Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
The department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering (formerly Department of Metallurgical Engg.) admitted the first batch of B.E. students in 1967. And Since its inception this department has been one of the premier centers of excellence in the field of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering. It has expanded since then in many ways and now offers three post-graduate programmes with specialization in Welding Engineering, Materials Science & Engineering and Industrial Metallurgy. All the three courses have been attracting candidates with varied engineering backgrounds and also sponsored candidates from engineering industries and academia. Since 2006, the department is admitting candidates for M.S. and Ph.D. programmes with Institute Fellowships. The department faculty are handling projects sponsored by agencies like MHRD, DRDO, AICTE, DST, NRB and Tata Steel.The department is accredited for 6 years by the National Board of Accreditation. The department is also a recognized center for QIP (Quality Improvement Programme) for both M.Tech. and Ph.D. programmes.
Vision of the Department
To evolve into a globally recognized department in the frontier areas of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering.
- To produce Metallurgical and Materials Engineering graduates having professional excellence.
- To carry out quality research having social & industrial relevance.
- To provide technical support to budding entrepreneurs and existing industries.

MME Department building
Contact Address
Professor & Head
Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
National Institute of Technology
Tiruchirappalli - 620 015
FAX : +91-431-250 0133
TEL : +91-431-250 3482(Direct) +91-431-250 3451 (Office)