Dr. V. Kumaran

Field(s) of Specialization/Interest
- Fluid Mechanics
- Operations Research
- Applied Statistics (recent)
Employment Profile
- Lecturer in the Department of Mathematics, Dr. M. G. R. Engineering College, Madras, during 16th92 – 31st Dec.93
- Faculty Member in the Department of Mathematics & Computer Applications, Regional Engineering College, Tiruchirappalli during 16th94 – 17th Dec.96
- Lecturer in the Department of Mathematics & Computer Applications, Regional Engineering College, Tiruchirappalli during 18th96 – 17th Dec. 2000
- Senior Lecturer in Department of Mathematics, National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli during 18th 2000 – 30th June 2006
- Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics, National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli from 1st July 2006 – 30th June 2009
- Associate Professor in the Department of Mathematics, National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli from 1st July 2009 – 11th March 2018
- Professor in the Department of Mathematics, National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli from 12th March 2018 onwards
Academic Qualifications (From Highest Degree to High School)
- Ph. D. (Applied Mathematics) from Anna University in 1992
- Title of the thesis: Buoyancy induced boundary layer flows
- Supervisor: Professor G. Ramanaiah F. N. A. Sc.
- M.Phil.(Mathematics) from Anna University in 1989 with 79%
- M. Sc. (Applied Mathematics) from MIT, Madras in 1986 with 85%
- B. Sc. (Mathematics) from Pachaiyappa’s College, Madras in 1984 with 69%
- H. Sc. from Govt. Hr. Sec. School, Anantapuram, Tamilnadu in 1981 with 69%
- S. S. L. C. from Govt. Hr. Sec. School, Anantapuram in 1979 with 76%
Academic/Administrative Responsibilities within the University
- Sc. (Mathematics) Academic Committee Chairman during 2020 to till date
- Associate NCC Officer in NIT-T during July 1997 – Feb. 2009 (5 Years)
- Associate Dean (R & C) during Jan. 2010 – 14th 2010
- Coordinator for UG I year Mathematics courses – few times
- Staff advisor for a NITT-Fest
- Security Committee Member for many NIT-T programmes as NCC officer
Academic/Administrative Responsibilities outside the University
Research papers reviewed for the international journals
- International Journal of Heat Mass Transfer (Elsevier, SCI, 2020 IF: 5.431)
- Heat Mass Transfer (Springer, SCI, 2020 IF: 2.464)
- Boundary Value Problems (Springer/Hindawi, open access, 2010 IF: 1.047)
- Chemical Engineering Communications (Taylor & Fransis, SCI, 2020 IF: 2.494)
- International Journal of Thermal Sciences (Elsevier, SCI Expanded, 2020 IF: 4.779)
- Journal of Applied Mathematics (Hindawi, WoS, Scopus)
- Journal of Applied Math. and Computing (Springer, SCI Expanded, 2020 IF: 1.686)
- Zeitschrift für Naturforschung A – Physical Sciences (De Gruyter, SCI, 2020 IF 1.426)
- Journal of Computer Mathematics (Taylor & Fransis, SCI Expanded, 2020 IF: 1.931)
- in Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simulation (Elsevier, SCI Expanded, 2020 IF: 4.186)
- Brazilian J. of Chemical Engg. (Springer, SCI Expanded, 2020 IF: 1.232)
- Bulletin of Malaysian Mathematical Sciences, Malaysia (Springer, SCI Expanded, 2020 IF 1.554).
- Annals of Operations Research (Springer, SCI, 2020 IF 4.854)
Board of Studies member in mathematics (few times) in the following Institutions
- PSGR Krishnammal college for women, Coimbatore
- K.S.R. College of Engineering, Tiruchengode
- Satyabama Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai
Awards, Associateships etc.
- Sc. 1st rank in Anna University
- Narasinga Rao Prize for the best student in Operations Research group in M. Sc.
- Reviewer for more than 15 reputed international journals
- Got commissioned as 'Pilot Officer' in 1998 and as 'Flying Officer' in 2001
- Qualified in UGC-JRF in August 1986
- Qualified in CSIR- JRF in November 1986
Details of Academic Work
- Involved in UG Mathematics curriculum development
- Involved in PG Mathematics curriculum development
- Courses taught at Postgraduate and Undergraduate levels
- UG level: Engineering mathematics, Ordinary differential equations, Real analysis, Numerical methods, Linear algebra, Operations Research, Probability and Statistics, Applied Statistics
- PG level: Applied mathematics, mathematical programming, Inventory control, Stochastic processes, Dynamic programming, Probability and Statistics
- Projects guided at Postgraduate level
- Guided around 20 M. C. A. and M. Sc. (OR & CA) students in REC-T
- Guided 2 M. Sc. (Mathematics) students in NIT, Trichy (2020-2022)
PhDs guided:
- Swarnalatha, ‘A class of discrete binomial moment problems’, Department of Mathematics, NIT, Tiruchirappalli (April 2018)
- Tamizharasi, ‘An approximate analytic technique for solving a class of nonlinear boundary value problems and its applications’, Department of Mathematics, NIT, Tiruchirappalli (July 2012)
- Anne Rosaline, ‘A study on safety measures of road traffic accidents in Tamilnadu’, Faculty of Sci. & Hum., Anna University, Chennai (November 2012)
- Vanav Kumar, “Unsteady boundary layer flow past a stretching sheet’, Department of Mathematics, NIT, Tiruchirappalli (July 2011)
- Senthil Kumar, ‘A study on risk in traffic flow and effective safety management’, Faculty of Management Sciences, Anna University, Chennai (November 2008).
Participation in Workshops/ Symposia/ Conferences/ Colloquia /Seminars/ Schools etc. (mentioning the role)
- International Workshop on ‘Wave Dynamics and Stability of Thin Film Flow Systems’, IIT, Chennai, September 1-4, 2006.
- Presented the paper ‘Approximate analytical solutions of stagnation point flows in a porous medium’ and Co-Chaired a session in the Conference on Non-linear Science and Complexity, Beijing, China, 7-12, 2006.
- International Workshop on ‘Mathematics and Physics of Complex and Nonlinear Systems’, IIT, Kanpur, March 14 – 27, 2004.
- Generalized inverse and its application, Regional Workshop on Analysis, Theivanai Ammal College for Women, Villupuram, 30 -31 Jan. 2004.
- Effect of axial heat conduction in flow past a stretching sheet - 35th ISTAM CONGRESS, Anna University, Madras, 19-22 Dec. 1990.
- Free convection near an impulsively started and heated / cooled vertical plate with temperature dependent heat sink - SEMINAR ON COMP. TECHNIQUES IN CONTINUUM MECH., Anna University, Madras, 29-31 Jan. 1990.
- Pulsatile flow and heat transfer in a porous channel of porous medium - 4th ANN. CONF. OF THE RAMANUJAN MATH. SOC., Alagappa University, Karaikudi, India, 20-22, May 1989.
- Effect of cross flow on oscillatory flow in a porous medium between two parallel plates in relative motion - Sci. Congress, M.K.U., Madurai, India, 7-12 Jan 1989.
- Generalization of Stokes first problem to immiscible fluid layers - 54th ANN. CONF. OF THE IND. MATH. SOC., University of Poona, India, 27-30 Dec. 1988.
- Heat transfer in Stokes first problem - 33rd ISTAM CON., BHU, Varanasi, 19-22 Dec.’88.
- Oscillatory flow of a viscous fluid over a porous bed with suction at the bottom - 4th ANN. CONF. OF THE MATH. SOC., B.H.U., Varanasi, India, 16-17 Dec. 1988.
- Steady slow laminar flow in a convergent or divergent channel with suction at one wall and injection at the other wall - 2nd CONGRESS OF THE A. P. SOC. for MATH. SCI., K. University, Anantapur, India, 13-14, Nov. 1988.
- Solving a mixed B.V.P. & Diffusion problem - Random walk approach - 32nd ISTAM CONGRESS, IIT, Bombay, 17-20 Dec. 1987.
- Bounds on probability of a finite union – International conference on Operations Research, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, 8-10 Jan. 2004.
- NCC Air wing senior division pre-commissioning course held at Air force Admin. College, Coimbatore, during Jun. 8 - Aug. 29, 1998 and got commissioned as 'Pilot Officer'.
- NCC Airwing senior division refresher course held at Air force Administrative College, Coimbatore, 11th 2000 – 6th Jan. 2001.
- Winter course on 'Complementarity and Game theory' , ISI, New Delhi, 15 –27 Dec. 1997.
- International Workshop on " Role of fluid mechanics on materials manufacturing and processing", UGC-DSA Centre for Fluid Mech., Bangalore University, 1–3 Jan. 1996.
- Seminar on ‘Math. Modelling’, St. Joseph’s College, Trichy, 30 – 31 Jan.1997.
- ISTE Winter School on ‘Performance appraisal and development system’, REC-Trichy, 20-25 Jan. 1997.
- AICTE-ISTE short term training programme on ‘Advanced Mathematical Methods in Engineering & Science ', VNIT, Nagpur, Nov.11 – 23, 2002
Workshops/ Symposia/ Conferences/ Colloquia/Seminars Organized (as Chairman/ Organizing Secretary/ Convenor / Co-Convenor)
- Presented 4 papers, organized a symposium jointly with Professor I. Pop (University of Cluj, Romania) and chaired a session at the 3rd conference on nonlinear science and complexity, Cankaya University, Ankara, Turkey, 28 – 31 July 2010.
Invited Talks delivered
- Delivered an Invited Talk on ‘Flow through Porous Media’ and Chaired a session in the National Seminar on Applied Mathematics held at Annamalai University, Chidambaram on 07.03.2008.
- Delivered an Invited Talk on ‘Advances in Boundary Layer Theory’ and Chaired a session in the National Seminar on Recent Trends in Applied Mathematics held at PSGR Krishnammal College for Woman, Coimbatore on 12.03.2007.
Membership of Learned Societies
- Life member in Indian Society for Technical Education (LM 23244)
- Life member in Indian Society for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (L/212)
Academic Foreign Visits
- Paper presentation in Beijing, China, during 06-13, Aug. 2006
- Joint Research in University of Leeds, UK, during 3-27, July 2007
- Paper presentation/symposium organized in Ankara, Turkey, during 28-31, July 2010.
Refereed Research Journals: Papers published in SCI journals: (14 papers)
- Swarnalatha and V. Kumaran, Sharp probability bounds for the binomial moment problem with symmetry, Operations Research Letters., Vol. 46, N0. 1, 2018, Pages 37-43 (SCI, 2020 Impact factor: 1.151).
- Swarnalatha and V. Kumaran, Bounds for the probability of the union of events with unimodality, Ann. Oper. Res., DOI 10.1007/s10479-017-2629-6, published online on 6th September 2017(SCI, 2020 Impact factor: 4.854).
- Kumaran and R. Swarnalatha, Bounds for the probability of events following monotonic distribution, Discrete Applied Mathematics, Vol. 223, 2017, Pages 98-119 (SCI, 2020 Impact factor: 1.254)
- H. Merkin (UK) and V. Kumaran, The unsteady heat transfer due to a heat source in an MHD stretching sheet flow, Meccanica, Vol. 47, No. 8, 2012, Pages 1837-1847 (SCI, 2020 Impact factor: 2.258)
- Kumaran, R. Tamizharasi, J. H. Merkin (UK) and K. Vajravelu (USA), On thin film flow of a third-grade fluid down an inclined plane, Arch. Appl. Mech., Vol. 82, No. 2, 2012, Pages 261-266 (SCI, 2020 Impact factor: 1.976)
- Kumaran and R. Tamizharasi, Brinkman Flow Past a Stretching Sheet, Transport in Porous Media, Vol. 87, No. 2, 2011, Pages 541-560 (SCI, 2020 Impact factor: 3.019)
- Kumaran, A. Vanav Kumar and I. Pop (Romania), Transition of boundary layer flow past a stretching sheet due to a step change in applied constant mass flux, Acta Mechanica, Vol. 216, No’s. 1-4, 2011, Pages 139-145 (SCI, 2020 Impact factor: 2.698)
- H. Merkin (UK) and V. Kumaran, Unsteady MHD boundary-layer flow on a shrinking sheet, Euro. J. Mech. - B/Fluids, Vol. 29, No. 5, 2010, Pages 357-363 (SCI, 2020 Impact factor: 2.598)
- I. Andersson (Norway) and V. Kumaran, On sheet-driven motion of power-law fluids, Int. J. Non-Linear Mechanics, Vol. 41, No. 10, 2006, Pages 1228-1234 (SCI, 2020 Impact factor: 3.336)
- Kumaran and I. Pop (Romania), Steady free convection boundary layer over a vertical flat plate embedded in a porous medium filled with water at 4 °C, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, Vol. 49, No’s. 17-18, 2006, Pages 3240-3252 (SCI, 2020 Impact factor: 5.431)
- Kumaran, Erratum in 'MHD flow past a stretching sheet by T.Y. Na and I. Pop - Acta Mechanica - Vol. 116, Pages 235-238, 1996, Vol.121, No’s 1-4, 1997, Page 237 (SCI, 2020 Impact factor: 2.698)
- Kumaran and G. Ramanaiah, A note on flow over a stretching sheet, Acta Mechanica, Vol.116, 1996, Pages 229-233(SCI, 2020 Impact factor: 2.698)
- Ramanaiah and V. Kumaran, Natural convection about a permeable cone and a cylinder subjected to a radiation boundary condition, Int. J. Engg. Sci., Vol.30, 1992, Pages 693-699 (SCI, 2020 Impact factor: 7.155)
- Kumaran and G. Ramanaiah, Effect of cross flow on oscillatory flow in a porous medium between two parallel plates in relative motion, ASME Trans. J. Fluids Engg., Vol.113, 1991, Pages 151-154 (SCI, 2020 Impact factor: 1.995).
Papers published in SCI Expanded journals: (10 papers)
- Kumaran and R. Swarnalatha, Sharp bounds for the probability of union of n events
when m number of binomial moments are known, Optimization and Engineering., Vol. 21, 2020, Pages 241-271 (SCI Expanded, 2020 Impact factor: 2.760).
- Tamizharasi and V. Kumaran, Pressure in MHD/Brinkman flow past a stretching sheet, Commun. Nonlin. Sci. Numer. Simulat., Vol. 16, No. 12, Dec. 2011, Pages 4671-4681 (SCI Expanded, 2016 Impact factor: 2.784)
- Kumaran and I. Pop (Romania), Nearly parallel Blasius flow with slip, Commun. Nonlin. Sci. Numer. Simulat., Vol. 16, No. 12, Dec. 2011, Pages 4619-4624 (SCI Expanded, 2020 Impact factor: 4.186)
- H. Merkin (UK) and V. Kumaran, Free convection stagnation-point boundary-layer flow in a porous medium with a density maximum, Int. J. Ther. Sci., Vol. 50, No. 11, Nov. 2011, Pages 2176-2183 (SCI Expanded, 2020 Impact factor: 4.779)
- Kumaran, A.K. Banerjee, A. Vanav Kumar and I. Pop (Romania), Unsteady MHD flow and heat transfer with viscous dissipation past a stretching sheet, Int. Commun. Heat Mass Transfer, Vol. 38, No.3, March 2011, Pages 335-339 (SCI Expanded, 2020 IF: 6.782)
- Magyari (Switzerland) and V. Kumaran, Generalized Crane flows of micropolar fluids, Commun. Nonlin. Sci. Numer. Simulat., Vol. 15, No. 11, Nov. 2010, Pages 3237-3240 (SCI Expanded, 2020 Impact factor: 4.186)
- I. Andersson (Norway) and V. Kumaran, Comment on “Unsteady flow of a second grade fluid film over an unsteady stretching sheet” [Math. Comput. Model. 48 (2008) 518–526], Math. Comp. Modelling, Vol. 52, No’s. 9-10, Nov. 2010, Pages 1706-1707 (SCI Expanded- discontinued from 2014, 2016 Source Normalized Impact factor: 2.224)
- Kumaran, A. Vanav Kumar and I. Pop (Romania), Transition of MHD boundary layer flow past a stretching sheet, Commun. Nonlin. Sci. Numer. Simulat., Vol. 15, No. 2, February 2010, Pages 300-311 (SCI Expanded, 2020 Impact factor: 4.186)
- Kumaran, R. Tamizharasi and K. Vajravelu (USA), Approximate analytic solutions of stagnation point flow in a porous medium, Commun. Nonlin. Sci. Numer. Simulat., Vol. 14, No. 6, June 2009, Pages 2677-2688 (SCI Expanded., 2020 Impact factor: 4.186)
- Kumaran, A.K. Banerjee, A. Vanav Kumar and K. Vajravelu (USA), MHD flow past a stretching permeable sheet, Appl. Math. Comp., Vol. 210, No. 1, Apr. 2009, Pages 26-32 (SCI Expanded, 2020 Impact factor: 4.397)
Papers published in refereed journals; (08 papers)
- Anne Rosaline A. and V. Kumaran, Analysis of accident reduction factor using pavement marking in intersection and plain roads, Pure Appl. Sci., Vol 28E, pp 91-107, 2009.
- Senthil Kumar K., Suja S.K. and V. Kumaran, A new mode of transportation to minimize environment damage due to diesel exhausts, Eco Chronicle, Vol. 2, pp. 17-20, 2007.
- Kumaran and I. Pop, Analytic solutions of free convection boundary layer flow over a vertical flat plate embedded in a porous medium, Int. J. Fluid Mechanics Research, Vol. 31, No. 6, pp. 563-573, 2004.
- Kumaran, Comments on 'Unsteady free convection interaction with thermal radiation Boundary layer flow past a vertical porous plate', J. Math. & Phy. Sci., Vol.30, pp. 159-160, 1996.
- Kumaran and G. Ramanaiah, Effect of thermal dispersion on non-Darcy free convection over horizontal surfaces in saturated porous media, J. Energy, Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.17, pp.313-318, 1994.
- Ramanaiah and V. Kumaran, Darcy - Brinkman free convection about wedge and a cone subjected to a mixed thermal boundary condition, Int. J. Math. Math. Sci., Vol.15, No.4, pp.789- 794, 1992.
- Kumaran and G. Ramanaiah, Viscous lifting and drainage of a second-order fluid on a vertical plate, Bulletin of Calcutta Math. Soc., Vol.84, pp.313- 322, 1992.
- H. Merkin and V. Kumaran, Free convection boundary layer on a vertical surface with prescribed heat flux at small Prandtl number, Int. J. Math. Math. Sci., Vol.15, No.3, pp.605-608, 1992.
- Conferences/Workshops/Symposia Proceedings
- Empirical analysis of probabilistic bounds, (jointly with R. Swarnalatha) - Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Recent trends in Operations Research and Statistics, IIT Roorkee, pp. 125-139, December 2017.
- Unsteady MHD flow past a stretching sheet due to a heat source/sink (jointly with A.K. Banerjee, A. Vanav Kumar) - Proc. of the 3rd on Non-linear Science and Complexity, Ankara, Turkey, 28-31, July 2010.
- Impulsive boundary layer flow past a permeable quadratically stretching sheet - (jointly with Vanav Kumar and JSC Babu) - Proc. of the 2nd Conf. on Non-linear Science and Complexity, Porto, Portugal, 2008. (Presented by JSC Babu)
- Approximate analytical solutions of stagnation point flows in a porous medium - (jointly with Tamilarasi) - Proc. of the 1st Int. Conf. on Non-linear Science and Complexity, Beijing, China, Vol.1, 2006.
- Bounds on probability of a finite union (Jointly with A. Prekopa, USA)– International conference on Operations Research, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, 8-10 Jan. 2004.
- Convective heat transfer due to a rotating disk subjected to a mixed thermal boundary condition - (jointly with Ramanaiah) - Proc. of the 13th IMACS World Congress on Comp. and Appl. Math., Ireland, U.K., Vol.2, pp.896-897, 1991.
- Natural convection on a permeable vertical and horizontal plates subjected to a radiation boundary condition - (jointly with P G. Ramanaiah) – Proc. of the 36th ISTAM Congress, India, Vol.36, pp.31-44, 1991.
- Oscillatory flow of a viscous fluid over a porous bed with suction at the bottom - (jointly with Ramanaiah) - Proc. of the Math. Soc., B.H.U., India, Vol.4, pp.15-21, 1988.
Books & Monographs
- Bounds on Probability of a finite union (jointly with Andras Prekopa, Rutgers University, USA), Chapter-6, Operations Research with economics and industrial applications- emerging trends (2005), pp.77-84, (Editors: S. K. Neogy, S.R. Mohan, Indian Statistical Institute, New Delhi), Anamaya Publishers, New Delhi.
Contact Address
Department of Mathematics
National Institute of Technology