Dr. S.P. Sivapirakasam


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Brief Profile:

Dr. S.P. Sivapirakasam is serving as a Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, at NIT Trichy. -He did his BE in Mechanical Engineering from Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli, and ME in Industrial Safety Engineering from REC (NIT) Trichy. Soon after his Master's, he joined the Steel Authority of India Ltd., (SAIL), Durgapur Steel Plant, as a Junior Manager (Safety) and served there for 2 and a half years. He completed his doctoral research in the area of energetic materials and process safety at the Central Leather Research Institute (CLRI) laboratory, CSIR, Anna University, Chennai. Dr. Sivapirakasam joined NIT Trichy during the year 2007 and since then held several positions and responsibilities at the Institute. He served as the Associate Dean (Administration/ Faculty Welfare) during 2009–2010, where he played a pivotal role in the administration of the hospital, guest house, security, shopping complex, and institute housekeeping. He was the Head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering for 3 years during the period 2017-2020. During his headship, for the first time, the Mechanical Engineering Department received the award for the best department among the departments at NITT. He also served as the Chairman of Safety and Security Services, at NITT during 2020-2021. He has introduced several new theories and laboratory courses to the curriculum of the M.Tech. Industrial Safety Engineering program at NITT.

Dr. Sivapirakasam has sheer expertise across various domains in Industrial Safety Engineering, such as occupational health and hygiene, environmental pollution, ergonomics, risk analysis, pyrotechnics, human vibration analysis, and particulate emissions and control. He is a very prominent researcher with more than 100 papers published in reputed and peer-reviewed international journals. Besides, he has authored several books and book chapters with national and international publishers. He has guided 11 doctoral thesis, and more than 50 PG and UG dissertations. He has filed 10 patents, 4 of which have been granted. He was also the recipient of several research projects from various funding agencies, such as the Ministry of Environment and Forest (MoEF); Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research (IGCAR); Armament Research Board (ARMREB), DRDO; Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre (LPSC), ISRO; Department of Science and Technology (DST), the Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), and ISRO Propulsion Complex (IPRC). He has carried out several safety consultancy projects as a lead person at various industries, such as the Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL), Metal Powder Company (Mepco), Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL), Trichy, Vetrivel Explosives Pvt. Ltd., Thuraiyur, WIMCO factory, Chennai, Shri. Saravana Industries Pvt. Ltd., Trichy, and an offsite emergency plan for Karur district.

Besides, Dr. Sivapirakasam has been conducting safety training, as an expert, for the working professionals at the Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research (IGCAR), Kalpakkam for the past 7 years. He served as an expert member under the disaster management state crisis group for Karur District, Tamil Nadu and for the Government of Puducherry.

Area of specialization:

  • Industrial Safety Engineering

Professional experience:

Job Title Employer From To


NIT Trichy


Till Date

Associate Professor

NIT Trichy



Assistant Professor

NIT Trichy



* Earlier, had an industrial experience in Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL) Durgapur steel plant as a Junior Manager for 2.5 years & had a teaching experience as a lecturer for the period about 6.5 years.

Educational qualifications:

Examination Board / University Year Division / Grade Specialization

Ph. D

CLRI - Anna University

January, 2007


Mechanical Engineering


REC Trichy (NIT)

December, 1997

First Class

Industrial Safety Engineering

B. E

Bharathidasan University

July, 1996

First Class

Mechanical Engineering


Board of Higher Secondary Examination


First Class

Mathematics and Science


Board of Anglo Indian School


First Class

Mathematics and Science

Academic/Administrative Responsibilities within the University:

Position Faculty/Department/Centre/Institution From To

Chairman, Safety Audit Committee


Nov 2022

Till date

Chairman, Safety and Security Services


Jan 2020

Aug 2021

Head of Department, Mechanical Engineering


Feb 2017

Jan 2020

Associate Dean (Faculty Welfare/Administration)


Jan 2009

Sep 2010


Academic/Administrative Responsibilities outside the University:

Position Institution From To

Bureau of Indian Standards committee member of panel CHD 07: P3

Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS)

August 2021

Till Date

Expert Member, Disaster Management state crisis group, Union Territory of Pondicherry recognized by Chief Secretariat (Environment)

Government of Pondicherry

January 2011

Till Date

Recognized Safety Auditor for conducting Safety Audit and Risk Assessment in the Industries

Institution of Inspector of factories, Government of Tamil Nadu

June 2009

Till Date

Awards, Associateships etc:

Year of Award Name of the Award Awarding Organization


Best Innovator Award

NIT Trichy


Best Innovator Award

NIT Trichy


Best Performer Award

NIT Trichy


Award for the Significant contribution in Research

NIT Trichy


Award for the Significant contribution in Filing Patent

NIT Trichy


Award for the Significant contribution in Research

NIT Trichy


Award for the Significant contribution in Research

NIT Trichy


Details of Academic Work:

(i) Curriculum Development:

Basics of Mechanical Engineering (MEIR11), Engineering Graphics (MEIR12), Production Technology- (MEPC15), Introduction to Mechanical Engineering (MEIR15), Industrial Safety Engineering (MEOE14), Computer Aided Risk Analysis (ME652), Occupational Health and Hygiene (ME655), Industrial Hygiene and Ergonomics Laboratory (ME661), Industrial safety laboratory (ME658).


(ii) Courses taught at Postgraduate and Undergraduate levels Post Graduate:

Computer Aided Risk Analysis, Occupational Health and Hygiene, Industrial Hygiene and Ergonomics Laboratory, Industrial safety laboratory. Under Graduate: Basics of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Graphics, Production Technology, Introduction to Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Safety Engineering.

Subject of interest:

  • Industrial Safety Engineering,
  • Energetic Materials and Process Safety
  • Particulate Emission and Control
  • Ergonomics
  • Green Manufacturing and Design of Experiments


Research Guidance

Sponsored Projects

Conultancy Projects

Guest Lectures Delivered

Short Term Courses Organised And Attended

Administrative Experience

Professional Affiliation

Academic Foreign Visits


Contact Address:



Department of Mechanical Engineering

NIT Trichy

Mobile: 9944547215

Telephone: 0431 2503408 Intercom: 3408

Email: spshivam@nitt.edu, spsivam@yahoo.com