The Department of Physics is situated in the east wing of OJAS in the campus of NIT Tiruchirappalli. Primary goal of the Department is to assimilate high quality research in convergence with academic interests.
The department offers credit based courses to M.Sc.(Physics), M.Tech. (Non-Destructive Testing), Ph.D and 1st year B.Tech. students . Alongside the core courses, a good number of elective papers are extended too.
The Department is equipped with highly compelling research laboratories hand-in-hand with academic laboratories. Student chapters like OSA and SPIE, which facilitate the students in the remote neighborhood to get a glimpse of fundamental physics via demonstrating eye-catching experiments, are also encouragingly accommodated.
The R&D activities have gained momentum with funding from various agencies, to name a few, DRDO, DST, DBT and CSIR. The Department is sponsored under “Fund for Improvement of S & T Infrastructure in Higher Educational Institutions (FIST)” of Department of Science & Technology (DST), Government of India.
Provide a world class scientific platform for scientists and engineers.
Establish the department as a global player in science and technology.
Excel in scientific R & D and consultancy.
Create an environment for society aimed at knowledge enhancement.
Front View of OJAS and Department of Physics

Gathering of Research Scholars