Dr. V. Arul Mozhi Selvan

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Dr. V. Arul Mozhi Selvan is currently working as Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Former Associate Dean (Academic) for the Post Graduate Programmes, National Institute of Technology Tiruchirappalli (NIT-T), a Centrally Funded Technical Institute of National Importance, Government of India. He has 28 years of Teaching and Research experience at B.Tech., M.Tech. and Ph.D. Levels. He graduated M.Tech. Degree in Energy Engineering and Ph.D. Degree in Mechanical Engineering from National Institute of Technology (NIT-T), Tiruchirappalli. In his doctoral research work, he established Engine Research Laboratory and carried out experimentation on the Performance and Emission Characteristics of a Variable Compression Ratio Engine using Diesterol Nanoparticle blends and the outcome of his research is commendable. He published over 100 research articles in International Journals and Conferences. He developed “Engine Research Laboratory” and “Fuel Testing Laboratory” at NIT-T on par with International Standards to carry out research work. He is an active reviewer for the International Journals such as Energy, Applied Energy, Renewable Energy from Elsevier Publications, Energy & Fuels, ACS (American Chemical Society) Publications, Chemical Engineering Communications from Taylor and Francis Publications, Journal of Petroleum Technology and Alternative Fuels from Academic Journals Publications. He is produced 07 Ph.D. doctorates and 10 are carrying out research work under his guidance. He guided 54 M.Tech. and 38 B.Tech Thesis. He delivered over 50 Expert Lectures at various Engineering Colleges and Universities in India. He attended 28 Short Term Training Programs (STTP) and organized 08 National Level Faculty Development Program (FDP) for the benefit of Teachers of Engineering Colleges in India. He visited over 20 industries of Automotive, Power, Energy, Electrical, Electronics and Communication Systems. Dr. V. Arul Mozhi Selvan is nominated as the Chairman of SAE INDIA Southern Section of Tiruchirappalli Division. He is the Lead Champion to organize SAE International Conference on “Advances in Design, Materials, Manufacturing and Surface Engineering for Mobility - ADMMS 2025”. He is also serving as a Faculty Advisor for the National Level All Terrain Design, Fabrication and Racing Competition - BAJA, organized by SAE India every year. He received Chairmans Award from SAE INDIA Southern Section for his outstanding contribution to the SAE INDIA Collegiate Clubs of Tiruchirappalli Division. He is the Coordinator for “NITT Community Radio Station”, where variety of programs are being created and broadcasted through “NITT Radio FM 90.8 MHz” and through Internet Radio “http://radio.nitt.edu” to provide “Education to the Society”. He is currently holding the office as President of the Officers’ Club of N.I.T., Trichy ans Chirman of Safety and Security Committee of National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli. Dr. V. Arul Mozhi Selvan was earlier working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and as a Faculty Advisor for “Fine Arts Society” at J.J. College of Engineering and Technology (JJCET), Tiruchirappalli. His passion on Arts and Music made him to work for the extra-curricular activities and pave the way to the young motivated students of JJCET that made the Top Film Personalities of today namely Actor Mr. Sivakarthikeyan, Music Directors Mr. Santhosh Narayanan and Mr. Dhibu Ninan Thomas, Actor-Singer-Lyricist-Director Mr. Arunraja Kamaraj, and Lyricist & Music Director Mr. Muthamil by providing intensive training at the Fine Arts Society under his guidance. Dr. V. Arul Mozhi Selvan received “Green Environment Award” for his selffinanced contribution towards creation and maintenance of Green Environment at NIT-T. He filed 6 Patents on the theme “Waste Management” to Intellectual Property India, Government of India. Dr. V. Arul Mozhi Selvan is the Life Member of Indian Society for Technical Education Member and Member of Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), India. Based on his technical contributions, his biography was included in Marquis Who’s Who in the World in the year 2011.  He received Distinguished Alumi Award from Sri Krishna College of Technology, Coimbatore. 

Educational Qualifications:

Sl. No.  Degree Department / Specialization University / Institute Year


Mechanical Engineering  

National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli   



Energy Engineering

National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli

(Formerly Regional Engineering College, Tiruchirappalli, 

Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli)   



Mechanical Engineering   

Bharathiar University, Coimbatore




Sl. No. Degree Discipline Specialization
1. Doctoral Degree Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering Biofuels, IC Engines, Nanoadditives, Emission Control
2. Post Graduate Degree M.Tech. Energy Engineering Energy Engineering
3. Under Graduate Degree B.E. Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering


Doctoral and Post Graduate Thesis:

Degree Title of the thesis


Nucleate Pool Boiling Heat Transfer in Liquids and Their Mixtures at Sub-Atmospheric Pressures


Performance and Emission Characteristics of a Variable Compression Ratio Engine Using Diesel-Biodiesel-Ethanol-Nanoparticle Blends 


Professional Experience:

Sl. No. Designation Department Institute Period
1. Professor Mechanical Engineering National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli 11.03.2024 to till date
2. Associate Professor  Mechanical Engineering National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli 12.03.2018 to 10.03.2024
3. Assistant Professor (AGP 8000) Mechanical Engineering National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli 01.07.2011 to 11.03.2018
4. Assistant Professor (AGP 7000) Mechanical Engineering National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli 01.07.2008 to 30.06.2011
5. Assistant Professor (AGP 6000) Mechanical Engineering National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli 29.03.2006 to 30.06.2008
6. Assistant Professor Mechanical Engineering J.J. College of Engineering and Technology, Tiruchirappalli 01.07.2002 to 28.03.2006
7. Lecturer Mechanical Engineering J.J. College of Engineering and Technology, Tiruchirappalli 01.07.1996 to 30.06.2002


Administrative Experience:

Sl. No.  Post Held                                                      Function                     Years Active
1.  Lead Champion - SAE International Conference (ADMMS) Organise SAE Internationsl Conference and SAE Technical Paper Publication 2025
2. Chairperson, Animal Welfare Committee Animal Welfare Policy Development   2024
3. Chairperson, Safety and Security Advisory Committee Safety and Security Policy Development  2023


President, Officers’ Club of NIT-T

Administration of Officers’ Club 



Chief Invigilator

UPSC & TNPSC Examinations 2019



Member, Siemens Centre of Excellence

Mechatronics Lab In charge



Secretary, Medals and Certificates, Convocation 2018

Medals and Degree Certificates preparation for Convocation 2018

July 2018


Associate Dean (Academic)

Academic Administration for Post Graduate Programmes

2017 to till date


Staff Advisor,

Festember 2017

Organizing inter- collegiate cultural festival

Sep 2017


Member, eGov-NITT

Implementation of Management Information System

2017 to till date


Coordinator, Community Radio Station, NITT Radio FM 90.8 MHz

Content Creation, Studio Recording, Editing, Mastering  and Broadcasting

2016 to till date


Member, NITT Transport Committee

Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance

2016 to 2018


Warden, NITT Hostels

Jasper, Ruby, Pearl, Emerald, MM – II (North)

2016 to 2018


Member, MS/Ph.D. Admission Committee

Centralized MS/Ph.D. Admission

2013 to 2018


Member, Department Administrative Council (DAC)

Department Activities

2012 to till date


Staff Advisor,

SAE INDIA Collegiate Club (BAJA &SUPRA)

Motivating and accompanying the students for co-curricular activities

2012 to till date


Member, NIT Driving School

Planning and Maintenance

June 2014 to till date


Time Table In-charge,

Mech. Engg. Dept.

Time Table Preparation

2006 to till date


Thermal Lab In-charge


Maintenance of Lab for smooth functioning of the Lab & Classes

1996 to 2016


Automobile Lab in-charge

Maintenance of Lab for smooth functioning of the Lab & Classes

2016 to till date


Member, Obsolete Removal Committee

Removal of Obsolete from Laboratories

2017 till date


Coordinator, Board of Studies, Mech. Engg. Dept.

Up gradation of Syllabus

2006 to till date


Member, NBA Committee

BoS Documentation, Modernization of Thermal and Automobile Laboratory

2006 to till date


Member, DPEC

Project Evaluation

2012 to till date



Department Purchase Committee

Purchase of Lab Equipment

2006 to till date


Member, Curriculum Development Committee

Up gradation of Syllabus

2011 to till date


PAC Chairman,

Mech. Engg. Dept.

Class Committee Meeting and publication of result

July-Dec 2011-

(IIIrd Semester)

Jan-Apr 2012

(VIIIth Semester)


Stock Verification Officer, NITT

Stock Verification


2010-11,      2013-14


AIEEE Central Counselling

B.Tech. Admission



PG Counselling

M.Tech. Admission



Member, Convocation Committee

Smooth conduct of Convocation

2008 to till date


Member,  Institute Day Committee

Distribution of Medals/Certificates

2008 to till date


Member, Hospital Infrastructure Development Committee

Purchase of Medical equipment

2009 to 2010


Staff Advisor, Fine Arts       (Music Club), NITT

Motivating and accompanying the students for extra-curricular activities

2007 to 2018


Faculty Advisor,

Fine Arts Society, JJCET

Motivating and accompanying the students for extra-curricular activities

1996 to 2006


Coordinator, JIG JAZZ

Organizing inter- collegiate cultural festival



Staff Advisor, Purchase of Musical Instruments

Purchase of Musical instruments at  JJCET & NITT

1996 to 2018


Doctoral Research Guidance:

Scholars Completed Ph.D. Research:

Sl. No.
Name of the Ph.D. Research Scholar
Research Area
Batch/Year of Admission

K. Ganapathy

Roll No. 411116051

Experimental Investigations on DICI Engine Using Phoenix Dactylifera L Biodiesel with Coffea Arabica Leaf Pigment as an Antioxidant

Jan 2017

Ph.D. Viva Voce Scheduled on March 2025

A. Sathiyaseelan

Roll No. 411914054

Investigation on the Performance Characteristics of a Combat Aircraft  Environmental Control System

Jan 2015

Part-Time External

Ph.D. Completed on 29.07.2024

Arumugam G,

Roll No. 411916006

Investigations on  Nano Biodiesel Blends on the  Performance, Combustion, Emission, Noise and Vibration Characteristics of a CI Engine

July 2016

Part-Time External

Ph.D. Completed on 14.07.2023

Bhavin K Bharath 

Roll No. 411117008
Investigations of Ternary Alcohol Blends and Hybrid Nanolubricant on Performance, Emission, Noise and Vibration Characteristics of a SI Engine

July 2017



(Engg. Scheme)
Ph.D. Completed on 06.09.2022

M. Kirubakaran

Roll No. 411913003
Investigation on Renewable Nano-Catalyst for Biodiesel Optimization from Waste Chicken Fat & Its Performance Characteristics in a CI Engine

July 2013

Part-Time On campus
Ph.D. Completed on 19.05.2021

C.N. Kowthaman

Roll No. 411114003
Synthesis of a Novel Catalyst for Schizochytrium Biodiesel Production and Its Performance Characteristics on Hydrogen Enriched DICI Engine

July 2014

Project Category
Ph.D. Completed on 30.06.2020

C. Pandi Selva Durai

Roll No. 411915007
Development and Investigation on Nano Yttria Dispersed Tungsten Heavy Alloys by Liquid Phase Sintering

July 2015

Part-Time External
Ph.D. Completed on 20.05.2020

H. Mohit

Roll No. 411114002

Development and Investigation on Nano Fillers Reinforced Hybrid Polymer Composites

July 2014

Ph.D. Completed on 18.10.2019


Naresh Kumar Gurusala,

Roll No: 411110052

Waste Chicken Fat Biodiesel Production and Its Performance, Combustion, Emission Characteristics on a DICI Engine

January 2011


Ph.D. Completed on 27.02.2015


Ongoing Research Guidance leading to Ph.D. Degree:

Sl. No.
Name of the Ph.D. Research Scholar
Research Area
Batch/Year of Admission

Thiruppathi R

Roll No. 411123010

Experimental Investigation on the Characteristics of Edible Oil

July 2023



Comprehensive Viva-Voce Completed

Muthukumar P

Roll No. 411122051

Experimental Investigation on the Characterics of Nano-Biofuels

January 2023


Comprehensive Viva-Voce Completed


Mr. Sriram Prasanth

Roll No. 411918007

Experimental Investigations on Biomass to Biochar: Processing and Application

July 2018


On campus

Comprehensive Viva-Voce Completed


S. Palanisamy

Roll No. 411916051

Experimental Investigations on Battery Thermal Management of Electric Vehicles

Jan 2017

Part –Time

On campus

First Seminat Talk Completed


P. Kanthasamy

Roll No. 411916007

Experimental Investigation on the Performance and Emission Characteristics of a DICI Engine Using Biodiesel From Leather Processing Wastes

July 2016

Part-Time External

Comprehensive Viva-Voce Completed


K. Jayakumar

Roll No. 411915051

Experimental Investigations on Nanomaterial infused 3D Printing

Jan 2016

Part-Time External

Comprehensive Viva-Voce Completed

T. Prabhu

Roll No. 411915002

Experimental Investigations on Heavy Alloys

July 2015

Part-Time External

Comprehensive Viva-Voce Completed

P. Sethumathavan

Roll No. 411911052

Experimental Investigation on Biowaste to Energy

January 2012

Part-Time External

Synopsis Submitted on 08.01.2019

Post Graduate Research Guidance:

Sl. No.
Name of the M.Tech. Scholar
Title of the Project
Batch/Year of Thesis Submission


Shushank Pyasi (211220022)

Enhancing machine safeguarding with digital checklist


May 2022


Utkarsh Shinde


Investigation on PCM based composite material to mitigate thermal runaway in Lithium-ion batteries


May 2022


Faizan Ali Khan


Modeling and Testing of Inverse Time Overcurrent Relay for Earth and Phase Fault


May 2022


Shushank Pyasi (211220022)

Experimental study of hybrid nano lubricant on noise and vibration reduction in automobile


Dec 2021


Faizan Ali Khan


Overcurrent protection analysis for Battery supplied. system


Dec 2021


Utkarsh Shinde


Effect of ternary blend on noise, vibration and emission characteristic of SI Engine


Dec 2021


Mohit Gujre


Thermal and Structural Analysis of Pulsar 220 CC


May 2021


Pulak das


Comparison study on diffuser augmented wind turbine (DAWT) with various brim configurations


May 2021


Mohit Gujre


CFD Analysis of Biodiesel Blend and Combustion using Ansys Fluent


Dec 2020


Pulak das


Comparison Study of Non-Premixed Combustion of Propane and Methane by using Ansys Fluent


Dec 2020




Design and Validation of Safety for Earth Mesh Grid of Substation


May 2020





Experimental Study on Effectiveness of

adding Zeolite to Melamine Phosphate

Fire Suppressant Powder


May 2020




Failure Analysis of Distribution Transformers Using Fuzzy Based FMEA


Dec 2019





Multi Route Evacuation Strategy and Fire Safety Auditing of a Theatre


Dec 2019


Kammaganti Lakshmi Vani (211217026)

Analysis of Effluent Treatment Plant


May 2019


Saranya V S


Power Quality Improvement Using Machine Learning for Enhanced Safety in Grid Connected Photovoltaic System


May 2019


P Naveen Karun


Prevention and Control Using Influence Network Method for Fall From Height


May 2019


Kammaganti Lakshmi Vani (211217026)

Analysis of Smoke and Fire Gases Venting in Industrial Areas


Dec 2018


Saranya V S


Fuzzy Based Failure Mode Effects Analysis (FMEA) of Grid Connected Photovoltaic System


Dec 2018


P Naveen Karun


Safety Integrity Level to Electrical Equipments and Systems Using a Modified Risk Graph Method


Dec 2018


Sachin Chandran M


Effect of Compartment Fire on Firefighters and Fire Fighting Using Carbon Dioxide


May 2018


Nived KV


Musculoskeletal Discomfort Assessment of Workers in a Locomotive Workstation


May 2018


Charis Xavier


Simulation and Analysis on the Response Characteristics of Photoelectric Smoke Detectors below Grid Ceilings of Different Hollowing Rate


May 2018


Delvin George


Development of District Disaster Management Plan for Tiruchirappalli


May 2018


Sachin Chandran M


Fire Protection for LPG Tank and Design Deluge Water Fire Sprinkler


Dec 2017


Nived KV


Musculoskeletal Discomforts in Firefighters and the Effects of Personal Protection Equipment


Dec 2017


Charis Xavier


Experimental Study on Heavy Metal Removal from Industrial Waste Water Using Biomass Derived Adsorbent


Dec 2017


Delvin George


Development of District Disaster Management Plan for Tiruchirappalli


Dec 2017


S. Sravan Kumar


Investigation on  Performance and Emission characteristics of   Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition Engine


May 2016


Jay Prakash


Effects of Al2O3 Nanoparticles addition in Lubrication oil on Performance and Emission characteristics of a CI Engine


May 2016


S. Sravan Kumar


Experimental Investigation on Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition Engine For Reduction of Emissions


Dec 2015


Jay Prakash


Experimental Investigation on Role of Nano Additives in Lubrication Oil


Dec 2015


Unmesh Shukla


Experimental Investigation of Performance Characteristics and Emission of Gasoline Alcohol Blends in SI Engine


May 2015


Hari Om


Effect of Nanolubricants on the Performance and Emission Characteristics of a CI Engine


May 2015


Unmesh Shukla


Cold Flow Simulation of an Ethanol Fuelled SI Engine


Dec 2014


Aghil M


Evaluation of Whole Body Vibration in Backhoe Loaders


Dec 2014


Hari Om


Effect of Nanolubricants on the Performance and Emission Characteristics of a CI Engine


Dec 2014


Kisana M. Narnaware (211312013)

Production of Chicken oil from Waste Chicken Fat using Solvent Extraction Method


May 2014


Richu Zachariah (202312008)

Effects of Combustion Geometries on the Performance of a CI Engine Fuelled with Waste Chicken Fat Biodiesel


May 2014


Richu Zachariah (202312008)

Effect of EGR & Catalytic Convertor on NOx Emissions of a CI Engine Fuelled with Waste Chicken Fat Biodiesel


Dec 2013


Kisana M. Narnaware (211312013)

Impact of Diesel Particulate Matter on Exhaust Gas Recirculation on a Diesel Engine


Dec 2013


Nithin Mathew George (202312023)

Production of Fuel From Used Railway Engine Oil Using Distillation and fuel Characterization


Dec 2013


Rajesh Kant Chand Mishra (211212025)

Analysis of Hand Transmitted Vibration During Tile Cutting Operation


Dec 2013


S Krishna Chaitanya (211311003)

Numerical Analysis & Heat Transfer studies on the Performance of Flat Tube Radiator Using Nanofluids


May 2013


Yuyulsu Krishnan K (211211009)

Experimental Investigation and Mathematical Modeling of Transmissibility variation on Mini Truck Drivers


May 2013


S Krishna Chaitanya   (211311003)

Experimental Study on Heat Transfer Enhancement Using Nanofluid in Automobile Radiator


Dec 2012


Yuyulsu Krishnan K (211211009)

Experimental Investigation of Vibration Exposure for Mini Truck Drivers


Dec 2012


Reni David


Optimization of Biodiesel Production from High Free Fatty Acid


May 2012


Reni David


Fuel Spray Characteristics of Gasoline-Ethanol Blends of a MPFI System


Dec 2011


Sanoj Varghese (211309010)

Experimental Investigation on the Fuel Spray Behaviour of an SI Engine


May 2011


Madhavarao Bitragunta (211209014 )

Experimental Study of Emission Level Distribution from Light Duty Vehicles and Its Effects


May 2011



D. Vijaykumar (211309023)

Performance Analysis of Catalytic Converter


May 2011


Sanoj Varghese (211309010)

In –Cylinder Flow Analysis of an SI Engine


Dec 2010


Madhavarao Bitragunta (211209014 )

Testing and Analysis of Firework Emissions


Dec 2010


D. Vijaykumar (211309023)

Performance Analysis of Catalytic Converter


Dec 2010




Numerical Analysis of Flow-Induced Vibration in an Elastically Mounted Circular Cylinder


Dec 2009


Durga Mallik CH (MEA0601)

Design of Combustion Chamber for SI Engine to Enhance Turbulence Using CFD


May 2008




Analysis on fuel-Air Mixing Process of a semi-direct injected spark ignition engine.


May 2007




Solar Heat Sheet for Air Heaters


Dec 2006




Analysis on fuel-Air Mixing Process of a manifold injected spark ignition engine


Dec 2006


Under Graduate Research Guidance:

Sl. No.
Name of the B.Tech. Scholar
Title of the Project
Batch/Year of Thesis Submission

Girish A N


M Kishore Kumar


Rajashekar Swaminathan


Aerodynamic Design Optimization of Electric Vehicle using Computational Fluid Dynamics



Guna Sindar S (111118036)

Ilakiya MP


Preetha B


Investigation on Thermal Management of Electric Vehicles



Anup Kumar Sah (111117015)

Shamees Rahman (111117080)

Ugyen Tashi Penjore (111117098)

An Optimization Design for the Stair-Climbing Wheelchair




Batchu Vamsi Krishna Reddy (111117022)

Gaurav M. Chaudhary (111117025)

Chillarige Venkat Anirudh (111117026)

Thermostructural Analysis of Connecting Rod Mechanism




Ashwin Sankar (111117018)

Study of Downsizing and Design of Split Crankshaft Engine



Aditya Joshi (111117047)

Nitin Sehra


Flow Acoustic Analysis of a typical commercial Acoustic Muffler




M. Yuktesh


Gas Cleaning for IC Engine Applications from Fixed Bed Biomass Gasification




Jerosh J


K J Dharani Dharan


CFD Study on Aerodynamic Effects of a Rear Wing/Spoiler on a Passenger Vehicle




Gopi R


Rakshan Chaitanya M


Ugesh Kumar R


Comparison Of Different Nano Particles In Lubricants According To Their Tribological, Thermophysical, Rheological Properties And Their Automotive Applications




K A Parvesh


Sanjay Raman R


Surya Ramachandiran


AI-Enabled Prescriptive Maintenance For Diesel Engine Using Vibration And Noise Signals




George Joseph Pynadath


Himanshu Bareth


Pansuriya Rutvik Kanojkumar


Optimization Of Nanofluid
Production Using Artificial Intelligence, Statistical Analysis And Data Analytics




Tanubhav Kumar Srivastava


Nivedita Suresh


Guhan Ashok Ganesh


Design and Analysis of Portable Micron-Level Allergen Cleaner P-MAC




Koppusetti Chaitanya (111115045)

Maloth Naveen


Perumalla Prasanth


Emission Control in SI Engines Through Fuel Blends




Anand Mahesh


Rahul Jhade


Production, Characterization and Kinetic Study of Pongamia Pinnatta Biodiesel



Prashanth K


Sai Vinayak


Thayappan S


Development of In-Wheel Planetary Gear Reduction System for BAJA ATV



A Aravinda De Chinnu


C. Chakkaravarthy


Aerodynamic Analysis of On-Road and Racing Cars Using CFD



Aqeel Mohammed


V. Srinivasan (111111097)



Biodiesel Production From Waste Chicken Fat & Its Operating Characteristics on a CI Engine



Aswin Kumar


I. Eswanth




Desalination of Sea Water



Alok Kumar Choudhary


Bijendra Kumar


Rishi Kapoor


Investigation of Materials for IC Engine Exhaust Gas Recirculation Environment



Prasanna Srinivasan




Design and Fabrication of Mechanical Mosquito Control Device



Sanjay Jay Menon


Saranyan A Sakthivel


T. Shriram


Effect of Spark and Fuel Injection Timing on Performance and Emission Characteristics of an Engine Using Microcontroller



Naveen Tandon


Pradeep Shejule


V. Srinivas Ayer


Optimization of Biodiesel Production Using Microwave Radiation



M. Gowtham Shankar


Saurav Banerjee


Jayaram Pillai


Synthesis and Analysis of Biodiesel from Waste Cooking Oil



Ajay Balan


Shreyas S


Evaluation of Performance and Emission Characteristics of Biodiesel Extracted from Waste-Chicken Fat



Akash Selvaraj


Anantha Padmanabhan




Feasibility of Using Nanofluids as  Coolant in an Automobile Radiator



Debarun Saha

Nitish Vinay Gadgil


Jithendar Singh Thakur


Effect of Piston Crown Shapes on In-Cylinder Cold Flow of an SI Engine



M. Nachiappan


T. Sivadhandayuthabani


T. Thulasitharan


Investigation of Active Noise Control Muffler on Engine Noise



J. Srinivas


S. Selvamuthu Kumaran


Ashwini Rajkumar


Effects of Nanoparticle Additive in a Biodiesel Fuelled CI Engine



Vikas Kumar


Mahendra Kumar Meena


M. Amit Singh


Experimental Investigation on Biodiesel Production and Its Performance and Emission Characteristics



Kunal Kishore Sinha


Rakesh Kumar


Simarjit Singh


Emission Control Biodiesel Fuelled CI Engine Using Nanoparticle  Additives



Harish Sekar


Shakti Singh Rathore (ME10559)

Performance and Emission Studies on Nanoparticle Addition in Biodiesel and Diesel Fuelled Engine



M. Pradeep


P. Prasanna


Sandeep C


Experimental Study on Stability, Performance and Emission Characteristics of Ethanol-Biodiesel-Diesel Blends



B. Shankar


Gregory Koshy George


Asish Vishwanath


Simulation of In-Cylinder Flow of Air-Fuel Mixture in a GDI Engine



Nivas P


Pugazhenthi P.M.


Study on Ethanol Production from Sugarcane Molasses



Hijam Kumarjit Singh


Hemant Bedi


Shashank Shukla


Performance Evaluation of Kerosene Stove Using Porous Burner Technology



Kapil Siwariya


Sharad Chandra


Performance Evaluation of LP Gas Burner Using Porous Burner Technology



Rahul Sasi


Sujith S


Prototype Biodiesel Plant





Chandran S


Govindaraj G


Santhosh Kumar P


Experimental Investigations for Optimum Performance in Two-Stroke Petrol Engine



M. Prakash


S. Sakthivel


K. Venkatasubramanian


Development of Computer Simulation for Compression Ignition Engine Design



H.M. Munavar Pasha


S. Natarajan


S. Shenthiel Kumar


K. Vinothbabu


Implementation of Super Charger for Two-Stroke Bikes



List of Research Articles Published in International Journals:

Sl. No. Details of Papers Published in International / National Journals
1. Arul Mozhi Selvan Varadappan, Palanisamy Samikannu (2025) "Investigation on the Effectiveness of Phase Change Materials in Battery Thermal Management System of Electric Vehicles," SAE Technical Paper 2025-28-0178, 2025, https://doi.org/10.4271/2025-28-0178. (SCOPUS)
2. Kanthasamy, P., Arul Mozhi Selvan V & Shanmugam, P. (2025) Optimization of Biodiesel Production from Tannery Industry Fleshing Wastes Using Response Surface Methodology, SAE Technical Paper 2025-28-0115, 2025, https://doi.org/10.4271/2025-28-0115. (SCOPUS)
3. Arul Mozhi Selvan Varadappan, Palanisamy Samikannu (2025) Investigation on Heat Transfer Properties of Graphene Nanoplatelets Blended Distilled Water-Ethylene Glycol Mixtures in Battery Thermal Management System, SAE Technical Paper 2025-28-0089, 2025, https://doi.org/10.4271/2025-28-0089. (SCOPUS)
4. Bhavin K Bharath, V. Arul Mozhi Selvan (2024) Optimizing Spark-Ignition Engine Performance with Ternary Blend Fuels and Hybrid Nanolubricants: A Response Surface Methodology Study, SAE Int. J. Engines 17(8):1017-1047, 2024, https://doi.org/10.4271/03-17-08-0059. (SCOPUS)
5. V. Arul Mozhi Selvan, Palanisamy S, Hari Bharadwaj, Investigation on Hybrid Cooling Topologies of Li-Ion Battery Pack for Electric Vehicles, SAE Technical Paper 2023-28-0173, https://doi.org/10.4271/2023-28-0173 (SCOPUS)
6. Karunanithi, G., Arul Mozhi Selvan Varadappan (2023) Enzymatic transesterification of Phoenix dactylifera L. oil using lipase immobilized on activated carbon and optimization using response surface methodology. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13399-023-04902-6 (SCIE)
7. Ganapathi Karunanithi, Arul Mozhi Selvan Varadappan (2023) A novel coffea leaf pigment doped Phoenix dactylifera L biodiesel and its performance characteristics on a direct injection compression ignition engine, Materials Today: Proceedings, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2023.06.173 (SCOPUS)
8. Arul Mozhi Selvan Varadappan, Palanisamy Samikannu (2023), Experimental investigation on pH and stability of distilled water ethylene glycol mixture with graphene nanoplatelets, Materials Today: Proceedings, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2023.05.657 (SCOPUS)
9. Arul Mozhi Selvan Varadappan, Arumugam Ganapathi Sundaram (2023) Effect of Diesterol blends on the noise vibration and harshness of a Genset engine, Materials Today: Proceedings, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2023.05.058 (SCOPUS)
10. Josephine R.L., V. Arul Mozhi Selvan, Bhanu Prakash R, Jashwanth Arunachalam Rajesh (2022) Solar Photovoltaic Fed Fast Charging Power Converters for Electric Vehicles, SAE Technical Paper 2022-28-0486, 2022, https://doi.org/10.4271/2022-28-0486 (SCOPUS)
11. V. Arul Mozhi Selvan, Palanisamy S, Guna Sundhar S, Ilakiya MP, Preetha B (2022) Investigation on Li-ion Battery Pack Topologies for Optimum Thermal Management of Electric Vehicles, SAE Technical Paper 2022-28-0498, 2022, https://doi.org/10.4271/2022-28-0498 (SCOPUS)
12. V. Arul Mozhi Selvan, Bhavin K Bharath (2022) A Novel Hybrid Nanolubricant for Spark Ignition Engine Application: Studies on Stability, Rheological & Heat Transfer Behavior, SAE Technical Paper 2022-28-0585, 2022, https://doi.org/10.4271/2022-28-0585 (SCOPUS)
13. V. Arul Mozhi Selvan, Arumugam G (2022) Investigations on the Effect of Injection Pressure and Timing on Noise and Vibration Characteristics of a Biodiesel Fueled Genset Engine and Artificial Neural Network Architecture," SAE Technical Paper 2022-28-0499, 2022, https://doi.org/10.4271/2022-28-0499 (SCOPUS)
14. V. Arul Mozhi Selvan, Palanisamy S, Girish A N, Kishore Kumar M, Rajashekar Swaminathan (2022) Aerodynamic Design Optimization of Electric Vehicles Using Computational Fluid Dynamics, SAE Technical Paper 2022-28-0509, 2022, https://doi.org/10.4271/2022-28-0509 (SCOPUS)
15. Sathiyaseelan A, V. Arul Mozhi Selvan (2022) Fighter Aircraft Cabin Temperature Control by Variable Time-Delay in Loop with Control Input Normalization, SAE Technical Paper 2022-28-0497, 2022, https://doi.org/10.4271/2022-28-0497 (SCOPUS)
16. Sathiyaseelan Arunachalam, Arul Mozhi Selvan Varadappan (2022) Model based development of temperature control schemes for fighter aircraft ECS, Heliyon, 8 (11), e11727.  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2022.e11727 (SCIE)


Sathiyaseelan A, V. Arul Mozhi Selvan (2022) Effect of Supply Air Failure on Cabin Pressure Control System of a Fighter Aircraft, International Journal of Aeronautical & Space Sciences https://doi.org/10.1007/s42405-022-00526-8 (SCIE)


Sathiyaseelan A, V. Arul Mozhi Selvan (2022) Modeling and Simulation of a Fighter Aircraft Cabin Pressure Control System Using AMESim, , SAE Technical Paper 2022-28-0078 https://www.sae.org/publications/technical-papers/content/2022-28-0078/ (SCOPUS)


Ganapathi Karunanithi, Arul Mozhi Selvan Varadappan (2022) Exploring the effectiveness of novel Coffea Arabica leaf pigment as a natural antioxidant additive for date seed biodiesel, Fuel, 324, Part A, 124561 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fuel.2022.124561 (SCIE)


P. Ramesh, V. Arul Mozhi Selvan, D. Babu (2022) Selection of sustainable lignocellulose biomass for second-generation bioethanol production for automobile vehicles using lifecycle indicators through fuzzy hybrid PyMCDM approach, Fuel, 322, 124240 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fuel.2022.124240 (SCIE)


CN Kowthaman, P Senthil Kumar, V Arul Mozhi Selvan, D. Ganesh (2022)A comprehensive insight from microalgae production process to characterization of biofuel for the sustainable energy, Fuel 310, 122320 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fuel.2021.122320 (SCIE)


CN Kowthaman, V Arul Mozhi Selvan, P Senthil Kumar (2021) Optimization strategies of alkaline thermo-chemical pretreatment for the enhancement of biogas production from de-oiled algae, Fuel, 303, 121242 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fuel.2021.121242  (SCIE)


C.N. Kowthaman, P. SenthilKumar, V. Arul Mozhi Selvan (2021) Micro-patterned graphite electrodes: An analysis and optimization of process parameters on hydrogen evolution in water electrolysis, Fuel 305, 121542, pp 01-10 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fuel.2021.121542 (SCIE)


P. Kanthasamy, V. Arul Mozhi Selvan (2021) FTIR and GCMS analysis on useful methyl ester compound from industrial waste animal fleshing oil (WAFO), Materials Today: Proceedings,  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2021.06.255  (SCOPUS)


Bhavin K Bharath, V Arul Mozhi Selvan, Pansuriya Rutvik Kanojkumar (2021) Artificial neural network architecture for rheological property prediction of a novel hybrid nanolubricant for automotive spark-ignition engine, Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 43, 323 (SCIE) https://doi.org/10.1007/s40430-021-03050-0


M. Kirubakaran, V. Arul Mozhi Selvan (2021) Experimental investigation on the effects of micro eggshell and nano-eggshell catalysts on biodiesel optimization from waste chicken fat, Bioresource Technology Reports, Volume 14, 100658, ISSN 2589-014X, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biteb.2021.100658 (SCIE)


Aravind, A., Saravanan, S., Bharath Bhavin, K., Arul Mozhi Selvan, V. (2021). Investigation on methanol - gasoline - aluminum oxyhydroxide nanoparticle blends on the emission characteristics of an SI engine. Environmental Quality Management, 1– 11. https://doi.org/10.1002/tqem.21745  (SCOPUS)


Bharath, B.K., Arul Mozhi Selvan, V. (2021) Influence of Higher Alcohol Additives in Methanol–Gasoline Blends on the Performance and Emissions of an Unmodified Automotive SI Engine: A Review. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 46, 7057–7085. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13369-021-05408-x  (SCIE)


Bharath, B.K., Arul Mozhi Selvan, V. (2021) An Experimental Investigation on Rheological and Heat Transfer Performance of Hybrid Nanolubricant and Its Effect on the Vibration and Noise Characteristics of an Automotive Spark-Ignition Engine. International Journal of Thermophysics, 42, 37. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10765-020-02784-8  (SCI)


Kirubakaran M., Arul Mozhi Selvan V. (2020) Biodiesel production from waste chicken oil using nanoeggshell heterogeneous catalyst with isopropyl ether as cosolvent. Environmental Quality Management. 2020; 1-14. https://doi.org/10.1002/tqem.21718  (SCOPUS)


Kowthaman C.N., Arul Mozhi Selvan V., Synthesis and characterization of carbon nanotubes from engine soot and its application as an additive in Schizochytrium biodiesel fuelled DICI engine, Energy Reports, Volume 6, 2020, Pages 2126-2139, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.egyr.2020.08.003  (SCIE)


C.N. Kowthaman, V. Arul Mozhi Selvan, Waste to green fuels: Kinetic study of low lipid waste algae for energy development, Bioresource Technology Reports, Volume 11, 2020, 100510, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biteb.2020.100510  (SCOPUS)


Bhavin K Bharath, Arul Mozhi Selvan V (2020): Effect of ternary blends on the noise, vibration, and emission characteristics of an automotive spark ignition engine, Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, https://doi.org/10.1080/15567036.2020.1788673  (SCI)


Kanthasamy, P., Arul Mozhi Selvan V & Shanmugam, P. Investigation on the performance, emissions and combustion characteristics of CRDI engine fuelled with tallow methyl ester biodiesel blends with exhaust gas recirculation. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 141, 2325–2333 (2020), https://doi.org/10.1007/s10973-020-09770-0  (SCI)


V. Arul Mozhi Selvan, G. Arumugam (2020), Experimental Investigations of Noise, Vibration and Combustion Characteristics of Diesel and Pongamia Biodiesel Blends on a CI Genset Engine, SAE Technical Paper 2020-28-0471 https://www.sae.org/publications/technical-papers/content/2020-28-0471/ (SCOPUS)


Sathiyaseelan A, V. Arul Mozhi Selvan (2020) Modeling and Simulation of a Fighter Aircraft Cabin Temperature Control System Using AMESim, SAE Technical Paper 2020-28-0497 https://www.sae.org/publications/technical-papers/content/2020-28-0497/ (SCOPUS)


A Sathiyaseelan, V Arul Mozhi Selvan (2020) Temperature Control of Combat Aircraft Environmental Control System by Time-delay in loop with Control Input Normalization, IEEE Xplore,  https://doi.org/10.1109/ICISC47916.2020.9171174 (SCOPUS)


H Mohit, V Arul Mozhi Selvan (2020) Effect of a novel chemical treatment on the physico-thermal properties of sugarcane nanocellulose fiber reinforced epoxy nanocomposites, International Polymer Processing, 35(2), 211-220 https://doi.org/10.3139/217.3855  (SCOPUS)


Hemath, M, V. Arul Mozhi Selvan (2020) Effect of Al-SiC nanoparticles and cellulose fiber dispersion on the thermomechanical and corrosion characteristics of polymer nanocomposites. Polymer Composites. 2020; 41: 1878– 1899. https://doi.org/10.1002/pc.25505 (SCI)


H. Mohit, V. Arul Mozhi Selvan, Optimization of the tensile strength of sintered Al6061/SiC nanocomposites using response surface methodology, Materials Today: Proceedings, 27(3), 2020, pp. 2801-2805. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2019.12.201  (SCOPUS)


C. Pandi Selva Durai, V. Arul Mozhi Selvan, T.K. Singha, S. Kumaran (2020), Effect of nano-yttria dispersion on the microstructure and mechanical properties of W-Ni-Co alloys, International Journal of Materials and Product Technology, Inderscience, 59(4). https://doi.org/10.1504/IJMPT.2019.104553 (SCIE)


C.N. Kowthaman and V. Arul Mozhi Selvan (2019) Synthesis of biodiesel from Schizochytrium oil using renewable catalyst and study of its quaternary blend phase behaviour, IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 268 (1) 012107. https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/268/1/012107 (SCOPUS)


H. Mohit and V. Arul Mozhi Selvan (2019) Physical and thermomechanical characterization of the novel aluminum silicon carbide-reinforced polymer nanocomposites, Iranian Polymer Journal, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 28(10), pp. 823-837. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13726-019-00746-y (SCIE)


Mohit, H., Arul Mozhi Selvan V (2019) Thermo-mechanical properties of sodium chloride and alkali-treated sugarcane bagasse fibre, Indian Journal of Fibre and Textile Research, 2019, 44(3), pp. 286-293. http://nopr.niscair.res.in/handle/123456789/50554  (SCIE)


C.N. Kowthaman and V. Arul Mozhi Selvan (2019) Influence of surfactants on quaternary emulsion blend and experimental investigations on the influence of hydrogen enriched quaternary blend in DICI engine. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, ScienceDirect, 45(42), pp. 22349-22363 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhydene.2019.07.248 (SCIE)


Chakrapnani Nagappan Kowthaman, Arul Mozhi Selvan Varadappan (2019) Synthesis, characterization, and optimization of Schizochytrium biodiesel production using Na+- doped nanohydroxyapatite, International Journal of Energy Research, Wiley, 2019, 43(8), pp. 3182-3200.  https://doi.org/10.1002/er.4387 (SCIE)


C. Pandi Selva Durai, V. Arul Mozhi Selvan, T.K. Singha, S.Kumaran (2019), Tensile and compression behaviour of nano-yttria dispersed W-Ni-Co heavy alloys processed by liquid phase sintering, Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals, Springer, 2019, pp 1443–1446. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12666-019-01632-0 (SCIE)


H. Mohit, V. Arul Mozhi Selvan (2019), Influence of chemical surface modification on micro-wear characteristics of sugarcane nanocellulose epoxy nanocomposites, MATTER: International Journal of Science and Technology, 4(3), pp. 157-178. https://dx.doi.org/10.20319/mijst.2019.43.157178


H. Mohit and V. Arul Mozhi Selvan (2019) Effect of a novel chemical treatment on nanocellulose fibers for enhancement of mechanical, electrochemical and tribological characteristics of epoxy bio-nanocomposites, Fibers and Polymers, Springer, 20, 1918–1944. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12221-019-1224-7 (SCIE)


Sethumadhavan P and Arul Mozhi Selvan V (2018) Experimental Investigation on Anaerobic Co-Digestion of Food Waste, De-Oiled Chicken Fat and Bio-Briquette, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology, 9(11), pp. 1865-1872. https://iaeme.com/Home/article_id/IJMET_09_11_194  (SCOPUS)


M. Kirubakaran, V. Arul Mozhi Selvan (2018), Eggshell as heterogeneous catalyst for synthesis of biodiesel from high free fatty acid chicken fat and its working characteristics on a CI engine, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, Elsevier, Vol. 6 (4), 4490-4503. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jece.2018.06.027


H. Mohit & V. Arul Mozhi Selvan (2018), A comprehensive review on surface modification, structure interface and bonding mechanism of plant cellulose fiber reinforced polymer based composites, Composite Interfaces, Taylor & Francis, 25:5-7, 629-667. https://doi.org/10.1080/09276440.2018.1444832 (SCI)


P. Sethumadhavan, V. Arul Mozhi selvan (2018), Effect of Spent Mushroom Substrate and Waste Paper Briquette on Methane Production from Anaerobic Digestion, Journal of Environmental Biology, 39(2), 269-276. http://doi.org/10.22438/jeb/39/2/MRN-456 (SCOPUS)


M. Kirubakaran, V. Arul Mozhi Selvan (2018) A Comprehensive Review of Low Cost Biodiesel Production from Waste Chicken Fat, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 82 (2018) pp 390-401. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.rser.2017.09.039 (SCIE)


Arul Mozhi Selvan V, Mohit H. (2016) Experimental Investigation on Mechanical Properties of Chicken Keratin Fiber Reinforced Isophthalic Polymer Matrix Composite. Indian Journal of Engineering, 2016, 13(33), pp 371-378. http://www.discoveryjournals.org/engineering/current_issue/2016/A27.pdf


Pushparaj.T., Ramabalan,S., Arul Mozhi Selvan, V. (2015) Performance Evaluation and Exhaust Emission of Diesel Engine Fuelled with CNSL Biodiesel.  Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, Taylor and Francis, 37(18)  pp. 2013-2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/15567036.2011.643343 (SCI)


Pushparaj. T., Ramabalan,S., Arul Mozhi Selvan, V. (2015) “Performance and Emission Characteristics of CI Engine Fuelled with Diesel and Oxygenated Fuel Blends” International Journal of Global Warming, Inderscience, 7(2) pp 173-183. https://doi.org/10.1504/IJGW.2015.067748 (SCIE)


Naresh Kumar Gurusala, V Arul Mozhi Selvan (2015) Effects of Alumina Nanoparticles in Waste Chicken Fat Biodiesel on the Operating Characteristics of a Compression Ignition Engine, Clean Technology and Environmental Policy, 17(3) pp 681-692. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10098-014-0825-5 (SCIE)


P.Sethumadhavan, V.Arul Mozhi selvan (2014), Performance Evaluation of A Novel Low Cost Biogas System For Rural Application, International Journal of Advanced Technology & Engineering Research (IJATER), Vol 4, Spec.Issue 2, pp 98-102.


Naresh Kumar Gurusala , Richu Zachariah,  V. Arul Mozhi Selvan (2014) Effect of EGR on Combustion and Emissions Characteristics of a CI Engine Fuelled with Waste Chicken Fat Biodiesel, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 592 – 594, pp 1481-1486 https://doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.592-594.1481


V. Arul Mozhi Selvan, R.B. Anand, M. Udayakumar (2014) Effect of Cerium Oxide Nanoparticles and Carbon Nanotubes as fuel-borne additives in Diesterol blends on the performance, combustion and emission characteristics of a variable compression ratio engine, Fuel, Elsevier, 130, pp. 160–167. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fuel.2014.04.034 (SCIE)


Naresh Kumar Gurasala, Arul Mozhi Selvan,V., Ajay Balan, Shreyas Athreya (2013), Optimization of Waste Chicken Fat Pre-Treatment Process for Biodiesel Production, SAE Technical Paper No. 2013-32-9131. https://doi.org/10.4271/2013-32-9131


Arul Mozhi Selvan,V., Anand,R.B. and Udayakumar,M. (2009) Combustion Characteristics of Diesohol using Biodiesel as additive in a Direct Injection Compression Ignition Engine under Various Compression Ratios. Energy & Fuels, 23(11), 5413–5422https://doi.org/10.1021/ef900587h (Web of Science)


Arul Mozhi Selvan,V., Anand,R.B. and Udayakumar,M. (2009) Stability, Performance and Emission Characteristics of Diesel-Ethanol Blend with Castor Oil as Additive in Variable Compression Ratio Engine. JSAE/SAE International Paper No. 20097120/2009-32-0120. https://www.sae.org/publications/technical-papers/content/2009-32-0120/ (SCOPUS)


Arul Mozhi Selvan,V., Anand,R.B. and Udayakumar,M. (2009) Stability of Diesohol using Biodiesel as Additive and its Performance and Emission Characteristics in a Compression Ignition Engine under Various Compression Ratios. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 4(9), 1723–1738. https://www.ripublication.com/Volume/ijaerv4n9.htm


Arul Mozhi Selvan,V., Anand,R.B. and Udayakumar,M. (2009) Effects of Cerium Oxide Nanoparticle Addition in Diesel and Diesel-Biodiesel-Ethanol Blends on the Performance and Emission Characteristics of a CI Engine. Journal of Engineering and Applied Science, 4(7), 01-06. http://envirox.pl/envirox_pdf/referencje/NITT.pdf


Arul Mozhi Selvan,V., Anand, R.B. and Udayakumar,M. (2009) Stability of Diesohol blend with castor oil as additive and its performance and emission Characteristics in a variable compression ratio engine. International Journal of Power Engineering, 1(2), 99-113.


List of Books/Book Chapters Published with International Publishers:

Sl. No Details of Books / Book Chapter Published with International Publishers

H. Mohit, G. Hemath Kumar, V. Arul Mozhi Selvan, M.R. Sanjay, Suchart Siengchin, R. Ruban, (2021) 9 - Fabrication and characterization of chicken feather fiber-reinforced polymer composites, Editor(s): Md Enamul Hoque, Ahmed Sharif, Mohammad Jawaid, In Woodhead Publishing Series in Biomaterials, Green Biocomposites for Biomedical Engineering, Woodhead Publishing, Elsevier, ISBN 9780128215531, pp 225-247, https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-821553-1.00011-9

2. Hemath, M., Hemath Kumar, G., Arul Mozhi Selvan, V., Sanjay, M.R. and Siengchin, S. (2021). Effect of Micro-Dry-Leaves Filler and Al-SiC Reinforcement on the Thermomechanical Properties of Epoxy Composites. In Mechanical and Dynamic Properties of Biocomposites (eds S. Krishnasamy, R. Nagarajan, S.M.K. Thiagamani and S. Siengchin). WILEY‐VCH GmbH, pp 191-205. https://doi.org/10.1002/9783527822331.ch10
3. Ramesh P., Mohit H., Arul Mozhi Selvan V. (2021) Environmental Impact of Wood Based Biocomposite Using Life Cycle Assessment Methodology. In: Mavinkere Rangappa S., Parameswaranpillai J., Kumar M.H., Siengchin S. (eds) Wood Polymer Composites. Composites Science and Technology. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-1606-8_13
4. Ruban R., Mohit H., Ramesh P., Arul Mozhi Selvan V., Kumar G.H. (2021) Introduction to Wood Polymer Composites. In: Mavinkere Rangappa S., Parameswaranpillai J., Kumar M.H., Siengchin S. (eds) Wood Polymer Composites. Composites Science and Technology. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-1606-8_1
5. Sivagnanamani G.S., Ramesh P., Kumar M.H., Arul Mozhi Selvan V. (2021) Fracture Analysis of Fused Deposition Modelling of Bio-composite Filaments. In: Mavinkere Rangappa S., Satishkumar T.P., Cuadrado M.M.M., Siengchin S., Barile C. (eds) Fracture Failure Analysis of Fiber Reinforced Polymer Matrix Composites. Engineering Materials. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-0642-7_4
6. P Ramesh, H Mohit, V Arul Mozhi Selvan (2021) Environmental Impact Study on Biobased Composites Using Lifecycle Methodology, In Biobased Composites: Processing, Characterization, Properties, and Applications, (eds A. Khan, S.M. Rangappa, S. Siengchin and A.M. Asiri). John Wiley & Sons, https://doi.org/10.1002/9781119641803.ch15
7. Mohit H., Vishwanath H.B., Kumar G.H.,  V Arul Mozhi Selvan, Sanjay M.R., Siengchin S. (2021) Applications and Drawbacks of Bamboo Fiber Composites. In: Jawaid M., Mavinkere Rangappa S., Siengchin S. (eds) Bamboo Fiber Composites. Composites Science and Technology. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-8489-3_14
8. H Mohit, Sanjay Mavinkere Sanjay, Suchart Siengchin, G. Hemath Kumar, V. Arul Mozhi Selvan, R. Ruban (2020). Future Challenges and Applications of Polymer Coatings. In Polymer Coatings Technologies and Applications (eds Sanjay Mavinkere Rangappa, Jyotishkumar Parameswaranpillai, Suchart Siengchin) https://doi.org/10.1201/9780429199226

Hemath, M.,  V Arul Mozhi Selvan, Govindarajulu, H.K., Mavinkere Rangappa, S., Siengchin, S. and Kumar, H. (2020). Mechanical and Physical Test of Hybrid Fiber Composites. In Hybrid Fiber Composites (eds A. Khan, S.M. Rangappa, M. Jawaid, S. Siengchin and A.M. Asiri) https://doi.org/10.1002/9783527824571.ch3


List of Research Articles Published in International Conferences:

Sl. No. Details of Papers Published in International/National Conferences
1. Arul Mozhi Selvan Varadappan, Palanisamy Samikannu (2025) Investigation on the Effectiveness of Phase Change Materials in Battery Thermal Management System of Electric Vehicles, SAE International Conference on Advances in Design, Materials, Manufacturing and Surface Engineering for Mobility (ADMMS’25), 7-8, February 2025, Chennai. SAE Technical Paper 2025-28-0178, 2025, https://doi.org/10.4271/2025-28-0178. (SCOPUS)
2. Kanthasamy, P., Arul Mozhi Selvan V & Shanmugam, P. (2025) Optimization of Biodiesel Production from Tannery Industry Fleshing Wastes Using Response Surface Methodology, SAE International Conference on Advances in Design, Materials, Manufacturing and Surface Engineering for Mobility (ADMMS’25), 7-8, February 2025, Chennai. SAE Technical Paper 2025-28-0115, 2025, https://doi.org/10.4271/2025-28-0115. (SCOPUS)
3. Arul Mozhi Selvan Varadappan, Palanisamy Samikannu (2025) Investigation on Heat Transfer Properties of Graphene Nanoplatelets Blended Distilled Water-Ethylene Glycol Mixtures in Battery Thermal Management System, SAE International Conference on Advances in Design, Materials, Manufacturing and Surface Engineering for Mobility (ADMMS’25), 7-8, February 2025, Chennai. SAE Technical Paper 2025-28-0089, 2025, https://doi.org/10.4271/2025-28-0089. (SCOPUS)
4. Palanisamy Samikannu , Arul Mozhi Selvan V (2024) Battery Thermal Performance of 1865 Li-ion Battery by using Active and Passive Cooling Methods, 4th International Conference on Future Technologies in Manufacturing, Automation, Design and Energy (ICoFT MADE 2024), National Institute of Technology Puducherry, Karaikal, India, 13th December, 2024.
5. Kanthasamy P, Arul Mozhi Selvan V (2024) Waste to energy from Municipal Solid Waste and Tannery Solid Waste, 4th International Conference on Future Technologies in Manufacturing, Automation, Design and Energy (ICoFT MADE 2024), National Institute of Technology Puducherry, Karaikal, India, 13th December, 2024.
6. Arul Mozhi Selvan V, Arunangshu Das, Dilip Kanal (2024) Integration of Nanomaterials in 3D Printing Process for Enhanced Mechanical and Functional Properties, 7th Asian Symposium on Materials and Processing (ASMP 2024), Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, December 5-7, 2024.
7. V. Arul Mozhi Selvan, Palanisamy S, Hari Bharadwaj (2023) Investigation on Hybrid Cooling Topologies of Li-Ion Battery Pack for Electric Vehicles,  SAE International Conference on Advances in Design, Materials, Manufacturing and Surface Engineering for Mobility (ADMMS’23), 27-28, October 2023, Chennai. SAE Technical Paper 2023-28-0173, https://doi.org/10.4271/2023-28-0173
8. Ganapathi Karunanithi, Arul Mozhi Selvan Varadappan (2023) Optimization of Enzymatic Transesterification of Phoenix dactylifera L Oil using Lipases Immobilized on Activated Carbon,  7th International Conference on Recent Advancements in "Chemical, Environmental & Energy Engineering (RACEEE-2023), 16th February 2023.
9. Palanisamy Samikannu, Arul Mozhi Selvan Varadappan (2023) Experimental Investigations on Thermal Conductivity and Rheological Properties of Graphene Nanoplatelets with Distilled Water-Ethylene Glycol, 7th International Conference on Recent Advancements in "Chemical, Environmental & Energy Engineering (RACEEE-2023), 16th February 2023.
10. Kirubakaran M, Arul Mozhi Selvan Varadappan (2023) Experimental Investigation on the Effects of Calcination Temperature of Eggshell Catalyst for the Production Chicken Fat Biodiesel, 7th International Conference on Recent Advancements in "Chemical, Environmental & Energy Engineering (RACEEE-2023), 16th February 2023.
11. Arumugam Ganapathy, Arul Mozhi Selvan Varadappan (2023) Effects of Nano Ceria Diesterol blends on Combustion, Noise, Vibration and Emission Characteristics of a Genset Engine, 7th International Conference on Recent Advancements in "Chemical, Environmental & Energy Engineering (RACEEE-2023), 16th February 2023.

RL Josephine, V Arul Mozhi Selvan, Jashwanth Arunachalam Rajesh (2022) Solar Photovoltaic Fed Fast Charging Power Converters for Electric Vehicles, International Conference on Advances in Design, Materials, Manufacturing and Surface Engineering for Mobility (ADMMS’22), 25-26, November 2022, Chennai. SAE Technical Paper  2022-28-0486 (SCOPUS)



V Arul Mozhi Selvan, S Palanisamy, MP Ilakiya, B Preetha (2022) Investigation on Li-ion Battery Pack Topologies for Optimum Thermal Management of Electric Vehicles, International Conference on Advances in Design, Materials, Manufacturing and Surface Engineering for Mobility (ADMMS’22), 25-26, November 2022, Chennai. SAE Technical Paper 2022-28-0498 (SCOPUS)



V Arul Mozhi Selvan, Bhavin K Bharath (2022) A Novel Hybrid Nanolubricant for Spark Ignition Engine Application: Studies on Stability, Rheological & Heat Transfer Behavior, International Conference on Advances in Design, Materials, Manufacturing and Surface Engineering for Mobility (ADMMS’22), 25-26, November 2022, Chennai. SAE Technical Paper 2022-28-0585 (SCOPUS)



V Arul Mozhi Selvan, G Arumugam (2022) Investigations on the Effect of Injection Pressure and Timing on Noise and Vibration Characteristics of a Biodiesel Fueled Genset Engine and Artificial Neural Network Architecture, International Conference on Advances in Design, Materials, Manufacturing and Surface Engineering for Mobility (ADMMS’22), 25-26, November 2022, Chennai. SAE Technical Paper 2022-28-0499 (SCOPUS)



V Arul Mozhi Selvan, S Palanisamy, AN Girish, Rajashekar Swaminathan (2022) Aerodynamic Design Optimization of Electric Vehicles Using Computational Fluid Dynamics, International Conference on Advances in Design, Materials, Manufacturing and Surface Engineering for Mobility (ADMMS’22), 25-26, November 2022, Chennai. SAE Technical Paper 2022-28-0509 (SCOPUS)



A Sathiyaseelan, V Arul Mozhi Selvan (2022) Fighter Aircraft Cabin Temperature Control by Variable Time-Delay in Loop with Control Input Normalization, International Conference on Advances in Design, Materials, Manufacturing and Surface Engineering for Mobility (ADMMS’22), 25-26, November 2022, Chennai. SAE Technical Paper 2022-28-0497 (SCOPUS)


18. Arul Mozhi Selvan Varadappan, Ganapathi Karunanithi (2022) A novel coffee leaf pigment doped Phoenix dactylifera L biodiesel and its performance characteristics on a direct injection compression ignition engine, 3rd International Conference on Future Technologies in Manufacturing, Automation, Design & Energy (iCOFT MADE 2022), National Institute of Technology, Puducherry, 14-16, December 2022.
19. Arul Mozhi Selvan Varadappan, Arumugam Ganapathi Sundaram (2022) Effect of Diesterol blends on the Noise Vibration and Harshness of a Genset Engine, 3rd International Conference on Future Technologies in Manufacturing, Automation, Design & Energy (iCOFT MADE 2022), National Institute of Technology, Puducherry, 14-16, December 2022.
20. Palanisamy Samikannu, Arul Mozhi Selvan Varadappan (2022) Experimental Investigation on pH and Stability of Distilled Water-Ethylene Glycol Mixture with Graphene Nanoplatelets, 3rd International Conference on Future Technologies in Manufacturing, Automation, Design & Energy (iCOFT MADE 2022), National Institute of Technology, Puducherry, 14-16, December 2022.


Sathiyaseelan A, V. Arul Mozhi Selvan (2022) Modeling and Simulation of a Fighter Aircraft Cabin Pressure Control System Using AMESim, 10TH SAE India International Mobility Conference, SAE Technical Paper 2022-28-0078 (SCOPUS) 



 Aravind A, Balamurugan C, Ramesh P, Arul Mozhi Selvan V (2021),  Studies on Sound absorption properties of 3D printed open porous PLA material structures for noise suppression in Hybrid Electric Vehicles, iTEC India 2021, International Transportation Electrification Conference, SAE India & IEEE IAS, December 16, 2021.


Sathiyaseelan A, Arul Mozhi Selvan V (2021),  Sensitivity Analysis of Cockpit Temperature Control System of an Advanced Aircraft ECS, ICETMCCT 2021, Second International Conference on Emerging Trends in Materials, Computing and Communication Technologies, December 9-10, 2021.


V. Arul Mozhi Selvan, G. Arumugam (2020), Experimental Investigations of Noise, Vibration and Combustion Characteristics of Diesel and Pongamia Biodiesel Blends on a CI Genset Engine, International Conference on Advances in Design, Materials, Manufacturing and Surface Engineering for Mobility (ADMMS’20), 24-25, July 2020, Chennai.  SAE Technical Paper 2020-28-0471 (SCOPUS)



Sathiyaseelan A, V. Arul Mozhi Selvan (2020) Modeling and Simulation of a Fighter Aircraft Cabin Temperature Control System Using AMESim,  International Conference on Advances in Design, Materials, Manufacturing and Surface Engineering for Mobility (ADMMS’20), 24-25, July 2020, Chennai. SAE Technical Paper 2020-28-0497 (SCOPUS)



A Sathiyaseelan, V. Arul Mozhi Selvan (2020) Temperature Control of Combat Aircraft Environmental Control System by Time-delay in loop with Control Input Normalization, 2020 Fourth International Conference on Inventive Systems and Control (ICISC),   JCT College Of Engineering And Technology, Coimbatore, 8th – 10th  Jan, 2020, IEEE Xplore, DOI: 10.1109/ICISC47916.2020.9171174 (SCOPUS)


M. Kirubakaran, Arul Mozhi Selvan V (2020) Effect of nano-eggshell heterogeneous catalyst with isopropyl ether as co-solvent on the production of waste chicken oil biodiesel, WILEY International Conference on Sustainable Future:  Resource Recovery & Concentrate Management, Theme Number: 4, Sub-topic: Waste to Energy, Anna University, Chennai, 6th Jan. 2020


Bhavin K Bharath, Arul Mozhi Selvan V (2020) Stability of dual bio-alcohol blends and its effect on the performance and emission characteristics of an unmodified automotive SI engine, WILEY International Conference on Sustainable Future:  Resource Recovery & Concentrate Management, Theme Number: 1,  
Sub-topic: Resource Recovery, Anna University, Chennai, 6th Jan. 2020


Aravind A, Saravanan S, Bhavin K Bharath, Arul Mozhi Selvan V (2020) Investigation on Methanol - Gasoline - Aluminum Oxyhydroxide Nanoparticle blends on the Emission characteristics of an SI Engine, WILEY International Conference on Sustainable Future: Resource Recovery & Concentrate Management, Theme Number: 3  Sub-topic: Cleaner Production - Process Modification, Anna University, Chennai, 6th Jan. 2020


C.N. Kowthaman and V. Arul Mozhi Selvan (2019) Synthesis of biodiesel from Schizochytrium oil using renewable catalyst and study of its quaternary blend phase behaviour, International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Green Technology 2018 11–14 December 2018, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 268 (1) 012107.

https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/268/1/012107 (SCOPUS)


Kowthaman CN, Arul Mozhi Selvan V. (2019) Kinetic Study of Na+ Doped Nano Hydroxyapatite for the Production of Biodiesel from SchizochytriumLimacinum, SEGT 2019 International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Green Technology, Bangkok, Thailand, 13th Dec, 2019.


P. Kanthasamy, V Arul Mozhi Selvan, P. Shanmugam (2019) Performance and Emission Study on CRDI Engine Fueled with Tallow Methyl Esters and Diesel With Exhaust Gas Recirculation, 2nd International Mechanical Engineering Congress - IMEC2019, National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli, 29th Nov to 1st Dec, 2019.


A. Sathiaseelan, V. Arul Mozhi Selvan (2019) Temperature Control Strategy of an Advanced Fighter Aircraft Environmental Control System, International Conference on Instrumentation and Control Engineering - ICECON-2019, National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli, 19th - 21st Dec, 2019.


H. Mohit, V. Arul Mozhi Selvan, Optimization of the tensile strength of sintered Al6061/SiC nanocomposites using response surface methodology, International Conference on Materials and Manufacturing Methods, MMM 2019, Tiruchirapalli, 5 July 2019 - 7 July 2019

This paper is also published in Materials Today: Proceedings, 27(3), 2020, pp. 2801-2805. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2019.12.201  (SCOPUS)


C.N. Kowthaman and V. Arul Mozhi Selvan (2018) Synthesis of biodiesel from Schizochytrium oil using renewable catalyst and study of its quaternary blend phase behaviour, International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Green Technology, Double Tree by Hilton Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 11-14 December 2018.


H. Mohit, V. Arul Mozhi Selvan (2018), Influence of chemical surface modification on micro-wear characteristics of sugarcane nanocellulose epoxy nanocomposites, International Conference on science and technology research, National University of Singapore, Singapore, 16-17 November 2018.


H. Mohit and V. Arul Mozhi Selvan (2017), Experimental Investigation on Corrosion, Dielectric, Thermal and Morphological Properties of Chicken Feather Fiber Reinforced Polyester Matrix Composite, International Conference on Emerging Trends in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering,  National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli, 10-12, March, 2017.


C.N. Kowthaman and V. Arul Mozhi Selvan (2016), Evaluation of Biogas Production from Waste Microalgae, International Conference on Waste Management, RECYCLE 2016, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, Guwahati, 1-2, April, 2016.


H. Mohit and V. Arul Mozhi Selvan (2016), Studies on Dry Leaves Fiber Reinforced Vinyl Ester Polymer Metal Matrix Nanocomposite,  4th International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, COCHIN NANO 2016, Cochin University of Science and Technology, Cochin, 20-23 February, 2016.


H. Mohit and V. Arul Mozhi Selvan (2016), Experimental Investigation on Mechanical Properties of Chicken Keratin Fiber Reinforced Isophthalic Polymer Matrix Composites, International conference on Trends in Industrial and Mechanical Engineering (ICTIME-2016), Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, Bhopal,  4-16, February, 2016.


H. Mohit and V. Arul Mozhi Selvan (2015), Investigations on Chicken Feather Fiber Epoxy Polymer Metal Composite, International Conference on Nanomaterials for Energy, Environment, Catalysis and Sensors, ICNEECS-15, Madurai Kamraj University, Tamilnadu, India, 11 - 12 December 2015.


H. Mohit and V. Arul Mozhi Selvan (2015) , Studies on Chicken Fiber Reinforcement in Isophthalic Polymer Metal Matrix Nanocomposite, XXVII IUPAP Conference on Computational Physics: CCP2015, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, Guwahati, 2-5, December, 2015.


C.N. Kowthaman and V. Arul Mozhi Selvan (2015) Extraction and Characterization of Spirulina Platensis Oil for Bio-Diesel Production, International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering, University College of Engineering, Anna University, Villupuram, 15-16 October 2015.


H. Mohit and V. Arul Mozhi Selvan (2015) Studies on Structural Properties of Dry Leaves Fiber Reinforced Vinyl Ester Polymer Matrix Composites, International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering, University College of Engineering, Anna University, Villupuram, 15-16 October 2015.


H. Mohit and V. Arul Mozhi Selvan (2014) Mechanical Properties of Polymer and Metal Matrix Composites – A Review, International Conference on Advance Design and Manufacturing, National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli, 5-7 December 2014.


Naresh Kumar Gurusala, V.Arul Mozhi selvan (2014), Optimization of Biodiesel Production from Waste Chicken Fat Through Two-Step Catalyzed Process, International Conference on Green Technologies For Environmental Pollution Prevention And Pollution Control (ICGTEPC 2014),  National Institute of Technology,  Tiruchirappalli, 27- 29 September 2014.


C.N. Kowthaman,  V.Arul Mozhi selvan (2014), Microalgae & its Characteristics as a Potential Biofuel - A Review, International Conference on Green Technologies For Environmental Pollution Prevention And Pollution Control (ICGTEPC 2014),  National Institute of Technology,  Tiruchirappalli, 27- 29 September 2014.


M. Kirubakaran, V.Arul Mozhi selvan (2014) Experimental Investigations On Algal Oil Production For A Sustainable Biofuel Feedstock, International Conference on Green Technologies For Environmental Pollution Prevention And Pollution Control (ICGTEPC 2014),  National Institute of Technology,   Tiruchirappalli, 27- 29 September 2014.


Mohit, V.Arul Mozhi selvan (2014) A Review On Natural Fiber Reinforced Composites For Green Environment,  International Conference on Green Technologies For Environmental Pollution Prevention And Pollution Control (ICGTEPC 2014),  National Institute of Technology,   Tiruchirappalli, 27- 29 September 2014.


P.Sethumadhavan, V.Arul Mozhi selvan (2014) Experimental Investigations On Biomethanation As A  Sustainable Waste Management Solution For Temples In India,  International Conference on Green Technologies For Environmental Pollution Prevention And Pollution Control (ICGTEPC 2014),  National Institute of Technology,   Tiruchirappalli, 27- 29 September 2014.


Naresh Kumar Gurusala, Arul Mozhi Selvan V (2014) Effect of EGR on Combustion and Emission Characteristics of a CI Engine Fuelled with Waste Chicken Fat Biodiesel, International Mechanical Engineering Congress (IMEC 2014),  National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli, 13-15 June 2014.


Sethumadhavan P, Arul Mozhi selvan V (2014) Performance Evaluation of Biogas Energy for Rural Application, International Conference on Renewable Energy and Sustainable Developments (ICRESD-2014), Trinity College of Engineering and Research, Pune, India, January 9-10, 2014


Naresh Kumar Gurusala, Arul Mozhi Selvan V (2013) Effects of Alumina Nanoparticles in Waste Chicken Fat Biodiesel on the Operating Characteristics of a CI Engine, 4th International Conference on Advances in Energy Research (ICAER 2013), Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai, 10-12, December 2013


P.Sethumadhavan, V.Arul Mozhi selvan (2013) Waste Oil Moisture Evaporation Using Solar Energy, 3rd International Conference on Materials for the Future - Innovative Materials, Processes, Products and Applications, Government Engineering College Trichur, Thrissur, 06-08 November 2013.


Naresh Kumar Gurusala, Arul Mozhi Selvan V, Ajay Balan and Shreyas Athreya (2013) Optimization of Waste Chicken Fat Pre-Treatment Process for Biodiesel Production, Paper No: JSAE 20139131, Small Engine Technology Conference, Taipei, 8-10, October 2013.


Naresh Kumar Gurusala, Arul Mozhi Selvan V (2013) Experimental investigation on the solubility of e-diesel as a fuel for automobiles, International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering, Pune, 29-31, May 2013.


Yuyulsu Krishnan. K  and Arul Mozhi Selvan V, “Experimental Investigation on the Vibration Exposure of Mini Truck Drivers”, Advances in Mechanical Sciences AIMS-2013- CAE CONCEPTS, Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore, 19 April, 2013.


Krishna Chaitanya S and Arul Mozhi Selvan V, “Experimental investigation on heat transfer enhancement using nanofluids in automobile radiator”, Advances in Mechanical Sciences AIMS-2013- CAE CONCEPTS, Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore, 19 April, 2013.


Naresh Kumar Gurusala and Arul Mozhi Selvan V, “Biodiesel production from waste chicken fat”, Advances in Mechanical Sciences AIMS-2013- CAE CONCEPTS, Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore, Accepted for Presentation, 19 April, 2013.


T.Shivadhandayuthabani, M.Nachiappan, T.Thulasitharan, V.Arul Mozhi Selvan, “Effect of Muffler Design on Engine Noise” National Conference on Advances in Mechanical Sciences, Government College of Technology, Coimbatore, April 1st, 2011.


Arul Mozhi Selvan,V., Anand,R.B., Udayakumar,M. Stability of Diesohol blend with castor oil as additive and its performance and emission Characteristics in a variable compression ratio engine. National conference on Energy Security for Rural Development (ESRD 2009), sponsored by Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE), Government of India and University Grants Commission (UGC), organized by Gandhigram Rural University, Gandhigram, March 26, 2009.


Arul Mozhi Selvan,V., Anand,R.B. and Udayakumar,M. Stability, Performance and Emission Characteristics of Diesel-Ethanol Blend with Castor Oil as Additive in Variable Compression Ratio Engine, Small Engine Technology Conference (SETC 2009), Penang, Malaysia, November 2009. (This paper has also been published in the Transactions of JSAE/SAE International Paper No.20097120/ 2009-32-0120).


Anand,R., Rajasekar Reddy,K., Arul Mozhi Selvan,V., Velmathi, S. and Senthil Kumar,T. (2009) Study of performance, emission and combustion characteristics of a diesel engine using methyl ester of cottonseed oil. 8th International Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, PETROTECH – 2009, organized by Indian Oil, New Delhi, under the aegis of Ministry of power and natural gas, Government of India, January 11-15, 2009.


Arul Mozhi Selvan,V., Anand,R.B., Udayakumar,M.(2008) Stability and Performance Characteristics of Diesohol Using Biodiesel as Additive in Compression Ignition Engine. International conference on Fascinating Advances in Mechanical Engineering-FAME’08, Mepco Schlenk Engineering College, Sivakasi, December 11-13, 2008.


Premkumar,K., Sivakumar,K., Arul Mozhi Selvan,V. and Udayakumar,R. (2006)  Performance Optimization of a single cylinder Two-Stroke Petrol Engine under Supercharging mode using Genetic Algorithm, National conference on Contemporary Approaches in Design and Manufacturing (CADAM '06), A.C. Tech., Karaikudi, April 21-22, 2006.


Arul Mozhi Selvan,V. and Udayakumar.R., (2005) Studies  on Supercharging on a single cylinder Two-Stroke Petrol Engine. 19th National Conference on IC Engines and Combustion, Annamalai University, Chidambaram, under the auspices of  Combustion Institute (Indian Section), Dec 21-23, 2005.


Pandey,S., Arul Mozhi Selvan,V., and Pandey,S.K. (2000) Transient Heat Transfer and Nucleate Pool Boiling Studies of Liquids and their Mixtures at subatmospheric Pressures. Indian Chemical Engineering Congress, 53rd Annual Session of Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers, Calcutta, Dec. 18 – 21, 2000.


National / International Patents:

Sl No.  Details of Patent Filed / Published / Granted Status


Waste Plastic Bottle Reinforced Concrete Bricks for Green Building, Patent Filed to Intellectual Property India, Government of India. Application No: 201741039392, 2017 Patent Granted on 15.04.2024


E-Waste Concrete Block, Patent Filed to Intellectual Property India, Government of India. Application No: 201741039393 , 2017 Patent Granted on 30.05.2023


Waste Tire Infused Plastic Bottle Reinforced Concrete Bricks, Patent Filed to Intellectual Property India, Government of India. Application No:  201741039394, 2017 Patent Granted on 19.09.2023
4. Reinforced With NC, NDL, NK, GF and NP-MMC, Patent Filed to Intellectual ProperDevelopment of Tool Box Material from Hybrid Composites ty India, Government of India. Application No: 201941045139, 2019 Patent Published
5. Development of a Novel Catalyst Derived from Mosquito Coil Ash for Biodiesel Production, Patent Filed to Intellectual Property India, Government of India. Application No: 202041020683, 2020 Patent Published
6. A Novel Green Catalyst: Synthesis of Potassium Modified-Nanohydroxyapatite for Biodiesel Production, Patent Filed to Intellectual Property India, Government of India. Application No: 202041036297, 2020 Patent Published


Sponsored Research Projects:

Sl. No. Title of the Project Amount in Rs Funding Agency Period Remarks (Completed/ Ongoing)
1. Studies on Growth, Lipid Extraction, and Biodiesel Conversion Characteristics of Micro-Algae as a Potential Alternate Fuel for Compression Ignition Engines 38,42,880/- MHRD

3 Years



Professional Affiliations:

Sl. No.  Organization Membership ID  Grade Years Active 

Member of Indian Society for Technical Education (MISTE) 

LM 37042

Life Member



Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) INDIA


Professional Member 



Subjects of Interest:

Discipline Topic of Interest
Mechanical Engineering
  • Biofuels & Engine Research
  • Emission Control
  • Nanoadditives
  • Waste to Energy
  • Renewable Energy
  • Automobile Engineering
  • Advanced IC Engines
  • Noise Vibration and Harshness
  • Metamaterials
  • 3D Printing


Reviewer in International Journals:

Sl. No. Name of the Journal Publisher
1. Energy Elsevier
2. Applied Energy Elsevier
3. Renewable Energy, Elsevier
4. Fuel Elsevier
5. Energy Conversion and Management Elsevier
6. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews Elsevier
7. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering Elsevier
8. Energy & Fuels American Chemical Society
9. Chemical Engineering Communications Taylor and Francis
10. International Journal of Ambient Energy Taylor and Francis
11. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects Taylor and Francis
12. Biofuels Taylor and Francis
13. Environmental Science and Pollution Research Springer
14. Energy Technology Wiley
15. Journal of Petroleum Technology and Alternative Fuels Academic Journals


Invited Guest Lectures Deliverd:

Sl. No. Details of Guest Lectures Delivered

Delivered Lecture on 3D Printing in Biomedical Applications, DST-SERB Sponsored One Week High End Research Workshop on “Design and Development of 3D Printing Machines for Manufacturing the Engineering Products” from 25.07.2022 to 31.07.2022, organized by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Information Technology Tiruchirappalli, 26.07.2022


Delivered Lecture on Nanoparticles in Engine Research, Guest Lecture Series, Organised by Department of Mechanical Engineering, Alliance University, Bengaluru Alliance University, Bengaluru, 31.01.2022


Delivered Lecture on Novel Materials in IC Engines, AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy Sponsored Online Faculty Development Programme from 25.10.2021 to 29.10.2021 on “Novel Materials”  Indian Institute of Information Technology Tiruchirappalli (IIIT), Tiruchirappalli, 25.10.2021


Delivered Lecture on Combustion Characteristics in SI & CI Engines, One-week online faculty development programme (FDP) on “Recent Advances in Automobiles” during 6th to 12th May 2021, Sponsored by AICTE - Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE), New Delhi     Government Polytechnic College, Gandharvakottai, Tamil Nadu, 08.05.2021


Delivered Lecture on Noise Vibrations and Harshness of Vehicles, One-week online faculty development programme (FDP) on “Recent Advances in Automobiles” during 15th to 21st April 2021, sponsored by AICTE - Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE), New Delhi     Government Polytechnic College, Gandharvakottai, Tamil Nadu, 19.04.2021


Delivered Lecture on Automobile Emission & Control, AICTE Sponsored FDP on Recent Advances in Automobiles, Government Polytechnic College – Gandharvakottai, 2021


Delivered Lecture on Electric Vehicle, AICTE Sponsored FDP on Recent Advances in Automobiles, Government Polytechnic College – Gandharvakottai, 2021


Delivered Lecture on Challenges in Developing Research Culture in Educational Institute, AICTE Sponsored STTP - Series III, Sri Krishna College of Technology, Coimbatore, 2020


Delivered Lecture on Challenges in Developing Research Culture in Educational Institute, AICTE Sponsored STTP - Series II, Sri Krishna College of Technology, Coimbatore, 2020


Delivered Lecture on Challenges in Developing Research Culture in Educational Institute, AICTE Sponsored STTP - Series I, Sri Krishna College of Technology, Coimbatore, 2020


Delivered Lecture on Effect of Nanoadditives on the Performance and Emission Characteristics of Internal Combustion Engine, Kingston Engineering College, Vellore, 2020


Delivered Lecture on Combustion in SI & CI Engines, Online Webinar Series, Francis Xavier Engineering College Tirunelveli, 2020


Delivered Lecture on Effect of Nano Additives on Automotive Engine, Online Webinar Series, Crescent Institute of Science & Technology Chennai, 2020


Delivered Lecture on Basics of Thermal Engineering, Faculty Development Program, Chennai Institute of Technology, Chennai, 2020


Delivered Lecture on Resources, Benefits and Future of Bio-Fuels Expert Speaker, Gayatri Vidya Parishad, Visakhapatnam, 2020


Delivered a Guest Lecture on “Automobile Emission Control” at National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli on 12th June, 2019.


Delivered a Lecture on “Recent Trends on SI and CI Engines and Emission Regulations” at Seshasayee Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli on 11th March, 2019.


Delivered a Lecture on “Advanced IC Engines” at Department of Mechanical Engineering, CARE Group of Institutions Tiruchirappalli on 27th February, 2019.


Delivered a guest Lecture at the Faculty Development Training Programme on ME8493 Thermal Engineering I at University College of Engineering, Anna University, Villupuram on 11th December, 2018.


Delivered a Lecture on “CFD Analysis on the In-cylinder Flow of an SI Engine” at Government Polytechnic College, Gandharvakottai, on 4th October, 2018.


Delivered a Lecture on “Effect of Nano-additives in Liquid Fuel on the performance and emissions characteristics of a CI engine” for the AICTE sponsored Faculty Development Program on "Smart Materials & Fuel Efficient Technologies for Automotive", Annamalai University, Chidambaram, 12th December, 2017.


Delivered a Lecture on “Renewable Energy” for Institution of Engineers sponsored one day seminar on Role of Automation in Integrating Renewable Energy at Mahendra Engineering College, Namakkal, October 11th, 2017. 


Delivered a Lecture on “Heat Transfer and Its Applications” at Kalasalingam University, Krishnanakoil on 19th March 2017.


Delivered a Lecture on “Bio-Diesel as Alternative and Emission Characteristics” at M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering, Karur on 7th March, 2017.


Delivered a Lecture on “Thermal Engineering” for Anna University Sponsored Faculty Development Program at Ankalaiammal Mahalingam Engineering College, Kovilvenni on 29th November, 2016.


Delivered a Lecture on “Engine Emission Control using Nanoparticle Additives” in the workshop on Nano materials for Energy & Environment, Department of Chemical Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli, 15th June 2016.


Delivered a Lecture on “Combustion Chemistry of SI Engine” at the Faculty Development Program, Anna University of Technology, Tiruchirappalli, 2nd June 2016.


Delivered a Lecture on “Psychrometry” for Anna University Sponsored Faculty Development Program on ME6301 Engineering Thermodynamics at P.S.N.A College of Engineering & Technology, Dindigul on 29.05.2016.


Delivered a Keynote Lecture on “Biofuels for Sustainable Energy” at the International Conference on Mechanical Engineering Research & Intelligence Technologies (ICONMERIT 2K16), Nehru Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore, March 30-31, 2016.


Delivered a Keynote Lecture on “Present and Future of Biofuels”, during Research Week 2016 Event at Gujarat Technological University, Ahmedabad, 21st March, 2016.


Delivered a Lecture on “Combustion In SI and CI Engines” at Bannariamman Institute of Technology, Sathiyamangalam, February, 2016.


Delivered a Lecture on “Automotive Fuels and Emission” at Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore, February, 2016.


Delivered a Lecture on “Waste Chicken Fat Biodiesel and Optimization of Production Process” at Pondicherry Engineering College, Pondicherry on 17th December, 2015.


Delivered a Keynote Lecture on “Biofuels for Sustainable Energy”at the 3rd National Conference on Systems, Energy and Environment, organized by Government College of Engineering, Kannur, Kerala, 10-11 September, 2015.


Delivered a Lecture on “Simulation of IC Engines” for the Short Term Course on Engine Research, organized by National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli, during 07-08, October, 2014.


Delivered a Lecture on “Sustainable Energy Developments: Concept and Design” for the Faculty Development Program on Renewable Energy Technologies, organized by National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli, during 26-27, September, 2014.


Delivered a Lecture on “Production and Effective Use of Biofuels in Energy Sector” for the CSIR Sponsored Seminar on Biofuels for Automotive Use-Benefits and Application, organized by Shree Venkateswara Hi-Tech Engineering College, Gobichettipalayam, Erode on 20th September, 2014.


Delivered a Keynote Lecture on “Biofuels for Green Energy” on the Inauguration of Mechanical Engineering Association, organized by K.Ramakrishnan College of Technology, Tiruchirappalli on 22nd August, 2014.


Delivered a Lecture on “Energy Scenario and Biofuels Research for Sustainable Future” for the TEQIP-II Sponsored Faculty Development Program (FDP) on Powering the Engineering College Campus with Renewable Energy, organized by PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore on 18th March, 2014.


Delivered a Lecture on “Creating Awareness and Enhancing Rural Development” for the National Seminar on Renewable Energy Technologies, organized by Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore on 18th March, 2014.


Delivered a Lecture on “Alternate Fuel for Green Vehicles” for the workshop on Green Vehicle Technologies – First Gear ’13, organized by Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore during 16-17, August, 2013.


Delivered a Lecture on “Resources, Benefits & Future of Biofuels” for the TEQIP-II Sponsored Short Term Course on Automotive Fuels and Emission, organized by National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli, during 12-14, June, 2013.


Delivered a Lecture on “Biodiesel – Modern Era in CI Engines”, CSIR Sponsored National Seminar on Alternate Fuels – Sustainable Sources and Utilization Techniques, Kongu Engineering College, Erode, 31.08.2012.


Delivered a guest lecture on “Alternate Fuels Present and Future”, National Level Technical Symposium, organized by Shivani Engineering College, Tiruchirappalli, 2012


Delivered a Lecture on “Recent Trends on Biofuels”, A Southern Regional Railway seminar on “Green Energy, organized by  Southern Railway, Tiruchirappalli, 25.11.2011


Delivered a Lecture on “Nanotechnology for Internal Combustion Engines”, AICTE Sponsored Staff Development Programme on "Recent Advances in Nano-Technology and its Applications" - RAINTA- 2011, organized by Pondicherry Engineering College, Pondicherry, 21.10.2011.


Delivered a Lecture on “Evaluation and Introduction of Nanotechnology”, CSIR Sponsored seminar on Emerging Applications of Nanofluids in Mechanical Engineering,  K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology, Erode, 15.03.2011.


Delivered Keynote address on “Recent Trends in IC Engine” at National Level Students Technical Symposium, Technothrist-11, A.V.C. College of Engineering, Mayiladuthurai, 25.02.2011.


Delivered a Lecture on “Flexible fuel vehicles”, DST Sponsored seminar on Flexible Fuel Vehicle, Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai, Erode,  29.10.2010.


Delivered a Lecture on “Renewable Energy” at National Power Training Institute, Neyveli, 28.06.2010.


Faculty Development Program (QIP / STTP) Organised:

Sl.No. Details of Short Term Courses/Faculty Development Program Organized
1. Coordinator for a workshop on Combustion Generated Pollution Control, conducted at National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli, during 16-20, Dec, 2019.


Coordinator for a workshop on Biofuels and Combustion Research, sponsored by Technical Education Quality Improvement Program -II, Government of India, conducted at National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli, during 26th Sep – 01st Oct, 2016.


Coordinator for a Short Term Course on Engine Research, under Self-Financed Category, conducted at National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli, during 07-08, October, 2014.


Coordinator for a Faculty Development Program on Renewable Energy Technologies, under Self-Financed Category, conducted at National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli, during 26-27, September, 2014.


Coordinator for a Short Term Course on Automotive Fuels and Emission, under Technical Education Quality Improvement Program -II, Government of India, conducted at National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli, during 12-14, June, 2013.


Coordinator for a Q.I.P. - Short term course on “Energy Conservation Measures for Manufacturing and Process Industries”, under Quality Improvement Program, Government of India, conducted at National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli from 10-14, December, 2007.


Coordinator for a Work shop on “Recent trends in Alternative fuels and Emission Control Technologies in Internal Combustion Engines”, under Technical Education Quality Improvement Program, Government of India, conducted at National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli from 19-20, December, 2007.


Coordinator for a Q.I.P. - Short term training program on “Recent trends in IC Engine Testing and Analysis” under Quality Improvement Program, Government of India, conducted at National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli from 9-14, February, 2007.

List of Short Term Courses Attended

Sl.No. Details of Short Term Courses/Faculty Development Program Attended


Proficiency Improvement Program on “Automotive Fuels and Emission” organized by The Automotive Research Association of India (ARAI), Pune, 04.03.2013 to 08.03.2013


Outbound Experiential Learning for Team building & Effective Group Dynamics, Adventure Zone, Madhurandhagam, 11.02.2013 to 12.02.2013


ISTE Workshop on Aakash for Education, Under the Mission on Education through ICT, Conducted by Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay from 10.11.2012 to 11.11.2012


MHRD Sponsored ISTE Workshop on “Thermodynamics in Mechanical Engineering” Under the Mission on Education through ICT, Conducted by Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay from 11.12.2012 to 21.12.2012.


MHRD Sponsored ISTE workshop on “Heat Transfer”, Under the Mission on Education through ICT, Conducted by Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay from 29.11.2011 to 10.12.2011


MHRD Sponsored ISTE Workshop on “Thermodynamics in Mechanical Engineering” Under the Mission on Education through ICT, Conducted by Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay from 14.06.2011 to 24.06.2011.


AICTE-MHRD Sponsored Staff Development Program on “Quantitative Research techniques for Engineers and Researchers”,  Organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli from 21.12. 2009 to 02.01. 2010.


AICTE-MHRD Sponsored faculty Development Program on “Applied Mechanical Measurements” organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli from 29.06.2009 to 11.07.2009


AICTE-MHRD Sponsored Faculty Development Program on “Recent Advances in Modelling and Simulation of Joining Materials”, Organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli From 29.12. 2008 to 10.01.2009.


MHRD Sponsored Quality Improvement Program (QIP) on “Instructional Design and Delivery System”, Organised by National Institute of Technical Teachers Training & Research, Chennai from 21.08.2008 to 27.08.2008.


Low carbon Technologies for Decentralized Power Production, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, Chennai, 17.03.2008 to 18.03.2008.


Advanced Tools and Techniques for Research in Engineering Problems, AICTE-QIP sponsored.  Department of Production Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli, 25.02.2008 to 29.02.2008.


Instrumentation and Control Engineering – Pre-conference tutorial on SCILAB, National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli, 27.12.2007.


Burner Design for Clean and Efficient Combustion-BDCEC’07, Institute of Technology, Madras, Chennai, under the auspices of The Combustion Institute, Indian Section, 16.11.2007 to 17.11.2007.


Recent Trends in Energy Management, The Institution of Engineers(India), Tiruchirappalli Local Centre, 12.10.2007 to 13.10.2007.


Faculty Development Program on ANSYS, ACTIVE, ANSYS certified Training in Value Engineering, held at National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli, 04.07.2007 to 13.07.2007.


Trends in Industrial Measurements and Automation – Pre-conference tutorial on Nano, Neuro, Bio & info Technologies, Mems, Nems and Neuro surgery, National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli, 04.01.2007


Introductory FLUENT” and “GAMBIT Training, FLUENT (India), Pune, 19.06.2006 to 23.06.2006.


Energy Week Program, Energy Centre of Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT), Vellore and University of Applied Science, Aachen, Germany, 11.03.2004 to 13.03.2004.


Computational Fluid Dynamics – The New Technology for the Future, Mahendra Engineering College, Namakkal with sponsorship from All India Council for Technical Education, New Delhi, 25.03.2004 to 26.03.2004


Solar Energy & other Renewable for Educational Institutions, TEDA, Chennai, 08.03.2003


Faculty Development Program on “Automobile Engineering”, Arulmigu Kalasalingam College of Engineering, KrishnanKoil with  Joint venture  of  Centre for Faculty Development, Anna University, Chennai, 24.11.2003 to 29.11.2003.


Instructional Design and Delivery, Technical Teachers Training Institute (TTTI),Taramani, Chennai in association with J.J.College of Engineering and Technology, Tiruchirappalli, 11.11.2002 to 15.11.2002


Renewable energy and Energy Conservation- Awareness and Strategies, Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore, Jointly with Anna University, Chennai, TEDA, Chennai, CII Coimbatore & CODISSA, 15.12.2001 to 17.12.2001.


Sustainable Customerization for Sustainable Energy, Intermediate Technology Consultants(ITC) Rugby, UK Jointly with CEESAT, Regional Engineering College, Tiruchirappalli, 03.12.1998 to 05.12.1998.


Solar Cooling and Heating Technology, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT,Madras), Chennai, 09.06.1997 to 13.06.1997


Popularization of  Music, Fine Arts and performing arts among Youth, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli, 23.09.1997.


Inter-University Special Camping Program for Culturals, Tamilnadu NSS cell, NSS Regional Centre, Dept. of Youth affairs & Sports, Government of India along with Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli, 14.08.1997 to 15.08.1997.


Innovative Teaching Learning Activities:

Sl. No.  Activities
1. Model Generation and Demonstration using 3D Printing Technique
2. Development of thermal engineering laboratory using modern Data Acquisition System
3. Simulation of IC Engine using Fluent.
4. Automobile engineering theory course is enriched with laboratory sessions.
5. Power points presentations for Renewable Energy Systems such as Solar, Wind and Biomass.
6. Animation and videos for the complex mechanism such as Gear Box, Clutch, Differential, Anti-lock Brake systems, MPFI, GDI and CRDI Engine, Cooling and Lubrication systems, Airbag Safety systems, etc.

Development of Laboratories

Sl. No. Activities
1. In-charge of the Automobile Engineering Laboratory from 2017 to till date.
2. In-charge of the Thermal Engineering Laboratory from 2006 to 2017.
3. Modernization of Thermal Engineering Laboratory and Automobile Engineering Laboratory by removal of obsolete items and development with modern equipment and layout from 2006 to till date.
4. Purchase Initiator for the following major equipment for Thermal Engineering Lab and Automobile Engineering Lab.
  • Computerized Variable Compression Ratio Multi-Fuel Engine Test Rig. For IC Engine Research Lab.
  • Multi-cylinder Petrol Engine with eddy current dynamometer
  • Multi-cylinder Diesel Engine with eddy current dynamometer
  • Twin cylinder diesel engine with electrical dynamometer
  • Two Stroke Petrol Engine with eddy current dynamometer
  • Single Cylinder Diesel Engine with eddy current dynamometer
  • AVL Five Gas Emission Analyzer
  • AVL Smoke Meter
  • Fuel property testing equipments
  • Noise Analyser
  • Computerized Wheel Alignment and Balancing Machine
  • BMW twin-power turbo inline 4 cylinder 2.0 litre diesel engine with 8 speed steptronic automatic transmission system
  • Hyundai iRDE 4 cylinder 1.1 litre petrol engine powered car with automatic transmission system
  • Computerized Single Cylinder CI Engine Test rig with National Instruments Data Acquisition System
  • Automotive Emission Test Facility

Experiments added to the Laboratories

Sl. No. Name of the Experiment Utilization


Morse Test in Multi-cylinder Petrol Engine Regular Lab class for B.Tech. Mechanical, Chemical & ICE. This can also be used for UG and PG Project Work.


Performance and Heat Balance Test on Twin Cylinder Diesel Engine Regular Lab class for B.Tech. Mechanical, Chemical & ICE. This can also be used for Ph.D. Research Work, UG and PG Project Work.
3. Emission Analysis using AVL Five Gas Analyser and Smoke Meter Regular Lab class for B.Tech. Mechanical, Chemical & ICE. This can also be used for Ph.D. Research Work, UG and PG Project Work.
4. Measurement of Engine Smoke Regular Lab class for B.Tech. Mechanical, Chemical & ICE. This can also be used for Ph.D. Research Work, UG and PG Project Work.
5. Study on Computerized Multi-fuel Variable Compression Ratio Engine with Data Acquisition System Demonstration in Regular Lab class for B.Tech. Mechanical, Chemical & ICE. This can also be used for Ph.D. Research Work, UG and PG Project Work.
6. Viscosity Measurement using Saybolt and Redwood Viscometer Regular Lab class for B.Tech. Mechanical, Chemical & ICE. This can also be used for Ph.D. Research Work, UG and PG Project Work.
7. Calorific Value Measurement using Bomb Calorimeter Regular Lab class for B.Tech. Mechanical, Chemical & ICE. This can also be used for Ph.D. Research Work, UG and PG Project Work.
8. Flash and Fire Point Tests Regular Lab class for B.Tech. Mechanical, Chemical & ICE. This can also be used for Ph.D. Research Work, UG and PG Project Work.
9. Performance, combustion characteristics of a VCR Engine Regular Lab class for B.Tech. Mechanical, Chemical & ICE. This can also be used for Ph.D. Research Work, UG and PG Project Work.
10. Automotive Emission Measurement Regular Lab class for B.Tech. Mechanical
11. Performance and Emission Characteristics of Automobile / Agricultural Engines Regular Lab class for B.Tech. This can also be used for Ph.D. Research Work, UG and PG Project Work.
12. Performance and combustion characteristics of a single cylinder SI Engine Regular Lab class for B.Tech. This can also be used for Ph.D. Research Work, UG and PG Project Work.
13. Automotive Radiator Test Rig. Regular Lab class for B.Tech. This can also be used for Ph.D. Research Work, UG and PG Project Work.
14. Engine Noise & Vibration Measurement Regular Lab class for B.Tech. This can also be used for Ph.D. Research Work, UG and PG Project Work.
15. Computerized Wheel Alignment and Balancing Machine Regular Lab class for B.Tech. This can also be used for Ph.D. Research Work, UG and PG Project Work.


Industrial Visits:

Sl. No. Details of Industrial Visit
1. Factory Visits to Railway Workshop, Ponmalai, Tiruchirappalli, 2022
2. Factory Visits to Heavy Alloy Penetrator Project (HAPP), Tiruchirappalli, 2017 
3. Factory Visits to Railway Workshop, Ponmalai, Tiruchirappalli, 2014
4. Factory Visit to Ordnance Factory (OFT), Tiruchirappalli, 2013
5. Factory Visits to Bharat Heavy Electrical Limited (BHEL), Tiruchirappalli, 2012
6. Factory Visit, Mahindra & Mahindra Two Wheeler Division, Indore, 2017, organized by SAE INDIA BAJA
7. Factory Visit, Mahindra & Mahindra. Farm Equipment Division, Nagpur, 2014, organized by SAE INDIA BAJA
8. Factory Visit, Continental Automotive Malaysia and Motosikal dan Enjin Nasional Sdn. Bhd (MODENAS), Malaysia Sdn Bhd, 2nd November, 2009
9. Attended “Mission to Nokia” at Chennai on 15th February, 2007, organized by Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), Trichy Zone.
10. Attended “Mission to Groundfos Pumps” at Chennai on 15th February, 2007, organized by Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), Trichy Zone.
11. Laboratory visit to “Centre for Energy Studies”, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi on 21st and 22nd December 2007.
12. Attended “Mission on Best Manufacturing Practices at Hyundai Motors, Sriperumpudur, on 24th November, 2006, organized by Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), Trichy Zone.
13. Attended “Mission on Best Manufacturing Practices at Visteon Automotive systems” at Chennai on 24th November, 2006, organized by Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), Trichy Zone.
14. Attended “Industrial Mission to SRF & Rane TRW Steering systems Limited”, at Viralimalai on 21st  April, 2006, organized by Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), Trichy Zone.
15. Factory Visits to Thermal and Hydro Power Plants, Mettur, 1993
16. Undergone in plant training at Cheran Transport Corporation Ltd., Coimbatore (10.06.7992 to 27.06.1992).
17. Undergone vocational Training at The General Electric Company of India Ltd (GEC), Coimbatore (03.06.1991 to 13.06.1991)


Extra Curricular Activities:

Sl. No.  Activities Place Years Active
1. Tamil Thai Vaazhthu & National Anthem @ Institute Day 2022 National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli 2022
2. Coordinator, Womens Day Celebrations 2022 National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli 2022
3. Tamil Thai Vaazhthu @ Institute Day 2021 National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli 2021
4. Coordinator, Womens Day Celebrations 2021 National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli 2021
5. President, Officers' Club Activities National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli 2020
6. Custom Made COVID Face Mask Drive during Nation-wide Lockdown National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli 2020
7. Music Composer / Jingles for NIT-T Community Radio FM 90.8 MHz National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli 2016
8. Staff Advisor, Festember 2017 National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli 2017
9. Faculty Advisor, PSI Racing Team (BAJA SAE INDIA) National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli 2007
10. Faculty Advisor, Music Troupe National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli 2006
11. Coordinator for the State level Inter-collegiate cultural competitions “JIG JAZZ 04” J.J. College of Engineering and Technology, Tiruchirappalli 2004
12. Conductor, New Year Eve Orchestra Kailasapuram Club, BHEL Township, Tiruchirappalli 2003
13. Coordinator for the State level Inter-collegiate cultural competitions “JIG JAZZ 03” J.J. College of Engineering and Technology, Tiruchirappalli 2002
14. Coordinator for the State level Inter-collegiate cultural competitions “JIG JAZZ 02” J.J. College of Engineering and Technology, Tiruchirappalli 2002
15. Coordinator for the State level Inter-collegiate cultural competitions “JIG JAZZ 01”  J.J. College of Engineering and Technology, Tiruchirappalli 2001
16. Coordinator for the State level Inter-collegiate cultural competitions “JIG JAZZ 98”  J.J. College of Engineering and Technology, Tiruchirappalli 1998
17. "Sabarikku Vaarungal" - Audio cassette on Lord Ayyappa RC Studios, Chennai 1999
18. Best Singer Award, Pattukku Paattu Sun TV 1997
19. Singing, Playing Keyboard and Guitar, Rhythm Pad and Conducted various Orchestra from 1996 to 2006  J.J. College of Engineering and Technology, Tiruchirappalli 1996
20. Faculty Advisor, Fine Arts Society J.J. College of Engineering and Technology, Tiruchirappalli 1996


Awards / Acievements:

Sl. No. Name of the Award Awarding Institute / Organization Year
1. Chairman's Award SAENINDIA Southern Section, Chennai 2023
2. Distinguished Alumni Award Sri Krishna College of Technology, Coimbatore 2017
3. Green Environment Award National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli 2013
4. Marquis Who's Who in the World 2011 Marquis, 28th Edition 2011


Research Profiles:

Vidwan ID              : https://nitt.irins.org/profile/54108
ResearcherID        : https://publons.com/researcher/2437153/arul-mozhi-selvan-v/
ORCID ID              : https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8900-3894
Scopus ID              : https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=35232383300
Google Scholar ID : https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=UAGIzJoAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao
ResearchGate ID   : https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Arul_Selvan_V

Contact Details:

Dr. V. Arul Mozhi Selvan, M.Tech., Ph.D.
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
National Institute of Technology,
Tiruchirappalli - 620 015, INDIA

Phone :  +91 431 2503417 (Direct)
              +91 431 2503400 (Office)

Mobile : +91 98949 20835