Prof. V. Ravichandran

Dr. V. Ravichandran joined as a Professor of Mathematics in April 2018 at NIT Trichy. He has studied at National College, Trichy for his B.Sc., M.Sc., and M.Phil. degrees and completed his Ph.D. degree from Anna University, Chennai. He started his career as Lecturer in 1996 and spent the period between 2004-2007 at Universiti Sains Malaysia where he was a Visiting Professor later in 2011-12. He joined as Reader at the University of Delhi in 2007 and appointed there as Professor in 2014. He was HoD, Department of Mathematics, DU from 21.12.2015 - 12.04.2018. He has published more than 150 research papers; more than 50 of these papers are with Prof. Dato' Indera Rosihan M. Ali of Universiti Sains Malaysia. He has supervised 15 Ph.D. and 9 M.Phil. scholars. He serves as an editor of the Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society since 2004.
He was a member for op-option of the Programme Advisory Committee (PAC): Mathematical Sciences of DST-SERB. He was earlier the Chairman, Governing Body, Shyama Prasad Mukherji College for Women, the University of Delhi from June 2017 to April 2018. Being HoD Mathematics, DU, he been part of the University Court, Academic Council, Board of Studies in Mathematical Sciences at DU. He was also a member of the Business Advisory Committee of the Academic Council, DU, and Technical Advisory Committee, University Computer Center. He was also a member of the Joint Consultative Group for establishing a Centre for Social Applications of Mathematics, Ambedkar University, Delhi.
He held Adjunct Professorship at Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University between August 2016-August 2018. He has been a Visiting Professor at the Division of Mathematical Sciences, Pukyong National University, Busan, South Korea, and at the School of Mathematical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia.
He was also a reviewer for Mathematical Review published American Mathematical Society and for Zentralblatt Math published by the European Mathematical Society. He has reviewed around 100 papers for the later. He regularly acts as a referee for more than 50 reputed journals.
He has got several research grants as PI or CoPI. Several of his papers won merit rewards from USM. For three consecutive years from 2008 - 2010, his papers won the Best Research Paper Award in the category of Science, Technology, and Medicine awarded by the Malaysian Council of Scholarly Publications (Majlis Penerbitan Ilmiah Malaysia MAPIM).
As he is not keen on traveling, his participation in conferences was limited. However, he has organized a few conferences/workshops/refresher courses. Notable among them are the two conferences he has organized in honor of the two retiring (now retired) faculty members at DU.
He has been a popular speaker at various mathematics festivals/events at the University of Delhi. Being a user of LaTeX from 1993, he is always happy to train anyone in using this wonderful typesetting software.
Prof. V. Ravichandran
Department of Mathematics
National Institute of technology
Tiruchirappalli-620015, India
Office: Room 203, Lyceum Building
Phone: +91-431-2503674
Website: Google; irins