arunkumar, M., R. Praveen Kumar, and K. Murugesan. "An Approximate Analytical Solution of Obesity Epidemic Model by Homotopy Analysis Method." Journal of Applied Nonlinear Dynamics 13.02 (2024): 211-222.
  18. I. Jeyaraman and T. Divyadevi, Euclidean and circum-Euclidean distance matrices: Characterizations and interlacing property, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 2024. (volume no - not yet issued).
  19. T. Divyadevi and I. Jeyaraman, On the Eccentricity Matrices of Certain Bi-Block Graphs, Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc., 47 (2024) 92.

  20.  I. Jeyaraman and T. Divyadevi, Moore-Penrose inverses of certain bordered matrices, The Journal of Analysis, 32 (2024) 2077 - 2098.


  1. R. Ponalagusamy and J. Sangeetha, “Electro-Osmotic Effect on Two Immiscible (Conducting – Non-Conducting) Fluids Flowing in the Porous Channel Under Magnetic Field”, Proc. of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering,  237(2023), pp. 2029-2044 (doi: 10.1177/09544089221131157).

  2. R. Ponalagusamy and J. Sangeetha, A study on Electro-Hydrodynamic flow of two immiscible fluids in a circular tube, Authorea, 2023, pp. 1-9, Doi: 10.22541/au.169531391.17139745/v1.

  3. R. Ponalagusamy,  Electro-Rheological flow of seminal fluid (K-L model) induced by movement of clia in a circular conduit, Proc. of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering, 2023, Online, pp. 1-18,

  4.  R. Ponalagusamy, “Analysis of MHD flow of blood in stenosed arteries with radially variable viscosity and peripheral plasma layer thickness by means of Frobenius method”, ESS Open  Archive, 2023, pp. 1-21, DOI: 10.22541/essoar.170224507.70218615/v1.

  5. Priya G. Krishnan, V. Ravichandran and P. Saikrishnan, Radius of Ma-Minda starlikeness of certain normalised analytic functions, Filomat, Volume 37 (2023),  no. 13, 4125–4153.

  6. Somya Arya and  V. Ravichandran, Starlikeness of a product of starlike  functions with non-vanishing  polynomials, Analysis and Mathematical Physics,  Volume 13 (2023), Article 28.

  7. Rosihan M. Ali, Sushil Kumar, and V. Ravichandran, The third Hermitian-Toeplitz and Hankel determinants for parabolic starlike functions,  Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society, Volume 60 (2023), no. 2, pp. 281–291. (In memoriam QMH Professor M. Ataharul Islam)

  8. Adiba Naz, Sumit Nagpal and V. Ravichandran, Geometric properties of generalized Bessel function associated with the exponential function,  Mathematica Slovaca, Volume 73 (2023), No. 6, 1459–1478.

  9. S. Madhumitha and V. Ravichandran, Sufficient conditions for starlikeness of reciprocal order, Korean Journal of Mathematics, Volume 31 (2023), no. 3, pp. 243-258.     

  10. S. Madhumitha, V. Ravichandran, Differential subordination for analytic and meromorphic multivalent functions,  Asian-European Journal of Mathematics (AEJM),   Volume 16 (2023), no. 07,  2350124.

  11. Kanika Sharma, Rasoul Aghalary, and V. Ravichandran,  Briot-Bouquet differential subordination and Bernardi's integral operator, Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics, Volume 47  (2023), no. 4, 573-589.

  12. Shalu Yadav and V. Ravichandran, Analytic function that map the unit disk into the inside of the lemniscate of Bernoulli, Mathematical Foundations of Computing,  Volume 6 (2023), no. 3, 591-600

  13. Priya G. Krishnan, V. Ravichandran and P. Saikrishnan,  Functions subordinate to the exponential function,  Communications of the Korean Mathematical Society, 38 (2023), no 1,  163-178.

  14. Somya Malik and V. Ravichandran, Schwarzian derivative and convexity of order α, The Journal of Analysis, Volume 31 (2023), 201-228.

  15. Asha Sebastian, V. Ravichandran, Radius of starlikeness through subordination, Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Mathematica, Volume 68 (2023), no. 1, 161-170.

  16. V. Ravichandran and Priya G. Krishnan, Starlike and convex univalent functions, Mathematics Newsletter, Ramanujan Mathematical Society, Volume 33  (2023), no.3-4, pp. 20-44. 

  17. N. Prakash and K. V. Sangeetha, Strong Proximinality of Exposed Faces of C_0(T), The Journal of Analysis, 31 (2023) 2877-2888.  

  18. J. Sangeetha and R. Ponalagusamy, "Impacts of electromagnetic and porous medium on time dependent flow of two immiscible fluids in a channel", AIP, 2875(2023), pp. 020003-1 to 020003-11.

  19. I. Jeyaraman, T. Divyadevi, and R. Azhagendran, The Moore-Penrose Inverse of the Distance Matrix of a Helm Graph, Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra, 39 (2023) 94-109.

  20. Poornima, P., and K. Murugesan. "Decomposable pairs and construction of multiwavelets." Linear Algebra and its Applications 665 (2023): 382-403.

  21. Singh, Sudhir, K. Sakkaravarthi, and K. Murugesan. "Lump and soliton on certain spatially-varying backgrounds for an integrable (3+ 1) dimensional fifth-order nonlinear oceanic wave model." Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 167 (2023)

  22. Praveen Kumar Rajan, K. Murugesan and  Egbelowo, O.F. A mathematical model for human papillomavirus and its impact on cervical cancer in India. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing 69, 753–770 (2023

  23. R. Ponalagusamy and D. Murugan, “Transport of a reactive solute in electroosmotic pulsatile flow of non-Newtonian fluid through  a  circular conduit”,  Chinese Journal of Physics,  81(2023), pp. 243-269.

  24. Amit Kumar Pandey, Abhijit Das, Rotationally symmetric hybrid-nanofluid flow over a stretchable rotating disk, European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids Volume 101, September–October 2023, Pages 227-245

  25. N. Prakash and K. V. Sangeetha, Proximinal faces of some Banach spaces, Annals of Functional Analysis (SCIE), 14, 37 (2023), Published online, Springer.

  26. Tamizhazhagan S., Natasha Sharma, and Atul Kumar Verma, Asymmetrically coupled two lane totally asymmetric simple exclusion process with extended Langmuir kinetics, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 168, 113129, 2023

  27. Priyanka NC, and Atul Kumar Verma, Asymmetric coupling induces two-directional reentrance transition in three-lane exclusion process, Physical Review E, 107, 044104, 2023 

  28. Tamizhazhagan S. and Atul Kumar Verma, Multiple reentrance transitions in exclusion process with finite reservoir, Physical Review E, 107, 044133, 2023

  29. Prakrati Kushwah, Arijit Das, Jitraj Saha, Andreas Bück. Population balance equation for collisional breakage: A new numerical solution scheme and its convergence. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation. 2023.

  30. Farel William Viret Kharchandy, Arijit Das, Vamsinadh Thota, Jitraj Saha, Mehakpreet Singh. A note on the volume conservative solution to simultaneous aggregation and collisional breakage equation. Axioms. Volume 12, Issue 2, Article 181, 2023.

  31. Jitraj Saha, Mehakpreet Singh. Rate of convergence and stability analysis of a modified fixed pivot technique for a fragmentation equation. Numerische Mathematik, 2023, (Accepted).

  32. Prakrati Kushwah, Jitraj Saha. Improved accuracy and convergence of homotopy-based solutions for aggregation-fragmentation models. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences. 2023 (Accepted).

  33. Arijit Das, Jitraj Saha. On the mass conserving solutions to the singular kernel coagulation with multi-fragmentation. Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Volume 40, Issue 1, Pages 563-588, 2023.

  34. Shiromani, Ram, Vembu Shanthi, and Pratibhamoy Das. "A higher order hybrid-numerical approximation for a class of singularly perturbed two-dimensional convection-diffusion elliptic problem with non-smooth convection and source terms." Computers & Mathematics with Applications 142 (2023): 9-30.

  35. Clavero, Carmelo, Ram Shiromani, and Vembu Shanthi. "Numerical solution of singularly perturbed 2-D convection-diffusion elliptic interface PDEs with Robin-type boundary conditions." Computers & Mathematics with Applications 140 (2023): 1-16.

  36. Shiromani, Ram, Vembu Shanthi, and Higinio Ramos. "Numerical treatment of a singularly perturbed 2-D convection-diffusion elliptic problem with Robin-type boundary conditions." Applied Numerical Mathematics 187 (2023): 176-191.

  37. Singh, Satpal, Devendra Kumar, and Vembu Shanthi. "Uniformly convergent scheme for fourth-order singularly perturbed convection-diffusion ODE." Applied Numerical Mathematics 186 (2023): 334-357.

  38. Shiromani, Ram, Vembu Shanthi, and Higinio Ramos. "A computational method for a two-parameter singularly perturbed elliptic problem with boundary and interior layers." Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 206 (2023): 40-64.

  39. Shiromani, Ram, Vembu Shanthi, and J. Vigo‐Aguiar. "A finite difference method for a singularly perturbed 2‐D elliptic convection‐diffusion PDEs on Shishkin‐type meshes with non‐smooth convection and source terms." Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 46.5 (2023): 5915-5936.

  40. Rathore, Ajay Singh, Vembu Shanthi, and Higinio Ramos. "A fitted numerical method for a singularly perturbed Fredholm integro-differential equation with discontinuous source term." Applied Numerical Mathematics 185 (2023): 88-100.

  41. Sudha, Y. "On the Solvability of Reaction-Diffusion COVID-19 Model with Variable Exponents." Discontinuity, Nonlinearity, and Complexity 13.03





  1. Arunkumar M, Praveen Kumar Rajan, and K. Murugesan, “An Approximate Analytical Solution of Obesity Epidemic Model by Homotopy Analysis Method”, Journal of Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, (2022) – Accepted- In press

  2. Sudhir Singh; K. Sakkaravarthi and K. Murugesan. “Dynamics and control of interaction waves in sixth-order nonlinear Ramani equation”, AIP Conference Proceedings 2357, 090007 (2022)

  3. Sudhir Singh, K Sakkaravarthi, T Tamizhmani and K Murugesan. “Painlevé analysis and higher-order rogue waves of a generalized (3+1)-dimensional shallow water wave equation” Physica Scripta, Volume 97, Number 5,2022 

  4. Poornima, P., and K. Murugesan. "Standard pairs and construction of multiwavelets using refinement masks satisfying sum rules of order one." International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing (2022)

  5. R. Ponalagusamy and D. Murugan, “Effect of electro-magneto-hemodynamic environs on dispersion of solute in the peristaltic motion through a channel with chemical reaction, wall  properties and porous medium”, Korea-Australia Rheology Journal, 34 (2022)

  6. R. Ponalagusamy, D. Murugan and S. Priyadharshini, “Effects of rheology of non-Newtonian fluid and chemical reaction on a dispersion of a solute and implications to blood flow”, Int. J.  Appl. Comput. Math., 8, Article:109(2022), pp. 1-12.

  7. Ramakrishna Manchi and R. Ponalagusamy, “Pulsatile flow of EMHD micropolar hybrid  nanofluid in a porous bifurcated artery with an overlapping stenosis in the presence of body acceleration and Joule heating”, Brazilian Journal of Physics, 52(2022):52, pp.1-25.

  8. R. Ponalagusamy and J. Sangeetha, “Electro-Osmotic Effect on Two Immiscible (Conducting – Non-Conducting) Fluids Flowing in the Porous Channel Under Magnetic Field”, Proc. of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering, Published, 2022

  9. K. Aarthika, V. Shanthi, and Higinio Ramos. “A computational approach for a two-parameter singularly perturbed system of partial differential equations with discontinuous coefficients”. In: Appl. Math. Comput. 434 (2022), Paper No. 127409, 15. issn: 0096-3003. doi: 10.1016/j.amc.2022.127409. url:

  10. K. Aarthika, Ram Shiromani, and V. Shanthi. “A higher-order finite difference method for two-dimensional singularly perturbed reaction-diffusion with source-term-discontinuous problem”. In: Comput. Math. Appl. 118 (2022), pp. 56–73. issn: 0898-1221. doi: 10.1016/j.camwa.2022.04.016. url:

  11. Ahmad Sulaiman Ahmad El-Faqeer et al. “Radius of starlikeness of functions defined by ratios of analytic functions”. In: Appl.Math. E-Notes 22 (2022), pp. 516–528.

  12. Subzar Beig and Vaithiyanathan Ravichandran. “Directional con- vexity of combinations of harmonic half-plane and strip map- pings”. In: Commun. Korean Math. Soc. 37.1 (2022), pp. 125– 136. issn: 1225-1763. doi: 10.4134/CKMS.c200470. url:

  13. Arijit Das and Jitraj Saha. “Existence and uniqueness of mass conserving solutions to the coagulation and collision-induced break- age equation”. In: J. Anal. 30.3 (2022), pp. 1323–1340. issn: 0971-3611. doi: 10.1007/s41478- 022- 00407- z. url:

  14. Arijit Das and Jitraj Saha. “The discrete Safronov-Dubovskiˇı ag- gregation equation: instantaneous gelation and nonexistence the- orem”. In: J. Math. Anal. Appl. 514.1 (2022), Paper No. 126310, 13. issn: 0022-247X. doi: 10.1016/j.jmaa.2022.126310. url:

  15. Shweta Gandhi et al. “Starlike functions associated with an epicy- cloid”. In: Hacet. J. Math. Stat. 51.6 (2022), pp. 1637–1660. issn: 1303-5010. doi: 10.15672/hujms.1019973. url: https://doi. org/10.15672/hujms.1019973.

  16. P. Gayathri and V. Thota. “Characterizations of weakly uni- formly rotund Banach spaces”. In: J. Math. Anal. Appl. 514.1 (2022), Paper No. 126298, 15. issn: 0022-247X. doi: 10.1016/j. jmaa.2022.126298. url: 2022.126298.

  17. R. Kanaga and V. Ravichandran. “Radius of Lima ̧con starlike- ness for Janowski starlike functions”. In: Asian-Eur. J. Math. 15.9 (2022), Paper No. 2250164, 13. issn: 1793-5571. doi: 10 . 1142/S1793557122501649. url: S1793557122501649.

  18. R. Kanaga and V. Ravichandran. “Starlikeness associated with crescent-shaped region”. In: Anal. Math. Phys. 12.6 (2022), Paper No. 132, 23. issn: 1664-2368. doi: 10.1007/s13324-022-00744- z. url:

  19. Priya G. Krishnan, P. Saikrishnan, and V. Ravichandran. “Bound- edness of analytic functions in the unit disc using the theory of differential subordination”. In: Asian-Eur. J. Math. 15.11 (2022), Paper No. 2250189, 19. issn: 1793-5571. doi: 10.1142/S1793557122501893. url:

  20. Somya Malik, Rosihan M. Ali, and V. Ravichandran. “The Booth lemniscate starlikeness radius for Janowski starlike functions”. In: Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc. 45.5 (2022), pp. 2715–2732. issn: 0126-6705. doi: 10.1007/s40840- 022- 01340- x. url: https: //

  21. Somya Malik and Vaithiyanathan Ravichandran. “On functions starlike with respect to n-ply symmetric, conjugate and sym- metric conjugate points”. In: Commun. Korean Math. Soc. 37.4 (2022), pp. 1025–1039. issn: 1225-1763. doi: 10 . 4134 / CKMS . c210322. url:

  22. D. Murugan et al. “Tracer dispersion due to pulsatile Casson fluid flow in a circular tube with chemical reaction modulated by externally applied electromagnetic fields”. In: Int. J. Appl. Comput. Math. 8.5 (2022), Paper No. 221, 23. issn: 2349-5103. doi: 10.1007/s40819-022-01412-3. url: 10.1007/s40819-022-01412-3.

  23. Shivaranjani Nagarajan. “A parameter robust fitted mesh finite difference method for a system of two reaction-convection-diffusion equations”. In: Appl. Numer. Math. 179 (2022), pp. 87–104. issn: 0168-9274. doi: 10.1016/j.apnum.2022.04.017. url: https: //

  24. Adiba Naz, Sushil Kumar, and V. Ravichandran. “Coefficient functionals and radius problems of certain starlike functions”. In: Asian-Eur. J. Math. 15.5 (2022), Paper No. 2250089, 19. issn: 1793-5571. doi: 10.1142/S1793557122500899. url: https://

  25. R. Ponalagusamy and D. Murugan. “Impact of variable viscosity, chemical reaction and electro-osmotic mechanism on the dispersal of solute through a uniform channel with permeable walls”. In: Int. J. Appl. Comput. Math. 8.2 (2022), Paper No. 55, 25. issn: 2349-5103. doi: 10.1007/s40819- 022- 01259- 8. url: https: //

  26. N. Prakash. “Stability of E-proximinality”. In: Palest. J. Math. 11.1 (2022), pp. 524–530.

  27. N. Prakash and K. V. Sangeetha. “Best approximative properties of exposed faces”. In: J. Convex Anal. 29.3 (2022), pp. 731–747. issn: 0944-6532.

  28.  V. Ravichandran and Sumit Nagpal. “A survey on univalent functions with fixed second coefficient”. In: Math. Newsl. 33.1 (2022), pp. 17–28. issn: 0971-1694. doi: 10.1007/s11045-021-00787-8. url:

  29. Atul Kumar Razdan and V. Ravichandran. Fundamentals of anal- ysis with applications. Springer, Singapore, [2022] ©2022, pp. xxiv+477. isbn: 978-981-16-8382-4; 978-981-16-8383-1. doi: 10.1007/978- 981-16- 8383-1. url: 981- 16-8383-1.

  30. Atul Kumar Razdan and V. Ravichandran. Fundamentals of partial differential equations. Springer, Singapore, [2022] ©2022, pp. xv+551. isbn: 978-981-16-9864-4; 978-981-16-9865-1. doi: 10.1007/978- 981-16- 9865-1. url: 16-9865-1.

  31. Tamizhazhagan S. and Atul Kumar Verma. “Reentrance transi- tion in two lane bidirectional transport system with bottlenecks”. In: Chaos Solitons Fractals 165.part 1 (2022), Paper No. 112780, 11. issn: 0960-0779. doi: 10.1016/j.chaos.2022.112780. url:

  32. Tamizhazhagan S. and Atul Kumar Verma. “Role of extended coupling in bidirectional transport system”. In: Phys. Rev. E 106.1 (2022), Paper No. 014120, 13. issn: 2470-0045. doi: 10 . 1103/physreve.106.014120. url: physreve.106.014120.

  33. Sudhir Singh, K. Sakkaravarthi, and K. Murugesan. “Localized nonlinear waves on spatio-temporally controllable backgrounds for a (3+1)-dimensional Kadomtsev-Petviashvili-Boussinesq model in water waves”. In: Chaos Solitons Fractals 155 (2022), Paper No. 111652, 9. issn: 0960-0779. doi: 10.1016/j.chaos.2021. 111652. url: https : / / doi . org / 10 . 1016 / j . chaos . 2021 . 111652.

  34. K. Suriyapriya, Jagadeeswari Murugan, and V. Lakshmana Go- mathi Nayagam. “Solution of linear programming problem with trapezoidal fuzzy coefficients using score functions”. In: Int. J. Math. Oper. Res. 22.1 (2022), pp. 41–73. issn: 1757-5850. doi: 10 . 1504 / ijmor . 2022 . 123126. url: https : / / doi . org / 10 . 1504/ijmor.2022.123126.

  35. Shalu Yadav, Kanika Sharma, and V. Ravichandran. “Radius of starlikeness for some classes containing non-univalent functions”. In: Asian-Eur. J. Math. 15.1 (2022), Paper No. 2250009, 15. issn: 1793-5571. doi: 10.1142/S1793557122500097. url: https://

  36. Nisha Bohra, and V. Ravichandran, Coefficient estimates for some classes of bi-univalent analytic functions,  Art 6 in Mathematics, its Applications and History (S. G. Dani, editor), Narosa, 2022.

  37. Subzar Beig and V. Ravichandran, Convolution properties of a harmonic function with n-starlike mappings,   Art 7 in Mathematics, its Applications and History (S. G. Dani, editor), Narosa, 2022.

  38. V. Ravichandran and Sumit Nagpal, A Survey on Univalent Functions with Fixed Second Coefficient, Mathematics Newsletter, Ramanujan Mathematical Society, Vol. 33  (2022), no. 3, pp. 17-28.

  39. R. Ponalagusamy, R. Tamil Selvi, R. Padma, Modeling of pulsatile EMHD flow of non-Newtonian blood with magnetic particles in a tapered stenosed tube: a comparative study of actual and approximated drag force EMHD flow of Bingham fluid, Eur. Phys. J. Plus (2022) 137:230



  1. N. Prakash and K.V. Sangeetha, Best approximative properties of exposed faces, Journal of Convex Analysis (SCIE),  29 (2022), 731-747

  2. Singh, S., Murugesan, K., Bernstein Polynomial Collocation Method for Acceleration Motion of a Vertically Falling Non-spherical Particle, Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, 2021, pp. 673-683.

  3. R. Ponalagusamy and Ramakrishna Manchi, “Mathematical Study on Two-Fluid Model for  Flow of K-L Fluid in a Stenosed Artery with Porous Wall”, SN Applied Sciences, 3:508  (2021), pp. 1-21

  4. R. Padma, R. Tamil Selvi and R. Ponalagusamy, “Electromagnetic control of non-Newtonian fluid (blood) suspended with magnetic nanoparticles in the tapered constricted inclined tube”, AIP, 2336(2021), pp. 020008-1 to 020008-13

  5. Ramakrishna Manchi and R. Ponalagusamy, “Modeling of pulsatile EMHD flow of Au-blood  in an inclined porous tapered atherosclerotic vessel under periodic body acceleration”,  Achieve of Applied Mechanics, 91(2021), pp. 3421-3447

  6. R. Padma, R. Tamil Selvi and R. Ponalagusamy, “Analysis of MHD pulsatile flow of Jeffrey  fluid in a diseased inclined tapered porous artery exposed to an inclined magnetic field”, Journal of Physics, 1850(2021) 012039, pp. 1-14

  7. R. Ponalagusamy and J. Sangeetha, “A study on electro-hydrodynamic flow of two immiscible fluids in a circular tube”, Proc. of 66th International Congress of Indian Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ISTAM), VIT-AP University, Amaravati, Andhra Pradesh, India, pp. 1-9, 2021 

  8. R. Ponalagusamy and D. Murugan, “Impact of electro-magnetohydrodynamic nature on  dispersion of solute in the peristaltic mechanism”, Journal of Physics, 1850(2021) 012097, pp. 1-12

  9. Adam Lecko, V. Ravichandran, and Asha Sebastian, Starlikeness of certain  non-univalent functions,  Analysis and Mathematical Physics, Volume 11 (2021), Article number: 163.

  10. S. Madhumitha and V. Ravichandran, Radius of starlikeness of certain analytic functions, Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A. Matemáticas,  Volume 115 (2021), Article number: 184.

  11. Kanika Sharma, Nak Eun Cho, and  V. Ravichandran, Sufficient conditions for strong starlikeness, Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society, Volume 47 (2021), no. 5, pages 1453–1475.

  12. Prachi Gupta, Sumit Nagpal and V. Ravichandran, Inclusion relations and radius problems for a subclass of starlike functions,  Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society,  58 (2021), No. 5, pp. 1147–1180.

  13. Ankur Raj, Sumit Nagpal and V. Ravichandran, On the product of planar harmonic mappings, Computational Methods and Function Theory, Volume 21 (2021), pages 427–452.

  14. Rosihan M. Ali, Kanika Sharma and V. Ravichandran, Starlikeness of analytic functions with subordinate ratios, Journal of Mathematics, Volume 2021 (2021), Article ID 8373209.

  15. Vibha Madaan, Ajay Kumar and V. Ravichandran, Estimates for initial coefficients of certain bi-univalent functions, Filomat, Volume 35 (2021), no. 6, 1993-2009.

  16. Asha Sebastian and V. Ravichandran,  Radius  of starlikeness of certain analytic functions, Mathematica Slovaca, Volume 83 (2021), no. 1, pp. 83-104.

  17. R. Kanaga and V. Ravichandran, Starlikeness for certain close-to-star functions, Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics,  Volume 50 (2021), no. 2, pp. 414 – 432.

  18. Om. P. Ahuja, Kanika Khatter and V. Ravichandran, Toeplitz determinants associated with  Ma-Minda classes of starlike and convex functions, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transaction A, Science (ISTT), Volume 45 (2021) no.6, 2021-2027.

  19. Prachi Gupta, Sumit Nagpal, and V. Ravichandran, Marx-Strohhäcker theorem for multivalent functions, Afrika Matematika, Volume 32 (2021), no. 7-8, 1421–1434.

  20. O. P. Ahuja, K. Khatter, V. Ravichandran, Symmetric Toeplitz determinants associated with a linear combination of some geometric expressions, The Honam Mathematical Journal, Volume 43 (2021), no. 3, pages.465-481.

  21. Sushil Kumar, Nisha Bohra, and V. Ravichandran, Applications of Briot-Bouquet differential subordination, Journal of Classical Analysis, Vol 18 (2021), no. 1, pages 17-28.

  22. Swati Anand, Sushil Kumar, and V. Ravichandran, Differential subordinations for Janowski functions with positive real part, Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Mathematica, Volume 66 (2021) no. 3, pages 457-470.   

  23. Jenifer, A. Sahaya, P. Saikrishnan, and Roland W. Lewis. "Unsteady MHD Mixed Convection Flow of Water over a Sphere‎ with Mass Transfer." Journal of Applied and Computational Mechanics 7, no. 2 (2021): 935-943.

  24. Nayagam, V. Lakshmana Gomathi, and Jagadeeswari Murugan. "Hexagonal fuzzy approximation of fuzzy numbers and its applications in MCDM." Complex & Intelligent Systems (2021): 1-29.

  25. Aarthika, K., V. Shanthi, and Higinio Ramos. "A finite-difference scheme for a coupled system of singularly perturbed time-dependent reaction–diffusion equations with discontinuous source terms." International Journal of Computer Mathematics 98, no. 1 (2021): 120-135

  26. R. Chandra Guru Sekar and K. Murugesan. “Numerical solutions of non-linear system of higher order Volterra integro-differential equations using generalized STWS technique”. In: Differ. Equ. Dyn. Syst. 29.3 (2021), pp. 609–621

  27. Arijit Das, Nilima Das, and Jitraj Saha. “An application of semigroup theory to the coagulation-fragmentation models”. In: Turkish J. Math. 45.5 (2021), pp. 2282–2294.

  28. Arijit Das and Jitraj Saha. “On the global solutions of discrete Safronov-Dubovskiˇı aggregation equation”. In: Z. Angew.Math. Phys. 72.5 (2021), Paper No. 183, 17. issn: 0044-2275.

  29. Akriti Jindal, Atul Kumar Verma, and Arvind Kumar Gupta. “Cooperative dynamics in bidirectional transport on flexible lattice”. In: J. Stat. Phys. 182.1 (2021), Paper No. 5, 19.

  30.  R. Ponalagusamy and Ramakrishna Manchi. “Biorheological model on pulsatile flow of blood (K-L fluid) through flexible stenotic tapered blood vessels”. In: Int. J. Appl. Comput. Math. 7.1 (2021), Paper No. 13, 27.  

  31. R. Ponalagusamy and D. Murugan. “Dispersion of a solute in blood flowing through narrow arteries with homogeneous first-order chemical reaction”. In: Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. India Sect. A 91.4 (2021), pp. 675–680.

  32. A. Sadiquali, P. Arul Paul Sudhahar, and V. Lakshmana Gomathi Nayagam. “Connected monophonic domination in graphs”. In: Discrete Math. Algorithms Appl. 13.3 (2021), Paper No. 2150029, 12.  

  33. Jitraj Saha and Andreas B¨uck. “Improved accuracy and convergence analysis of finite volume methods for particle fragmentation models”. In: Math. Methods Appl. Sci. 44.2 (2021), pp. 1913–1930.  

  34.  R. Tamil Selvi, R. Ponalagusamy, and R. Padma. “Influence of electromagnetic field and thermal radiation on pulsatile blood flow with nanoparticles in a constricted porous artery”. In: Int. J. Appl. Comput. Math. 7.6 (2021), Paper No. 216, 25.  


  1. Ponalagusamy R, Ramakrishna Manchi, Particle-fluid two phase modeling of electro-magneto hydrodynamic pulsatile flow of Jeffrey fluid in a constricted tube under periodic body acceleration, European Journal of Mechanics/B Fluids, Volume 81 (2020), 76-92.

  2. A. K. Roy, A.K. Saha, R. Ponalagusamy and S. Debnath, “Mathematical model on magneto- hydrodynamic dispersion in a porous medium under the influence of bulk chemical reaction”,  Korea-Australia Rheology Journal, 32(4) (2020), pp. 287-299

  3. Ramakrishna Manchi and R. Ponalagusamy, “Analysis of nanoparticles (Cu, CuO) as a drug agent suspended in pulsatile EMHD blood flow through an inclined artery with multiple  stenoses”, Proc. of 65th International Congress of Indian Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ISTAM), pp. 1-13, 2020

  4. R. Ponalagusamy, “Effects of magnetic force and non-Newtonian characteristics on squeeze film bearings”, Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering, 15(2020), e2510, pp.1-14

  5. V. Lakshmana Gomathi Nayagam, Jagadeeswari Murugan, K. Suriyapriya."Hexagonal fuzzy number inadvertences and its applications to MCDM and HFFLS based on complete ranking by score functions"Computational and Applied Mathematics, Volume 39, Year 2020

  6. R Ponalagusamy, R Manchi, A study on two-layered (K.L-Newtonian) model of blood flow in an artery with six types of mild stenoses, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Volume 367 (2020), 124767.

  7. Roy, Kamalika, R. Ponalagusamy, and P. V. S. N. Murthy. "The effects of double-diffusion and viscous dissipation on the oscillatory convection in a viscoelastic fluid saturated porous layer." Physics of Fluids 32, no. 9 (2020): 094108.

  8. Roy, Ashis Kumar, Apu Kumar Saha, R. Ponalagusamy, and Sudip Debnath. "Mathematical model on magneto-hydrodynamic dispersion in a porous medium under the influence of bulk chemical reaction." Korea-Australia Rheology Journal 32, no. 4 (2020): 287-299.

  9. Ponalagusamy, R., and Ramakrishna Manchi. "Mathematical modeling of electro-magnetohydrodynamic pulsatile flow of an elastico-viscous fluid through an inclined porous tapered arterial stenosis." Mathematics in Engineering, Science & Aerospace (MESA) 11, no. 1 (2020).

  10. Sudhir Singh and K. Murugesan, Dynamics of optical solitons and conservation laws of a new (2+1)- dimensional integrable nonlinear evolution equation in deep water oceanic waves, Modern Physics Letters B (2020), Vol. 34, No. 05, 2050068 -1-16.

  11. Kumaran, V., Swarnalatha, R. Sharp bounds for the probability of union of n events when m number of binomial moments are known. Optim Eng 21, 241–271 (2020).

  12. Adiba Naz, Sumit Nagpal, and V. Ravichandran, Exponential starlikeness and convexity of confluent hypergeometric, Lommel and Struve functions, Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics, Volume 17 (2020), no. 6, Art. 204, 22 pages.

  13. See Keong Lee, Kanika Khatter, and V. Ravichandran, Radius of starlikeness for classes of analytic functions, Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society, Volume 43 (2020), No. 6 , 4469 - 4493.

  14. Vibha Madaan, Ajay Kumar, and V. Ravichandran, Radii of starlikeness and convexity of some entire functions, Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society, Volume 43 (2020), No. 6 , 4335 - 4359.

  15. Kanika Khatter, V. Ravichandran and S. Sivaprasad Kumar, Third Hankel determinant of starlike and convex functions, The Journal of Analysis, Volume 28 (2020), no. 1, pages 45-56.

  16. Swati Anand, Sushil Kumar and V. Ravichandran, First-Order Differential Subordinations for Janowski Starlikeness, In: Deo N., Gupta V., Acu A., Agrawal P. (eds) Mathematical Analysis I: Approximation Theory. ICRAPAM 2018. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, vol 306. Springer, Singapore, 2020.

  17. Viredra Kumar, Sushil Kumar and V. Ravichandran, Third Hankel determinant for certain classes of analytic functions, In: Deo N., Gupta V., Acu A., Agrawal P. (eds) Mathematical Analysis I: Approximation Theory. ICRAPAM 2018. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, vol 306. Springer, Singapore, 2020.

  18. Tripathi, Jayati, B. Vasu, Ankita Dubey, Rama SR Gorla, P. V. S. N. Murthy, O. Anwar Bég, V. Ramachandra Prasad, and P.Saikrishnan. "A review on recent advancements in the hemodynamics of nano-drug delivery systems." Nanoscience and Technology: An International Journal 11, no. 1 (2020).

  19. Revathi, G., Ponnaiah Saikrishnan, M. Revathy, and S. Jayanthi. "NUMERICAL STUDY OF DARCY FORCHHEIMER UNSTEADY MIXED CONVECTION FLOW OF NANOFLUID WITH AN EXPONENTIALLY DECREASING FREE-STREAM VELOCITY DISTRIBUTION." Computational Thermal Sciences: An International Journal 12, no. 4 (2020).

  20. Nayagam, Velu Lakshmana Gomathi, and Jagadeeswari Murugan. "Triangular approximation of intuitionistic fuzzy numbers on multi-criteria decision making problem." Soft Computing (2020): 1-28

  21. Sadiquali, A., P. Arul Paul Sudhahar, and V. Lakshmana Gomathi Nayagam. "Connected monophonic domination in graphs." Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications (2020): 2150029.

  22. Aarthika, K., and V. Shanthi. "Finite difference upwind schemes for system of two coupled parabolic type of convection-diffusion equation with non-smooth terms." Journal| MESA 11, no. 2 (2020): 269-282.

  23. Aarthika, K., V. Shanthi, and Higinio Ramos. "A non-uniform difference scheme for solving singularly perturbed 1D-parabolic reaction–convection–diffusion systems with two small parameters and discontinuous source terms." Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 58, no. 3 (2020): 663-685.

  24. Basha, Pathan Mahabub, and Vembu Shanthi. "A robust second order numerical method for a weakly coupled system of singularly perturbed reaction-diffusion problem with discontinuous source term." International Journal of Computing Science and Mathematics 11, no. 1 (2020): 63-80.


  1. R. Ponalagusamy and S. Priyadharshini, “A numerical model on pulsatile Flow of magnetic nanoparticles as drug carrier suspended in Herschel-Bulkley fluid through an arterial stenosis under external magnetic field and body force”, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, Volume 96 (2019) no. 9, 1763-1786.

  2. R Ponalagusamy, R Manchi, A four-layered model for flow of non-Newtonian fluid in an artery with mild stenosis, Sadhana 44 (2019), 158.

  3. R Padma, R Ponalagusamy, R Tamil Selvi, Mathematical modeling of electro hydrodynamic non-Newtonian fluid flow through tapered arterial stenosis with periodic body acceleration and applied magnetic field, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Volume 362, 1 December 2019, 124453.

  4. Priyadharshini, S. and Ponalagusamy, R., A numerical study on unsteady flow of Herschel-Bulkley nanofluid through an inclined artery with body acceleration and magnetic field, International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics 5 (2019) Art. 6, 26pp.

  5. R. Padma, R. Tamil Selvi and R. Ponalagusamy, “Effects of slip and magnetic field on pulsatile flow of Jeffrey fluid with magnetic nano particles in a stenosed artery”, The European Physical Journal Plus, 134(2019): 221(Pages 1-15).

  6. R. Ponalagusamy and S. Priyadharshini, “Mathematical modelling for pulsatile flow of Casson fluid along with magnetic nanoparticles in a stenosed artery under external magnetic field and body acceleration”, Neural Computing and Applications, 31(2019), pp. 813-826.

  7. R. Ponalagusamy and Ramakrishna Manchi, “Computational Model on Pulsatile Electro-Magneto Hydrodynamic Blood Flow in a Balloon Catheterized Arterial Stenosis”, Section-FM4, Paper ID 035, Proc. 64rd International Congress of ISTAM, 9-12 December, 2019, IIT Bhubaneswar, India.

  8. Purusothaman, A., Murugesan, K., Chamkha, A.J., 3D modeling of natural convective heat transfer from a varying rectangular heat generating source, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Volume 138 (2019), Issue 1, pp 597–608

  9. Purusothaman, A., Chandra Guru Sekar, R., and Murugesan, K., Magnetic field and vibration effects on the onset of thermal convection in a grade fluid permeated anisotropic porous module, Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, Vol. 10, (May), 138-146, 2019.

  10. Purusothaman, A., Baïri, A., and Murugesan, K., Thermal state of electronic assemblies equipped with an array of heaters and coolers (HACs) subjected to natural convection, Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, 11 (April), 317–324, 2019.

  11. Vibha Madaan, Ajay Kumar, and V. Ravichandran, Lemniscate convexity of generalized Bessel functions, Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica, 56 (2019) no. 4, 404–419.

  12. M. Vibha, Ajay Kumar and V. Ravichandran, Starlikeness associated with lemniscate of Bernoulli, Filomat, Volume 33 (2019), No. 7, pp. 1937-1955.

  13. Subzar Beig and V. Ravichandran, Convolution and convex combination of harmonic mappings, Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society, Volume 45 (2019), Issue 5, pp 1467–1486 .

  14. Rosihan M. Ali, Naveen Kumar Jain and V. Ravichandran, Bohr radius for classes of analytic functions, Results in Mathematics, Volume 74 (2019), Issue 4, Article 179.

  15. Adiba Naz, Sumit Nagpal and V. Ravichandran, Starlikeness associated with the exponential function, Turkish Journal of Mathematics, Volume 43 (2019), 1353 – 1371 .

  16. N. Bohra, Sushil Kumar, V. Ravichandran, Some special differential subordination, Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, Volume 48 (2019) Issue 4, Pages 1017 - 1034.

  17. Nak Eun Cho, Virendra Kumar, S. Sivaprasad Kumar, and V. Ravichandran, Radius problems for starlike functions associated with sine function, Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society, Volume 45 (2019), Issue 1, pp. 213–232.

  18. Nak Eun Cho, Sushil Kumar, Virendra Kumar, and V. Ravichandran, Convolution and radius properties of certain analytic functions associated with the tilted Carathéodory functions, Mathematical Communications, 24(2019), 165-179.

  19. Virendra Kumar, Nak Eun Cho, V. Ravichandran, H. M. Srivastava, Sharp coefficient bounds for starlike functions associated with the Bell Numbers, Mathematica Slovaca, Volume 69, Issue 5, Pages 1053–1064.

  20. Kanika Khatter, V. Ravichandran and S. Sivaprasad Kumar, Starlike functions associated with exponential function and the Lemniscate of Bernoulli, Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A. Matemáticas, Volume 113 (2019), Issue 1, pp 233–253.

  21. Nak Eun Cho, Virendra Kumar, and V. Ravichandran, Arc length for the Janowski classes, Annals of the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University - Mathematics, Vol 65 (2019), No. 1, pp. 91-105.

  22. Nak Eun Cho, Sushil Kumar, Virendra Kumar, V. Ravichandran, H. M. Srivastava, Starlike functions related to the Bell numbers, Symmetry, Volume 11 (2019), no. 2, Article 219.

  23. Nak Eun Cho, Virendra Kumar, and V. Ravichandran, A survey on coefficient estimates for Caratheodory functions, Applied Mathematics E-Notes, 19 (2019), 370-396.

  24. Om. P. Ahuja, Asena Çetinkaya, and V. Ravichandran, Harmonic univalent functions defined by post quantum calculus operators, Acta Universitatis Sapientiae, Mathematica, Volume 11 (2019), no. 1, 5-17.

  25. O. P. Ahuja, Subzar Beig and V. Ravichandran, Univalent harmonic functions generated by Ruscheweyh derivatives of analytic functions, Acta Universitatis Apulensis No. 29 (2019), 13-24.

  26. Chandru, M.; Prabha, T.; Das, P.; Shanthi, V. A numerical method for solving boundary and interior layers dominated parabolic problems with discontinuous convection coefficient and source terms. Differ. Equ. Dyn. Syst. 27 (2019), no. 1-3, 91–112.

  27. Saha, Jitraj and Das, Nilima and Kumar, Jitendra and B"uck, Andreas, Numerical solutions for multidimensional fragmentation problems using finite volume methods, p. 79--103. 2019

  28. Rahimi, A., Kasaeipoor, A., Malekshah,E.H., Rashidi, M., and Purusothaman, A., Lattice Boltzmann simulation of 3D natural convection in a cuboid filled with KKL-model predicted nanofluid using Dual-MRT model, International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow, Vol. 29, (1), 365-387, 2019.

  29. Purusothaman, A., and Malekshah, E.H., Lattice Boltzmann modeling of MHD free convection of nanofluid in a V-shaped microelectronic module, Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, Vol. 10, (May), 186-197, 2019.

  30. Baïri, A., Suresh, N., Gayathri, P., Nagarajan, N., and Purusothaman, A., Quantification of free convection within a hemispherical annulus through a porous medium saturated by Water-Copper nanofluid, International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow, Vol. 29, (3), 1153-1166, 2019.


  1. R. Ponalagusamy and Ramakrishna Manchi, “A study on pulsatile flow of blood through stenosed blood vessels”, Section-FM2, Paper ID 040, Proc. 63rd International Congress of ISTAM, 20-23 December, 2018, Dayananda Sagar University, Bangalore, India.

  2. Priyadharshini, S. and Ponalagusamy, R., An unsteady flow of magnetic nanoparticles as drug carrier suspended in micropolar fluid through a porous tapered arterial stenosis under non-uniform magnetic field and periodic body acceleration, p. 4259--4280. 2018

  3. Ponalagusamy, R., Mathematical analysis of flow of non-Newtonian fluid due to metachronal beating of cilia in a tube and its physiological applications, p. 545--561. 2018

  4. Ponalagusamy, R. and Priyadharshini, S., Pulsatile MHD flow of a Casson fluid through a porous bifurcated arterial stenosis under periodic body acceleration, p. 325--343. 2018

  5. Ponalagusamy, R. and Priyadharshini, S., Numerical investigation on two-fluid model (micropolar-Newtonian) for pulsatile flow of blood in a tapered arterial stenosis with radially variable magnetic field and core fluid viscosity, p. 719--743. 2018

  6. Chandra Guru Sekar, R. and Murugesan, K., Single term Walsh series method for the system of nonlinear delay Volterra integro-differential equations describing biological species living together, p. Art. 42, 13. 2018

  7. Sathiamoorthy, G. and Janakiraman, T. N., Graceful labeling of generalized theta graphs, National Academy Science Letters, p. 121--122. 2018

  8. Swarnalatha, R. and Kumaran, V., Sharp probability bounds for the binomial moment problem with symmetry, p. 37--43. 2018

  9. Sushil Kumar and V. Ravichandran, Subordinations for functions with positive real part, Complex Analysis and Operator Theory, Volume 12 (2018), Issue 5, pp 1179–1191.

  10. N. Bohra, V. Ravichandran, Radii problems for normalized Bessel functions of first kind, Computational Methods and Function Theory, Volume 18 (2018), Issue 1, pp 99–123.

  11. Subzar Beig and V. Ravichandran, Directional convexity of harmonic mappings, Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society, Volume 41 (2018), 1045–1060.

  12. Nak Eun Cho, Sushil Kumar, Virendra Kumar, and V. Ravichandran, Differential subordination and radius estimates for starlike functions associated with Booth lemniscate, Turkish Journal of Mathematics, Volume 42 (2018), 1380-1399.

  13. Nak Eun Cho, Virendra Kumar, and V. Ravichandran, Sharp bounds on the higher order Schwarzian derivatives for Janowski classes, Symmetry, Volume 10 (2018), no. 8, Article 348 .

  14. Shweta Gandhi, Sushil Kumar and V. Ravichandran, First order differential subordinations for Caratheodory functions, Kyungpook Mathematical Journal, Volume 58 (2018), no. 2, 257-270.

  15. O. P. Ahuja, Sushil Kumar and V. Ravichandran, First order differential subordination for functions with positive real part, Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Mathematica, Volume 63 (2018), no. 3 , 303-311.

  16. Saha, Jitraj and Kumar, Jitendra and Heinrich, Stefan, On the approximate solutions of fragmentation equations, p. 20170541, 20. 2018

  17. Purusothaman, A., Investigation of natural convection heat transfer performance of the QFN-PCB electronic module by using nanofluid for power electronics cooling applications, Advanced Powder Technology, Vol. 29, (4), 996-1004, 2018.



  1. R. Ponalagusamy, “Corrigendum to A biomechanical approach to study the effect of body acceleration and slip velocity through stenotic artery [Applied Mathematics and Computation, 261(2015) 148-155”, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 301(2017), pp. 115-116.

  2. R. Ponalagusamy, “Erratum to: Suspension model for blood flow through a catheterized arterial stenosis with peripheral layer of plasma free from cells”, The European Physical Journal Plus, 132(2017):148.

  3. R. Ponalagusamy, “Two-Fluid Model for Blood Flow through a Tapered Arterial Stenosis: Effect of Non-zero Couple Stress Boundary Condition at the Interface”, Int. J. Appl. Comput. Math., 3(2017), pp.807-824.

  4. R. Ponalagusamy and S. Priyadharshini, “Nonlinear Model on Pulsatile Flow of Blood through a Porous Bifurcated Arterial Stenosis in the presence of Magnetic Field and Periodic Body Acceleration”, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 142(2017), pp. 31-41.

  5. R. Ponalagusamy, “A Two-Layered Suspension(Particle-Fluid) Model for Non-Newtonian Fluid Flow in a Catheterized Arterial Stenosis with Slip Condition at the wall of Stenosed Artery”, Korea-Australia Rheology Journal, 29(2017), pp. 87-100.

  6. R. Ponalagusamy and S. Priyadharshini, “Numerical Modelling on Pulsatile Flow of Casson Nanofluid through an inclined artery with stenosis and tapering under the influence of magnetic field and periodic body acceleration.”, Korea-Australia Rheology Journal, 29(2017), pp. 303-316.

  7. S. Priyadharshini and R. Ponalagusamy, “Computational Model on Pulsatile flow of Blood Through a Tapered Arterial Stenosis with Radially Variable Viscosity and Magnetic Field”, Sadhana, 42(2017), pp. 1901-1913.

  8. R. Ponalagusamy and S. Priyadharshini, “Couple Stress fluid model for pulsatile flow of blood in a porous tapered arterial stenosis under magnetic field and periodic body acceleration”, Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology, 17(8)(2017) 1750109 (29 ages), DOI: 10.1142/S0219519417501093.

  9. M. Chandru, R. Ponalagusamy and P.J.A. Alphonse, “A New Fifth-Order Weighted Runge-Kutta Algorithm based on Heronian Mean for Initial Value Problems in Ordinary Differential Equations”, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, 35(No.1-2)(2017), pp. 191-204.

  10. Chandra Guru Sekar, R. and Murugesan, K., Single-term Walsh series approach for the system of linear and non-linear Volterra integral equations of first kind, p. 2639--2653. 2017

  11. Chandra Guru Sekar, R. and Murugesan, K., Numerical solutions of delay Volterra integral equations using single-term Walsh series approach, p. 2409--2421. 2017

  12. Chandra Guru Sekar, R. and Murugesan, K., STWS approach for Hammerstein system of nonlinear Volterra integral equations of the second kind, p. 1867--1878. 2017

  13. Chandra Guru Sekar, R. and Balakumar, V. and Murugesan, K., Method of solving linear system of Volterra integro-differential equations using the single term Walsh series, p. 549--559. 2017

  14. Kumaran, V. and Swarnalatha, R., Bounds for the probability of union of events following monotonic distribution, p. 98--119. 2017

  15. Samyuktha, N. and Ravindran, R. and Ganapathirao, M., Effects of the chemical reaction and heat generation or absorption on a mixed convection boundary layer flow over a vertical stretching sheet with nonuniform slot mass transfer, p. 116--128. 2017

  16. Pathan, Mahabub Basha and Vembu, Shanthi, A parameter-uniform second order numerical method for a weakly coupled system of singularly perturbed convection-diffusion equations with discontinuous convection coefficients and source terms, p. 1027--1053. 2017

  17. Lakshmana Gomathi Nayagam, Velu and Jeevaraj, Selvaraj and Dhanasekaran, Ponnialagan, A new ranking principle for ordering trapezoidal intuitionistic fuzzy numbers, p. Art. ID 3049041, 24. 2017



  1. R. Ponalagusamy, “Suspension model for blood flow through a catheterized arterial stenosis with peripheral layer of plasma free from cells”, The European Physical Journal Plus, 131(2016):185(1-17 pages).

  2. R. Ponalagusamy, “Particulate Suspension Jeffrey Fluid flow in a Stenosed artery with a Particle-free Plasma Layer near the Wall”, Korea-Australia Rheology Journal, 28(2016), pp. 217-227.

  3. Muruganandam, S. and Nallaswamy, R. and Razak, K. Abdul, Study on traveling salesman problem as an assignment problem in fuzzy environment, p. 17--24. 2016

  4. Chandra Guru Sekar, R. and Murugesan, K., System of linear second order Volterra integro-differential equations using single term Walsh series technique, p. 484--492. 2016

  5. Singh, Kunwar and Pandu Rangan, C. and Banerjee, A. K., Lattice-based identity-based resplittable threshold public key encryption scheme, p. 289--307. 2016

  6. Lakshmana Gomathi Nayagam, V. and Jeevaraj, S. and Sivaraman, Geetha, Total ordering for intuitionistic fuzzy numbers, p. 54--66. 2016

  7. Lakshmana Gomathi Nayagam, V. and Jeevaraj, S. and Sivaraman, Geetha, Complete ranking of intuitionistic fuzzy numbers, p. 237--254. 2016

  8. A. Purusothaman, N. Nithyadevi, H.F. Oztop, V. Divya, K. Al-Salem, Three dimensional numerical analysis of natural convection cooling with an array of discrete heaters embedded in nanofluid filled enclosure, Advanced Powder Technology, Vol. 27, (1), 268-280, 2016.

  9. A. Purusothaman, V. Divya, N. Nithyadevi, H.F. Oztop, An analysis on free convection cooling of a 3x3 heater array in rectangular enclosure using Cu-EG-water nanofluid, Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 9, (6), 3147-3157, 2016.


  1. R. Ponalagusamy and R. Tamil Selvi, “Influence of Magnetic Field and Heat Transfer on Two-Phase Fluid Model for Oscillatory Blood Flow in an Arterial Stenosis”, Meccanica, 50(2015), pp. 927-943.

  2. S. Priyadharshini and R. Ponalagusamy, “Biorheological model on Flow of Herschel-Bulkley Fluid Through a Tapered Arterial Stenosis with Dilatation”, Applied Bionics and Biomechanics, Volume 2015(2015), Article ID 406195, 12 pages.

  3. D. Jeyasimman, K. Sivaprasad, S. Sivasankaran, R. Ponalagusamy, R. Narayanasamy and Vijayakumar Iyer, “Microstructural Observation, Consolidation and Mechanical Behaviour of AA 6061 Nanocomposites Reinforced by - AI2O3 Nanoparticles”, Advanced Powder Technol., 26(2015), pp. 139-148

  4. D. Jeyasimman, R. Narayanasamy and R. Ponalagusamy,”Role of Hybrid Reinforcement on Microstructural Observation, Characterization and Consolidation Behavior of AA 6061 Nanocomposite”, Advanced Powder Technol., 26(2015), pp. 1171-1182.

  5. R. Ponalagusamy and K. Ponnammal, “A Parallel Fourth Order Rosenbrock Method: Construction, Analysis and Numerical Comparison, Int. J. Appl. Comput. Math, 1(2015), pp. 45–68.

  6. Ponalagusamy, R. and Tamil Selvi, R., Influence of magnetic field and heat transfer on two-phase fluid model for oscillatory blood flow in an arterial stenosis, p. 927--943. 2015

  7. Balakumar, V. and Murugesan, K., Numerical solution of Volterra integral-algebraic equations using block pulse functions, p. 165--170. 2015

  8. Ravindran, R. and Samyuktha, N., Unsteady mixed convection flow over stretching sheet in presence of chemical reaction and heat generation or absorption with non-uniform slot suction or injection, p. 1253--1272. 2015

  9. Lakshmana Gomathi Nayagam, V. and Sivaraman, Geetha, Induced topology on intuitionistic fuzzy singletons, p. 39--46. 2015

  10. Lakshmana Gomathi Nayagam, V. and Sivaraman, Geetha, On nearly fuzzy Hausdorff spaces, p. 7--15. 2015




  1. K. Velmanirajan, K. Anuradha, A. Syed Abu Thaheer, R. Ponalagusamy and R. Narayanasamy, “Statistical Evaluation of Forming Limit Diagram for Annealed Al 1350 Alloy Sheets Using First Order Reliability Method” , Applied Mathematical Modelling, 38 (No.1)(2014)145-167.

  2. D. Jeyasimman, R. Ponalagusamy, R. Narayanasamy, R.S. Kambali and Vijayakumar Iyer, “A Comparative Study of Nano-size Reinforcement on Peak Broadening Analysis of Al 6061 Alloy Nanocomposite”, International Conference on Powder Metallurgy 2014(PM’14), Chennai, January 23-25, 2014, pp. 15-21.

  3. D. Jeyasimman, R. Narayanasamy, R. Ponalagusamy, V. Anandakrishnan and M. Kamaraj, “The Effects of Various Reinforcements on Dry Sliding Wear Bbehaviour of AA 6061 Nanocomposites” Materials & Design, 64(2014)783-793.

  4. Geetha Sivaraman, V. Lakshmana Gomathi Nayagam and R. Ponalagusamy, “A Complete Ranking Of Incomplete Interval Information”, Expert Systems with Applications, 41(No.4) (2014)1947-1954.

  5. Balakumar, V. and Murugesan, K., Single-term Walsh series method for systems of linear Volterra integral equations of the second kind, p. 371--376. 2014

  6. Ganapathirao, M. and Revathi, G. and Ravindran, R., Unsteady mixed convection boundary layer flow over a vertical cone with non-uniform slot suction (injection), p. 673--686. 2014

  7. R. Ponalagusamy and R. Tamil Selvi, “Brief Communications: Two-layered Model (Casson-Newtonian) for Blood  Flow Through an Arterial Stenosis with Axially Variable Slip Velocity at the Wall”, International Journal of Engineering Science, Advanced Computing and Bio-Technology, 4(2013), pp.71-74.

  8. K. R. Subramanian, R. Ponalagusamy and R. Narayanasamy, “ A Data Mining Study of  Pedagogical Skills in a Mathematics Class Room“,  Proc. of 2nd National Conference on  Frontiers in Applied Sciences and Computer Technology(FACT’13), May 23-24, 2013, pp. 229-236.

  9. A. K. Banerjee, R. Ponalagusamy and R. Tamil Selvi, “Flow of a Micro polar Fluid Through a Stenosed Artery with Radially Variable Viscosity”, Proc. of The 2013,International Conference on Scientific Computing (CSC 2013), WORLDCOMP’13, held in Las Vegas Nevada, USA, July 22-25, 2013, pp.79-84. (ISBN #:  1-60132-   238-0).

  10. R. Ponalagusamy, “Pulsatile Flow of  Hershel- Bulkley Fluid in Tapered Blood Vessels”, Proc. of The 2013 International Conference on Scientific Computing (CSC 2013), WORLDCOMP’13, held in Las Vegas Nevada, USA, July 22-25, 2013, pp.67-73.  (ISBN #:  1-60132-238-0).

  11. Geetha Sivaraman, V. Lakshmana Gomathi Nayagam and R. Ponalagusamy, “Multi- Criteria Interval Valued Intuitionistic Fuzzy Decision Making Using A New Score  Function” Proc. of Knowledge and Information Management Conference (KIM2013), Meriden, CV7 7HR, UK,  4-5 June, 2013, pp. 122-131.

  12. R Ponalagusamy and R.Tamil Selvi, “Blood Flow in Stenosed Arteries with Radially Variable Viscosity, Peripheral Layer Thickness and Magnetic Field”, Meccanica, 48(2013), pp.2427-2438.

  13. Ravindran, R. and Ganapathirao, M., Non-uniform slot suction/injection into mixed convection boundary layer flow over vertical cone, p. 1327--1338. 2013

  14. Janakiraman, T. N. and Sathiamoorthy, G., Graceful labeling of different classes of lobsters connected in a path, p. 3989--3994. 2013

  15. Revathi, G. and Saikrishnan, P. and Chamkha, A., Non-similar solution for unsteady water boundary layer flows over a sphere with non-uniform mass transfer, p. 1104--1116. 2013

  16. Sathiamoorthy, G. and Janakiraman, T. N. and Raajan, N. R. and Sairam, N., Graceful labeling of mobile nodes in a wireless network, p. 257--263. 2012

  17. Banerjee, A. K. and Kumar, A. Vanav and Kumaran, V., Unsteady MHD flow past a stretching sheet due to a heat source/sink, Dynamical systems and methodsSpringer, New York. p. 291--299. 2012

  18. R. Ponalagusamy, “Mathematical Analysis on Effect of Non-Newtonian Behaviour of  Blood  on  Optimal Geometry of Microvascular Bifurcation System“,  Journal of   The  Franklin Institute, 349(2012), pp.2861-2874.

  19. R. Ponalagusamy, R. Tamil Selvi and A. K. Banerjee, “Mathematical Model of Pulsatile Flow of Non- Netonian Fliud in Tubes of Varying Cross-Sections and Its Implications to Blood Flow”, Journal of The Franklin Institute, 349(2012), pp.1681-1698.

  20. Balakumar, V. and Murugesan, K., A numerical method for a class of linear fractional differential equations, Mathematical modelling and scientific computationSpringer, Heidelberg. p. 360--366. 2012

  21. Merkin, John H. and Kumaran, V., The unsteady heat transfer due to a heat source in an MHD stretching sheet flow, p. 1837--1847. 2012

  22. B. S. E. Zoraida, Michael Arock, B. S. M. Ronald and R. Ponalagusamy, “DNA Algorithm Employing Temperature Gradient for Freeze-Tag Problem in Swarm Robotics”, Transactions of the Institute of Measurment and  Control, 34(2012), pp. 278-290.

  23. Geetha Sivaraman, V. Lakshmana Gomathi Nayagam and R. Ponalagusamy, “Intuitionist Fuzzy Interval Information System”, International Journal of Computer Theory        and Engineering, 4(3)(2012), pp. 459-461.

  24. R. Ponalagusamy and K. Ponnammal, “Local Truncation Error for the Parallel Runge- Kutta Fifth Order Methods”, Information Technology Journal, 11(9)(2012), pp.1141-1153.

  25. R. Ponalagusamy, E. Kannan and Michael Arock, “Formation of Machine Cells in Cellular Manufacturing System Using Linear Array with a Reconfigurable Pipelined Bus System”, International Journal of Mathematics and Engineering with Computers, 3(2012), pp. 17-27.

  26. R. Ponalagusamy, P. J.A. Alphonse and M. Chandru, “Development of new Fifth-Order Fifth-Stage Runge Kutta Method based on Heronian Mean”, International  Journal of Engineering Science, Advanced Computing and Bio-Technology, 2(No.4)(2011), pp. 162-197.

  27. R. Ponalagusamy and  R. Tamil Selvi, “Blood Flow Through an Arterial Stenosis:New Formula for Computing Peripheral Plasma Layer Thickness”, International Journal of Bio-Science and Bio-Technology, 3(2011), pp.27-38.

  28. R. Ponalagusamy and  R. Tamil Selvi,  “A Study on  Two-Layered  Model (Casson-Newtonian) for Blood  Flow Through an Arterial Stenosis: Axially Variable Slip Velocity at the  Wall”,  Journal of The Franklin Institute, 348(2011), pp.2308-2321.

  29. R. Ponalagusamy, P. J. A. Alphonse and M. Chandru, “New Algorithm of Fifth-Orde Heronian Mean Runge-Kutta Method”,  Proc. of the 2nd  Europian-SIAM Conference  for the Applied Mathematics and Informatics held in Montreux, Switzerland, December 29-31, 2011, pp. 67-72. (ISBN: 978-1-61804-059-6)

  30. R. Ponalagusamy, R. Narayanasamy and K. R. Subramanian, “Sheet Metals Forming Limit Stress and Strain Prediction based on new generalized yield  criterion”, International Journal of Computational  Materials Science and Surface Engineering, 4(No.4)(2011), pp. 311-325.

  31. R. Ponalagusamy and S. Senthilkumar, “Investigation on Time-Multiplexing Cellular Neural  Network Simulation  by RKAHeM(4,4) Technique”,  International Journal of  Advanced Intelligence Paradigms, 3(1)(2011), pp.43-66.

  32. Kumaran, V. and Kumar, A. Vanav and Babu, J. Sarat Chandra, Impulsive boundary layer flow past a permeable quadratically stretching sheet, Nonlinear science and complexitySpringer, Dordrecht. p. 191--198. 2011

  33. Venkateshwari, G. and Lakshmana Gomathi Nayagam, V., Strong intuitionistic fuzzy topological groups, p. 117--130. 2011

  34. R. Ponalagusamy, “Role of Pulsatility on Blood Flow in an Arterial Stenosis”, International Journal of Mathematics and Engineering with Computers, 1(2010), pp. 21-26.

  35. R. Ponalagusamy and S. Senthilkumar, “System of Second Order Robot Arm Problem by An Efficient Numerical Integration Algorithm”, International Journal of Computational  Materials Science and Surface Engineering, 3(2010), pp. 237-250.

  36. R. Ponalagusamy, P. J. A. Alphonse and M. Chandru, “Numerical Methods on Ordinary Differential Equation”, Proc. of the International Conference on Emerging Trends in Mathematics and Computer Applications, MEPCO Schienk  Engineering College, Tamilnadu, India, December 16-18, 2010, pp. 188-191.

  37. B. S. E. Zoraida, Michael Arock, B. S. M. Ronald and R. Ponalagusamy,”A DNA- Based Algorithm for Multiple Travelling Salesperson Problem”, International Journal of Production Technology and Management Research,1(2010), pp.25-29.

  38. B. S. E. Zoraida, Michael Arock, B. S. M. Ronald and R. Ponalagusamy, “ A DNA-Based Algorithm for Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem Using Temperature Gradient Technique”, International Journal of Services, Economics and Management, 2(2010), pp. 371-384.

  39. B. S. E. Zoraida, Michael Arock and R. Ponalagusamy, “DNA Algorithm Employing Temperature Gradient for Multiple Travelling Salesperson Problem”, International Journal of Computer Applications, 1(22)(2010), pp.61-67.

  40. B. S. E. Zoraida, Michael Arock  and R. Ponalagusamy, “An Efficient Algorithm for Constructing DNA Boolean Circuit”, International Journal of  Computer Applications, 1(22)(2010), pp. 16-21.

  41. R. Ponalagusamy and K. Ponnammal, “New Generalized Plasticity Equation for Compressible Powder Metallurgy Materials: A New Parallel RK-Butcher Method”, International Journal of Nanomanufacturing, 6(1/2/3/4)(2010), pp. 395-408.

  42. Andersson, H. I. and Kumaran, V., Comment on ``Unsteady flow of a second grade fluid film over an unsteady stretching sheet'' [Math. Comput. Modelling 48 (2008) 518--526 [MR2431482], p. 1706--1707. 2010

  43. Merkin, J. H. and Kumaran, V., The unsteady MHD boundary-layer flow on a shrinking sheet, p. 357--363. 2010

  44. Magyari, E. and Kumaran, V., Generalized Crane flows of micropolar fluids, p. 3237--3240. 2010

  45. R. Ponalagusamy, R. Narayanasamy and  K. R. Subramanian, “ A New Form of Generalised Yield Criteria of Porous Sintered Powder Metallurgy Metals”, International   Journal of  Engineering Sciences, Advanced Computing and Bio-Technology, 1(No.1)(2010), pp. 14-18.

  46. Muruganandam, S. and Nallaswamy, R. and Razak, K. Abdul, A multi-objective fuzzy assignment problem, p. 145--155. 2009

  47. Murugesh, V. and Murugesan, K., RK-Butcher algorithms for singular system-based electronic circuit, p. 523--536. 2009

  48. Kumaran, V. and Banerjee, A. K. and Vanav Kumar, A. and Vajravelu, K., MHD flow past a stretching permeable sheet, p. 26--32. 2009

  49. Roy, S. and Saikrishnan, P. and Ravindran, R., Role of non-uniform slot injection (suction) model on the separation of a laminar boundary layer flow, p. 45--52. 2009

  50. R. Ponalagusamy and S. Senthilkumar, “Investigation on Numerical Solution for Robot Arm  Problem”, Journal of Automation, Mobile Robotics and Intelligent Systems, 3(No.3) (2009), pp. 34-40.

  51. R. Ponalagusamy and S. Senthilkumar, “ A New Method of Embedded Fourth Order with Four Stages to Study Raster CNN Simulation”, International Journal of Automation and Computing, 6(2009), pp.285-294.

  52. R. Ponalagusamy and S. Senthilkumar, “ A New Fourth Order Embedded RKAHeM(4,4) Method with Error Control on Multi Layer Raster Cellular Neural Network“, Signal Image and Video Processing, 3(2009), pp. 1-11.

  53. R. Ponalagusamy and S. Senthilkumar, “A New Fourth Order Embedded RKAHeM(4,4) Method with Error Control on Single Layer/Raster Cellular Neural Network”, Signal Image and Video Processing, 3(2009), pp.303-305.

  54. C. Saravanan and R. Ponalagusamy, “Lossless Grayscale Image Compression using Source Symbols Reduction and Huffman Coding”, International Journal of Image Processing, 3(2009), pp.246-251.

  55. B. S. E. Zoraida, Michael Arock, B. S. M. Ronald and R. Ponalagusamy, “ A Novel Generalized Design Methodology and Rrealization of Boolean Operations using DNA”,  Bio Systems, 97(2009), pp.146-153.

  56. R. Ponalagusamy, “A Novel and Efficient Computational Algorithm of STWS for Generalized Linear Non-Singular/Singular Time Varying Systems”, Journal of Software Engineering, 2(2008), pp.1-9.

  57. C. Saravanan and R. Ponalagusamy, “Modeling and Analysis of Coding Redundancy for  Grayscale Images using Statistical Coding Techniques”, International Journal of Information Processing, 2(3)(2008), pp.41-48.

  58. Subramanian, N. and Nallaswamy, R. and Saivaraju, N., The Orlicz space of entire sequence. II, p. 125--130. 2008

  59. Ponalagusamy, R. and Senthilkumar, S., Investigation on raster CNN simulation by numerical integration algorithms, p. 35--48. 2008

  60. R. Ponalagusamy, “Blood flow through an arterial stenosis: A two-layered model (Casson-Newtonian), different shapes of stenoses and axially variable slip velocity at the wall”, Biorheology, 45(2008), pp.153-154.

  61. R. Ponalagusamy, ERRATA on Blood Flow Through an Artery with Mild Stenosis: A Two-layered Model, Different Shapes of Stenoses  and Slip velocity at the Wall, Journal of Applied Sciences, 8(2008), p. 2191.

  62. R. Ponalagusamy, R.Tamil Selvi and A.K.Banerjee,“Flow of Non-Newtonian Fluid Through Model Vascular Stenosis”, Proc. 53rd Congress of Indian Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics [ISTAM-2008], An International Meet, held at University College of Engg., Osmania University, Hyderabad, India, pp.198-205,December 27-30, 2008.

  63. B. S. E. Zoraida, Michael Arock, B. S. M. Ronald and R. Ponalagusamy, “A Novel Generalized Model for Constructing Reusable and Reliable Logic gates using DNA”, Proc. Fourth International Conference on Natural Computation, IEEE Press(978-0- 7695-3304-9/08), pp.353-357, 2008.(Archived in IEEE Xplore)

  64. B. S. E. Zoraida, Michael Arock, B. S. M.Ronald and R. Ponalagusamy,”A DNA- Based  Algorithm for Multiple Travelling Salesperson Problem”, Proc. of Sixth International Conference on Supply Chain Management and  Information System(SCMIS), pp. 559-566, 2008.

  65. R.  Ponalagusamy and K.Ponnammal, “A New Parallel RK-Fifth Order Algorithm for Time Varying Network and First Order Initial Value Problems”, Journal of Combinatorics, Information & System Sciences(A Quarterly International Scientific Journal), 33(2008), pp.397-409.

  66. R. Ponalagusamy and K. Ponnammal, “Investigations on Robot Arm Model using a New Parallel RK-Fifth Order Algorithm”, International Journal of Computer, Mathematical Sciences and Applications, 2(2008), pp.155-164.

  67. Janakiraman, T. N. and Bhanumathi, M. and Muthammai, S., Self-centered super graph of a graph and center number of a graph, p. 271--290. 2008

  68. Nayagam, V. L. G. and Gauld, D. and Venkateshwari, G. and Sivaraman, G., Strong fuzzy topological groups, p. 187--195. 2008

  69. Nayagam, V. Lakshmana Gomathi and Sivaraman, Geetha, Induced topology on fuzzy singletons, p. 189--198. 2008

  70. R. Ponalagusamy and S. Senthilkumar, “Time-Multiplexing CNN Simulation using Limiting Formulas of RK(7,8), Research Journal of Information Technology, 1(2008),pp.1-16.

  71. R. Ponalagusamy and C. Saravanan,”Medical Image Compression using Bi- orthogonal  Wavelets and Artihmetic Coding”, International Journal of Computer, Mathematical Sciences and Applications, 2(2008), pp.81-88.

  72. R. Ponalagusamy and S. Senthilkumar, “RK Starters for Multistep Methods on A Raster CNN Simulation”, International Journal of Computer, Mathematical Sciences And Applications, 2(2008), pp.117-126.

  73. R.Ponalagusamy and S.Senthilkumar,”Investigation on Raster CNN Simulation by  Numerical Integration Algorithms”, Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computation(JCMCC), 67(2008), pp.35-48.

  74. R. Ponalagusamy and R. Narayanasamy, “A Finite Difference Solution for Open-Die Forging of Sintered Cylindrical Billets”, Materials and Design (An International Journal), 29(2008), pp. 1886-1892.

  75. R. Ponalagusamy, R. Narayanasamy and S. Raghuraman, “The effect of Strain Rate Sensitivity on Theoretical Model for Maximum Drawing Load in Cup Drawing       Process”,  Materials and Design(An International Journal), 29(2008), pp. 884-890.

  76. R. Ponalagusamy, R. Narayanasamy , R.Venkatesan and S. Senthilkumar “ Computer Aided Metal Flow Investigation in Streamlined Extrusion Dies”, Materials and  Design(An International Journal), 29(2008), pp. 1228-1239.

  77. R. Ponalagusamy, “ Blood Flow Through an Artery with Mild Stenosis: A Two-layered Model, Different Shapes of Stenoses  and Slip velocity at the Wall”, Journal of Applied Sciences, 7(2007), pp. 1071-1077.

  78. C.Saravanan and R.Ponlalagusamy, “Fast Arithmetic Coding for Lossy Image Compression”, International Journal of Computer, Mathematical Sciences and Applications,  1(No.2-4)(2007)257-265.

  79. R. Ponalagusamy and S. Senthilkumar, ”A Comparison of RK-Fourth Orders of Variety  of Means on Multilayer Raster CNN Simulation”, Trends in Applied Science and Research, 3(2007), pp.242-252.

  80. Janakiraman, T. N. and Muthammai, S. and Bhanumathi, M., On splitting graphs, p. 211--221. 2007

  81. Lakshmana Gomathi Nayagam, V. and Sivaraman, Geetha, Semi-Hausdorff fuzzy filters, p. Art. ID 92423, 10. 2007

  82. Sivaraman, Geetha and Lakshmana Gomathi Nayagam, V., Nearly fuzzy regular spaces, p. 797--810. 2007

  83. Subramanian, N. and Nallaswamy, R. and Saivaraju, N., Characterization of entire sequences via double Orlicz space, p. Art. ID 59681, 10. 2007

  84. K. Ponnammal and  R. Ponalagusamy, “Robot arm Model using New  Parallel RK-Fifth order Algorithm”, Proc. of International Conference on Advanced Communication Computing, Feb. 2007, pp.610-615.

  85. R. Ponalagusamy, E. Kannan and Michael Arock, “A Huffman Decoding Algorithm in Mobile Robot Platform”,  Information Technology Journal, 6(2007), pp. 776-779.

  86. R. Ponalagusamy and C. Saravanan, “ Analysis of Medical Images using Statistical Methods”, Third International Conference on Innovative Applications of Information   Technology for Developing World(AACC), Advances in Computer Science and Engineering:Reports and Monographs, Vol.2, pp.372-376, Editor-in-Chief: Lalit Mohan Patnaik, Imperial College Press, 2007.

  87. R. Ponalagusamy and S. Senthilkumar, An Efficient Parallel Numerical Integration Algorithm for Multilayer Raster CNN Simulation”, ICIT, 2007.

  88. R. Ponalagusamy and S.S enthilkumar,” Parallel Numerical Integration Algorithm for Time-Multiplexing CNN Simulation”, Proc. of International Conference on Information & Communicaion Technology(IICT-07), held at  Dehradun Institute of Technology, Uttaranchal, Dehradun,India, pp.358-363, July 26-28, 2007.

  89. R. Ponalagusamy and S. Senthilkumar,” Investigation on  Multilayer Raster Cellular Neural Network by Arithmetic and Heronian Mean RKAHeM(4,4)”, Lecture Notes in Engineering and Compute Science[ISBN: 978-988-98671-5-7], WCE 2007, IAENG, U.K., pp.713-718.

  90. C. Saravanan and R. Ponalagusamy, “Gaussian Noise Estimation Technique for Gray Scale    Images Using Mean Value”, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 3(No.4), pp.68-73, 2007.

  91. R. Ponalagusamy and S. Senthilkumar, “A Comparison of RK-Fourth Orders of Variety of Means and Embedded Means on Multilayer Raster CNN Simulation”, Journal of   Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 3(N0.4), pp.07-14, 2007.

  92. R. Ponalagusamy, E. Kannan  and  Michael Arock, “On Huffman Decoding: A Parallel  Algorithm on a Linear Array with a Reconfigurable Pipelined Bus System”, International Journal of Computer, Mathematical Sciences and  Applications, 1(No.2- 4)(2007), pp. 443-450.

  93. Michael Arock and R.Ponalagusamy, “A Constant-time Selection Algorithm on an  LARPBS”, Third International Conference on Innovative Applications of Information Technology  for the Developing World(AACC), Advances in Computer Science and  Engineering:Reports and Monographs, Vol.2, pp.68-72, Editor-in-Chief: Lalit  Mohan Patnaik, Imperial College Press, 2007.

  94. R. Ponalagusamy, R. Narayanasamy and K. R. Subramanian, “Prediction of Limit Strains in Sheet metals by using New Generalized Yield Criteria”, International Journal of Materials and Design, 28(2007), pp. 913-920.

  95. Duan, Huo-Yuan and Lin, Ping and Saikrishnan, P. and Tan, Roger C. E., A least-squares finite element method for the magnetostatic problem in a multiply connected Lipschitz domain, p. 2537--2563. 2007

  96. Duan, Huo-Yuan and Lin, Ping and Saikrishnan, P. and Tan, Roger C. E., $L^2$-projected least-squares finite element methods for the Stokes equations, p. 732--752. 2006

  97. Subramanian, N. and Nallaswamy, R. and Saivaraju, N., The vector valued Orlicz space of entire sequence, p. 211--223. 2006

  98. Gopal, Devarajan and Murugesh, V. and Murugesan, K., Numerical solution of second-order robot arm control problem using Runge-Kutta-Butcher algorithm, p. 345--356. 2006

  99. Evans, David J. and Murugesan, K. and Sekar, S. and Kim, Hyun-Min, Non-linear singular systems using RK-Butcher algorithms, p. 131--142. 2006

  100. R. Narayanasamy, R. Ponalagusamy, R. Venkatesan and P. Srininivasan, “An Upper Bound Solution to Extrusion of Circular Billet to Circular Shape through Cosine Dies”, Materials and Design (An International Journal), 27(2006), pp. 411-415.

  101. R. Ponalagusamy and S. Senthilkumar,” Recent Trends In Medical Imaging Technology and Applications of Image Processing”, Proc. of  51st CONGRESS of  Indian Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics [ISTAM-2006], An International Meet, Held at  College of Engineering [Autonomous], Andra University, Visakhapatnam- 530003, Andra Pradesh, India, pp. 147-152, December 18-21, 2006.

  102. R.Ponalagusamy and S.Senthilkumar,” Recent Trends In Medical Imaging Technology  and Applications of Image Processing”, Proc. of  51st CONGRESS OF Indian             ociety of    Theoretical and Applied Mechanics [ISTAM-2006], An International Meet, held at  College of Engineering [Autonomous], Andra University, Visakhapatnam-530003,  Andra Pradesh, India, pp. 147-152, December 18-21, 2006.

  103. R. Ponalagusamy and K. Ponnammal, “New Generalized Plasticity Equation for  Compressible Powder Metallurgy Materials: A New Parallel RK-Butcher Method “Porc. of  23rd International Manufacturing Conference “Innovations in Manufacturing”, University of Ulster, Belfast, Northern Ireland, U.K., 29th August- 1st September, 2006, pp.299-304( Short paper).

  104. Michael Arock and  R. Ponalagusamy, “A Parallel Solution for the Unconstrained Maximum Elements Problem”, IEEE (1-4244-0715-X/06), pp.12-15, 2006.

  105. Michael Arock and R. Ponalagusamy, “Parallel Agorithms for Robot Path Planning with Simple VLSI Architecture”, International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, 26(2006), pp. 157-167.

  106. R. Ponalagusamy, R. Narayanasamy and S. Senthilkumar, “Finite Element Simulation for Analysis of Open-Die Forging of Sintered Cylindrical Billets”, International Journal on Manufacturing Technology & Research, 2(2006), pp. 31-41.

  107. Janakiraman, T. N. and Muthammai, S. and Bhanumathi, M., Domination numbers on the complement of the Boolean function graph of a graph, p. 247--263. 2005

  108. Janakiraman, T. N. and Muthammai, S. and Bhanumathi, M., Global domination and neighborhood numbers in Boolean function graph of a graph, p. 231--246. 2005

  109. Sastry, V. N. and Janakiraman, T. N. and Ismail Mohideen, S., New polynomial time algorithms to compute a set of Pareto optimal paths for multi-objective shortest path problems, p. 289--300. 2005

  110. Janakiraman, T. N. and Muthammai, S. and Bhanumathi, M., Domination numbers on the Boolean function graph of a graph, p. 135--151. 2005

  111. Janakiraman, T. N. and Muthammai, S. and Bhanumathi, M., On the Boolean function graph of a graph and on its complement, p. 113--134. 2005

  112. R. Ponalagusamy, R. Narayanasamy and S. Raghuraman, “A Theoretical Study for Role of Strain Rate Sensitivity on Maximum Drawing Load in Cup Drawing Process”, Proc. 21st AIMTDR  Conference, pp.288-295, 2005.

  113. R. Ponalagusamy and S. Senthilkumar, “Mathematical Concepts on Restoration and Reconstruction of Digital Images", Proc. of Second National Conference on Instrumentation and Control-ICECON'05, held at National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli-620 015, Tamilnadu, India, pp.137-140, December 14 – 16, 2005.

  114. R. Ponalagusamy, R. Narayanasamy and R.Vengatesan, “Computer Aided Metal Flow Analysis in Off-Centric Extrusion Dies”, International Journal on Manufacturing Technology and Research, 1(25)2005.

  115. R. Ponalagusamy, R. Narayanasamy and P. Srinivasan, “Design and Development of Streamlined Extrusion Dies - A Bezier Curve Approach”, Journal of Material  Processing Technology , 161( 2005), pp. 375-380.

  116. R. Ponalagusamy, E. Kannan  and Michael Arock, “ A New Parallel Algorithm on Formation of Machine Cells in Cellular Manufacturing System”,  Proc. All India Seminars On CAD/CAM, Robotics & Futuristic Factories, Dec. 2005, pp.24-30.

  117. R. Ponalagusamy, R. Narayanasamy and R. Venkatesan, “Extrusion Die Profile and Extrusion Pressure Optimization Using Genetic Algorithm”, Journal of The Institution of Engineers, Singapore, 45(2005), pp. 1-10.

  118. Murugesan, K. and Sekar, S. and Murugesh, V. and Evans, David J., Numerical strategies for the system of first-order IVPs using the RK-Butcher algorithm, p. 1379--1387. 2005

  119. Park, J. Y. and Murugesan, K. and Evans, D. J. and Sekar, S. and Murugesh, V., Observer design of singular systems (transistor circuits) using the RK-Butcher algorithms, p. 111--123. 2005

  120. C. Saravanan and R. Ponalagusamy, “Arithmetic Coding – Another Approach”, Proc. of  National Conference on Recent Trends in Advanced Computing, MS University, Tirunelveli, pp. 31-35, 2005.

  121. E. Kannan, R. Ponalagusamy and Michael Arock, “A Parallel Algorithms for APSL Problem  on  Strongly  Chordal  Graphs”,   AMSE   Journal(France),10(4)( 2005), pp.13-24.

  122. E. Kannan,  Michael Arock and R. Ponalagusamy, “On Huffman Decoding: A Parallel Algorithm on a Linear Array with a Reconfigurable Pipelined Bus System”,  Proc. of International Conf. Algorithmic Mathematics and Computing Science, Las Vegas, U.S.A., 2005. (Preliminary Version).

  123. Park, J. Y. and Evans, David J. and Murugesan, K. and Sekar, S., Optimal control of time-varying singular systems using the RK-Butcher algorithm, p. 617--627. 2005

  124. Ismail Mohideen, S. and Janakiraman, T. N. and Sastry, V. N., Maximum possible number of Pareto optimum paths in a multi objective shortest path problem, p. 181--185. 2004

  125. Park, J. Y. and Evans, David J. and Murugesan, K. and Sekar, S. and Murugesh, V., Optimal control of singular systems using the RK-Butcher algorithm, p. 239--249. 2004

  126. C. Saravanan and R. Ponalagusamy, “Analysis of Image Compression using Arithmetic Coding”, Proc. of  National Conference on Recent Trends on Computational Mathematics (NCRTCM – 2004), Gandhigram Deemed University, Tamilnadu, India, pp.132-136, 2004.

  127. Michael Arock, R. Ponalagusamy and E. Kannan, " An  Efficient Parallel Algorithm for  LCHP Problem on a Tree", AMSE  Journal(France), 9(3)(2004), pp.39-50.

  128. R. Ponalagusamy, R. Narayanasamy and T. Sathyanarayanan , “ Formability of Stainless Steel”, Proc. Of  National Conference on Recent Advances in Manufacturing Engineering, National Engineering College, Tamilnadu, India, January 2004, pp. 87-93.

  129. Janakiraman, T. N. and Bhanumathi, M. and Muthammai, S., Complement glue graph of a graph, Mathematical and computational modelsAllied Publ., New Delhi. p. 355--360. 2003

  130. Janakiraman, T. N. and Muthammai, S. and Bhanumathi, M., Split, nonsplit domination numbers of the intermediate graph $I_{G,L(G),NINC$}, Mathematical and computational modelsAllied Publ., New Delhi. p. 336--341. 2003

  131. Sastry, V. N. and Janakiraman, T. N. and Mohideen, S. Ismail, New algorithms for multi objective shortest path problem, p. 278--298. 2003

  132. Sekar, S. and Murugesh, V. and Murugesan, K., The RK-Butcher algorithm approach to stiff systems of higher dimension, Mathematical and computational modelsAllied Publ., New Delhi. p. 233--240. 2003

  133. Murugesan, K. and Dhayabaran, D. Paul and Amirtharaj, E. C. Henry and Evans, David J., Numerical strategy for the system of second order IVPs using RK method based on centroidal mean, p. 233--241. 2003

  134. R. Ponalagusamy, R. Narayanasamy and R.Venkatesan, “ Extrusion Die Profile Optimization using Genetic Algorithm”, Proc. National Conf. on Modelling and        Simulation in Manufacturing,  Annamalai University,India,  pp. A22-A27, 2003.

  135. R. Vengatesan, R. Narayanasamy and R. Ponalagusamy,  “Application of Genetic Algorithm and Simulated Annealing for  Optimization of Extrusion Die Ratio and Die Cone Angle”, Proc. 12th International  Scientific Conference Achievements in Mechanical and Materials Engineering (AMME-2003), held at Poland, 2003, pp. 1001(Short Paper).

  136. E. Kannan, Michael Arock and R. Ponalagusamy, “A Parallel Huffman Decoding Algorithm”, Algorithms and Artificial Systems, (Editor) Dr.P.Thangavel, Allied Publishers(P) Limited, New Delhi, 2003, pp.17-23

  137. Murugesan, K. and Dhayabaran, D. Paul and Amirtharaj, E. C. Henry and Evans, David J., A fourth order embedded Runge-Kutta ${rm RKACeM(4,4)$} method based on arithmetic and centroidal means with error control, p. 247--269. 2002

  138. Ramakrishnan, P. V. and Lakshmana Gomathi Nayagam, V., Fuzzily compact space, p. 615--625. 2002

  139. Ramakrishnan, P. V. and Lakshmana Gomathi Nayagam, V., Hausdorff interval valued fuzzy filters, p. 137--148. 2002

  140. R. Ponalagusamy,   R. Narayanasamy and R. Raguraman,  “Effect  of Process Parameters That Affect Limiting Draw Ratio for Cup Drawing Process”, Proc. of  Nat. Conf. on Processing of Metals, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore,India, pp. 201-209,2002.

  141. R .Ponalagusamy, R. Narayanasamy and P. Srinivasan, “ Experimental Investigation on Performance of Streamlined Extrusion Dies”, Proc. of  Nat. Conf. on Processing of Metals, PSG  College of Technology, Coimbatore, India, pp. 254-260, 2002.

  142. R. Ponalagusamy, R. Narayanasamy, R. Venkatesan, “Computer Aided Metal Flow Analysis in Streamlines Extrusion Dies for Hexagonal Cross-section”, Proc. of Nat. Conf. on  Processing of Metals, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, India, pp. 461- 469, 2002.

  143. R. Ponalagusamy, R. Narayanasamy and P. Srinivasan, “Design of Streamlined Extrusion Dies for Non Polygonal Sections”, Proc. of International Conf. on FIAM 2002, Dresdan University, Germany, 2002

  144. R. Ponalagusamy,  K. Murugesan, D. Paul Dhayabaran and  E. C. Henry Amirtharaj, “Numerical Solution of Heat-flow Problem by a Combined method of Rayleigh Ritz with STWS and RKHM, Advances in Modeling and Analysis Journal(France), A 38, No.1- 2(2001), pp. 29-47.

  145. R. Ponalagusamy, "A non-Newtonian model for pulsatile flow of Blood Through an Artery with mild stenosis", Proc. Int. Conf. on Mathematical modeling, University of Roorkee, India, p. 6, 2001.

  146. R. Narayanasamy, R. Ponalagusamy and K. R. Subramanian, "Generalized Theory of Porous sintered P/M metals", Journal of Material Processing Technology, 110 (2001), pp. 182-185.

  147. R. Venkatesan, P. Srinivasan, R. Narayanasamy and R. Ponalagusamy,  “Computer- aided Metal Flow Analysis in various types of Extrusion dies”,Proc. of International  Conference on Research and Development in Net Shape Manufatcturing, April 9-11, 2001, The University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham, U.K.

  148. R. Ponalagusamy, R. Narayanasamy and S. Raghuraman,  “The effect of  Strain Rate Sensitivity on Theoretical Limiting Draw Ratio for Cup Drawing Process”, Metals, Materials and Processes, (An International Journal), 13(2001), pp. 49- 54.

  149. R. Ponalagusamy, R. Narayanasamy, R.Venkatesan, “Metal flow Analysis in Extrusion Dies”, ICME – 2001, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Dec 24-26, 2001.

  150. R. Ponalagusamy, R. Narayanasamy and P. Srinivasan, “Theoretical Performance Comparison of Streamlined Extrusion Dies Designed by Various Methods”, Proc. of International Conf. on Mechanical Engg.(ICME 2001),BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Dec. 2001.

  151. E. Kannan,  A. Maria  Michael  and  R. Ponalagusamy, " An  Efficient Parallel Algorithm for LCHP Problem on a Tree", Proc. of Nat. Conf. on Mathematical and Computational Models, Dec.27-28, 2001, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, India, p.360,(Preliminary Version).

  152. A. Maria Michael, E. Kannan, R. Ponalagusamy,  “A Crew Pram Algorithm for Huffman decoding with Memory-Efficient",  Proc. of Nat. Conf. on Mathematical and Computational Models, Dec.27-28, 2001, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, India, p.365,(Preliminary Version).

  153. Murugesan, K. and Dhayabaran, D. Paul and Amirtharaj, E. C. Henry and Evans, David J., A comparison of extended Runge-Kutta formulae based on variety of means to solve system of IVPs, p. 225--252. 2001

  154. Murugesan, K. and Dhayabaran, D. Paul and Evans, David J., Analysis of non-linear singular system from fluid dynamics using extended Runge-Kutta methods, p. 239--266. 2000

  155. Ramkrishnan, P. V. and Lakshmana Gomathi Nayagam, V., Semi nearly fuzzy $T_2$ spaces, p. 3--12. 2000

  156. Ramakrishnan, P. V. and Lakshmana Gomathi Nayagam, V., Semi nearly fuzzy $T_2$ spaces, p. 241--251. 2000

  157. Ramakrishnan, P. V. and Lakshmana Gomathi Nayagam, V., Nearly fuzzy Hausdorff spaces, p. 695--711. 2000

  158. R. Narayanasamy  and  R. Ponalagusamy, “A mathematical Theory   of  Plasticity  for Compressible P/M materials-Part III”, Journal of Material Processing Technology, 100(2000), pp. 262-269.

  159. S. Raghuraman, P. Srinivasan, R. Narayanasamy and R. Ponalagusamy, "Theoretical Prediction of Limiting Draw Ratio for Cup-drawing Process", Metals, Materials  and Processes (An International Journal), 12(2000), pp. 337-350.

  160. R. Narayanasamy, V. Pakkirisamy, and R. Ponalagusamy, "Drawing Behaviour  of some Stainless Steels Sheets when drawn through  a  Tapered Die", Proc. of Int. Conf. on Manufacturing, ICM 2000, BUET, Dhaka, 2000, pp. 424-431.

  161. P. Srinivasan, R. Venkatesan, R. Narayansamy, and R. Ponalagusamy,   "Computer Aided Design of Streamlined Extrusion Dies for Square   Cross  sections",  Proc. of    National Seminar on Advances  in Metal Forming METFORM-2000, p. 89, 2000.

  162. R. Narayanasamy  and  R. Ponalagusamy,  “A  mathematical Theory of Plasticity  for  upsetting of  Compressible P/M materials”, Journal of Material Processing  Technology,  97(2000), pp. 107-109.

  163. R. Narayanasamy,  S. Sathiyanarayanan and  R. Ponalagusamy, "Uniaxial Tensile behaviour of ZM-21 magnesium alloy at  room temperature”, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 102(2000), pp. 56-58.

  164. R. Narayanasamy, S. Sathiyanarayanan  and  R. Ponalagusamy,  "A Study  on Barrelling in Magnesium alloy solid cylinders during Cold upset forming", Journal of Materials Processing  Technology, 101(2000). pp. 64-69.

  165. R. Narayanasamy  and  R. Ponalagusamy, “A mathematical Theory of  Plasticity  for Compressible P/M materials-Part II”,  Journal of Material  Processing Technology, 96(2000), pp. 110-116.

  166. Murugesan, K. and Dhayabaran, D. Paul and Evans, David J., Analysis of second order multivariable linear system using single term Walsh series technique and Runge Kutta method, p. 367--374. 1999

  167. Murugesan, K. and Dhayabaran, D. Paul and Evans, David J., Analysis of different second order systems via Runge-Kutta method, p. 477--493. 1999

  168. R. Narayanasamy  and  R. Ponalagusamy, “A mathematical Theory of  Plasticity for Compressible P/M materials”, Journal of Material Processing Technology, 86(1999), pp. 159-164.

  169. R. Ponalagusamy, C. Ohkubo and M. Asano, “Numerical Analysis on Effect of Non-Newtonian Behaviour of Blood on Optimal  Geometry of Microvascular Bifurcation”, Medical and Technical Report No. 24, p.45, The Institute of Public Health, Tokyo, Japan, 1997.

  170. R. Ponalagusamy,  “Numerical Algorithm of STWS for  Generalized Linear  Non-Singular/Singular Time Varying Systems”, Proc. of  International 1995 AMSE Conference Rabat, France, October  9-11, 1995 (Paper's code no.16H10 AS6).

  171. Janakiraman, T. N., On special classes of self-centred graphs, p. 411--414. 1994

  172. R. Ponalagusamy  and N. P. Gopalan, "Numerical Study  on  Steady State,  Three Dimensional Atmospheric  Diffusion  of  Sulphur Dioxide and Sulphate Dispersion with Non-linear Kinetics", International Journal of Computational   Fluid  Dynamics, 1(1993), pp. 339-349.

  173. Janakiraman, T. N., On self-centered graphs, p. 83--92. 1992

  174. Phat, V. N. and Murugesan, K., A note on constrained controllability of linear descriptor systems, p. 77--81. 1992

  175. R. Ponnalagarsamy, "Effect of Non-Newtonian behaviour of Blood on Optimal Geometry of Vascular Bifurcation ",  Biorheology, 29(1992), p. 66.

  176. N. P. Gopalan  and R. Ponnalagarsamy, "Investigation on  Laminar Flow   of  a  Suspension in  Corrugated  Straight  Tubes", International Journal for Engineering Science, 30(1992),  pp. 631-644.

  177. Janakiraman, T. N., On pseudogeodetic blocks, Proceedings of the Symposium on Graph Theory and Combinatorics (Cochin, 1991)Centre Math. Sci., Trivandrum. p. 19--24. 1991

  178. R. Ponnalagarsamy,  “Bio-Fluid  Mechanics  of  Heart  Diseases”, Proc. of Three Day Seminar on Applications of Mathematics  in various Disciplines, Seethalakshmi Ramaswami College,  India, pp. 60-68, 1991.

  179. R. Ponnalagarsamy and M. Kawahara, “A Finite Element Analysis of Laminar Unsteady Flows of Viscoelastic  Fluids   Through channels   with  Non-uniform  cross- sections”,  International Journal for Numerical Methods of Fluids, 9(1989), pp. 1487-1501

  180. R. Ponnalagarsamy and M. Kawahara, “A finite ELement Analysis  of  Laminar Unsteady Flows of Viscoelastic Fluids Through  Planar Abrupt Expansions/Contractions”, International Conference  on Computational Methods in Flow Analysis, Okayama  University of Science, Japan, pp.288-295, 1988.

  181. P. Chaturani and R. Ponnalagarsamy, “A Two Layered  Model  for Blood  Flow Through Stenosed Arteries with  Axially  Variable Slip Velocity at the wall”,  Biorheology, 23(1986), p. 218. 

  182. R. Ponnalagarsamy, “Effects of Peripheral Plasma  Layer,  size and  shape of Stenosis and Blood Rheology on Flow Through  an Artery”, Biorheology, 23(1986), p. 222.

  183. R. Ponnalagarsamy, “Peristaltic  Flow  of  Generalized  Visco-plastic  Fluids in Tubes with Varying Cross-sections and  Its Implications”, Biorheology, 23(1986), p. 223.

  184. P. Chaturani and R. Ponnalagarsamy, “Pulsatile Flow of Casson's fluid  Through Stenosed Arteries with Applications  to  Blood Flow”, Biorheology, 23(1986), pp. 499-511.

  185. P. Chaturani and R. Ponnalagarsamy, “Dilatancy Effects of Blood on  Flow Through Arterial Stenosis”, Presented in  Indian  Soc.  Theo. Appl. Mech. (ISTAM), December 1983 and published in Proc. of 28th Congress of ISTAM, pp.87-96, 1986.

  186. P. Chaturani  and R. Ponnalagarsamy, “A study  of  Non-Newtonian Aspects  of  Blood  Flow through stenosed  Arteries  and  Its Applications  in  Arterial  Diseases”,     Biorheology,   22(1985), p. 521

  187. P. Chaturani and R. Ponnalagarsamy, “Analysis of Pulsatile Blood Flow  Through  Stenosed Arteries  and  Its  Applications  to Cardiovascular  Diseases”, Proc. 13th National  Conference  on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power, pp.463-468, 1984.

  188. P. Chaturani and R. Ponnalagarsamy, “Blood Flow Through Stenosed Arteries”, Proc. of First International   Conference   on  Physiological Fluid Dynamics, pp.63-67.   1983.

  189. P. Chaturani and R. Ponnalagarsamy, “A Two Layered Model for Blood Flow Through  Stenosed Arteries”, Proc.  11th  National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and       Fluid Power, pp.16-22,1982.

Books/Chapters Published:

  1. A.K. Pandey and A. Das (2024). Asymptotic Analysis to Viscoelastic Fluid Flow Over a Stretching Sheet. In: Das, S., Mangadoddy, N., Hoffmann, J. (eds) Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Fluid, Thermal and Energy Systems . ICFTES 2022. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Singapore.

  2. A.K. Pandey and A. Das (2024). Effects of Nanoparticle Shapes on SiO2-engine Oil Nanofluid Flow and Heat Transfer Over a Stretchable Rotating Disk. In: Singh, K.M., Dutta, S., Subudhi, S., Singh, N.K. (eds) Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power, Volume 6. FMFP 2022. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Singapore.

  3. Atul Kumar Razdan and V. Ravichandran, Fundamentals of Analysis with Applications, Springer, Singapore (2022).

  4. Atul Kumar Razdan and V. Ravichandran, Fundamentals of Partial Differential Equations with Applications, Springer, Singapore  (2022)

  5. Dr. R. Ponalagusamy (Co-Author), Theory of Engineering Plasticity, Ahuja Book Company, New Delhi, pp. 1-145, 2000.

  6. Dr. R. Ponalagusamy, “Biological Study on Pulsatile Flow of Herschel-Bulkley Fluid in Tapered Blood Vessels”, in: Quocnam Tam Hamid Arbnia (Eds.), Emerging Trends in Computational Biology, Bioinformatics, and Systems Biology-Algorithms and Software Tools (ISBN: 978-0-12- 802508-6), Elsevier Publishers,Boston, USA, 2015, pp. 39-51.

  7. Michael Arock and R.Ponalagusamy, “A Constant-time Selection Algorithm on An LARPBS”, Advances in Computer Science  and Engineering: Reports and Monographs, Vol.2, pp.68-72, Editor-in-Chief: Lalit Mohan Patnaik, Imperial College  Press, U.K., 2007, ISSN: 1793-2416, ISBN:  978-1-86094-827-5. (SCOPUS; WOS)

  8. R. Ponalagusamy and C.Saravanan, “ Analysis of Medical Images using Statistical Methods”, Advances in Computer Science and Engineering: Reports and Monographs,  Vol.2, pp.372-376, Editor-in-Chief: Lalit Mohan Patnaik, Imperial College Press, U.K., 2007, ISSN: 1793-2416, ISBN:  978-1-86094-827-5. (SCOPUS; WOS)

  9. C. Saravanan and R. Ponalagusamy, “Analysis of Image Compression using Arithmetic Coding”, NCRTCM, Gandhigram, Tamilnadu, India, Computational Mathematics, Narosa Publishers, India, pp.132-136, 2005, ISBN 81-7319-619-2.(SCOPUS; WOS)

  10. R. Ponalagusamy and V. Shanthi, Proceedings OF NCAAM2014, Bonfring Conference ID: BCPS-14-1273 (Publisher), 2014, ISBN: 978-93-84743-06-2.