Mechanical Engineering

One among the first three departments to be established in 1964 in the institute, the Mechanical Engineering Department of NITT has the reputation of being among the finest in the country and is dedicated towards the advancement of science and technology. At present the department offers both undergraduate and postgraduate courses in various facets of Mechanical Engineering. The department offers Bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering and Master of Technology courses in Thermal Power Engineering and Industrial Safety Engineering.
The department has 12 academic laboratories and 9 research facilities with modern sophisticated equipment to carry out research in all areas related to Mechanical Engineering. The department has an excellent industrial interaction and contributes to the industry by offering consultancy services and sponsored research projects.
The Mechanical Engineering Department of NITT has the credit to have the subject ranking in the Mechanical Engineering stream in QS World University ranking in the place of 401-450. Ours is the only Department in the country among NITs to have QS world ranking consecutively for the last FIVE years. We are the Leading Patent Makers in the Institute. We have received the Institute BEST DEPARTMENT AWARD during 2019 and 2022 in recognition of our contribution to the growth of the institute through Teaching-Learning & Resources, Research & Professional practice, Graduation Outcome and Outreach & Inclusivity in the Engineering discipline.
To be a globally renowned Department in Mechanical Engineering where the best of teaching, learning and research synergize to fulfil the requirements of industry and society.
The Mechanical Engineering Department is committed to
Prepare effective and responsible engineers for global requirements by providing quality education through graduate, post graduate and doctoral research programmes.
Constantly strive to improve the teaching and learning processes by adopting innovative pedagogical methods.
Respond effectively to the needs of the industry and society by offering sustainable and innovative solutions
Conduct basic and interdisciplinary research to publish in reputed international journal and to generate intellectual property.
Provide consultancy services and cultivate the spirit of entrepreneurship.
Programme Outcomes (POs), Programme Specific Outcomes (PSOs), and Programme Educational Objectives (PEOs)
B. Tech in Mechanical Engineering has the following Programme Outcomes (POs), Programme Specific Outcomes (PSO), and Programme Educational Objectives (PEOs).
PO |
Programme Outcomes (PO)
PO1 |
Apply knowledge of Mathematics, Science and Engineering to arrive solutions for mechanical engineering problems. |
PO2 |
Identify, formulate and analyze engineering problems through technical literature. |
PO3 |
Design a component, a process and a system to meet desired needs considering economic, environmental, social, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability and sustainability. |
PO4 |
Conduct experiment, analyze and interpret data to arrive valid conclusions. |
PO5 |
Use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools for modeling and prediction of problems by understanding the limitations. |
PO6 |
Recognize the importance of health and safety, societal, cultural responsibility in the design and implementation of engineering projects. |
PO7 |
Know and apply societal and environmental context to engineering solutions for sustainable development. |
PO8 |
Apply the standards and professional ethics in engineering practice. |
PO9 |
Function effectively as a member or leader of a team. |
PO10 |
Express effectively, comprehend and write reports on the engineering activities. |
PO11 |
Apply engineering and management principles to manage projects in multidisciplinary environments |
PO12 |
Engage themselves in life-long learning by recognizing the need and technological changes |
Programme Specific Outcomes (PSO) |
PSO1 |
Apply the fundamental knowledge acquired in the area of design, thermal engineering and manufacturing to identify, formulate and solve mechanical engineering problems confronted by the industry and society. |
PSO2 |
Develop products and processes by carrying out research and development considering the economic constraints, sustainability, environment, safety, and cultural perceptions. |
Programme Educational Objectives (PEO) |
PEO1 |
Graduates will be successful Mechanical Engineers in the industry or in technical or professional career |
PEO2 |
Graduates will continue to constantly learn the emerging technology and advanced field of study |
PEO3 |
Graduates will be able to take up leadership positions in interdisciplinary technological activities |

Contact Details
The Head of the Department
Department of Mechanical Engineering
National Institute of Technology
Tiruchirappalli - 620015
Tamil Nadu, INDIA.
PHONE: 91-0431-250 3400
Last modified: 23 May 2023