

  1. B. B. Janani, and V. Ravichandran,  Sufficient conditions for functions to be meromorphic starlike of reciprocal order, The Journal of Analysis, appeared online.
  2. Asha Sebastian, and  V. Ravichandran, Criteria for starlikeness using Schwarzian derivatives,  The Journal of Analysis, appeared online.
  3. A. Naz, S. Nagpal and V. Ravichandran, Exponential radii of starlikeness and convexity of some special functions, The Ramanujan Journal, to appear.
  4. Shalu Yadav, and V. Ravichandran, Sufficient conditions for analytic function to be starlike of reciprocal order, Honam Mathematical Journal, Volume 46 (2024), no. 1,  120-135.
  5. Afis Saliu, Kanwal Jabeen, and V. Ravichandran, Differential subordination for certain strongly starlike functions,  Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo Series 2, Volume 73 (2024), no.1, 1–18. 
  6. Prira G. Krishnan, V. Ravichandran and P. Saikrishnan, Radius of Ma-Minda starlikeness of certain normalised analytic functions, Filomat, Volume 37 (2023),  no. 13, 4125–4153.
  7. Somya Arya and  V. Ravichandran, Starlikeness of a product of starlike  functions with non-vanishing  polynomials, Analysis and Mathematical Physics,  Volume 13 (2023), Article 28.
  8. Rosihan M. Ali, Sushil Kumar, and V. Ravichandran, The third Hermitian-Toeplitz and Hankel determinants for parabolic starlike functions,  Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society, Volume 60 (2023), no. 2, pp. 281–291.
  9. Adiba Naz, Sumit Nagpal and V. Ravichandran, Geometric properties of generalized Bessel function associated with the exponential function,  Mathematica Slovaca, Volume 73 (2023), No. 6, 1459–1478. 
  10. S. Madhumitha and V. Ravichandran, Sufficient conditions for starlikeness of reciprocal order, Korean Journal of Mathematics, Volume 31 (2023), no. 3, pp. 243-258. 
  11. S. Madhumitha, V. Ravichandran, Differential subordination for analytic and meromorphic multivalent functions,  Asian-European Journal of Mathematics (AEJM),   Volume 16 (2023), no. 07,  2350124.
  12. Kanika Sharma, Rasoul Aghalary, and V. Ravichandran,  Briot-Bouquet differential subordination and Bernardi's integral operator, Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics, Volume 47  (2023), no. 4, 573-589.
  13. Shalu Yadav and V. Ravichandran, Analytic function that map the unit disk into the inside of the lemniscate of Bernoulli, Mathematical Foundations of Computing,  Volume 6 (2023), no. 3, 591-600.
  14. Priya G. Krishnan, V. Ravichandran and P. Saikrishnan,  Functions subordinate to the exponential function,  Communications of the Korean Mathematical Society, 38 (2023), no 1,  163-178.
  15. Somya Malik and V. Ravichandran, Schwarzian derivative and convexity of order α, The Journal of Analysis, Volume 31 (2023), 201-228.
  16. Asha Sebastian, V. Ravichandran, Radius of starlikeness through subordination, Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Mathematica, Volume 68 (2023), no. 1, 161-170.
  17. V. Ravichandran and Priya G. Krishnan, Starlike and convex univalent functions, Mathematics Newsletter, Ramanujan Mathematical Society, Volume 33  (2023), no.3-4, pp. 20-44.
  18. S. Gandhi, P. Gupta, S. Nagpal and V. Ravichandran,  Starlike functions associated with an Epicycloid, Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, Volume 51 (2022), no. 6, 1637 - 1660.
  19. Somya Malik and V. Ravichandran, On functions starlike with respect to n-ply symmetric, conjugate and symmetric conjugate points,  Communications of the Korean Mathematical Society, Volume 37 (2022), no. 4, pp. 1025–1039.
  20. Priya G Krishnan, P. Saikrishnan and  V. Ravichandran, Boundedness of analytic functions in the unit disc using the theory of differential subordination, Asian-European Journal of Mathematics (AEJM), Volume 15 (2022) no 11, 2250189.
  21. Somya Malik, Rosihan M. Ali, and V. Ravichandran, Radius of Booth lemniscatel starlikeness of Janowski starlike functions, Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society,  Volume 45 (2022), pages 2715–2732.
  22. R. Kanaga and V. Ravichandran, Starlikeness associated with crescent-shaped region, Analysis and Mathematical Physics, Volume 12 (2022), no. 6, Artice 132.
  23. Adiba Naz,   Sushil Kumar and V. Ravichandran,  Coefficients of the inverse functions and radius estimates of certain starlike functions, Asian-European Journal of Mathematics (AEJM) , Volume 15 (2022), no. 05, Art. 2250089.
  24. Subzar Beig and V. Ravichandran, Directional convexity of combinations of harmonic half-plane and strip mappings, Communications of the Korean Mathematical Society, Volume 37 (2022), no. 1, 125-136.
  25. Shalu Yadav, Kanika Sharma, and V. Ravichandran,  Radius of starlikeness for some classes containing non-univalent functions, Asian-European Journal of Mathematics (AEJM), Volume 15 (2022) No. 1, 2250009.
  26. R. Kanaga and V. Ravichandran, Radius of Limaçon starlikeness for Janowski starlike functions,  Asian-European Journal of Mathematics (AEJM), Vol. 15, No. 9 (2022) 2250164 (13 pages).
  27. Ahmad Sulaiman Ahmad El-Faqeer, Maisarah Haji Mohd, V. Ravichanradn, and Shamani Supramaniam, Radius of starlikeness   of functions defined by  ratios of  analytic functions, Applied Mathematics E-Notes, Volume 22 (2022), 516-528.
  28. Nisha Bohra, and V. Ravichandran, Coefficient estimates for some classes of bi-univalent analytic functions,  Art 6 in Mathematics, its Applications and History (S. G. Dani, editor), Narosa, 2022.
  29. Subzar Beig and V. Ravichandran, Convolution properties of a harmonic function with n-starlike mappings,   Art 7 in Mathematics, its Applications and History (S. G. Dani, editor), Narosa, 2022.
  30.  V. Ravichandran and Sumit Nagpal, A Survey on Univalent Functions with Fixed Second Coefficient, Mathematics Newsletter, Ramanujan Mathematical Society, Vol. 33  (2022), no. 3, pp. 17-28.
  31. Adam Lecko, V. Ravichandran, and Asha Sebastian, Starlikeness of certain  non-univalent functions,  Analysis and Mathematical Physics, Volume 11 (2021), Article number: 163.
  32. S. Madhumitha and V. Ravichandran, Radius of starlikeness of certain analytic functions, Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A. Matemáticas,  Volume 115 (2021), Article number: 184.
  33. Kanika Sharma, Nak Eun Cho, and  V. Ravichandran, Sufficient conditions for strong starlikeness, Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society, Volume 47 (2021), no. 5, pages 1453–1475.
  34. Prachi Gupta, Sumit Nagpal and V. Ravichandran, Inclusion relations and radius problems for a subclass of starlike functions,  Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society,  58 (2021), No. 5, pp. 1147–1180.
  35. Ankur Raj, Sumit Nagpal and V. Ravichandran, On the product of planar harmonic mappings, Computational Methods and Function Theory, Volume 21 (2021), pages 427–452.
  36. Vibha Madaan, Ajay Kumar and V. Ravichandran, Estimates for initial coefficients of certain bi-univalent functions, Filomat, Volume 35 (2021), no. 6, 1993–2009 .
  37. Asha Sebastian and V. Ravichandran,  Radius  of starlikeness of certain analytic functions, Mathematica Slovaca, Volume 83 (2021), no. 1, pp. 83-104.
  38. R. Kanaga and V. Ravichandran, Starlikeness for certain close-to-star functions, Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics,  Volume 50 (2021), no. 2, pp. 414 – 432.
  39. Om. P. Ahuja, Kanika Khatter and V. Ravichandran, Toeplitz determinants associated with  Ma-Minda classes of starlike and convex functions, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transaction A, Science (ISTT), Volume 45 (2021) no.6, 2021-2027.
  40. Rosihan M. Ali, Kanika Sharma and V. Ravichandran, Starlikeness of analytic functions with subordinate ratios, Journal of Mathematics, Volume 2021 (2021), Article ID 8373209.
  41. Prachi Gupta, Sumit Nagpal, and V. Ravichandran, Marx-Strohhäcker theorem for multivalent functions, Afrika Matematika, Volume 32 (2021), no. 7-8, 1421–1434.
  42. O. P. Ahuja, K. Khatter, V. Ravichandran, Symmetric Toeplitz determinants associated with a linear combination of some geometric expressions, The Honam Mathematical Journal, Volume 43 (2021), no. 3, pages.465-481.
  43. Sushil Kumar, Nisha Bohra, and V. Ravichandran, Applications of Briot-Bouquet differential subordination, Journal of Classical Analysis, Vol 18 (2021), no. 1, pages 17-28.
  44. Swati Anand, Sushil Kumar, and V. Ravichandran, Differential subordinations for Janowski functions with positive real part, Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Mathematica, Volume 66 (2021) no. 3, pages 457-470.
  45. Adiba Naz, Sumit Nagpal, and V. Ravichandran, Exponential starlikeness and convexity of confluent hypergeometric, Lommel and Struve functions, Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics, Volume 17 (2020), no. 6, Art. 204, 22 pages.
  46. Lee Keong Lee, Kan ika Khatter, and V. Ravichandran, Radius of starlikeness for classes of analytic functions, Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society, Volume 43 (2020), No. 6 ,  4469 - 4493.
  47. Vibha Madaan, Ajay Kumar, and V. Ravichandran, Radii of starlikeness and convexity of  some entire functions, Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society, Volume 43 (2020), No. 6 ,  4335 - 4359.
  48. Kanika Khatter, V. Ravichandran and S. Sivaprasad Kumar, Third Hankel determinant of starlike and convex functions, The Journal of Analysis, Volume 28 (2020), no. 1, pages 45-56.
  49. Swati Anand, Sushil Kumar and V. Ravichandran , Starlikeness associated with admissible functions, In: Deo N., Gupta V., Acu A., Agrawal P. (eds) Mathematical Analysis I: Approximation Theory. ICRAPAM 2018. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, vol 306. Springer, Singapore, 2020.
  50. Viredra Kumar, Sushil Kumar and V. Ravichandran , Third Hankel determinant for certain classes of analytic functions, In: Deo N., Gupta V., Acu A., Agrawal P. (eds) Mathematical Analysis I: Approximation Theory. ICRAPAM 2018. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, vol 306. Springer, Singapore, 2020.
  51. Vibha Madaan, Ajay Kumar, and V. Ravichandran , Lemniscate convexity of generalized Bessel functions, Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica, 56 (2019) no. 4, 404–419.
  52. M. Vibha, Ajay Kumar and V. Ravichandran , Starlikeness associated with lemniscate of Bernoulli, Filomat, Volume 33 (2019), No. 7, pp. 1937-1955.
  53. Subzar Beig and V. Ravichandran , Convolution and convex combination of harmonic mappings, Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society, Volume 45 (2019), Issue 5, pp 1467–1486 .
  54. Rosihan M. Ali, Naveen Kumar Jain and V. Ravichandran , Bohr radius for classes of analytic functions, Results in Mathematics, Volume 74 (2019), Issue 4, Article 179.
  55. Adiba Naz, Sumit Nagpal and V. Ravichandran , Starlikeness associated with the exponential function, Turkish Journal of Mathematics, Volume 43 (2019), 1353 – 1371 .
  56. N. Bohra, Sushil Kumar, V. Ravichandran , Some special differential subordination, Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, Volume 48 (2019) Issue 4, Pages 1017 - 1034.
  57. Nak Eun Cho, Virendra Kumar, S. Sivaprasad Kumar, and V. Ravichandran , Radius problems for starlike functions associated with sine function, Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society, Volume 45 (2019), Issue 1, pp. 213–232.
  58. Nak Eun Cho, Sushil Kumar, Virendra Kumar, and V. Ravichandran , Convolution and radius properties of certain analytic functions associated with the tilted Carathéodory functions, Mathematical Communications, 24(2019), 165-179.
  59. Virendra Kumar, Nak Eun Cho, V. Ravichandran , H. M. Srivastava, Sharp coefficient bounds for starlike functions associated with the Bell Numbers, Mathematica Slovaca, Volume 69, Issue 5, Pages 1053–1064.
  60. Kanika Khatter, V. Ravichandran and S. Sivaprasad Kumar, Starlike functions associated with exponential function and the Lemniscate of Bernoulli, Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A. Matemáticas, Volume 113 (2019), Issue 1, pp 233–253.
  61. Nak Eun Cho, Virendra Kumar, and V. Ravichandran , Arc length for the Janowski classes, Annals of the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University - Mathematics, Vol 65 (2019), No. 1, pp. 91-105.
  62. Nak Eun Cho, Sushil Kumar, Virendra Kumar, V. Ravichandran , H. M. Srivastava, Starlike functions related to the Bell numbers, Symmetry, Volume 11 (2019), no. 2, Article 219.
  63. Nak Eun Cho, Virendra Kumar, and V. Ravichandran , A survey on coefficient estimates for Caratheodory functions, Applied Mathematics E-Notes, 19 (2019), 370-396 .
  64. Om. P. Ahuja, Asena Çetinkaya, and V. Ravichandran , Harmonic univalent functions defined by post quantum calculus operators, Acta Universitatis Sapientiae, Mathematica, Volume 11 (2019), no. 1, 5-17.
  65. O. P. Ahuja, Subzar Beig and V. Ravichandran , Univalent harmonic functions generated by Ruscheweyh derivatives of analytic functions, Acta Universitatis Apulensis No. 29 (2019), 13-24.
  66. Sushil Kumar and V. Ravichandran, Subordinations for functions with positive real part, Complex Analysis and Operator Theory, Volume 12 (2018), Issue 5, pp 1179–1191.
  67. N. Bohra, V. Ravichandran, Radii problems for normalized Bessel functions of first kind, Computational Methods and Function Theory, Volume 18 (2018), Issue 1, pp 99–123.
  68. Subzar Beig and V. Ravichandran, Directional convexity of harmonic mappings, Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society, Volume 41 (2018), 1045–1060.
  69. Nak Eun Cho, Sushil Kumar, Virendra Kumar, and V. Ravichandran, Differential subordination and radius estimates for starlike functions associated with Booth lemniscate, Turkish Journal of Mathematics, Volume 42 (2018), 1380-1399.
  70. Nak Eun Cho, Virendra Kumar, and V. Ravichandran, Sharp bounds on the higher order Schwarzian derivatives for Janowski classes, Symmetry, Volume 10 (2018), no. 8, Article 348.
  71. Shweta Gandhi, Sushil Kumar and V. Ravichandran, First Order Differential Subordinations for Caratheodory Functions, Kyungpook Mathematical Journal, Volume 58 (2018), no. 2, 257-270.
  72. O. P. Ahuja, Sushil Kumar and V. Ravichandran, First order differential subordination for functions with positive real part, Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Mathematica, Volume 63 (2018), no. 3 , 303-311.
  73. V. Ravichandran and Shelly Verma, Generalized Zalcman conjecture for some classes of analytic functions, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications , Volume 450 (2017), no. 1, 592–605.
  74. Om P. Ahuja, Sumit Nagpal, and V. Ravichandran , A technique of constructing planar harmonic mappings and their properties, Kodai Mathematical Journal , Volume 40 (2017), no. 2, 278–288.
  75. Sushil Kumar and V. Ravichandran , Shelly Verma, Bounds for the initial coefficients of starlike functions with real coefficients, Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society , Volume 43 (2017), Issue 6, 1837–1854.
  76. Shelly Verma and V. Ravichandran , Radius problems for ratio of Janowski starlike functions with its derivative, Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society, Volume 40 (2017), no. 2, 819–840.
  77. V. Ravichandran , and Shelly Verma, Estimates for inverse coefficients of certain analytic functions, Filomat , Volume 31 (2017) no. 11, 3539–3552.
  78. Najla M Alarifi, Rosihan M Ali and V Ravichandran , Best bounds for the second Hankel determinant of the kth-root transform of analytic functions, Filomat , Volume 31 (2017), no. 2 , 227–245.
  79. Nisha Bohra, and V. Ravichandran , On confluent hypergeometric function and generalized Bessel functions, Analysis Mathematica , Volume 43 (2017), no. 4, 533–545.
  80. Nak Eun Cho, Naveen Kumar Jain and V. Ravichandran , Convex combination of analytic functions with identity functions, Open Mathematics , Volume 15 (2017), no. 1, pp. 331–339.
  81. Shweta Gandhi, and V. Ravichandran , Starlike functions associated with a lune, Asian-European Journal of Mathematics , Volume 10 (2017), no. 4, 1750064 (12 pages).
  82. Rosihan M. Ali, Virendra Kumar, V. Ravichandran, and S. Sivaprasad Kumar, Radius of starlikeness for functions with fixed second coefficient, Kyungpook Mathematical Journal , Volume 57 (2017), no. 3, 473–492.
  83. Nisha Bohra, and V. Ravichandran , Schwarzian derivative and Janowski convexity, Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Mathematica , Volume 62 (2017), no. 2, 197–204
  84. Sushil Kumar and V. Ravichandran , Functions defined by coefficients inequalities, Malaysian Journal of Mathematical Sciences , Volume 11 (2017), no. 3, 365–375.
  85. Kanika Sharma and V. Ravichandran , Applications of subordination theory to starlike functions, Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society , Volume 42 (2016), no. 3, pp. 761-777.
  86. Kanika Sharma and V. Ravichandran , Applications of theory of differential subordination of functions with fixed initialcoefficient, Journal of Classical Analysis, Volume 8, Number 2 (2016), 113–121.
  87. Naveen Kumar Jain and V. Ravichandran , Radius problems for product and convolution of univalent functions, Honam Journal of Mathematics , Volume 38, (2016), number 4, 701–724. (SCIE/ 2014 IF:
  88. Naveen Kumar Jain, V. Ravichandran and Kanika Sharma, Starlike functions associated with a cardioid, Afrika Mathematica, Volume 27(2016), Issue 5, pp 923–939.
  89. Sushil Kumar and V. Ravichandran, A subclass of starlike functions associated with a rational function, Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics, 40(2) (2016), 199–212.
  90. Sushil Kumar, Sumit Nagpal, and V. Ravichandran , Coefficient inequalities for Janowski starlikeness, Proceedings of the Jangjeon Mathematical Society , Volume 19 (2016), no. 1, 83-100.
  91. Kanika Sharma and V. Ravichandran , Sufficient conditions for Janowski starlike functions, Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Mathematica , 61(2016), no. 1, 63–76.
  92. Kanika Khatter, V. Ravichandran and S. Sivaprasad Kumar, Estimates for initial coefficients of certain starlike functions with respect to symmetric points, Applied Analysis with Applications in Biological and Physical Sciences , Springer 2016, 385–395.
  93. V. Ravichandran and Shelly Verma, Bound for the fifth coefficient of starlike functions, Comptes rendus Mathematique , Volume 353 (2015) no. 6, 505–510. (SCIE/ 2014 IF: 0.83)
  94. Sumit Nagpal and V. Ravichandran , Convolution Properties of harmonic Koebe function and its connection with 2-starlike mappings, Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations , Volume 60 (2015), no. 2, 191–210. (SCIE/ 2014 IF: 1.03)
  95. Rajni Mendiratta, Sumit Nagpal and V. Ravichandran , On a subclass of strongly starlike functions associated with exponential function, Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society (2) , Volume 38 no. 1 (2015), 365-386. (SCIE/ 2014 IF: 0.93)
  96. Rosihan M. Ali, Saiful R. Mondal, and V. Ravichandran , On the confluent hypergeometric function and Janowski convexity and starlikeness, Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society - Simon Stevin , Volume 22, Number 2 (2015), 227-250. (SCIE/ 2014 IF: 0.73)
  97. V. Ravichandran and Kanika Sharma, Sufficient conditions for starlikeness, Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society, Volume 52, no. 4 (2015), pp. 727–749. (SCIE/ 2014 IF: 0.80)
  98. Rajni Mendiratta, Sumit Nagpal and V. Ravichandran , Second-order differential superordination for analytic functions with fixed initial coefficient, Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics, 39 (2015), no. 6, 851-864 .
  99. Lee See Keong, V. Ravichandran , Shamani Supramaniam, Close-to-convexity and starlikeness of analytic functions, Tamkang Journal of Mathematics, Volume 46, Number 2, 111-119, June 2015.
  100. Rajni Mendiratta, Sumit Nagpal and V. Ravichandran , Radii of starlikeness and convexity for analytic functions with fixed second coefficient satisfying certain coefficient inequalities, Kyungpook Mathematical Journal, Volume 55 (2015), No. 2, 395-410.
  101. Rajni Mendiratta, Sumit Nagpal and V. Ravichandran , A subclass of starlike functions associated with left-half of the lemniscate of Bernoulli, International Journal of Mathematics , Volume 25 (2014), No. 9, 1450090 (17 pages). (SCIE/2012 IF: 0.76)
  102. Sumit Nagpal and V. Ravichandran , Univalence and convexity in one direction of the convolution of harmonic mappings, Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations , Volume 59 (2014), no 9, pp. 1328-1341 (ISSN: 1747-6933; SCIE/2012 IF:0.5)
  103. Sumit Nagpal and V. Ravichandran , A subclass of close-to-convex harmonic mappings, Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations , Volume 59 (2014), no. 2, pp. 204-216. (ISSN: 1747-6933; SCIE/ 2012 IF:0.5)
  104. Sumit Nagpal and V. Ravichandran, Construction of subclasses of univalent harmonic mappings, Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society, Volume 51 (2014), no. 3, 567—59. (ISSN: 0304-9914 ; SCIE/2012 IF: 0.32)
  105. V. Ravichandran , Radii of starlikeness and convexity of analytic functions satisfying certain coefficient inequalities, Mathematica Slovaca , Volume 64 (2014), no. 1, pp. 27-38. (SCIE/ 2012 IF: 0.394) ISSN: 0139-9918
  106. Om P. Ahuja, Sumit Nagpal and V. Ravichandran , Radius constants for functions with the prescribed coefficient bounds, Abstract and Applied Analysis, Volume 2014 (2014), Article ID 454152, 12 page. (SCIE/2012 IF: 1.102)
  107. Lee See Keong, V. Ravichandran , Shamani Supramaniam, Initial coefficients of bi-univalent functions, Abstract and Applied Analysis , Volume 2014 (2014), Article ID 640856, 6 pages. (SCIE/2012 IF: 1.102)
  108. Rosihan M. Ali, Moradi Nargesi Mahnaz, V. Ravichandran , Radius constants for analytic functions with fixed second coefficient, The Scientific World Journal, Volume 2014 (2014), Article ID 898614, 6 pages.
  109. Sumit Nagpal and V. Ravichandran , A comprehensive class of harmonic functions defined by convolution and its connection with integral transforms and hypergeometric functions, Stud. Univ. Babeş-Bolyai Math. , Volume 59(2014), no. 1, 41–55.
  110. Nurshamimi Binti Salleh, Rosihan M. Ali and V. Ravichandran , Admissible second-order differential subordinations for analytic functions with fixed initial coefficient, AIP Conf. Proc. 1605 (2014), 655–660.
  111. Sumit Nagpal and V. Ravichandran , Starlikeness, convexity and close-to-convexity of harmonic mappings, in Current Topics in Pure and Computational Complex Analysis (M. Dorff, S. B. Joshi, I. Lahiri, eds), Trends in Mathematics, 2014, pp. 201–214.
  112. V. Ravichandran , Om P. Ahuja, and Rosihan M. Ali (Guest Editors), Analytic and Harmonic Univalent Functions, Special Issue of Abstract and Applied Analysis, Hindawi, 2014.
  113. Rosihan Ali, Moradi Nargesi Mahnaz and V. Ravichandran , Convexity of integral transforms and duality, Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations, Volume 58 (2013), no. 11, 1569-1590. (SCIE/2011 IF:0.532) ISSN: 1747-6933
  114. Rosihan M. Ali, Naveen Jain and V. Ravichandran , On the radius constants for classes of analytic functions, Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society (2), Volume 36 (2013), no. 1, 23–38. (SCIE/2012 IF: 0.798)
  115. Sumit Nagpal and V. Ravichandran , Fully starlike and convex harmonic mappings of order α, Annales Polonici Mathematici, Volume 108 (2013), pp. 85–107 (SCIE/2012 IF:0.31)
  116. Rosihan M. Ali, Saiful R. Mondal, and V. Ravichandran , Zero-free approximants to derivatives of prestarlike functions, Journal of Inequalities and Applications , Volume 2013 (2013), Art. 401, 8pp. (SCIE/2012 IF: 0.82)
  117. Lee See Keong, V. Ravichandran , Shamani Supramaniam, Bounds for the second Hankel determinant of certain univalent functions, Journal of Inequalities and Applications , Volume 2013 (2013) Art. 281, 17pp. (SCIE/2012 IF: 0.82)
  118. S. Sivaprasad Kumar, Virendra Kumar, V. Ravichandran and Nak Eun Cho, Sufficient Conditions for Starlike Functions Associated with the Lemniscate of Bernoulli, Journal of Inequalities and Applications , Volume 2013 (2013) Art. 176, 13pp. (SCIE/2012 IF: 0.82)
  119. Rosihan M. Ali, Naveen Kumar Jain and V. Ravichandran , On the largest disc mapped by sum of convex and starlike functions, Abstract and Applied Analysis , Volume 2013 (2013), Article ID 682413, 12 pages. (SCIE/2012 IF: 1.102)
  120. S. Sivaprasad Kumar, Virendra Kumar, and V. Ravichandran , Subordination and superordination for multivalent functions defined by linear operators, Tamsui Oxford Journal of Information and Mathematical Sciences , Volume 29(2013), no. 3, 361-387. (Scopus) ISSN: 2222-4424
  121. Lee See Keong, V. Ravichandran , Shamani Supramaniam, Applications of differential subordination for functions with fixed second coefficient to geometric function theory, Tamsui Oxford Journal of Information and Mathematical Sciences , Volume 29 (2013), no. 2, 267-284. (Scopus) ISSN: 2222-4424
  122. Rosihan M. Ali, Moradi Nargesi Mahnaz, V. Ravichandran , A. Swaminathan, Inclusion criteria for subclasses of functions and Gronwall’s inequality, Tamsui Oxford Journal of Mathematical Sciences , Volume 29(2013), no. 1, 61-75. (Scopus) ISSN: 2222-4424
  123. S. Sivaprasad Kumar, Virendra Kumar and V. Ravichandran , Estimates for the initial coefficients of bi-univalent functions, Tamsui Oxford Journal of Information and Mathematical Sciences , Volume 29 (2013), no. 4, 487–504.
  124. Rosihan M. Ali, Moradi Nargesi Mahnaz, V. Ravichandran , Coefficient inequalities for starlikeness and convexity, Tamkang Journal of Mathematics , Volume 44 (2013), no. 2, 149-162. (Scopus) ISSN: 0049-2930
  125. Rajni Mendiratta and V. Ravichandran , Livingston problem for close-to-convex functions with fixed second coefficient, Jñanabha, Volume 43 (2013).
  126. Rosihan M. Ali, Abeer O. Badghaish, V. Ravichandran , and A. Swaminathan, Starlikeness of integral transforms and duality, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications , Volume 385, Issue 2, (2012), Pages 808–822. MR2834854, Zbl 05962655 (SCI/2011 IF: 1.001) ISSN: 0022-247X
  127. Rosihan M. Ali, Nak Eun Cho, S. Sivaprasad Kumar, and V. Ravichandran , First Order Differential Subordinations for Functions Associated with the Lemniscate of Bernoulli, Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics , Volume 16, No. 3, pp. 1017–1026, 2012. (SCI/2011 IF:0.555) ISSN: 1027-5487
  128. Rosihan M. Ali, Naveen Jain and V. Ravichandran, Radii of starlikeness associated with the lemniscate of Bernoulli and the left-half plane, Applied Mathematics and Computations , Volume 218 (2012), 6557—6565. MR2879136 (SCI/2011 IF: 1.317) ISSN: 0096-3003
  129. Sumit Nagpal and V. Ravichandran , Applications of theory of differential subordination for functions with fixed initial coefficient to univalent functions, Annales Polonici Mathematici , 105 (2012), 225-238. (SCIE/2011 IF: 0.439) ISSN: 0066-2216
  130. Rosihan M. Ali, Nak Eun Cho, Naveen Jain and V. Ravichandran , Radii of starlikeness and convexity of functions defined by subordination with fixed second coefficients, Filomat, Volume 26 No 3 (2012), 553—561. (SCIE/2011 IF: 0.421) ISSN: 0354-5180
  131. Rosihan M. Ali, Lee See Keong, V. Ravichandran , Shamani Supramaniam, Coefficient estimates for bi-univalent Ma-Minda starlike and convex functions, Applied Mathematics Letters , Volume 25 (2012), Pages 344–351. MR2855984 (2012h:30105) (SCI/2011 IF: 1.371) ISSN:0893-9659
  132. Rosihan M. Ali, Nak Eun Cho, Oh Sang Kwon, and V. Ravichandran , A first order differential double subordination with applications, Applied Mathematics Letters , Volume 25 (2012), Pages 268–274. MR2855971 (2012h:30018) (SCI/2011 IF: 1.371) ISSN:0893-9659
  133. V. Ravichandran , Geometric properties of partial sums of univalent functions, Ramanujan Mathematics Newsletter, Volume 22, no. 3, 2012, pp. 208–221.
  134. Rosihan M. Ali, R. Chandrashekar, Lee See Keong and V. Ravichandran , Subclasses of meromorphic multivalent functions with respect to n-ply symmetric conjugate points, Applied Mathematics and Computations , Volume 218, Issue 3, (2011) Pages 723–728. MR2831297 (2012g:30023) (SCI/ 2011 IF: 1.317) ISSN: 0096-3003
  135. Rosihan M. Ali, R. Chandrashekar, V. Ravichandran , Janowski Starlikeness for a Class of Analytic Functions, Applied Mathematics Letters, Volume 24, Issue 4, April 2011, Pages 501-505 MR2749734 (2012a:30020) (SCI/2011 IF: 1.371) ISSN:0893-9659
  136. Abeer O. Badghaish, Rosihan M. Ali, and V. Ravichandran , Closure Properties of Operators on the Ma-Minda Type Starlike and Convex Functions, Applied Mathematics and Computations , Volume 218, Issue 3, (2011), Pages 667–672. MR2831286 (2012h:30028) ) (SCI/ 2011 IF: 1.317) ISSN: 0096-3003
  137. Rosihan M. Ali, Sumit Nagpal, V. Ravichandran , Second-Order Differential Subordinations for Analytic Functions with Fixed Initial Coefficient, Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society (2) , Volume 34 (2011), No 3, pp. 611–629. MR2823592 (2012f:30044) (SCIE/2011 IF:0.779) ISSN: 0126-6705
  138. Nak Eun Cho, Oh Sang Kwon, and V. Ravichandran , Coefficient, distortion and growth inequalities for certain close-to-convex functions, Journal of Inequalities and Applications , Volume 201, Article 100, 2011. MR2853340 (SCIE/2011 IF: 0.726) ISSN:1029-242X
  139. Rosihan M. Ali, Nak Eun Cho, Oh Sang Kwon, and V. Ravichandran , Subordination and Superordination for Multivalent Functions Associated with the Dziok-Srivastava Operator, Journal of Inequalities and Applications , Volume 2011 (2011), Article ID 486595, 17 pages MR2775042 (2012b:30053) (SCIE/2011 IF: 0.726) ISSN:1029-242X
  140. Rosihan M. Ali, and V. Ravichandran , Integral operators on the classes of multivalent Ma-Minda starlike and convex functions, Mathematical and Computer Modelling, Volume 53 (2011) 581–586. MR2769429 (2011m:30014) Zbl 1217.30011 (SCIE; 2011IF: 1.346) ISSN: 0895-7177
  141. Rosihan M. Ali, R. Chandrashekar, S. K. Lee, V. Ravichandran , and A. Swaminathan, Differential sandwich theorem for multivalent meromorphic functions associated with Liu-Srivastava operator, Kyungpook Mathematical Journal , Volume 51 No 2 (2011), 217–232. MR2811672 (2012f:30045) Zbl 05963494 ISSN: 1225-6951
  142. Rosihan M. Ali, R.Chandrashekar, S. K. Lee, V. Ravichandran , and A. Swaminathan, Differential sandwich theorem for multivalent analytic functions associated with Dziok-Srivastava operator, Tamsui Oxford Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Volume 27 No 3 (2011), pages 327–350. ISSN: 2222-4424.
  143. Rosihan M. Ali, Maisarah Haji Mohd, Lee See Keong, and V. Ravichandran , Radii of starlikeness, Parabolic starlikeness and strong starlikeness for Janowski starlike functions with complex parameters, Tamsui Oxford Journal of Mathematical Sciences , Volume 27 No 3 (2011), pages 253–267. ISSN: 2222-4424
  144. V. Ravichandran , and S. Sivaprasad Kumar, Argument estimate for starlike functions of reciprocal order, The Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics , Volume 35, (2011) pages 837–843. MR2908201 ISSN: 0129-2021
  145. Rosihan M. Ali, Mahnaz M. Nargesi, and V. Ravichandran , On differential subordination of linear operators satisfying a recurrence relation, Journal of Analysis , Vol 19 (2011), 61-70. ISSN: 0971-3611
  146. Rosihan M. Ali and V. Ravichandran , Uniformly convex and uniformly starlike functions, Mathematics Newsletter (Ramanujan Mathematical Society), Volume 21 No. 1, June 2011.
  147. Rosihan M. Ali and V. Ravichandran , Classes of meromorphic α-convex functions, Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics, Volume 14, No. 4, (2010), pp. 1479-1490. MR2663926 (2011g:30014) (SCI/2011 IF:0.555) ISSN: 1027-5487
  148. Rosihan M. Ali, Abeer O. Badghaish, and V. Ravichandran , Multivalent functions with respect to n-ply points and symmetric conjugate points, Computers and Mathematics with Applications , Volume 60, Issue 11, December 2010, Pages 2926-2935. MR2737343 (SCI/2011 IF:1.747) ISSN: 0898-1221
  149. Rosihan M. Ali, V. Ravichandran , N. Seenivasagan, Differential subordination and superordinationof analytic functions defined by the Dziok-Srivastava linear operator, Journal of Franklin Institute , Volume 347, Issue 9, November 2010, Pages 1762-1781. MR2729485 (2012a:30068) (SCIE; 2011IF: 2.724) ISSN: 0016-0032
  150. Rosihan M. Ali, Moradi Nargesi Mahnaz, V. Ravichandran and K. G. Subramanian, Convolution properties of classesof analytic and meromorphic functions, Journal of Inequalities and Applications , Volume 2010 (2010), Article ID 385728, 14 pages. MR2665496 (2011g:30013) (SCIE)
  151. Rosihan M. Ali, V. Ravichandran , N. Seenivasagan, Differential subordination and superordination for meromorphic functions defined by certain multiplier transformation, Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society (2), 33(2) (2010), pp. 311–324 MR2666433 (2011g:30060) Zbl 1189.30009 (SCIE)
  152. Rosihan M. Ali, Naveen Jain and V. Ravichandran , Convolutions of certain analytic functions, J. Analysis , Volume 18 (2010), pp. 1-8. MR2850232 (2012g:30019)
  153. Rosihan M. Ali, Lee See Keong, V. Ravichandran , Shamani Supramaniam, The Fekete-Szego coefficient functional for transforms of analytic functions, Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society, Volume 35 No. 2. (2009), pp. 119-142. MR2642930 Zbl 1193.30006 (SCIE)
  154. Rosihan M. Ali, V. Ravichandran , Lee See Keong, Subclasses of multivalent starlike and convex functions, Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society – Simon Stevin , 16 (2009), 385–394. MR2566823 (2010j:30014) Zbl 1176.30022(SCIE)
  155. Rosihan M. Ali, Lee See Keong, V. Ravichandran , Shamani Supramaniam, Convolution and differential subordination for multivalent functions, Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society (2), 32(3) (2009), 351–360. MR 2562174 (2010k:30025) Zbl 1176.30065 (SCIE)
  156. Maisarah Haji Mohd, Rosihan M. Ali, Lee See Keong and V. Ravichandran , Subclasses of meromorphic functions associated with convolution, Journal of Inequalities and Applications , Volume 2009 (2009), Article ID 190291, 10 pages. MR2496271 (2010k:30009) Zbl 1176.30044 (SCIE)
  157. Rosihan M. Ali, V. Ravichandran , N. Seenivasagan, Differential subordination and superordination of analytic functions defined by the multiplier transformation, Mathematical Inequalities and Applications, Volume 12, Number 1 (2009), 123 - 139. MR2489356 (2010c:30037) Zbl 1170.30008 (SCIE)
  158. Lee See Keong, V. Ravichandran , Shamani Supramaniam, Coefficient bounds for meromorphic starlike and convex functions, Journal of Inequalities in Pure and Applied Mathematics, Volume 10 (3), (2009), 6pp. MR2551094 Zbl 1180.30017
  159. V. Ravichandran , Criteria for univalence of integral operators Acta Univ. Apulensis Math. Inform. No. 17 (2009), 141–149. MR2555799 (2010i:30031) Zbl 05703589
  160. S. Sivaprasad Kumar, V. Ravichandran , H. C. Taneja, Differential sandwich theorems for linear operators, International Journal of Mathematical Modeling, Simulation and Applications , Volume 2 No. 4 (2009), pp. 490–507. MR2809235 (2012d:30047)
  161. Rosihan M. Ali, V. Ravichandran , N. Seenivasagan, Differential subordination and superordination associated with Schwarzian derivatives, Journal of Inequalities and Applications, vol. 2008, Article ID 712328, 18 pages, 2008. MR2470182 (2010a:30015) Zbl 1165.30309 (SCIE)
  162. Rosihan M. Ali, Abeer Badghaish, and V. Ravichandran , Subordination for higher-order derivatives of multivalent functions, Journal of Inequalities and Applications, vol. 2008, Article ID 712328, 18 pages, 2008. MR2470181 (2010a:30016) Zbl 1162.30304 (SCIE)
  163. Rosihan M. Ali, V. Ravichandran , N. Seenivasagan, Differential subordination and superordination for meromorphic functions defined by Liu-Srivastava linear operator, Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society (2), Volume 31 No. 2, (2008), 193-207. MR2473593 (2009j:30051) Zbl 1151.30016 (SCIE)
  164. Rosihan M. Ali, K. G. Subramanian, V. Ravichandran and Om P. Ahuja, Neighbourhoods of starlike and convex functions associated with parabola, Journal of Inequalities and Applications , Volume 2008, Article ID 346279, 9 pages. MR2443219 (2009j:30015) Zbl 1151.30312 (SCIE)
  165. Rosihan M. Ali, V. Ravichandran , N. Seenivasagan, Coefficient bounds for p -valent functions, Applied Mathematics and Computations , 187 (2007) 35-46. MR2323552 (2008b:30006) Zbl 1113.30024 (SCIE)
  166. R. Aghalary, S. B. Joshi, Ram N. Mohapatra and V. Ravichandran , Subordinations for analytic functions defined by Dziok-Srivastava linear operator, Applied Mathematics and Computations , 187 (2007) 13-19. MR2323549 (2008b:30037) Zbl 1113.30027 (SCIE)
  167. Rosihan M. Ali, V. Ravichandran , N. Seenivasagan, Sufficient conditions for Janowski starlikeness, International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences , Volume 2007, Article ID 62925, 7 pages. MR2336133 (2009c:30031) Zbl 1139.30302
  168. N. Seenivasagan, Rosihan M. Ali, V. Ravichandran , On Bernardi’s integral operator and the Briot-Bouquet differential subordination, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications , Volume 324 (2006), 663—668. MR2262499 (2007e:30026) Zbl 1104.30013 (SCI)
  169. T. N. Shanmugam, C. Ramachandran, V. Ravichandran , Fekete-Szego problem for subclasses of starlike functions with respect to symmetric points, Bulletin of Korean Mathematical Society , Volume 43 No. 3. (2006), 589–598. MR2264918 (2007f:30029) Zbl 1118.30015 (SCIE)
  170. Rosihan M. Ali, V. Ravichandran , N. Seenivasagan, Subordination by convex functions, International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences , 2006 (2006), Article ID 62548, 1-6. MR2268533 (2007f:30016) Zbl 1120.30004
  171. B. Jayaramakrishnan, V. Rajesh and V. Ravichandran , On counting certain permutations used for speech scrambling, Journal of Physical Sciences , 17 (2) (2006), 131–139.
  172. Rosihan M. Ali , V. Ravichandran , M. Hussain Khan and K. G. Subramanian, Applications of first order differential superordinations to certain linear operators, Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics, 30 (2006), 799–810. MR2287003 (2007i:30048) Zbl 1127.30010
  173. T. N. Shanmugam, V. Ravichandran , S. Sivasubramanian, Differential sandwich theorems for some subclasses of analytic functions, Australian Journal of Mathematical Analysis , Volume 3 No. 1 (2006), Article 8 (Electronic). MR2006j:30029 Zbl 1091.30019
  174. Rosihan M. Ali, M. Hussain Khan, V Ravichandran , and K. G. Subramanian, A class of multivalent functions with negative coefficients defined by convolutions, Bulletin of Korean Mathematical Society , Volume 43 No. 1 (2006), 179–188. MR 2006j:30011 Zbl 1105.30002 (SCIE)
  175. V. Ravichandran , Herb Silverman, M. Hussain Khan, K. G. Subramanian, Radius problems for a class of analytic functions, Demonstratio Mathematica , Volume 39 No. 1 (2006), pp. 67–74. MR2223875 (2007c:30015) Zbl 1098.30015
  176. S. Sivaprasad Kumar, V. Ravichandran and H. C. Taneja, Classes of multivalent functions defined by Dziok-Srivastava linear operator and multiplier transformation, Kyungpook Mathematics Journal , Volume 46, No. 1 (2006), 97–109. MR2214804 (2007a:30011) Zbl 1104.30016
  177. V. Ravichandran , Metin Bolcal, Yasar Polotoglu and A. Sen, Certain subclasses of starlike and convex functions of complex order, Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, Volume 34 (2005), pp. 9-15. MR2212704 Zbl 1105.30006 (SCIE)
  178. R. Aghalary, Rosihan M. Ali, S. B. Joshi and V. Ravichandran , Inequalities for analytic functions defined by certain linear operators, International Journal of Mathematical Sciences , Volume 4 No. 2 (2005), 267–274. MR2334059 (2008j:30034)
  179. V. Ravichandran , M. Darus, M. Hussain Khan and K. G. Subramanian, Differential subordination associated with certain linear operators defined by multivalent functions, Acta Mathematica Vietnamica , Volume 30, No. 2 (2005). MR2166701 (2006b:30019) Zbl 1155.30334
  180. S. Sivaprasad Kumar, V. Ravichandran , and G. Murugusundaramoorthy, Class­es of meromorphic p-valent functions with positive coefficients, Australian Journal of Mathematical Analysis , Volume 2 No 2. (2005) Article No. 3. MR2006c:30016 Zbl 1090.30020
  181. V. Ravichandran and S. Sivaprasad Kumar, H. C. Taneja, Meromorphic functions with positive coefficients defined using convolution, Journal of Inequalities in Pure and Applied Mathematics, Volume 6 No. 2, Article 58 (2005). MR2150912, Zbl 1080.30012
  182. V. Ravichandran , Maslina Darus, N. Seenivasagan, Criteria for strong starlikeness, The Australian Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications , Volume 2 No. 1 (2005), Article No 6. MR2133381 (2005k:30029), Zbl 1083.30015
  183. V. Ravichandran , N. Marikkannan and Maslina Darus, On a class of analytic functions with positive coefficients defined by convolution, Mathematical (Cluj) , Volume 47 (70), No. 1, (2005), 53-60. MR2006c:30011 Zbl 1120.30006
  184. V. Ravichandran and S. Sivaprasad Kumar, On sufficient conditions for starlikeness, South East Asian Bulletin of Mathematics, Volume 29 (2005), 773-783. MR2006h:30013 Zbl 1087.30015
  185. V. Ravichandran , N. Mahesh and R. Rajalakshmi, On certain applications of differential subordination for Φ -like functions, Tamkang Journal of Mathematics, Volume 36 No. 2, (2005) pp. 137–142. MR2006a:30016, Zbl 1129.30308
  186. Rosihan M. Ali, M. Hussain Khan, V Ravichandran , and K. G. Subramanian, A class of multivalent functions with positive coefficients defined by convolutions, Journal of Inequalities in Pure and Applied Mathematics , Volume 6, No. 1. Article no. 22, 2005. MR2122931 (2006b:30020),Zbl 1085.30012
  187. V. Ravichandran and S. Sivaprasad Kumar, On a class of analytic functions involving Carlson-Shaffer linear operator, Rivista di Mathematika Univ. Parma , Volume 7, No. 3, (2004), pp. 35-48. MR2005m:30016, Zbl 1134.30017
  188. V. Ravichandran , Maslina Darus, M. Hussain Khan and K. G. Subramanian, Fekete-Szego Inequality for certain class of analytic functions, The Australian Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications , Volume 1 No. 2, (2004), Article 4. MR2111255 (2005h:30027), Zbl 1129.30307
  189. V. Ravichandran , Certain second order linear differential subordinations, Journal of Inequalities in Pure and Applied Mathematics , Volume 5 No. 3., (2004), Article No. 59 (Electronic). MR2084869 (2005f:30048), Zbl 1059.30020
  190. V. Ravichandran , M. Hussain Khan, Maslina Darus and K. G. Subramanian, On sufficient conditions for strong starlikeness, The Australian Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications , Volume 1, No. 1, Article 9, pages 1-6, 2004. MR2077666 (2005b:30018), Zbl 1069.30023
  191. V. Ravichandran , Herb Silverman, S Sivaprasad Kumar and K. G. Subramanian, On subordination for analytic functions defined by linear operator, International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences , Volume 2004 No. 42 (2004), pp. 2219-2230. MR2100102 (2005h:30050), Zbl 1108.30009
  192. V. Ravichandran , S. Sivaprasad Kumar and K. G. Subramanian, Convolution conditions for spirallikenes and convex spirallikeness of certain meromorphic p -valent functions, Journal of Inequalities in Pure and Applied Mathematics , 5 (1) (2004), Article No. 11. MR2048487 (2004m:30023), Zbl 1062.30017
  193. V. Ravichandran , S. Sivaprasad Kumar, Maslina Darus, On a subordination theorem for a class of meromorphic functions, Journal of Inequalities in Pure and Applied Mathematics, 5 (1) (2004), Article No.8. MR2048484, Zbl 1049.­30015
  194. V. Ravichandran , Starlike and convex functions with respect to conjugate points, Acta Mathematica Academiae Paedagogicae Nyiregyhaziensis , Volume 20 (1), 2004, 31-37. MR2129665, Zbl 1066.30015
  195. V. Ravichandran , A. Gangadharan, Maslina Darus, Fekete-Szego Inequality for certain class of Bazilevic functions, Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences , Volume 15 No. 2, (2004), 171-180. MR2133419, Zbl 1073.30011
  196. Rosihan M. Ali and V. Ravichandran , Differential subordination for certain meromorphic functions defined by a linear operator, Journal of Analysis and Applications , Volume 2 No. 3 (2004), pp.149-158. MR2092639, Zbl 1066.30008
  197. Rosihan M. Ali , V. Ravichandran , M. Hussain Khan and K. G. Subramanian, Differential sandwich theorems for certain analytic functions, Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Volume 15 No. 1 (2004), 87-94. MR2115205 (2005h:30048), Zbl 1074.30022
  198. V. Ravichandran , Maslina Darus, On a class of α-convex functions, Journal of Analysis and Applications , 2 (1) (2004), 17-25. MR2038294 (2004k:30030) Zbl 1085.30017
  199. V. Ravichandran , Certain applications of first order differential subordination, Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences (FJMS) , 12 (1), Jan. 2004, 41-51. MR2026702 (2004j:30040), Zbl 1061.30014
  200. V. Ravichandran and M. Jayamala, On sufficient conditions for Caratheodory functions, Far East J Mathematical Sciences (FJMS), 12 (2), Feb 2004, 191-201. MR2054082 (2005a:30023), Zbl 1074.30011
  201. V. Ravichandran , Functions starlike with respect to n-ply conjugate and symmetric conjugate points, Journal of Indian Academy of Mathematics, Volume 26 (1), 2004 pp. 35–45. MR2119159, Zbl 1069.30022
  202. V. Ravichandran , N. Seenivasagan and Hari M. Srivastava, Some inequalities for associated with a linear operator defined for a class of meromorphic functions, Journal of Inequalities in Pure and Applied Mathematics , Volume 4 (4), 2003. Article No 70. (Electronic.) MR2051571 (2004m:30022), Zbl 1054.30013
  203. V. Ravichandran and Maslina Darus, On a criteria for starlikeness, International Mathematical Journal , 4 (2) (2003), 119 - 125. MR2013725 Zbl 05376397
  204. V. Ravichandran , C. Selvaraj and Rajalakshmi Rajagopal, On uniformly convex spiral functions and uniformly spirallike functions, Soochow Journal of Mathematics , Volume 29, No4, (2003), pp. 393-405. MR2021539, Zbl 1047.30007
  205. V. Ravichandran , Some sufficient conditions for starlike functions associated with parabolic regions, South East Asian Bulletin of Mathematics , Volume 27, 2003, 697-703. MR2045377 (2005a:30022), Zbl 1053.30008
  206. V. Ravichandran , Narayanan Srinivasan, M. Jayamala and S. Sivagurunathan, Permutations for speech scrambling, Journal of Indian Academy of Mathematics , Volume 25 (1), 2003, pp. 95-107. MR2054317 (2005d:94137), Zbl 1063.68087
  207. V. Ravichandran and Narayanan Srinivasan, Measures for permutation used for speech scrambling, Journal of Indian Academy of Mathematics , Vol 25 (2), 2003, pp. 251-259. MR2077825 Zbl 1084.68536
  208. V. Ravichandran , On starlike functions with negative coefficients, Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences (FJMS) , Vol 8 (3), 2003, 359-364. MR1977714 (2004c:30026) Zbl 1042.30006
  209. V. Ravichandran and Narayanan Srinivasan, Stable states and sufficient conditions for correct retrival in the bidirectional associative memories, IETE Journal of Research , Volume 49 (1), 2003, pp. 55-58. (SCIE)
  210. Poorna Chandra, V. Ravichandran , Mapping of discrete cosine transform (DCT) and discrete sine transform (DST) based on symmetries, IETE Journal of Research , Volume 49 (1), 2003, pp. 35-42. (SCIE)
  211. V. Ravichandran , A. Gangadharan and T N Shanmugam, Sufficient conditions for starlikeness associated with parabolic regions, International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences , Volume 32 (5), (2002), 319-324. MR1939274 (2003j:30029), Zbl 1014.30008
  212. V. Ravichandran , C. Selvaraj and Rajalakshmi Rajagopal, Sufficient conditions for functions of order α, Journal of Inequalities in Pure and Applied Mathematics , Volume 3 (5), 2002, Article No. 81 (Electronic). MR1966516, Zbl 1028.30011
  213. V. Ravichandran , On uniformly convex functions, Ganita , Vol 53 (2), 117–124 (2002). MR1981967 (2004e:30023), Zbl 1065.30008
  214. A. Gangadharan, V. Ravichandran and T N Shanmugam, Radius of strong starlikeness of certain p -valent analytic functions. Zeszyty Nauk. Politech. Rzeszowskiej Mat. , No. 24, (2000), 37–47 (2001). MR1824858 (2002d:30014), Zbl 0994.30010
  215. V. Ravichandran , F. Rønning, T N Shanmugam, Radius of convexity and radius of starlikeness for some classes of analytic functions, Complex Variables: Theory and Applications , vol. 33 (1-4), 1997, pp. 265-280. MR1624955 (98m:30019), Zbl 0902.30007
  216. A. Gangadharan, V. Ravichandran and T N Shanmugam, Radii of convexity and strong starlikeness for some classes of analytic functions Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications , vol. 211 (1), 1997, pp. 301-313. MR1939274 (2003j:30029), Zbl 0894.30009. (SCI)
  217. M. S. Kasi and V. Ravichandran , On starlike functions with respect to N-ply conjugate and symmetric conjugate points, Journal of Mathematical and Physical Sciences , 30 (1996), pp.307-316. MR1716130 (2000j:30018), Zbl 0938.30007
  218. T. N. Shanmugam and V. Ravichandran , Some applications of differential subordination, Indian Journal of Pure Applied Mathematics , 27 (2), 1996, 165-172. MR1375138 (96m:30019), Zbl 0848.30015. (SCIE)
  219. T. N. Shanmugam and V. Ravichandran , Radius problems for analytic functions, Chinese Journal of Mathematics , 23 (4), 1995, pp. 343-351. MR1371463 (96j:30022), Zbl 0840.30004
  220. T. N. Shanmugam and V. Ravichandran , On the radius of univalency of certain classes of analytic functions, Journal of Mathematical and Physical Sciences , 28 (1), 1994, pp 43-51. MR1320435 (95m:30025), Zbl 0821.3001


Papers in Refereed International Conference Proceedings

  1. T. N. Shanmugam and V. Ravichandran , Certain properties of uniformly convex functions, Computational Methods and Function Theory , (R. M. Ali, St. Ruscheweyh & E. B. Saff (Eds)), World Scientific, 1995, pp. 319-324. MR1415180 (97i:30020), Zbl 0868.30017
  2. Narayanan Srinivasan, V. Ravichandran , J R Vidya, S Ramakrishnan, S M Krishan, Exponentiated back-propagation algorithm for multi-layer neural networks, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP’O2) , Volume 1 (Lipo Wang, Jagath C. Rajapakse, Kunihiko Fukushima, Soo-Young Lee, and Xm Yao (Editors), November 18-22, Singapore, 2002), 327-331.


Papers in Indian Conference Proceedings

  1. N. Gunasekaran and R. Ramachandran and V Ravichandran , Performance analysis of the bidirectional associative memories, Proceeding of ECCAP-2000 , (Ed.Vedam Subramanyam), Allied, Chennai,2002, pp 47-52.
  2. N. Gunasekaran, R. Ramachandran and V Ravichandran , On the stability of state vectors in bidirectional associative memories, Proceedings of the National Conference on Neural Networks and Fuzzy System , 23-25 July 2001, Madras, (Ed. K. M. Mehata), 2001, pp. 228-234.
  3. T. N. Shanmugam and V. Ravichandran , Certain subclasses of close-to-convex functions, Proceedings of the Indian Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics Conference , Madras, pp E61-7.
  4. T. N. Shanmugam and V. Ravichandran , Uniformly convex functions, Proceedings of II Annual Conference of Tamil Nadu Science Congress , Chennai, 1994 (in Tamil).


Magazine Articles

  1. V. Ravichandran , On a series considered by Srinivasa Ramanujan, Mathematical Gazette , Mar 2004.
  2. T. N. Srikantha Dath, R. Ramachandran and V. Ravichandran , Achieving excellence in technical education – a quality management system approach, Indian Journal of Technical Education, Volume 27 No. 1 (2004), pp. 33-37.
  3. N. Marikkannan and V. Ravichandran , Sum of powers of natural numbers using integration, Resonance: Journal of Science Education , Feb 2003.
  4. M. A. Gopalan and and V. Ravichandran , Note on the evaluation of , Mathematics Magazine , 67 (1), 1994, pp. 53-54. Zbl 0875.26010
  5. V. Ravichandran and A Narayanan, On the criteria of divisibility, Mathematics Education , XXVII (1), 1993, pp 6-7. MR1255726, Zbl 0797.11001
  6. V. Ravichandran and A. Narayanan, Proofs for Ramanujan’s formulas, Mathematics Education , XXVII (2), 1993, pp 125-126. MR1248110 (94m:11031), Zbl 0803.33012
  7. M. A. Gopalan and and V. Ravichandran , Elementary integration problems in Ramanujan’s note books, Mathematical Education , 6 (4) April-June 1990, pp 305-307.
  8. M. A. Gopalan and and V. Ravichandran , Fascinating problems in Ramanujan’s note books, Mathematical Education , 7 (1) July-Sep 1990, pp 81-84.
  9. N. Gnanasambandan, V. Ravichandran and R. Venkataraman, A geometric problem from Ramanujan’s note books, Mathematical Education , 7 (1) July-Sep 1990, pp 80-81.

Books Written/Proceedings Edited

  1. V. Ravichandran and Atul Kumar Razdan, Fundamental Discrete Structures - Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science, in preparation.
  2. Atul Kumar Razdan and V. Ravichandran, Fundamentals of Analysis with Applications, Springer, Singapore (2022).
  3. Atul Kumar Razdan and V. Ravichandran, Fundamentals of Partial Differential Equations with Applications, Springer, Singapore (2022).
  4. V. Ravichandran, Editor, MMT-005 Complex Analysis, IGNOU, 2009 (Block preparation team: S. Nagpal, S. K. Pant, P. Mittal and S. Venkataraman)
  5. Rosihan M. Ali and V. Ravichandran , Complex Analysis, Penerbit Universiti Sains Malaysia, 2007. ISBN 978-983-3986-11-8
  6. V. Ravichandran , N Marikkannan, B Srutha Keerthi, A Vijayalakshmi, Mathematics for Engineers, D D Publications, Chennai, (2002).
  7. V. Ravichandran , T. N. Shanmugam, and A. Singaravelu, MA1256 Discrete Mathematics (For Anna University Third Year B. E. Computer Science and Engineering Students), Meenakshi Agency, Chennai, 2008
  8. Rosihan M. Ali, V. Ravichandran, Proceedings of the 2nd IMT-GT Regional Conference on Mathematics, Statistics and Applications Vol I: Pure Mathematics, (June 13-15, 2006, Penang, Malaysia), Universiti Sains Malaysia, 2006. ISBN 983-3391-86-9 (v. I) (Also co-edited the electronic proceedings consisting of all papers).
  9. Rosihan M. Ali, Anton Abdulbasah Kamil, Adam Baharum, Adli Mustafa, Ahmad Izani Md. Ismail , V. Ravichandran, Proceedings of the 2nd National Conference on Graphing Calculators, (Oct 4-6, 2004, Penang, Malaysia), Penerbit Universiti Sains Malaysia, 2004. ISBN 983-2514-70-3
  10. V. Ravichandran , N Marikkannan, Proceeding of the Symposium on Geometric Function Theory – 2002, Chennai, 2002
  11. V. Ravichandran et al. , Proceeding of the workshop on Graph Theory and Networks, 2000, Chennai.