Dr. N. Gopalakrishnan
Dr.N.Gopalakrishnan completed his Ph.D (1997) degree at Anna University, Chennai, India. After his Ph.D, he had been at Sweden, Japan and South Korea for his Post Doctoral Programmes. He has been awarded the prestigious STA fellowship offered by Japan Science and Technology, Govt. of Japan.
He joined in NIT-T as an Assistant Professor in September 2007 and subsequently promoted to Associate Professor in Sept 2010. Since March 2018, he is working as Professor.
His field of interest is growth of III-V and II-IV semiconductor thin films, synthesis of oxide nanostructures, Optoelectronics, Spintronics, Gas sensing and water purifications.
Click here for: Research Activities (Updated on Feb 2020)
Click here for: Full profile (Updated on Feb 2020)
Contact Address
Dept. of Physics
National Institute of Technology(NIT)
Tiruchirappalli-620 015.
E.mail: ngk@nitt.edu
Tel: 91-431-2503607
Fax: 91-431-2500133
Mobile: 91- 9894914905