Dr. T.N. Janakiraman


Diploma in Ceramic Technology(One year) (Tamil Nadu Board)(1980 - 1981)
M.Sc.(Mathematics) (Madras University) (1981 - 1983)
PGDCSA(One year)(Chennai Branch of Informatics Computer Systems, Delhi)(!988)
Ph.D.(Ramanujan Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics-Madras University)(1992)
Post Doctoral Research(Sponsored by NBHM- DAE, India)(Madras University)(Feb1993 – 1st Oct 1994)
Positions held in NIT, Trichy
Professor, Department of Mathematics, NiT , Trichy (Since 2009)
Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, NIT, Trichy (2006 - 2009)
Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, NIT, Trichy(2003-2006)
Senior Lecturer, Department of Mathematics, NiT. Trichy(1998-2003)
Lecturer, Department of Mathematics, NIT, Trichy(1994-1998)
Positions held in other places(Teaching/Research/Industrial Experience)
Post Doctoral Research Fellow, (sponsored by National Board for Higher Mathematics-Department of Atomic Energy, India.Office at Ramanujan Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics-Madras University)(1993-1994).
Senior Lecturer , Quest Education Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi(1992-1993)
Research Assistant, AMTE – IME Project (study on curriculum), Office at Ramanujan Intitute for Advanced Study in Mathematics-Madras University (Two months in 1992).
Research Scholar, (Sponsored by UGC), Ramanujan Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics-Madras University(1986-1991).
Sales Officer,( One of the Sole selling Agents of Dalmia Ceramics in Chennai)(1985-1986),
Lecturer, Siddharth Institute of Engineering & Technology, Adambakam, Chennai(1984-1985)
Area(s) of specialization
Attempted Applications
Clustering in Cellular and Flexible Manufacturing System
Fault Tolerant Communication Network Model
Graph Coding
Image and Video Processing
Number Theory
Wireless Ad-hoc Networks
Social Network.
Courses Taught
Engineering Mathematics
Programming Languages
Data Structures(Lab)
Discrete Mathematics
Linear Operators and Integral Equations, Measure Theory, Integral Transforms
Graph Theory and Discrete Optimization.
Papers published in International Journals / proceedings : 74/17
Papers published in refereed National Journals and proceedings : 19
Papers presented in International conferences : 11
Papers presented in National conferences : 26
For more details see here.
Lecuters delivered :
Delivered sixty two invited lectures at various academic institutions during National and International Conferences/ Workshops/ Seminars/Symposia and also in a industry in India. Also in one International Conference chaired a session at Singapore.
For more details, please go here.
Academic Awards/Fellow/Membership:
Chief Editor of an International Journal.
Best Teacher Award (2010)
Best Research Paper Award(2009)
National Best Thesis Award for collaborative work in Social Science(2010).
Life member of Ramanujan Mathematical Society
Life member of Indian Mathematical Society
Life member of ISTE
Post Doctoral fellowship(1992-94)
UGC Research Fellowship(1986-1991)
Number of Ph.D. Theses Guided : 15
Number of Ph.D. Theses reviewed : 15
Number of research papers reviewed : 70
Number of M.S./M.Phil Theses reviewed : 08
For more details on PhD,please go here.
Reviewer for the Journals/Proceedings :
International Journal of Management System.
International Journal of Discrete Mathematics.
International Journal of Computer Mathematics.
International Journal of Graphs and Combinatorics.
International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management (IJMTM) on production Line Systems: Concepts, Methods and Applications.
International Conference on Discrete Mathematics (ICDM 2007) conducted at Bangalore, India.
National Seminar Proceedings conducted by Instrumentation Department , N.I.T., Trichy-15.
Acta Press International journal
Science Alert International journal
3rd and 4thInternational Conference on Civil Engineering and Urban Planning, Wuhan, China.
Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics.
Number of Workshop / Training Programmes / Summer / Winter Schools : 06
Number of Sponsored Workshops organized: 04
Number of Self-Supported Conference/Workshops organized: 02
Number of International Conference Conducted: 01
For more details on workshops, please go here.
Administration services in the Institution
Served as Warden, Deputy Chief Warden, and Additional Chief Warden in the Hostel Administration Committee, N.I.T. Trichy for over nine years.
Served as committee member for the selection, scrutiny and interview committee of research scholars.
Served as Chairman Temple Administration committee.
Served as member in various academic function and sports activities in the institution.
Now serving as Chief Vigilance Officer, Hospital Committee Chairman and Quarters Committee Member.
Services to Other Academic Societies
- Served as selection committee member to recruit teaching staffs for Periyar Maniammai University, SASTRA University.
- Continuing my service to be a doctoral committee member for Ph.D. scholars of Bharathidasan University, SASTRA University, Periyar Maniyammai University.
Contact Details
Professor HAG,
Department of Mathematics,
National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli 620015, IndiaTel: +91-431-2503669(Office)
Fax: +91-431-2500133(Office)