Dr. M. C. Santhoshkumar



Dr. Santhosh Kumar M. C. received his Ph.D. from Cochin University of Science And Technology (CUSAT), Cochin, India in 2003 in the field of semiconductor thin films. He has more than 22 years of teaching experience at UG and PG level. He was a visiting researcher at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), South Korea. He has visited USA, Australia and Singapore for International Conference presentations. His current research interests are in Optoelectronic materials, thin film solar cells, nanomaterials, and Non-destructive Evaluation.

Employment Profile

Job Title Employer From To
Professor National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, India March 2024 Till Date
Associate Professor National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, India March 2018 March 2024
Assistant Professor National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, India May 2006 March 2018
Lecturer Rajagiri School of Engineering and Technology, Kochi, Kerala September 2002 April 2006

Academic Qualifications (From Highest Degree to High School):

Examination Board / University Year Division/ Grade Subjects
Ph.D. Cochin University of Science and Technology, Kochi, Kerala 2003 Thin Films
M.Sc. Pondicherry University, Pondicherry 1997 I Class Physics
B.Sc. Calicut University 1995 I Class Physics (main)
SSLC Kerala State Board 1990 I Class General

Academic/Administrative Responsibilities within the University

Position Faculty/Department/Centre/Institution From To
M.Tech. NDT Subject co-ordinator Department of Physics June 2006 May 2008
B.Tech. Subject co-ordinator Department of Physics June 2011 May 2013
M.Tech. NDT Subject co-ordinator Department of Physics January 2015 December 2016
M.Sc. Physics Coordinator Department of Physics January 2018 June 2020
Associate Dean (Research & Consultancy) Office of Dean Research and Consultancy January 2020 January 2023

Academic/Administrative Responsibilities outside the University

Position Institution From To
Board of Studies member Department of Physics, Cochin University, Kerala 2015 2018
Board of Studies member KL University, Andra Pradesh 2014
Board of Studies member Vimala College, Trissur, Kerala 2018 2019
Board of Studies Member Gayatri Vidya Parishad College of Enginnering, Visakhapatanam, Andra Pradesh 2018 2021
Board of Studies Member PSNA College (autonomous), Dindigul, Tamil Nadu 2022 2025
Board of Studies Member Periyar Maniammai Institute of Science & Technology (deemed to be University), Vallam, Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu 2022 2025
Board of Studies Member Avanthi Institute of Engineering and Technology (Autonomous), Cherukupalli, Vizianagaram, Andra Pradesh 2024 2025

Details of Academic Work

Courses taught at Postgraduate and Undergraduate levels

  1. Physics-I - I Year B.Tech.
  2. Physics-II - I Year B.Tech.
  3. Energy and Environmental Engineering - I Year B.Tech.
  4. Instrumentation systems - M.Sc.
  5. VLSI Technology - M.Sc.
  6. Thin Film Technology & Applications - M.Sc. & M.Tech
  7. Advanced NDT Techniques – I M.Tech. (NDT)
  8. Advanced NDT Techniques – II M.Tech. (NDT)
  9. Sensors and Transducers - M.Sc.
  10. Electromagnetic theory - M.Sc.
  11. Electronics – M.Sc.
  12. Surface NDE Techniques - M.Tech. (NDT)

Projects guided at Postgraduate level

M.Tech. Projects
Sl. No. Title of thesis Name of Student Month and year of submission Co-guide (if any)
1 Analysis of ultrasonic signal from defects in steel with COMSOL and auto-detection of defects with machine learning Hindocha Shyam Pravinbhai May 2022
2 Development and validation of inspection procedure to identify vertical defect present in thick wall plate using Phased Array and TOFD Vishnu V Gupthan May 2021 Mr.Gunasekar.S
3 Improvement in Quality of Neutron Radiography Images of a Low Flux Neutron Source Using Image Processing Tools Shaheer Ali V June 2020 Girish N. Nambodiri VSSC
4 Defect Characterization in Laminate and Sandwich Honeycomb Composite Specimens Using Pulse Theromgraphy Abdul Bari K P June 2020 S. Hari Krishna VSSC
5 Development of Algorithm for Automatic Defect detection in X-ray images of Welds Adithya Murali May 2019 Dr. T. Saravanan IGCAR
6 Assessment of eddy current inspection on aerospace structure through numerical simulation Sreechand G. S May 2018 Mr. Bharath k Kodumuru
7 Establishment Of Phased Array Ultrasonic Technique For Full Penetration Header Stub Welding Austin C May 2017 Mr.Gunasekar.S
8 Replacement Of Radiography Technique With Phased Array And TOFD For Tubes With Smaller Thickness Sandeep Kumar May 2016 Mr.Gunasekar.S
9 Automatic Detection And Classification Of Defects In Radiographs Rupam Baruah May 2016 Mr.Gunasekar.S
10 Inspection Of Surface Breaking Flaws Using Laser Generated Rayleigh Waves Akhil B S May 2015 Dr.Krishnan Balasubramanian
11 Estimation Of Moisture In Blast Furnace Coke By Non – Invasive Technique Neelkamal Kulhara May 2015 Dr.Arpita Ghosh
12 Flying Spot Laser Thermography For Fast Detection Of Surface Breaking Cracks Of Stainless Steel Nithin P V May 2014 Prof.Krishnan Balasubramanian
13 Non-Destructive Characterization Of Cracks In Cladded Pressure Vessels Sarath Chandran M May 2014 Sri.Paritosh Nanekar
14 Low Frequency Eddy Current Inspection On Reformer Tubes Sachin Sajeev May 2013 Dr.Krishnan Balasubramanian
15 Defect Detection In GFRP Specimen And Air Gap Measurement In Cylindrical Geometries Using Infrared Thermography R. Shunmuga Sundaram May 2012 Dr.John Philip
16 Angular Resolution In Guided Waves S. Jagajith May 2011 -
17 Defect Sizing And Profile Mapping Using Digital Radiography Visakh Chandran May 2011 -
18 Influence Of Thresholding Procedures In Noise Reduction Of Ultrasonic Signals Using Wavelet Processing Amarnath K P May 2010 Dr.C.Babu Rao
19 Automated Classification Of Defects In Ultrasonic Inspection Using Artificial Neutral Networks Anil Kumar G May 2010 Dr.C.Babu Rao
20 Preparation Of Pb1-XFexS Thin Film And Formation Of n- ITO/PbS Self Assembled Heterojunctions By Chemical Bath Deposition (CBD) Technique Gomathi E May 2008 Dr.K.Siva Prasad
21 Pipeline Girth Weld Automated Inspection Using Phased Array Zone Discrimination Technique For Improved Probability Of Detection And Sizing S.Rajasuhas May 2009 I.Mohsin
22 Ultrasonic Phased Array Technique- An Alternative Nde Technique For The Inspection Of Pipeline Tie-In Welds N.Hemachandra Reddy May 2009 I.Mohsin
23 Thermal Imaging Of Adhesively Debonded Structures Siva Sankar Y May 2008 Dr.John Philip
24 Development Of Magnetostrictive Transducers For Structural Health Monitoring Of Plate Like Structures S.Selva Ganeshan May 2007 Dr.Krishnan Balasubramanian
25 Optimization Of Al Doped ZnO TCO Thin Films For DSSC Electrode Applications Akash Arya May 2013 Dr.R.Prasanth
26 Fabrication Of Superhydrophobic Zno Thin Films For Self-Cleaning Applications Aarthi.S May 2017 Dr.R.Prasanth
M.Sc. Projects
Sl. No. Title of thesis Name of Student Month and year of submission Co-guide (if any)
1 Preparation and Characterization of CuO Thin Films by RF- Magnetron Sputtering and Fabrication of Transparent p-n Heterojunction Devices Ankit Kumar April 2022
2 On the effect of Cu variation and annealing of Cu-Zn-S thin films by SILAR deposition for photovoltaic applications Mahammed Suleman Patel April 2022
3 Study on In doped ZnO thin films as electron transport layer for lead free Perovskite solar cells and its simulation Ebin Joseph May 2021
4 Preparation and characterization of ITO thin films by a two stage process Akash Kumar June 2020
5 Deposition and Characterization of Copper Indium sulphide Absorber Layer for Solar Cell Applications Lucky Donald Lyngdoh Kynshi June 2020
6 A Study on the Photocatalytic Properties of RF Sputtered Ti1-xZnxO Thin Films P Sasikumar May 2019
7 Synthesis and Characterisation of Cu2ZnSnS4 for solar cell application Anupama A May 2019
8 Preparation and characterization of Sb2S3 thin films by physical vapour deposition Stephin James May 2018
9 Ga Doped CdS thin films grown by chemical bath deposition for solar cell applications Aiswarya N. K. May 2018
10 An Investigation On The Deposition And Properties Of PEDOT:PSS Polymer Films And Fabrication Of n-ZnO/NpPEDOT:PSS Schottky Diode Harikeerthana M.G May 2017
11 Studies On Optical And Electrical Properties Of Zn Doped Cds Thin Films And Fabrication Of SnS/CdS Heterojunctions Haritha K.H May 2017
12 Deposition Of Super Hydrophobic ZnO Layers For Self-Cleaning Applications Sruthy Poulose May 2016
13 Deposition Of SnS Absorber Layer For Thin Film Solar Cell Applications B.Hemanth Kumar May 2016
14 Deposition Of Cu-Zn-S Thin Films, Using Successive Ionic Layer Adsorption And Reaction (SILAR) Method Edwin Jose May 2015
15 Effect Of Substrate Temperature of CdO Thin Film By RF Magnetron Sputtering Semin Xavier May 2015
16 An investigation on the deposition and characterization of Phosphorous and Nitrogen dual acceptor doped p-type ZnO thin Films Sebin Devasia May 2014
17 Effect Of Deposition Time And Cadmium Doping On The Structural, Electrical And Optical Properties Of Lead Sulphide Thin Films Prepared By Chemical Bath Deposition (CBD) Method Muhammedali D Kakhandaki May 2014
18 Analysis Of Structural And Electrical Properties Of Aluminium Doped Lead Sulphide Thin Films Prepared By CBD Method Keerthanaa.K May 2013
19 Deposition Of Zinc Oxide Thin Films On Stainless Steel (SS304) Substrate By Spray Pyrolysis Akshay Srinivas May 2013
20 Preparation Of PBS Thin Films By Chemical Bath Deposition CBD And Formation Of n-ZnO/P-PbS Heterojunctions Priyadarshini. M May 2012
21 Deposition Of Na And N Dual Acceptor Doped p-Type ZnO Nanorods A. Deepika May 2012
22 Room Temperature Ferromagnetism In Ce1-XCoxO Nanocrystals Anitha. K June 2011
23 Preparation And Characterization Of Pb(ZrxTi1-X)O3 Films By A Simple Dip Coating Method And Fabrication Of Meso Scale Micro Cantilever Nasiha. J June 2011
24 Preparation, Structural And Optical Properties Of Ce1-XZnxO2 Thin Films Vasumathy. R May 2010
25 Synthesis And Luminescence Properties Of Eu3+ And Tb2+ Doped ZnO Based Phosphor A Safarulla May 2009
26 Effect Of Substrate Temperature And Annealing On The ZnO Thin Films By Spray Pyrolysis S.Anbumozhi Angayarkanni May 2009
27 Ultrasonic Spotlight Tracker Tamilselvi.S May 2008
28 Embedded Web Server For Controlling And Monitoring Devices Aneesh.N May 2007
29 Synthesis Of Doped Sno2 Nano Composite By Hydrolysis Process M.Saraswathi April 2008 Mrs.K.Maithilee
30 Synthesis Of SnO2-Al2O3 Nano Composite By Chemical Precipitation Method S.Kowsalya April 2008 Mr.P.Sakthivel
31 Preparation And Charachterization Of Cu Doped PbS Thin Films G.Charaniya April 2008 Mrs.K.Maithilee
32 Preparation And Charachterization Of Fe Doped PbS Thin Films S.Saraswathi April 2008 Mrs.M.Malarvizhi

Details of Major R&D Projects

Title of Project Funding Agency Duration Status
From To Ongoing/ Completed
Realization of crack free thick films PZT for application to piezo cantilever fabrication DST-SERC 2007 2010 As Co-PI Completed
Fabrication of ZnO nanoparticle based light emitting devices by screen printing technique TEQIP 2007 As PI Completed
Preparation of p-ZnO films by dual acceptor doping and fabrication of homo-junction devices DST Fasttrack Scheme 2010 2013 As PI Completed
Deposition of earth abundant ternary CuZnS thin films and Fabrication of Cadmium free solar cells. DST-CERI 2015 2016 2019 As PI Completed
Mn based melt spun ribbons for magnetic cooling of naval equipments NAVAL RESEARCH BOARD (NRB) 2022 2025 As Co-PI Ongoing

Number of PhDs guided: 15

Name of the PhD Scholar Title of PhD Thesis Role(Supervisor/ Co-Supervisor) Year of Award
T. Prasada Rao Preparation and characterization of n-type and p - type ZnO thin films for optoelectronic applications Supervisor 2011
R. Swapna Investigations on preparation and properties of various n-type and p-type ZnO thin films and fabrication of p-n homojunctions Supervisor 2014
R. Amiruddin Aqueous Chemical Growth of ZnO Nanowires and Fabrication of High speed Ultraviolet Photodiodes Supervisor 2017
Srinivasa Reddy Tippasani Deposition and Characterization of Tin Sulphide and Copper Tin Sulphide Thin films-Prospective Absorber Layers for Solar Cells Supervisor 2018
Saheer Cheemadan Deposition and Characterization of NiO thin films by RF magnetron sputtering and fabrication of p-NiO/p-CuO/n-CdO: ZnO heterojunctions Supervisor 2018
B. Hemanth Kumar Deposition and Characterization of Indium Sulphide and Copper Antimony Sulphide Thin Films for Optoelectronic Device Applications Supervisor 2021
Edwin Jose A Study on the SILAR Deposition of Cu-Zn-S Thin Films and its Application as Hole Transport Layer in Organic Solar Cells. Supervisor 2021
Devika Mahesh An investigation on the effect of doping and seed layer morphology on the growth, properties and photocatalytic activity of 1D ZnO nanorods Supervisor 2022
Girish N. Namboodiri Investigations on the Detection of Sealed Low-density Materials using Thermal Neutron Radiography and 3D X-ray Computed Tomography Supervisor 2022
Sai Guru Srinivasan S Deposition of Cu2O and CuO thin films by reactive sputtering for heterojunction devices, resistive random access memory and photocatalysis Supervisor 2022
Aabel P Fabrication of Cadmium Free Solar Cells and Resistive Memory Switching Devices based on CuZnS and Cu2ZnSnS4 Thin Films Supervisor 2023
John Paul Graphene Oxide Incorporated, Post-Transition Metal Doped Zinc Oxide Thin Films and Nanorods for Efficient Dye Degradation Supervisor 2024
Nidheesh Kumar B Thickness measurement and flaw detection of low density materials on different substrates using terahertz time domain spectroscopy and imaging Supervisor 2024
Neju Mathew Philip Tailoring of optoelectronic properties of SnS thin films by Indium and Silver doping for heterojunction diodes and Memristors Supervisor 2024 Aravind N An Investigation on the Fabrication of Heterojunctions and Resistive Memory Devices Using Iron and Magnesium Based Quaternary Chalcogenide Thin Films Supervisor 2025

Participation in Workshops/ Symposia/ Conferences/ Colloquia /Seminars/ Schools etc. (mentioning the role)

Date (s) Title of Activity Level of Event (International/ National/ Local) Role (Participant/ Speaker/ Chairperson, Paper presenter, Any other) Event Organized by Venue
19th-21st December 2019 1. 3rd International Conference on Solar Energy Photovoltaics (ICSEP-2019) International Participant School of Electrical Engineering, KIIT (Deemed to be University), Bhubaneswar, Odisha
12 -15 July 2016 8th International conference on Technological Advancement of Thin Films & Surface Coatings. International Participant Thin Film Society Singapore
20-23 February 2016 4th International Conference on Frontiers in Nanoscience and Technology, Cochin Nano-2016 International Participant CUSAT Kochi, Kerala
28-29 April 2015 Conclave on academic reforms, , NIT Tirichirappalli, India National Participant NIT-T Tiruchirappalli
4-6 December 2014 National Seminar Exhibition on Non Destructive Evaluation, National Participant NIT-T Pune
3-5 January 2013 2nd International Conference on Optoelectronic Materials and thin Films for Advanced Technology International Participant CUSAT Kochi, Kerala
22 – 25 October 2012 1st International conference on Emerging Advanced nanomaterials International Participant The University of Queensland Brisbane, Australia
14 -17 August 2011. 3rd International Conference on Frontiers in Nano science and Technology, Cochin Nano-2011 International Participant CUSAT Kochi, Kerala
24-28, October 2010 Frontiers in Optics 2010/ Laser science XXVI International Participant SPIE Rochester, New York USA
10-12 December 2009 National Seminar on NDE (NDE 2009) National participant ISNT Tiruchirappalli
2-3, May 2008 National Conference on Thin Films materials and Devices National participant NITK, Surathkal Surathkal, Karnataka
24-25, January 2008 National Conference on emerging materials and Technologies for India 2020 National participant Dept. of Metallurgical and Materials engineering, NIT-T Tiruchirappalli
4-6, February 2007 International Conference on Nanomaterials and Its Applications, International participant Department of Chemistry NIT-T Tiruchirappalli
4-6, January 2007 5th International Conference on Trends in Industrial Measurements and Automation International participant NIT-T Tiruchirappalli
11-16, December 2006 Workshop on Mems and Smart structures National Participant ISSS Bangalore
7-9, December 2006 National Seminar on Non Destructive Evaluation National Participant ISNT Hyderabad

Workshops/ Symposia/ Conferences/ Colloquia/Seminars Organized (as Chairman/ Organizing Secretary/ Convenor / Co-Convenor)

Title of Activity Level of Event (International/ National/ Local) Date (s) Role Venue
Workshop on Innovation, Start-up, and Technology Transfer National level 24 - 29 January 2022 Coordinator NITT
Webinar series on Research Grants & Patent Filing Local level 11 -28 October 2020 (5days) Coordinator NITT
National symposium in Physics-InPhyNITT-2020 National level 6th March 2020 Staff convener NITT
National symposium in Physics-InPhyNITT-2019 National level 6th March 2020 Staff convener NITT
National symposium in Physics-InPhyNITT-2018 National level 09 March 2018 Staff convener NITT
National Conference on Advanced Materials: Processing and Characterization National level 27-28 February 2017 Convener NITT
Workshop on Characterization of materials for advanced applications (TEQIP-II sponsored) National level 4 -6 August 2016 Convener NITT
Short term programme on Nano structured materials: Processing and characterization National level 7-8 October 2014 Convener NITT
Golden Jubilee Lecture by Prof. G.K.Sivakumar, NIT Surathkal Local level 04.04.2014 Convener NITT
Faculty Development Programme on Physics for Emerging Technologies (Self Financing) National level 15-19 July, 2013 Convener NITT
Invited Talk by Prof. Paulraj Manidurai from University of Concepcion, Chile Local level 13.02.2013 Convener NITT
TEQIP sponsored one day workshop on Nanostructures and Device National level 23.02.2008 Convener NITT
TEQIP sponsored two day national workshop on Non-Destructive Testing-Quality 2007 National level 12-13 October, 2007 Convener NITT
TEQIP sponsored one day workshop on Gateway to GATE 2008-Workshop for aspirants National level 10.03.2007 Convener NITT

Invited Talks delivered

Topic Date Inviting Organization
Emerging Alternate Photovoltaic Technologies 17th March 2022 Indo-Japan workshop on Advancement in concentrator Photovoltaic system and its thermal management, Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIT Trichy
Emerging Materials for solar photovoltaic technology 25thFebruary 2022 Workshop on Nanomaterials for Emerging Applications NMEA-2022, Department of Physics, NIT-Trichy
Some novel ternary semiconductors for thin films solar cells 24th August 2021 Invited talk in K. Ramakrishnan college of Engineering, Samayapuram Trichy
Transparent Conducting Oxide Thin Films: Preparation and Applications 16th August 2021 ATAL-FDP on Fabrication and characterization of thin films for future technological applications, The National Institute of Engineering, Mysuru,
Recent Advances in thin Film Solar Cells 11th August 2021 International workshop on thin films and nanomaterials, Sathyabhama Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai
Recent Advances in Cadmium Free Ternary Chalcogenide Solar Cells 16th July 2021 Second International Conference on Energy, Environment and Advanced Materials for a Sustainable Future (ICEEAMSF-2021), Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai - 638 060, Erode, Tamil Nadu, India,
Advances in Materials for Solar Photovoltaics 1st July 2021 International Conference on Advanced Materials (ICAM 2021), Department of Physics, University of Calicut, Kerala, India – 673635
Materials for Solar Energy: Present and Future Prospects 21st May 2021 Invited talk in AICTE Margdharshan Workshop on Recent Research Trends and Future Research Directions in Solar Energy Technologies, Department of Electrical and Electronics, NIT Trichy
Solar Energy: Present and Future Prospects 4th December 2020 Invited talk, Department of Physics, VIT Vellore
Transparent Conducting Oxides: Preparation and Applications 5th November 2020 Refresher Course in Material Sciences: Recombinant Memetics, University of Calicut,
Thin film solar cells and Nanomaterials 31st January 2020 TNSCST & NCST sponsored National Seminar on Popularization of Solar Energy and Materials for Solar Cell (SEMSC – 2020), Periyar EVR College (Autonomous), Tiruchirappalli – 620 023
Recent Advances in thin Film Solar Cells 12th July 2019 TEQIP-III Sponsored FDP on Recent Advances in Solar Systems, Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIT Calicut
Physics of Photovoltaic cells 9th May 2019 2-week workshop on Recent Advances in Solar Energy Technologies for Sustainable Development, Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIT Tiruchirappalli
Basics of Thin Films 25th February 2019 SPECTRUM 2018-19. National Conference on nanostructured materials, Muhammed Abdurahiman Memorial Orphanage College, Mukkam, Kozhikode,
Solar cell technologies: present and future perspectives 18th February 2019 Prof. S.T. Rajan endowment lecture, St. Joseph’s College, Tiruchirappalli
Advances in Thin Film Solar Cells 5th December 2018 Two weeks workshop on Applications of Nanotechnology in Solar Systems, Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIT Tiruchirappalli
Thin Films for optoelectronics and Mechanical applications 23rd March 2018. National conference on Nanomaterials, R.V.S. Kumararn Arts and Science College, Ayyalur, Dindigul,
Metal oxide nanostructures for high speed uv-detector and some mechanical applications 04th January 2018 Refresher course in nanosciences, UGC-Human Resource development Centre, Bharahidasan University, Tiruchirappalli – 620023,
Thermal evaporation, Ion Beam Sputtering and Ion Plating 27th November 2017 AICTE-QIP Sponsored two weeks FDP on Thin Films Deposition and Characterization, Alagappa Chettiar Govt. College of Engineering and Technology, Karaikudi -630 003
Recent advances in Nanostructures and Thin films 22nd September 2017 Invited talk at Department of Physics, Crist College, Irigalakkuda, Kerala,
Metal oxide nanostructures for high speed ultraviolet Photodiodes 14th February 2017 National Seminar on Recent Advancements in Photonics – NSAP2017, Vimala College, Thrissur, Kerala,
Thin Films for Optoelectronics and Photovoltaic Applications 7th October 2016 National Conference on Advanced Materials (NCAM-2016), St. Joseph’s College, Trichy
Optical and Electrical characterization of thin films 4-6 August 2016, Workshop on Characterization of Materials for advanced Applications, Department of Physics, NIT Trichy
Metal oxide nanostructures for optoelectronics and Mechanical applications 2nd July 2016. One day workshop on Nanotechnology and its Applications,Department of Mechanical Engg., Vimal Jyothi college, Chemperi, Kannur, Kerala
Advances in Thin Film Solar Cells 6-9 June 2016, Workshop on utilization of Techniques of renewable energy sources, Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIT Trichy
Metal oxide nanostructures for optoelectronics and Mechanical applications. 23rd January 2016 National level conference on Technologies
Behind Nanoscience : Fabrication, diagnostics and applications, MA College, Kothamangalam,
Thin Film Technology and its applications 15th January 2016 STTP on Recent Advances in Applied Physics, SOE, CUSAT, Kochi-22,
Evolution of Light Sources 11th January 2016 STTP on Recent Advances in Applied Physics, SOE, CUSAT, Kochi-22,
Thin Film nanostructures and applications 19th December 2015 FDP on Green nanotechnology in materials engineering and energy applications, College of Engineering, Adoor, Kerala
Metal oxide nanostructures for optoelectronic and mechanical applications Invited talk in National Seminar at Devamatha college, Kuravilangad, Kerala
Evolution of Light Sources 17th November 2015 TEQIP-II sponsored expert talk in College of Engineering, Adoor, Kerala,
Metal oxide nanostructures for optoelectronics and Mechanical applications. 6th November 2015 Modern trends in physics research (MTPR-2015) St. Stephen’s College Pathanapuram, Kollam, Kerala,
Transparent oxide nanostructures and applications 17th to 30th July 2015 Anna University Bharathidasan Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli
Transparent oxide nanostructures 26th to 28th March 2014 International conference on Advanced materials and its applications, 26th to 28 th March 2014, Alphonsa College, Pala, Kerala
Transparent oxide nanostructures and its applications 19th February, 2014 KL University, Vaddeswaram, Andra Pradesh
Thin film deposition and applications 18th -21st December, 2013 Workshop on Application of Nanotechnology in Mechanical Engineering, NIT Trichy
Recent Trends in Transparent Conducting Oxide (TCO) Thin Films 11-12, December 2013 MSM college, Kayamkulam, Alappuzha, Kerala
Transparent conducting oxide thin films (TCO): Technology and applications 25-25 July 2013, Sree Sankara College, Kaladi, Ernakulam, Kerala
Recent Trends in Transparent Conducting Oxide (TCO) Thin Films 25-26 March 2013 Devamatha college, Kuravilangad, Kottayam, Kerala
Introduction to Micro-electromechanical Systems 25th January 2013 Govt. Brennen College, Thalasery, Kerala
NMR spectroscopy in NDT March 2008 Department of Chemistry, NITT
Thin films and applications February 2008 Department of Metallurgy and Materials engineering, NITT
Nanostructures for MEMS applications February 2008 Department of Physics, NITT
MEMS and Smart systems February 2007 Govt. Engg College, Salem

Membership of Learned Societies

Type of Membership (Ordinary Member/ Honorary Member / Life Member ) Organization Membership No. with date
Life member ISTE
Life member ISNT

Academic Foreign Visits

Country Duration of Visit Programme
South Korea 25th November- 24th December 2007 TEQIP training at KAIST
USA October 24-28, 2010 Frontiers in Optics 2010/ Laser science XXVI”, Rochester, New York USA,
Australia 22nd – 25th October 2012 1st International conference on Emerging Advanced nanomaterials, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia,
Singapore 12th -15th July 2016 8th International conference on Technological Advancement of Thin Films & Surface Coatings


(A) Refereed Research Journals:

Author(s) Title of Paper Journal Volume (No.) Page numbers Year Impact Factor of the Journal
N. Aravind and M.C. Santhosh Kumar Effect of substrate temperature on the properties of Cu2FeSnS4 thin films by vacuum spray pyrolysis and fabrication of p-n heterojunction devices Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 34 1718 2023 2.8
John Paul, K. Dhivyaprasath, M. Ashok, M.C. Santhosh Kumar Graphene oxide incorporated zinc oxide thin films by spray pyrolysis for efficient photodegradation of methylene blue Chemistryselect 8 e202300034 2023 1.9
P. Aabel, A. Anupama and M. C. Santhosh Kumar Fabrication of Cu2ZnSnS4 Based Cadmium Free Heterojunction Solar Cells Semiconductor Science and Technology 38 045010 2023 1.9
P Aabel; S Sai Guru Srinivasan; R. Amiruddin; M.C. Santhosh Kumar Bi-Polar Switching Properties of FTO/CZTS/Ag Device Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 34 601 2023 2.8
B. Hemanth Kumar, N. Ramesh Reddy, M.C. Santhosh Kumar Cu rich Copper Indium Sulfide thin films deposited by co-evaporation for photovoltaic applications Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 34 341 2023 2.8
Shahnaz Kossar, R. Amiruddin, Asif Rasool, M.C. Santhosh Kumar, Nagamalleswari Katragadda, Pranab Mandal, Nafis Ahmed Study on ferroelectric polarization induced resistive switching characteristics of neodymium-doped bismuth ferrite thin films for random access memory applications Current Applied Physics 39 221-229 2022 2.856
Saheer Cheemadan; M. C. Santhosh Kumar Optoelectronic Properties of Highly Transparent Conducting CdO:ZnO Composite Thin Films by RF-Magnetron Sputtering, , Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 33 15638 2022 2.8
Asif Rasool, R. Amiruddin, Shahnaz Kossar, M.C. Santhosh Kumar Multifunctional n-ZnO/MoO3/PEDOT:PSS-based hybrid device for high-speed UV light detection and ReRAM applications Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 33 2090 2022 2.8
Devika Mahesh, John Paul, M.C. Santhosh Kumar Photocatalytic degradation of Methylene Blue by ZnO seed layers and 1D nanorods Materials Today: Proceedings 58 882-885 2022
T, Srinivasa Reddy, M.C. Santhosh Kumar, Influence of substrate temperature on structural and optical properties of co-evaporated Cu2SnS3/ITO Thin Films Materials Science Forum 1048 189 2022
Girish N Namboodiri, V ShaheerAli, M C Santhosh Kumar, KK Moideenkutty, M Nallaperumal, S Umasankar, G Levin Improvements in quality of Neutron Radiography images of pyro components used in aerospace applications using image processing tools Advances in Non-destructive Evaluation. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering 2021
R. Swapna, K. Venkateswaralau, M. C. Santhosh Kumar Enhanced Physical Properties of ZEO Thin Films for Device Applications, Materials Today: Proceedings 39 1620 2021
Girish N Namboodiri, Manu Joseph, M C Santhosh Kumar, M Nallaperumal, K K Moideenkutty, M. Arumugam, L Mohan Kumar, J Jayaprakash X-ray Computed Tomography and Thermal Neutron radiography for detection of low dense compounds inside pyro elements used in space applications European Physical Journal Plus 136 945 2021 3.911
T Srinivasa Reddy, M.C. Santhosh Kumar Temperature-dependent properties of Co-evaporated CuS Thin Films Brazilian Journal of Physics 51 1575-1583 2021 1.082
S. Sai Guru Srinivasan, B. Govardhanan M. Ashok, M.C. Santhosh Kumar Influence of deposition time on the visible-light-driven photocatalytic activity of Cu2O thin films by reactive sputtering at room temperature Materials Letters 284 128980 2021 3.019
S Kossar, R Amiruddin, A Rasool, NV Giridharan, D Dhayanithi, M.C. Santhosh Kumar Ferroelectric polarization induced memristive behaviour in bismuth ferrite (BiFeO3) based memory devices Superlattices and Microstructures 148 106726 2020 2.658
Asif Rasool, R. Amiruddin, I. Raja Mohamed, M C Santhosh Kumar Fabrication and characterization of resistive random access memory (ReRAM) device using molybdenum trioxide (MoO3) as a switching layer Superlattices and Microstructures 147 106682 2020 2.658
Asif Rasool, R. Amiruddin, Shahanaz Kossar, M C Santhosh Kumar Realization of In:ZnO/PEDOT:PSS based multifunctional device for ultraviolet (UV) light detectionandresistive switching memoryapplications Journal of Applied Physics 128 044503 2020 2.546
P. Aabel, M.C. Santhosh Kumar Deposition and characterization of earth abundant CuZnS ternary thin films by vacuum spray pyrolysis and fabrication of p-CZS/n-AZO heterojunction solar cells International Journal of Energy Research 44 7778-7788 2020 5.164
Asif Rasool, M C Santhosh Kumar, M H Mamat, C Gopalakrishnan, R. Amiruddun Analysis on different detection mechanisms involved in ZnO‑based photodetector and photodiodes Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 31 7100-7113 2020 2.478
D Mahesh, M C Santhosh Kumar Synergetic effects of aluminium and indium dopants in the physical properties of ZnO thin films via spray pyrolysis Superlattices and Microstructures 142 106511 2020 2.658
Girish N Namboodiri, M C. Santhosh Kumar, M Nallaperumal, S Umasankar, G Levin Detection and Characterisation of Low Dense Charges Inside Metallic Devices Used in Space Applications by Neutron Radiography Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation 39 16 2020 2.011
B. Hemanth Kumar, S Shaji, M C Santhosh Kumar Effect of substrate temperature on properties of co-evaporated copper antimony sulfide thin films Thin Solid Films 697 137838 2020 2.183
E Jose, M Mohan, M A. G. Namboothiry, MC Santhosh Kumar Room temperature deposition of high figure of merit p-type transparent conducting Cu–Zn–S thin films and their application in organic solar cells as an efficient hole transport layer Journal of Alloys and Compounds 829 154507 2020 4.175
B Hemanth Kumar, MC Santhosh Kumar, On the conversion of amorphous In2S3 thin films to polycrystalline In2S3 and to In2O3 through thermal oxidation process Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 111 104983 2020 3.927
P R Jyothi Sankar, S Venkatachalapathy, M C Santhosh Kumar Effect of hydrophilic coating on mesh wicks used in heat pipes Surface Engineering 36 680-686 2020 3.169
T. Srinivasa Reddy, M.C. Santhosh Kumar Fabrication of visible light photodetector using co-evaporated Cu2SnS3 thin films Journal of Ovonic Research 15 365-376 2019 1.165
B. Hemanth Kumar, M.C. Santhosh Kumar Indium sulfide based metal-semiconductor-metal ultraviolet-visible photodetector Sensors & Actuators A: Physical 299 111643 2019 3.407
B. Hemanth Kumar, S. Shaji, M.C. Santhosh Kumar Fabrication of visible light photodetector using co-evaporated Indium Sulfide thin films Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 30 17986-17998 2019 2.478
Saheer Cheemadan, M. C. Santhosh Kumar, Muthukumar Krishnan, Rathinam Arthur James Biocidal properties of sputtered CdO:ZnO multi-component thin films for potential use in pathogeic bacteria control Materials Research Express 6 104009 2019 1.620
S. Sai Guru Srinivasana B. Govardhanan, P. Aabel, M. Ashok, M.C. Santhosh Kumar Effect of oxygen partial pressure on the tuning of copper oxide thin films by reactive sputtering for solar light driven photocatalysis Solar Energy 187 368-378 2019 4.674
Devika Mahesh, B. Hemanth Kumar and M. C. Santhosh Kumar Enhanced luminescence property of 1 D nanorods realised by Aqueous Chemical Growth on Indium doped Zinc Oxide thin films Thin Solid Films 686 137279 2019 2.183
Reshmi Krishnan, R., Kavitha, V.S., Santhosh Kumar, M.C., Gopchandran, K.G., Mahadevan Pillai, V.P Properties of Au incorporated In2O3films Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 93 134-147 2019 3.927
Bincy John, G. Genifer Silvena, Shamima Hussain, M. C. Santhosh Kumar & A. Leo Rajesh Surfactant mediated solvothermal synthesis of CuSbS2 nanoparticles as p-type absorber material Indian J Phys 93 185-195 2019 1.242
Bincy John, G. Genifer Silvena, Shamima Hussain, M. C. Santhosh Kumar & A. Leo Rajesh Surfactant mediated solvothermal synthesis of CuSbS2 nanoparticles as p-type absorber material Indian Journal of Physics In Press 0.967
Devika Mahesh, and M. C. Santhosh Kumar An investigation on the In doping of ZnO thin films by spray pyrolysis AIP Conference Proceedings 1942 080049 2018
Saheer Cheemadan, M.C. Santhosh Kumar Effect of Substrate Temperature and Oxygen Partial Pressure on RF Sputtered NiO thin films Materials Research Express 5 046401 2018 1.151
Sebin Devasia, EI. Anila, M.C. Santhosh Kumar Post-deposition thermal treatment of sprayed ZnO:Al thin films for enhancing the conductivity Physica B: Condensed Matter 533 83–89 2018 1.453
S Thiruvenkadam, S Prabhakaran, Sujay Chakravarty, V Ganesan, Vasant Sathe, MC Santhosh Kumar, A Leo Rajesh Effect of Zn/Sn molar ratio on the microstructural and optical properties of Cu 2 Zn 1-x Snx S 4 thin films prepared by spray pyrolysis technique Physica B: Condensed Matter 533 22–27 2018 1.453
S.P. Sivapirakasam, Sreejith Mohan, Ashley Thomas Paul, M.C. Santhosh Kumar, M. Surianarayanan Control of exposure to hexavalent chromium concentration in shielded metal arc welding fumes by nano-coating of electrodes International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health 23 128-142 2017 1.195
Genifer Silvena Bincy John, R. Anne Sarah Christinal, M. C. Santhosh Kumar, Sujay Chakravarty, A. Leo Rajesh Solution Processed p-Type Cu2ZnSnS4 Thin Films for Absorber Layer J Inorg Organomet Polym 27 1556 2017 1.754
R. Amiruddin, M.C. Santhosh Kumar High-speed photoresponse properties of ultraviolet (UV) photodiodes using vertically aligned Al:ZnO nanowires Phys. Status Solidi A 214 1600658 1.795
Edwin Jose, M.C. Santhosh Kumar Room temperature deposition of highly crystalline Cu-Zn-S thin films for solar cell applications using SILAR method Journal of Alloys and Compounds 712 649-656 2017 3.779
T. srinivasa Reddy; M.C. Santhosh Kumar, S. Shaji Deposition rate dependant formation and properties of Sn2S3 and SnS thin films by co-evaporation Mater. Res. Express 4 046404 2017 1.151
S.P. Sivapirakasam, Sreejith Mohan, M.C. Santhosh Kumar, M. Surianarayanan Modeling of Fume Formation from Shielded Metal Arc Welding Process Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B 2017 1.834
T. Srinivasa Reddy, B. Hemanth Kumar and M. C. Santhosh Kumar Effect of annealing on the optical properties and photoconductivity of SnS thin film AIP Conference Proceedings 1832 080043 2017
R. Amiruddin, M.C. Santhosh Kumar Role of oxygen interstitial defects in fabrication of UV photodiodes using vertically aligned (Al,Ga):ZnO nanowires Nanoscience and Nanotechnology letters 9 488–494 2017 2.917
R. Reshmi Krishnan, Radhakrishna Prabhu, M. C. Santhosh Kumar, C. Sudarsanakumar and V. P.Mahadevan Pillai, Effect of Nb doping on the structural, morphological, optical and electrical properties of RF magnetron sputtered In2O3 nanostructured films, Phys. Status Solidi C 14 1600095 2017
T. Srinivasa Reddy, M.C. Santhosh Kumar Co-evaporated SnS thin films for visible light photodetector applications RSC Adv 6 95680 2016 2.936
R. Amiruddin, M.C. Santhosh Kumar, Role of p-NiO electron blocking layers in fabrication of (P-N):ZnO/Al:ZnO UV photodiodes Current Applied Physics 16 1052- 1061 2016 2.058
Edwin Jose and M.C. Santhosh Kumar Room-temperature wide-range luminescence and structural, optical, and electrical properties of SILAR deposited Cu-Zn-S nanostructured thin films Proc. of SPIE 9929 992917 2016
Sn2S3thin films, T. Srinivasa Reddy, M.C. Santhosh Kumar, Effect of substrate temperature on the physical properties of co- evaporated Ceramics International 42 12262–12269 2016 3.057
Saheer Cheemadan, R. Amiruddin, M.C. Santhosh Kumar Highly transparent conducting CdO thin films by R.F. Magnetron sputtering for Optoelectronic applications J. Nanophoton. 10(3) 033007 2016 1.060
C.S. Sujith Kumar, S. Suresh, A.S. Praveen, M.C. Santhosh Kumar, Vishakh Gopi, Effect of surfactant addition on hydrophilicity of ZnO-Al2O3 composite and enhancement of flow boiling heat transfer Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 70 325-334 2016 3.204
Saheer Cheemadan, R. Amiruddin, M.C. Santhosh Kumar Realization of highly transparent conducting CdO thin films by R.F.Magnetron sputtering for Optoelectronic applications Proceedings of SPIE 9558 955816 2015
Sreejith Mohan, S.P. Sivapirakasam, M.C. Santhosh Kumar, M. Surianarayanan, , Welding Fume Reduction by Nano-Alumina Coating on Electrodes –Towards Green Welding Process Journal of Cleaner Production 108 131-144 2015 5.651
R. Swapna, K. Venkateswaralau, M. C. Santhosh Kumar, Heat Treatment Impact on the Properties of Na and N Dual Doped ZnO Thin Flms by Spray Pyrolysis, Procedia Materials Science 10 714 – 722 2015
R. Swapna, T. Srinivasa Reddy, K. Venkateswaralau, M. C. Santhosh Kumar, Effect of Post-Annealing on the Properties of Eu Doped ZnO Nano Thin Films Procedia Materials Science 10 723 – 729, 2015
T. Srinivasa Reddy, R. Amiruddin, M.C. Santhosh Kumar Deposition and Characterization of Cu2SnS3 Thin Films by Co-evapoartion for photovoltaic application Solar Energy Materials and solar cells 143 128–134 2015 5.018
R. Amiruddin, M.C. Santhosh Kumar, Growth and characterization of near white light emitting Al-Ga:ZnO nanowires Mater. Res. Express 2 075004 2015 1.151
Sreejith Mohan, S.P. Sivapirakasam, M.C. Santhosh Kumar, M. Surianarayanan Application of Taguchi Method in the Optimization of Process Parameter for Sol - Gel Derived Nano Alumina Film Journal of Materials: Design and Applications 2015 1.281
Sreejith Mohan, S.P. Sivapirakasam, M.C. Santhosh Kumar, M. Surianarayanan Welding fumes reduction by coating of nano-TiO2 on electrodes Journal of Materials Processing Technology 219 237–247, 2015 3.647
R. Amiruddin, Sebin Devasia, K.Mohammedali, M. C. Santhosh Kumar Investigation on PN dual acceptor doped p-type ZnO thin films and subsequent growth of pencillike nanowires Semiconductor Science and Technology 30 035009-035019 2015 2.280
T. Prasada Rao, S.Gokul Raj, M. C. Santhosh Kumar Optical Properties of Samarium Doped ZnO Thin Films IEEE xplore, 2nd International Conference on Devices, Circuits and Systems (ICDCS) 2014
T.Prasada Rao, S. Gokul Raj, M. C. Santhosh Kumar Effect of Annealing Atmosphere on Structural and Optical Properties of Nd:ZnO Thin Films Procedia Materials Science 6 1631 – 1638 2014
C.S. Sujith Kumar, S. Suresh C.R, Aneesh, M.C.Santhosh Kumar, A.S. Praveen, K. Raji Flow boiling heat transfer enhancement on copper surface using Fe doped Al2O3TiO2 composite coatings Applied Surface Science 334 102–109 2015 4.439
R. Amiruddin, M. C. Santhosh Kumar Enhanced visible emission from vertically aligned ZnO nanostructures Journal of Luminescence 155 149– 155 2014 2.732
R. Amiruddin, M. C. Santhosh Kumar Epitaxial Growth of Vertically Aligned Highly Conducting ZnO Nanowiresby Modified Aqueous Chemical Growth Ceramics International 40 11283–11290 2014 3.057
R. Amiruddin, Akshay Srinivas, C. S. Sujith Kumar, M. C. Santhosh Kumar Fabrication of Hyddrophobic ZnO Surfaces on SS304 Substrates J. Environ Nanotechnol. 4 51-56 2014
S. Cheemadan, K. Keerthana, M. C. Santhosh Kumar Analysis of Structural and Electrical Properties of Aluminium Doped Lead Sulphide (PbS) Thin Films Prepared by CBD Method. J. Environ Nanotechnol. 2 28-33 2014
R. Swapna, R. Amiruddin, M. C. Santhosh Kumar Dual Acceptor Doping and Aging Effect of pZnO:(Na, N) Nanorod Thin Films by Spray Pyrolysis AIP Conference Proceedings 1576 167-170 2014
R. Swapna, M. C. Santhosh Kumar Fabrication and Characterization of nZnO: Eu/pZnO:(Ag,N) homojunction by spray pyrolysis Materials Research Bulletin 49 44–49 2014 2.873
R. Swapna, M. C. Santhosh Kumar Deposition of NaN dual acceptor doped p- type ZnO thin films and fabrication of pZnO:(Na,N)/nZnO: Eu homojunction Materials Science and Engineering B 178 1032– 1039 2013 3.316
R. Swapna, R. Amiruddin, and M. C. Santhosh Kumar Aging and annealing effects on properties of Ag-N dualacceptor doped ZnO thin films AIP Conf. Proc. 1512 682-683 2013
R. Swapna, M. Ashok, G. Muralidharan, M. C. Santhosh Kumar Microstructural, electrical and optical properties of ZnO:Mo thin films with various thickness by spray pyrolysis Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 102 68– 75 2013 3.468
R. Swapna, M.C. Santhosh Kumar Growth and characterization of molybdenum doped ZnO thin films by spray pyrolysis Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 74 418–425 2013 2.207
R. Swapna, M.C. Santhosh Kumar Deposition of the low resistive AgN dual acceptor doped p-type ZnO thin films Ceramics International 39 1799–1806 2013 3.057
T Prasada Rao, M C Santhosh Kumar, N. Sooraj Hussain Effects of thickness and atmospheric annealing on structural, electrical and optical properties of GZO thin films by spray pyrolysis Journal of Alloys and Compounds 541 495–504 2012 3.779
T. Prasada Rao, M. C. Santhosh Kumar Resistivity Stability of Ga Doped ZnO Thin Films with Heat Treatment in Air and Oxygen Atmospheres Journal of Crystallization Process and Technology 2 72-79 2012 0.82
R. Swapna, M.C. Santhosh Kumar The role of substrate temperature on the properties of nanocrystalline Mo doped ZnO thin films by spray pyrolysis Ceramics International 38 3875–3883 2012 3.057
T. Prasada Rao and M. C. Santhosh Kumar Effect of annealing on the structural, optical and electrical properties of ZnO thin films by spray pyrolysis Indian J. Phys 85 1381-1391 2011 0.967
T. Prasada Rao and M. C. Santhosh Kumar Realization of stable p-type ZnO thin films using Li–N dual acceptors Journal of Alloys and Compounds 509 8676– 8682 2011 3.779
M.C. Santhosh Kumar, B. Pradeep Band gap variation in co-evaporated AgInSe2 thin films with 1.26 MeV He+ ion irradiation Indian Journal of Physics 85 401-409 2011 0.967
M.C. Santhosh Kuamar, B. Pradeep Optical constants of co-evaporated Ag2Se thin films with proton irradiation Journal of Ovonic Research 6 143-148 2010 0.618
T. Prasada Rao and M. C. Santhosh Kumar Physical properties of Ga doped ZnO thin films by spray pyrolysis Journal of Alloys and Compounds 506 788–793 2010 3.779
T. Dhannia, S. Jayalekshmi, M. C. Santhosh Kumar, T. Prasada Rao, A. Chandra Bose Effect of iron doping and annealing on structural and optical properties of cerium oxide nanocrystals Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 71 1020–1025 2010 2.207
M.C. Santhosh Kumar, B. Pradeep Effect of He+ ion irradiation on the structural and optical properties of vacuum evaporated AgInSe2 thin films Journal of Alloys and Compounds 495 284–287 2010 3.779
T. Prasada Rao, M. C. Santhosh Kumar, V. Ganesan, S. R. Barman, C. Sanjeeviraja Physical properties of ZnO thin films deposited at various substrate temperatures using spray pyrolysis Physica B 405 2226–2231 2010 1.453
S. Bagavathiappan, Y. Siva Sankar, M.C. S. Kumar, John Philip, T. Jayakumar and Baldev Raj Active infrared thermal imaging for quantitative analysis of defects and delaminations in composite materials Journal of Non Destructive Testing & Evaluation 8 28-36 2009
T. Dhannia, S. Jayalekshmi, M. C. Santhosh Kumar, T. Prasada Rao, A. Chandra Bose Effect of aluminium doping and annealing on structural and optical properties of Cerium Oxide nanocrystals Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 70 1443–1447 2009 2.207
T. Prasada Rao, M.C. Santhosh Kumar, S. Anbumozhi Angayarkanni, M. Ashok Effect of stress on optical band gap of ZnO thin films with substrate temperature by spray pyrolysis Journal of Alloys and Compounds 485 413–417 2009 3.779
M.C. Santhosh Kumar and B. Pradeep Effect of H+ irradiation on the optical properties of vacuum evaporated AgInSe2 thin films Applied Surface Science 255 8324–8327 2009 4.439
T. Prasada Rao, M.C. Santhosh Kumar Highly Oriented (1 0 0) ZnO thin films by spray pyrolysis Applied Surface Science 255 7212–7215 2009 4.439
T. Prasada Rao, M.C. Santhosh Kumar Thickness effect on structural, optical and electrical properties of ZnO thin films by Spray Pyrolysis Applied Surface Science 255 4579–4584 2009 4.439
M.C. Santhosh Kumar and B. Pradeep Formation and properties of silver indium selenide thin films by coevaporation Vacuum 72 369 – 378 2004 2.067
M.C. Santhosh Kumar and B. Pradeep Photoelectrical properties of Silver Indium Selenide Thin Films Journal of Materials Science Letters 22 287-291 2003 0.68
M.C. Santhosh Kumar and B. Pradeep Preparation and electrical properties of silver selenide thin films by reactive evaporation Bull. Mater. Sci. 25 407-411 2002 0.925
M.C. Santhosh Kumar and B. Pradeep Transport properties of silver selenide thin films from 100 K to 300K Mater. Lett. 56 491-495 2002 2.687
M.C. Santhosh Kumar and B. Pradeep Structural electrical and optical properties of silver selenide thin films Semicond. Sci. Technol. 17 261-265 2002 2.280

(B) Conferences/Workshops/Symposia Proceedings

Author(s) Title of Abstract/ Paper Title of the Proceedings Page numbers Conference Theme Venue Year
Devika Mahesh, John Paul and M. C. Santhosh Kumar Photocatalytic degradation of Methylene Blue by ZnO seed layers and 1 D nanorods International Conference on Novel engineering materials for Biomedical, Energy and Environmental Sensing and other application (ICON BEES 2021) NIT Tiruchirappalli 2021
Neju Mathew Philip and M. C. Santhosh Kumar Structural and Morphological characterization of MoS2 thin films using chemical bath deposition International Conference on Novel engineering materials for Biomedical, Energy and Environmental Sensing and other application (ICON BEES 2021) NIT Tiruchirappalli 2021
P. Aabel, A Anupama and M C Santhosh Kumar Fabrication of Al:ZnO/CZTS heterojunction solar by vacuum spray pyrolysis 3rd International Conference on Solar Energy Photovoltaics (ICSEP-2019) School of Electrical Engineering, KIIT (Deemed to be University), Bhubaneswar, Odisha 2019
B. Hemanth Kumar and M.C. Santhosh Kumar Comparative study of Cu-rich and Sb-rich of CuSbS2 thin films International Conference on Advanced Materials for Sustainable Energy and Sensors (INCAMSES-2019) Alagappa University 2019
Devika Mahesh, John Paul, M. C. Santhosh Kumar Improved photocatalysis exhibited by 1 d nanorods grown on zinc oxide thin films under UV light International Conference on Advanced Materials for Sustainable Energy and Sensors (INCAMSES-2019) Alagappa University 2019
John Paul, P. Sasi Kumar and M.C. Santhosh Kumar Degradation of Methylene Blue Dye by RF Sputtered Ti1-xZnxO Thin FILMS under UV Irradiation International Conference on Advanced Materials for Sustainable Energy and Sensors (INCAMSES-2019) Alagappa University 2019
B. Hemanth Kumar and M.C. Santhosh Kumar Surface Modification of Indium doped Zinc Oxide thin films International Conference on Recent advances in Materials Science NIT Tiruchirappalli 2019
Devika Mahesh, and M.C. Santhosh Kumar Surface Modification of Indium doped Zinc Oxide thin films International Conference on Recent advances in Materials Science NIT Tiruchirappalli 2019
Saheer chemadan, Muthukumar Krishnan, Arthur James Rathinam, M.C. Santhosh Kumar Biocidal Properties of CdO:ZnO Multi-component Thin Films 5th International conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology SRM University, Chennai 2019
B. Hemanth Kumar, M.C. Santhosh Kumar Co-evaporated Antimony Sulfide Thin Films for Photovoltaic Applications 5th International conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology SRM University, Chennai 2019
Aabel Premnath, M.C. Santhosh Kumar An investigation on n-ZnO/p-CuZnS heterojunctions for thin film solar cell applications 5th International conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology SRM University, Chennai 2019
T. Srinivasa Reddy, M.C. Santhosh Kumar Fabrication of photodetector using co-evaporated Cu2SnS3 thin films 5th International conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology SRM University, Chennai 2019
Sai Guru Srinivasan S, Govardhanan B, Ashok M, Santhosh Kumar M. C Photocatalytic activity of reactively sputtered nanostructured Cu2O thin films deposited at room temperature 5th International conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology SRM University, Chennai 2019
P. Aabel and M.C. Santhosh Kumar Effect of substrate temperature on the properties of CuZnS thin films by vacuum spray pyrolysis National symposium on advances in functional and exotic materials Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli 2018
Sai Guru Srinivasan and M.C. Santhosh Kumar Oxygen partial pressure dependent tuning of Cu2O& CuO thin fims by reactive RF Magnetron sputtering National symposium on advances in functional and exotic materials Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli 2018
Saheer Cheemadan and M.C. Santhosh Kumar Effect of substrate temperature on RF sputtered NiO thin films National symposium on advances in functional and exotic materials Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli 2018
K.H. Haritha, Edwin Jose and M.C. Santhosh Kumar Study on optical properties of CdS thin films deposited by chemical bath deposition process National Conference on Advanced Materials: Processing and Characterization NIT Tiruchirappalli 2017
M.G. Harikeerthana, R. Amiruddin and M.C. Santhosh Kumar Study of Electrically Conducting PEDOT:PSS Thin Films deposited using spray pyrolysis National Conference on Advanced Materials: Processing and Characterization NIT Tiruchirappalli 2017
John Paul, Benoy M.D and M.C. Santhosh Kumar Optical Characterization of Copper Doped Indium Oxide Thin Films National Conference on Advanced Materials: Processing and Characterization NIT Tiruchirappalli 2017
S. Aarthi, Sruthy Poulose, R. Amiruddin, M. Devika, R. Prasanth Realization of superhydrophobic ZnO layers for self-cleaning applications National Conference on Advanced Materials: Processing and Characterization NIT Tiruchirappalli 2017
2. T. Srinivasa Reddy, B. Hemanth Kumar, M. C. Santhosh kumar, Effect of Annealing on the optical properties and photoconductivity of SnS thin film, 3. 61stDAE Solid State Physics Symposium Bhubaneswar, Odisha 2016
4. Edwin Jose and M.C. Santhosh Kumar, , Room-temperature wide-range Luminescence and structural, optical and electrical properties of SILAR deposited Cu-Zn-S nano-structured thin films 5. SPIE Optics + Photonics San Diego, USA 2016
R. Amiruddin and M.C. Santhosh Kumar Performance investigation of ZnO based p-i-n UV Photodiode using vertically aligned (Al, Ga):ZnO nanowires 8th International conference on Technological Advancement of Thin Films & Surface Coatings Singapore 2016
R. Amiruddin and M.C. Santhosh Kumar, Facile synthesis of free standing and conducting Al:ZnO Nanowires with visible luminescence characteristics 4th International Conference on Frontiers in Nanoscience and Technology, nano-2016 Cochin 2016
Edwin Jose, T. Srinivasa Reddy and M.C. Santhosh Kumar, Investigation on structural, morphological, optcal and electrical properties of SILAR deposited CuZnS Nanostructured thin films 4th International Conference on Frontiers in Nanoscience and Technology, nano-2016 Cochin 2016
Rupam Baruah, M.C Santhosh Kumar, Automatic Detection And Characterization Of Defects In Radiographic Images Using Artificial Neural Network National seminar and International exhibition on Non-Destructive Evaluation, NDE-2015 Hyderabad 2015
6. Sandeep Kumar, M.C Santhosh Kumar Automatic Detection of Defects And Pattern Recognition In TOFD Signal/Image of A Thin Weldment, National seminar and International exhibition on Non-Destructive Evaluation, NDE-2015 Hyderabad 2015
Saheer Chemadan, R. Amiruddin, , M.C. Santhosh Kumar, Realization of highly transparent conducting CdO thin films by R.F. Magnetron sputtering for Optoelectronic applications SPIE NanoScience + Engineering, Sandiago, California, USA 2015
R. Amiruddin, Saheer Chemadan, M.C. Santhosh Kumar Fabrication and characterization of p-ZnO:(P,N)/n-ZnO:Al homojunction Ultra-Violet (UV) Light Emitting Diodes SPIE NanoScience + Engineering, Sandiago, California, USA 2015
Edwin Jose, T. Srinivasa Reddy and M.C. Santhosh Kumar Deposition of Cu-Zn-S thin films by SILAR technique for photovoltaic applications 7. 10th Mid-Year CRSI Symposium in Chemistry, NIT, Trichy 2015
8. Saheer Cheemadan, M.C. Santhosh Kumar The Effect Substrate Temperature on the properties of CdO Thin Film by RF Magnetron Sputtering, 9. 10th Mid-Year CRSI Symposium in Chemistry, NIT, Trichy 2015
10. T. Srinivasa Reddy and M.C. Santhosh Kumar Effect of Substrate temperature on the properties of co- evaporated Cu2SnS3 thin film, 10th Mid-Year CRSI Symposium in Chemistry NIT, Trichy 2015
T. Srinivasa Reddy and M.C. Santhosh Kumar Depositiotion and characterisation of co-evaporated Cu2SnS3 thin films for photovoltaic applications International conference on sustainable energy Technologies PSG College of Engineering, Coimbatore 2014
B.S. Akhil, Krishnan Balasubramanian and M.C. Santhosh Kumar Modeling Laser Ultrasonic Inspection using FEM National seminar and International exhibition on Non-Destructive Evaluation, NDE-2014 Pune 2014
Neelkamal Kulhara, Arpita Ghosh, M.C. Santhosh Kumar Estimation of Moisture in Blast Furnace Coke by Non-Invasive Technique National seminar and International exhibition on Non-Destructive Evaluation, NDE-2014 Pune 2014
R. Swapna, T. Srinivasa Reddy, K. Venkateswarlu, M.C. Santhosh Kumar Effect of Post-Annealing on the Properties of Eu Doped ZnO Nano Thin Films 2nd International Conference on Nanomaterials and Technologies (CNT 2014), Hyderabad, India 2014
R. Swapna, K. Venkateswarlu, M.C. Santhosh Kumar Heat Treatment Impact on the Properties of Na and N Dual Doped ZnO Thin Flms by Spray Pyrolysis 2nd International Conference on Nanomaterials and Technologies (CNT 2014), Hyderabad, India 2014
Sarath chandran, N. Jothilakshmi, Paritosh Nanekar and M.C. Santhosh Kumar Non-destructive Characterization of Cracks in Cladded Pressure Vessels National seminar and International exhibition on Non-Destructive Evaluation, NDE-2013 2013
Nithin P.V., Krishnan Balasubramanian, Prabhu Rajagopal and M.C. Santhosh Kumar Flying Spot Laser Thermography for the Detection of Surface Breaking Cracks on steal National seminar and International exhibition on Non-Destructive Evaluation, NDE-2013 2013
R. Ameeruddin, M.C. Santhosh Kumar Growth of Vertically Aligned ZnO Nanowires for Light Emitting Diodes (LED’s) Applications International conference on thin films and applications (ICTFA) Sastra Uinveristy, Thanjavur 2013
R. Amiruddin, Akshay Srinivas, M. C. Santhosh Kumar Fabrication of Hydrophobic ZnO Surfaces on SS304 Substrates National Conference on Advanced Materials for Emerging Technologies 11. Sri Ramakrishna Mission Vidyalaya College of Arts and Sciences, Coimbatore 2013
Saheer Cheemadan, K. Keerthana and M.C. Santhosh Kumar Analysis of Structural and Electrical Properties of Aluminium doped lead sulphide National Conference on Advanced Materials for Emerging Technologies 12. Sri Ramakrishna Mission Vidyalaya College of Arts and Sciences, Coimbatore
R. Swapna, R. Amiruddin, M. C. Santhosh Kumar Aging and Annealing Effects on Properties of Ag-N Dual Acceptor Doped ZnO Thin Films 57th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium IIT Bombay, Mumbai, India 2012
R. Swapna, M. C. Santhosh Kumar Ag-N dual Acceptor Doping and Fabrication of n-ZnO:Eu/p-ZnO:(Ag, N) Homojunctions by spray pyrolysis 1st International conference on Emerging Advanced nanomaterials, (ICEAN 2012) The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia 2012
R. Swapna, M. C. Santhosh Kumar
Fabrication of the low Resistive Ag-N doped Nanocrystalline p-type ZnO Thin films International Conference & Workshop on nanostructured Ceramics & other Nanomaterials
University of Delhi, Delhi, 2012
R. Swapna, M. C. Santhosh Kumar,
Effect of Annealing on the properties of MZO thin films by spray pyrolysis International conference on Advanced Materials, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore 2011
R. Swapna, T. Prasada Rao, M. C. Santhosh Kumar
Effect of molybdenum doping on structural, optical and electrical properties of nanostructured ZnO thin films 3rd International conference on Frontiers in Nanoscience and Technology (Cochin nano-2011) CUSAT, Kochi, Kerala, India 2011
K. Anitha, J. Nasiha, M.C. Santhosh Kumar
Ferromagnetism in Cobalt doped CeO2 nanocrystals by co-precipitation 3rd International conference on Frontiers in Nanoscience and Technology (Cochin nano-2011) CUSAT, Kochi, Kerala, India 2011
T. Prasada Rao, M. C. Santhosh Kumar Realization of stable p-type ZnO thin films using a Li-N dual acceptor doping for optoelectronic applications Frontiers in Optics 2010/ Laser science XXVI Rochester, New York USA 2010
Govind Kumar Sharma, G. Anil Kumar, M.C. Santhosh Kumar, C. Babu rao and T. Jayakumar, Automatic classification of defects in ultrasonic inspection using artificial neural network National Seminar on NDE (NDE 2009), Tiruchirappalli 2009
Govind Kumar Sharma, K.P. Amarnath, M.C. Santhosh Kumar, C. Babu rao and T. Jayakumar, Enhancement of signal to Noise ratio in Ultrasonic NDE using Wavelet Transform National Seminar on NDE (NDE 2009) Tiruchirappalli 2009
T. Prasada Rao, M.C. Santhoshkumar, ZnO thin films for optoelectronics applications Frontiers in Optics 2009/ Laser science XXV”, California, USA, 2009

(C) Books & Monographs

Author(s) Title of Book/Monograph Name of Publishers Year of Publication ISSN/ISBN Number
M.C. Santhosh Kumar Engineering Physics Nalpat Publishers 2004 ISBN 81-901761-1-0
M.C. Santhosh Kumar Advanced Physics for engineers Nalpat Publishers 2010 ISBN 978-81-901761-7-0

Contact Address

Dr. M. C. Santhoshkumar
Department of Physics
National Institute of Technology
Tiruchirappalli 620 015
email: santhoshmc(at)nitt.edu

Research Interest


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